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VOA-隨機取樣(其他刪除 不再另貼) Learning English (學習英語-練習聽力)



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3.          常聽看,對說也有幫助。







From VOA Learning English    VOA 學英語


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Chapter 13 Escape from a Sinking Boat



Chapter 13 Escape from a Sinking Boat


WHEN I HEARD JIM'S WORDS, I COULD HARDLY BREATHE. WE WERE caught on a sinking boat with a group of murderers! I had no time to stand there worrying. We had to find the boat that belonged to the three men.

We got down on our hands and knees and moved very, very slow­ly along the slanted deck. Jim said that he was too frightened to move, but I forced him to continue the search. After what seemed like a week, we found their boat. At that moment, one of the men appeared and jumped into the boat. "Give me that bag, Bill." Bill gave him the bag and jumped into the boat, too. "We must hurry. This boat could sink at any moment."

"Wait. Did you look in Jim Turner's pockets? His share of the money must be in them."

"I didn't search him. Did you?"

"No. We have to return to get his money." They got out of their small boat and returned to the sinking one.

Immediately, Jim and I jumped into their boat, cut the rope, and we were off. We didn't speak or whisper, and we barely breathed. Soon we lost sight of the sinking boat in the dark, and we knew that we were safe. Those two men would soon miss their boat and would realize that they were in as much danger as Jim Turner. Jim began to row the boat, and I searched the river for our raft. Then I began to worry about those men. What an awful situation they were inawful even for murderers.

I began to feel sorry for those men and said to Jim, "When we see a light, we'll tie up the boat, and I'll tell the people about the sinking boat and the men on it. Prison would be a better place for those men than drowning in the river."

My plan was a good one, except that we couldn't find anyone to tell. And then the rainstorm returned. We continued down the river searching for our raft. After a while, a flash of lightning revealed a large, dark object ahead, and we rowed toward it. We had found our raft and were very happy to climb onto it again. Soon we saw a light on shore, and I said that I'd row the small boat toward it, while Jim continued floating down the river on the raft. He was supposed to go ashore a few miles further downstream and build a small fire, so I could find him.

I surprised a man sleeping in a boat tied to the shore. He had left a light burning and was supposed to be guarding the boat. I started to cry and told the man this story.

"My father and mother and sister are in trouble. If you'll go to them"

"Where? Where are they?"

"On a sinking boat up the river."

"Are they on a boat named the Walter Scott? That's the only sink­ing boat that I know on the river."

"Yes. That's where they are." And I began to cry again. "Can you help them? My uncle lives in this town and I know he'll pay you for your work."

"I'll hurry to find some men to help me, and then we'll get your family off that boat. Are you certain that your uncle will pay?" And he rushed down the street in the dark to find help.

I quickly returned to my boat but decided to sit there until I was certain that the man had returned and was on his way to find the men on the sinking boat. I would have liked the Widow to know the good that I was doing. I thought that she would be proud of me.

Suddenly, in the dark, I saw a black mass float slowly, silently down the river. I began to tremble, and my stomach felt sick. What I was seeing was the very top of the sinking boat. Nearly all of the boat was beneath the water. I moved close and called, "Hello" several times, but no one answered. All was quiet the quiet of death.

I moved quickly to the middle of the river, then started toward the place where I had asked Jim to wait for me. By the time I reached the fire that Jim had built, the night was ending and we found a safe place to hide our raft. We were very tired and could finally sleep.



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Analysts See Opening for US to Challenge China in Africa



Analysts See Opening for US to Challenge China in Africa


Microsoft® Translator







President Obama is on the last leg of his three-nation tour of Africa, aimed at promoting U.S. trade with the continent. As Washington turns a fresh eye toward a continent that Mr. Obama describes as about to "take off," U.S. government officials and investors alike will find that geopolitical rival China has already made huge strides there. Natalie Liu has more from Washington.]]



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Story - Huck Finn - 13 of 41 - Escape from a Sinking Boat



Story - Huck Finn - 13 of 41 - Escape from a Sinking Boat






Chapter 13 Escape from a Sinking Boat

WHEN I HEARD JIM'S WORDS, I COULD HARDLY BREATHE. WE WERE caught on a sinking boat with a group of murderers! I had no time to stand there worrying. We had to find the boat that belonged to the three men.

We got down on our hands and knees and moved very, very slow­ly along the slanted deck. Jim said that he was too frightened to move, but I forced him to continue the search. After what seemed like a week, we found their boat. At that moment, one of the men appeared and jumped into the boat. "Give me that bag, Bill." Bill gave him the bag and jumped into the boat, too. "We must hurry. This boat could sink at any moment."

"Wait. Did you look in Jim Turner's pockets? His share of the money must be in them."

