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decide on something/decide to do something 有何不同 (決定某事∕決定做某事)
2012/07/14 08:59 瀏覽1,656|回應0推薦0


decide on something/decide to do something 有何不同 (決定某事∕決定做某事)




1.          預先決定預先斷定或決定某事。

2.          Predetermine , To determine or decide something in advance .

3.          我們把硬幣一擲(如以此法決定某事),落下後是漫面朝上。

4.          We tossed a coin (eg to decide sth by chance) and it came down heads.

5.          如果你依靠剪刀石頭布來決定某事,毫無疑問因此而輸的幾率就特別明顯。

6.          If you're relying on rock – paper – scissors to decide something, the consequences for losing are no doubt extraordinarily severe: Riding bitch on a long road trip.

7.          分離或損害了決定某事價值,重要性或效果的特性。

8.          To divert or draw away qualities or a quality essential to the value, importance, or effect of something.

9.          一旦領導決定做某事,團隊成員就應該全力支持這一決定,投身於指派的工作之中。

10.      Once the leader makes the decision to do something, the team-members should fully back up this decision by devoting themselves to fulfilling the task assigned.

11.      當你決定做某事並堅持做下去而不是半途而廢,你就證明了--經常低估--你的能力。

12.      When you decide to do something and don’t back down but go through with it you get proof of your – often underestimated –capabilities and your confidence in yourself soars.

13.      23我喜歡…/感興趣/決定做某事/反對某事有不同的個人的原因。

14.      The reasons/factors/causes for my love (of...)/interest (in...)/determination (to do sth.)/objection (to sth.)/...are varied and individual.

15.      當你決定做某事時,要堅持到底。

16.      When you decide to do something, stick to it.

17.      如果他決定做某事,任何人也無法阻止他去做。

18.      If he is determined to do something, nobody can stop him from doing so.

19.      意為決定做某事

20.      I decide to do sth.

21.      如果你想談論決定做某事,你可以用不同的動詞或者動詞短語,例如make your mind up /下決心;decide /決定。

22.      If you want to talk about deciding something, you can use various verbs or verb phrases, e.g.

23.      沒有!因為我是一名志願者!我志願成為一名志願者。一旦我決定做某事,就不會輕易放棄!

24.      No! Because I'm a volunteer! I am willing to be a volunteer. Once I have decided to do something, I will never give up!

25.      使某人決定做某事。

26.      determine sb. to do sth.

27.      如果你決定做某事一定能完成。

28.      One can accomplish anything one sets his mind to.

29.      決定做某事他們決定放風箏。

30.      They decide on flying kites. 3. decide on sth.

31.      決心、決定做某事。

32.      B decide to do sth.

33.      決定做某事 如。

34.      decide to do sth.

35.      但是請小心,對某事足夠瞭解而做出決定和對某事完全瞭解而做出決定,兩者具有很大的不同。

36.      But be careful – there’s a huge difference between knowing enough to make a choice, and knowing everything to make a choice.

37.      做事不能半途而廢,或是只做了四分之三,十分之九。如果我決定要做某事了,我就會善始善終。

38.      I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I'm going to go all the way.

39.      如果我決定要做某事了,我就會善始善終。

40.      If I'm going to do something, I'm going to go all the way.

41.      我已經決定(做某事)……

42.      I have decided to do sth. / that …

43.      的意思是,你決定某人或某事並不重要,或者說不用進一步考慮了。

44.      'to write off' means that you decide someone or something is unimportant or not to be considered further.

45.      www.jysls.com

46.      相反,這是一種決定堅持做某事的能力和安排時間做這件事的技能。

47.      Instead, it's the ability to make a decision to follow through on something and the skill to manage the time necessary to do it.

48.      某人 下定決心/決定 去做某事

49.      Sb. make up one's mind to do sth .

50.      我們不能否認其重要性,一個名字,是為某人或某事而決定。

51.      We cannot deny the importance of a name, be it for a person or a thing.

52.      如果你做出決定想要去做某事(現在就做出決定),而不去想其它的是,那麼你立即採取行動的可能性會比較大。

53.      If you just decide (decide right now) that you will do something, you will more likely take action.

54.      決定、決心做某事。

55.      decide to do sth .

56.      要決定是不是要就某事去找人力資源部時,先跟那些已經幹過的人談談。

57.      In deciding whether to bring a problem to HR or not, speak with others who have done so.

58.      我不是特別的宗教,但我不懷疑某人或某事影響的決定,以便在該特定區域空間望遠鏡。

59.      I'm not particularly religious, but I don't doubt that somebody or something influenced the decision to aim the telescope at that particular area of space.

60.      我不是特別的宗教,但我不懷疑某人或某事影響的決定,以便在該特定區域空間望遠鏡。

61.      I'm not particularly religious, but I don't doubt that somebody or something influenced the decision to aim the telescope at that particular area of space.



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