一天能看一個英文單字【相關詞】多好 今天 ball. 球
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一天能看一個英文單字【相關詞】多好 今天 ball. 球
●相關詞: 1. ball-up【俚】混亂 2. .T-ball兒童(簡易)棒球(運動) 3. .tennis-ball網球 4. .through-ball(足球)穿過對方防守的前傳球 5. .low-ball虛報低價欺騙顧客 6. .no-ball判...犯規投球 7. ball bearing滾珠軸承, 球軸承 8. .ball boy(為人拾網球的)球童 9. .ball cock抽水馬桶的浮球活栓 10. .ball game球類運動 11. .ball girl(為人拾網球的)女球童 12. .ball park【美】棒球場 13. .ball the jack快速運行 14. .ball to the wall用盡全力 15. .ball-cock assembly(衛生間的) 浮球閥 16. .ball-peen hammer一端成半球形之鐵鎚 17. ball-point pen原子筆 18. .tea ball濾茶球 19. .time ball報時球 20. .air ball【體】籃外空心球; 空氣球; 麵包球 (指籃球投籃, 既不命中, 也不碰到籃框和籃板) 21. .fair ball【棒】界內球 22. .fancy ball化妝舞會 23. .fly ball【棒】騰空球, 高飛球 24. .foul ball【棒】界外球 25. .golf ball高爾夫球 26. .gopher ball全壘打 27. jump ball【籃】跳球 28. .knuckle ball【棒】慢速變化球 29. .masked ball化裝舞會 30. .matzo ball踰越節薄餅湯圓 31. .medicine ball藥球(供以運動投接用的實心皮球) 32. .passed ball捕手漏接 33. .play ball合作 34. The land developer hoped the mayor would play ball on the scheme. 土地開發投資商希望市長在那項方案上能夠合作。 35. The management refused to play ball. 資方拒絕合作。 36. .punch ball【英】(練習拳擊用的)梨球, 吊球 37. .beach-ball.bowling ball保齡球 38. camphor ball樟腦丸 39. .corner ball【足】角球 40. .crystal ball(用於凝視並因此預言未來的)水晶球, 玻璃球 41. .cue ball撞球臺上的白色球 42. .dodge ball躲球遊戲 43. .eight ball彈子戲中標有"8"的黑球 44. .beach ball海濱球(彩色大氣球, 供水上遊戲) 45. .bean ball【棒】擲向打者頭部的快球 46. .have the ball at one's feet有機會獲得成功 47. With his money and growing popularity he has the ball at his feet. 以其財富及不斷鵲起的聲譽, 他很有機會獲得成功。 48. .on the ball高明的 49. That writer is really on the ball. 那位作家可真出色。 50. start the ball rolling開始, 開始進行 51. .carry the ball負主要責任;承擔重要而艱巨的任務 52. .balls-up【粗】一團糟, 混亂 53. .behind the eight ball【美】【俚】處境危險,無可挽回 54. .have nothing on the ball【美】【口】毫無本事;不中用 55. .base on balls【棒】保送上壘 …………………………………………………………
一天能看一個英文單字【相關詞】多好 今天road路
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一天能看一個英文單字【相關詞】多好 今天road路
1. .road-worthy適於上路的
2. .road agent攔路強盜
3. .road crew(隨樂團巡迴的)巡迴樂團道具管理組
4. .road hog【美】【口】自私的司機; 佔用他人車道的司機; 魯莽的駕駛員
5. .A long line of cars was unable to pass that road hog. 一長串的車子無法超越那個擋道的汽車駕駛。
6. .road manager(巡迴樂隊等雇用的)旅途管理員
7. .road map(駕車旅行者用的)公路圖
8. .road metal鋪路碎石
9. .road pricing【英】(某些路段根據電子記錄向駕駛員收取的)路段費
10. .road rage(主要使用於英國)駕駛人因不耐前車或不滿搶道而引起的憤怒
11. road rash路疹(由四輪滑板上摔下來造成的傷, 腫等)
12. .road runner【鳥】槲鸛
13. .road sense行車判斷能力; 安全行車本領
14. .road show旅行劇團的街頭流動表演
15. .road tax【英】(機動車輛每年的)道路稅
16. .road test路上駕駛試驗
17. .road warrior【俚】花很多時間在作商務旅行的人
18. .off-road越野的; 不在大路上行駛的
19. .toll road收費道路
20. .trunk road幹線道路
21. .B-roadB級公路, 鄉鎮公路
22. .dirt road泥土路
23. .feeder road專用線;支線
24. .high road最佳的途徑; 捷徑
25. .A-roadA級公路(次於高速公路的主幹公路)
26. .main road主幹道; 大路
27. .makeshift road
28. 臨時道路.off-road vehicle非道路車輛, 越野車輛
29. .paper road道路規劃(即指城市設計藍圖上已規劃但尚未開闢的道路)
30. .relief road間道; 分擔交通量的道路
31. .ring road【主英】(繞開市區等的)環形公路, 環路, 環道
32. .royal road捷徑
33. .There's no royal road to success in this trade. 幹這一行想成功是沒有捷徑的。
34. .service road入境道路(指由幹道通往住宅、商店等的支路)
35. .Silk Road絲路
36. .skid road(伐木場)木材滑送道
37. .slip road通往高速公路之交流道
38. .Burma Road滇緬公路(緬甸臘戍到雲南的昆明)
39. .over-the-road長途運輸的
40. .access road幹道支路; 進路
41. .accommodation road(通向公路無法直達的地方的)專用道路
42. .back road鄉村小道, 僻徑
43. .on the road在旅途中; 到處奔走
44. .Their marriage broke up because her husband had affairs on the road. 他們的婚姻破裂了, 因為她丈夫在旅途中有了外遇。
45. .As a salesman, I am on the road about three weeks per month. 身為業務員, 一個月當中有三個星期我都到處奔走兜攬生意。
46. .single lane road【美】單車道
47. .single track road【英】=single lane road
48. .middle-of-the-road中間路線的; 折衷之計的
49. .run out of road車子到了路的盡頭, 不轉彎而撞上牆或摔了溝中
50. .All roads lead to Rome條條大路通羅馬。
Love 的 相關詞
• (構成形容詞)表示"...愛的"(如: much-loved很愛的, best-loved最愛的)
• 鍾愛的; 深情的; 表示愛的
He is a very loving father. 他是個非常慈愛的父親。
She gave her husband a loving look. 她深情地看了看丈夫。
• 私生子
• (嬉皮的)談情說愛的集會
• 黑種草
• 【古】三色堇
• 【植】千穗穀; 雁來紅
• (無金錢、地位因素的)愛情婚姻, 愛情結合
• 苦戀的; 害相思病的
Loving Care Project
• 愛心工程
love affair
• 戀愛關係; 男女情事, 風流事
love apple
• 番茄
love bite
• 【主英】愛痕(指親熱過分在對方皮膚上留下的痕跡)
love child
• 情愛兒(指非婚生兒, 私生兒)
love feast
• 愛餐; 聯誼宴會; 聚餐會
love generation
• 愛的一代; 嬉皮
love handles
• 腰間贅肉
love knot
• (用以象徵愛情的)同心結
love letter
• 情書
love life
• 情愛生活, 性生活
Love me, love my dog.
