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古語云:「人一能之,己十之……」我學習已超過十次 還是聽不懂




The Unforgettable Fourth Grade


It went by so fast. I looked away and it's already July and the fourth grade is over.

Thinking back to October of last year when classes started, it seems that time passed by really quickly. My three months in the country went by just like a dream in the blink of an eye. It's almost as if summer vacation was not long enough, but I already have to go back to school.

Really, why is it that time always has to pass by so quickly?

I still remember that day in October when classes started and the streets were full of students on their way to school. The bookstores were filled with new students buying stationery and notebooks, and the traffic police were doing their best to maintain order on the streets. My mother was holding onto me, and it was difficult for us to make it up to the meeting place at the lobby of the school. It was very loud there, almost as noisy as a busy marketplace. I have such a feeling of warmth and closeness when I think of that huge meeting place. I guess it's because I passed by this place before going to a new classroom every year since I entered elementary school.

The look of my fourth grade teacher was certainly much different from the one of my third grade teacher.

My third grade teacher was a nice, young woman with curly, red hair who always had a smile on her face. She was a good teacher that seemed to have no gap in age with us at all. My fourth grade teacher was a tall, older man with gray hair and a wrinkled forehead. However, he seemed to be full of energy and he had a magnificent voice when he spoke.

I still remember the first day of school when the teacher seemed very serious, especially when he looked at us, one at a time. His eyes seemed as if they could see right through us, and there was never a smile on his face. Later, however, reality proved that he was, indeed, a very good teacher and all of the students in the class liked him.

I like my school and I like my teachers, and I even like most of my classmates.

It's just a pity that a couple of days ago, just as the next part of the school year was about to start, my mother and father told me some very sad news. Because of my father's work, he has to leave and go to work somewhere else, and our whole family has to go with him. That means that after two days of tests are over, the goodbye I will say to my teachers and classmates will not only be for three months. It will be a permanent goodbye, and after the fall, I will transfer to a new school.

Thinking back to the fourth grade, I had too many classmates and saw too many things happen that were really unforgettable. Now, I'll tell you about a few of my classmates and some things that happened in particular that were all very special to me.


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a  about  after  age  ago  all  almost  already  always  an  and  are  as  at  away  back  be  because  before  best  blink  bookstores  busy  but  buying  by  certainly  class  classes  classmates  classroom  closeness  could  country  couple  curly  day  days  different  difficult  doing  dream  elementary  else  energy  enough  entered  especially  even  every  eye  eyes  face  fall  family  fast  father  father's  feeling  few  filled  first  for  forehead  fourth  from  full  gap  go  going  good  goodbye  grade  gray  guess  had  hair  happen  happened  has  have  he  her  him  his  holding  However  huge  I  if  I'll  in  indeed  is  It  it's  July  just  Later  leave  like  liked  lobby  long  look  looked  loud  magnificent  maintain  make  man  many  marketplace  me  means  meeting  months  most  mother  much  My  never  new  news  next  nice  no  noisy  not  notebooks  Now  October  of  older  on  one  only  onto  order  our  over  part  particular  pass  passed  permanent  pity  place  lice  proved  quickly  reality  really  red  remember  right  sad  saw  say  school  see  seemed  seems  serious  She  since  smile  so  some  somewhere  special  spoke  start  started  stationery  still  streets  students  such  summer  tall  teacher  teachers  tell  tests  that  The  their  there  they  things  think  Thinking  third  this  three  through  time  to  told  too  traffic  transfer  two  unforgettable  up  us  vacation  very  voice  warmth  was  way  went  were  when  who  whole  why  will  with  woman  work  wrinkled  year  you  young  


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