"I didn't search him. Did you?"

"No. We have to return to get his money." They got out of their small boat and returned to the sinking one.

Immediately, Jim and I jumped into their boat, cut the rope, and we were off. We didn't speak or whisper, and we barely breathed. Soon we lost sight of the sinking boat in the dark, and we knew that we were safe. Those two men would soon miss their boat and would realize that they were in as much danger as Jim Turner. Jim began to row the boat, and I searched the river for our raft. Then I began to worry about those men. What an awful situation they were in—awful even for murderers.

I began to feel sorry for those men and said to Jim, "When we see a light, we'll tie up the boat, and I'll tell the people about the sinking boat and the men on it. Prison would be a better place for those men than drowning in the river."

My plan was a good one, except that we couldn't find anyone to tell. And then the rainstorm returned. We continued down the river searching for our raft. After a while, a flash of lightning revealed a large, dark object ahead, and we rowed toward it. We had found our raft and were very happy to climb onto it again. Soon we saw a light on shore, and I said that I'd row the small boat toward it, while Jim continued floating down the river on the raft. He was supposed to go ashore a few miles further downstream and build a small fire, so I could find him.

I surprised a man sleeping in a boat tied to the shore. He had left a light burning and was supposed to be guarding the boat. I started to cry and told the man this story.

"My father and mother and sister are in trouble. If you'll go to them—"

"Where? Where are they?"

"On a sinking boat up the river."

"Are they on a boat named the Walter Scott? That's the only sink­ing boat that I know on the river."

"Yes. That's where they are." And I began to cry again. "Can you help them? My uncle lives in this town and I know he'll pay you for your work."

"I'll hurry to find some men to help me, and then we'll get your family off that boat. Are you certain that your uncle will pay?" And he rushed down the street in the dark to find help.

I quickly returned to my boat but decided to sit there until I was certain that the man had returned and was on his way to find the men on the sinking boat. I would have liked the Widow to know the good that I was doing. I thought that she would be proud of me.

Suddenly, in the dark, I saw a black mass float slowly, silently down the river. I began to tremble, and my stomach felt sick. What I was seeing was the very top of the sinking boat. Nearly all of the boat was beneath the water. I moved close and called, "Hello" several times, but no one answered. All was quiet— the quiet of death.

I moved quickly to the middle of the river, then started toward the place where I had asked Jim to wait for me. By the time I reached the fire that Jim had built, the night was ending and we found a safe place to hide our raft. We were very tired and could finally sleep.


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Story - Huck Finn - 09 of 41 - The Cave and the Floating House .


Story - Huck Finn - 09 of 41 - The Cave and the Floating House .

Chapter 9 - The Cave and the Floating House I WANTED TO EXPLORE THE MIDDLE OF THE ISLAND WHERE I HAD SEEN a high hill. Jim and I had a difficult time climbing to the top of the hill because it was covered with bushes growing close together. Near the top, we found a cave in the rocks. It was as big as two or three rooms, and Jim could stand up straight in it. Jim suggested that we hide the canoe and carry the supplies up to this cave. If anyone were to come to the island to search for him, they would never find him in the cave.
Also, when it rained, our supplies would stay dry.
After we moved our supplies to the cave and built a fire, we cooked supper. Then the sky got dark, and it began to thunder and lightning. The rain poured, and I never saw the wind blow so hard. It got very dark and looked blueblack outside. It rained so hard that we could barely see the trees. The wind bent the trees until they nearly touched the ground. And when the night was at its darkest—fst!—it was as bright as day. The lightning gave us a quick view of the treetops bending in the storm. Suddenly, it was dark again, and we heard the thunder crash, and then roll across the sky.
"Jim, this is nice," I said. "I don't want to be anywhere but here in this cave with you."
The big storm caused the river to rise. The next day, we saw that the low places on the island were flooded. As we looked across the river to the far shore, we saw that parts of the land there were flooded, too.
We watched many trees and logs float down the river. And one lucky night we caught a section of a log raft—a very nice raft 12 feet wide and 16 feet long, with a solid, level floor.
Another night, just before sunrise, we saw a complete house float down the river. We rowed out to the house and climbed in through the window. We could see a bed, a table, and two old chairs, and clothes hanging against the wall. There was something lying on the floor in the far corner that looked like a man.
Jim called, "Hello!" But the man didn't move.
"He can't be asleep. He must be dead!"
Jim went to check. "You're right. He's dead. He's been shot in the back. He's been dead two or three days. Don't look at his face, Huck.
It's awful."
I didn't look at him, but I threw some old clothes to Jim to use to cover the body. Then I looked around the room. There were two dirty dresses and a woman's hat and some men's clothing, too. We took everything of value we could find—candles, a cup, a blanket, an ax, some nails, and a few other supplies, but most of the things were torn and quite dirty.
When we left the floating house, it was already daylight. I made Jim lie down in the canoe and cover himself with the blanket. If he were to sit up in the canoe, someone might notice that he was black and come to get him. However, I rowed all the way back to the island without seeing anyone at all.

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From VOA Learning English 從VOA 學英語



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From VOA Learning English, this is EXPLORATIONS in Special English. I'm Christopher Cruise.And I'm Kelly Jean Kelly. Today, we report on new knowledge about Stonehenge, the famous, ancient stone circles in southern England.

Laser technology has aided scientists with their knowledge of Stonehenge, the stone monument near the city of Salisbury, England. Most of the stones at Stonehenge stand in incomplete circles. One of the largest stones weighs about 40 thousand kilograms. Some stones are more than seven meters high. Others lie broken on the ground.

The mysterious stone formation has stood on the flat, windy Salisbury Plain for perhaps five thousand years. But the organization English Heritage used modern technology to solve some of that mystery.

Recently, researchers working for English Heritage reported what they found after directing lasers at some of the stones. The lasers showed bright gray-white surfaces under material collected on the stones over the ages. And the intense light seemingly identified an ancient secret.

Some people believe the designers of Stonehenge wanted to make the best showing possible of sunlight on the longest day of the year.

Tests with lasers also showed 71 images of axe heads. The images were carved into the stones. Researchers say the "artists" probably lived during the Early Bronze Age. That would have been about a thousand years after Neolithic people first worked on Stonehenge.

The lasers also showed graffiti and other damage done by 19th century visitors. At that time, people were permitted to remove pieces of the stones. They could pay workmen to break off pieces to take home as souvenirs.

Researcher Mike Parker Pearson, for example, says Stonehenge was built to help unite what now is eastern and western Britain.

Some human remains found near the stone circles show physical injury or disease. This helped lead two well-known researchers to propose that Stonehenge was a refuge or shelter for people with health problems

The archeologists base their theory of Stonehenge's purpose partly on qualities of bluestones used at the monument. The stones are placed in a double circle with the entrance facing northeast. During the past century, the bluestones were shown to be from the Preseli Mountains in Wales. Their name comes from their color. Some people say the stones appear to be blue when they are wet or cut.

The archeologists note that some bluestones in modern Wales are still part of a healing tradition. In some places, people use water poured over the stones in an effort to cure sickness.

Another mystery is how people raised the stones to standing positions. Some weigh four tons.

One experiment used specially shaped stone balls. The balls were rolled on long pieces of wood. Each piece was cut like a rail or long bar. Professor Bruce Bradley of Exeter University reported that a demonstration using this method was successful. He said about 10 oxen could have moved as many as 10 stones a day up to 16 kilometers

For many years, experts thought ancient people stopped using Stonehenge and the area around it perhaps 3,500 years ago. But in 2000, British scientists learned that people may have come to Stonehenge much later. They identified human remains as those of a man executed there, and used radiocarbon-dating to find the time of his death. The finding was made because of a rediscovery.

Partial skeletons, sets of bones, of many people were unearthed in the 1920s and 1930s. One skeleton was identified as that of a man who was killed near Stonehenge.

The man died when he was hit with the sharp metal edge of a sword that cut off his head. The experts say he was about 35 years old at the time of his death.

Experts say the earliest the man could have been killed was about 2,100 years ago. About that time, people in Britain first started using iron. Or the man could have been killed during a Roman invasion several hundred years later. The Roman Emperor Vespasian supposedly executed local leaders by cutting off their heads. He may have been killed during wars between competing English kings.

The skeleton was first discovered in 1923. A British military officer named William Hawley dug it up from inside Stonehenge's ancient circles. German bombs badly damaged the college during World War Two. Nineteen-thousand objects from its collection were taken to houses in the countryside for safe-keeping. They included the skeleton. After the war, it was returned to the medical school. But no one knew it was there. It was thought to have been destroyed in the bombing.





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VOA學英語 每次開機聽兩篇 男女各一 隨意選取 保證英語有進步



VOA學英語 每次開機聽兩篇 男女各一 隨意選取 保證英語有進步



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ICANN Announces More Than Domain Names During its Reveal Day



18.ICANN Announces More Than Domain Names During its Reveal Day



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17.Getting a Firm Grip on Weed Control



17.Getting a Firm Grip on Weed Control



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16. Rio+20 Brings Attention to Sustainable Development



16. Rio+20 Brings Attention to Sustainable Development


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15. Conflicts Keep Millions of Children Out of School 前兩則無字幕 略過



15. Conflicts Keep Millions of Children Out of School




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