• 愛屋及烏。
love nest
• 愛窩(指情人的居處、幽會處所)
love rat
• 愛情騙子;感情騙子
love seat
• 雙人坐椅(或沙發)
love story
• 愛情故事; 戀愛小說
love suit
• 調情
love token
• 愛的紀念品
love triangle
• 三角戀愛
love walk
• 步行大會 (一種慈善活動, 參加費用捐贈發展中國家)
• 情場失意的; 失戀的
love-hate relationship
• 既愛又恨的關係, 愛恨交加關係
• 自愛
virulent love
• 情流感
free love
• (無婚約的)自由性愛(主義)
in love
• 有相愛的人
in love with
• 與...相愛
One love drives out another.
• 新歡逐舊愛。
puppy love
• 少男少女間短暫的愛情; 早年初戀
• (離婚父母)爭奪監護權的
calf love
• 少年初戀
Now at forty and with three children, she still, sometimes, recalls her calf love at the age of 14. 如今她四十歲了, 有三個孩子, 但她仍然時常想起自己十四歲時的初戀。
cupboard love
• (尤指小孩的)有所企圖而假裝的熱情; 別有所圖的愛
evening love
• 【美】黃昏之戀 (指65歲以上老年男女再婚)
• 水性楊花的女人
tug of love
• 【英】【口】(離婚父母對子女)監護權的爭奪
fall in love with
• 愛上
He has fallen in love with Mary. 他已愛上了瑪麗。
labour of love
• 愛做的事;心甘情願做的工作
• 慈愛; 仁慈
loving cup
• 愛杯(宴席上供客人輪流飲用的大酒杯)
loving kindness
• 純真友愛, 純真愛情; 慈愛, 摯愛
• 喜歡作樂的; 風趣的
Misery loves company.
• 同病相憐。
Bird-Loving Week
• 愛鳥周
本文於 修改第 1 次
push 的相關詞
KK [pʊʃ] DJ [puʃ]
1. 推; 推動, 推進...( 查看所有 15 個解釋)
同義詞press, thrust, shove, force
變化形 動變pushed pushed pushing
變化形 名複pushes
vt.推動, 推進; 按; 驅策
vt.鼓勵; 促進
vt.推; 推開
push ahead with
We must push ahead with our work. 我們必須推動工作。
push around
Our boy was always pushed around at school, until he fought back. 以前我們的男孩在學校常受欺侮, 他開始反抗後就不會了。
The manager pushed us around until we threatened to stop working. 直到我們威脅要罷工, 經理才不再欺侮我們。
You should not push him around like that. 你不應該那樣擺佈他。
push back
The enemy was once again pushed back. 敵人再次被擊退。
push bike
push forward
They were pushing the work forward. 他們正在推進工作。
push money
push off
It's time to push off. 該走了。
push on
I'll have to push on with my work. 我得加油幹了。
push out the envelope
push over
The child was pushed over. 孩子被推倒了。
push present
- 「推動」禮(尤指丈夫為初為人母的妻子所準備的首飾之類的禮物,以慰問妻子生育的辛勞及慶祝新生命的誕生)
push technology
- 【電腦】推播技術 (對網頁所顯示的訊息進行自動即時更新)
push the button
push the envelope
push through
She pushed her way through the big crowd. 她擠著穿過了那一大堆人群。
push up
Will you help me to push up the window? 你能幫我把窗推上好嗎?
push up the daisies
Old John has been pushing up the daisies for years now. 老約翰埋在地下已經有年頭了。
- (亦作 push and go) 進取心, 事業心; 干勁
一天能看一個英文單字【相關詞】多好 今天word工作
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一天能看一個英文單字【相關詞】多好 今天word工作
●相關詞: 1. word 2. 用言詞表達[O] 3. worded 4. 用言辭表達的; 措辭的 5. wording 6. 措辭; 用語 7. word of mouse 8. 網路口碑 9. taboo words 10. 【語】禁忌語 11. weasel words 12. 【美】【口】狡辯之辭; 推託話 13. The police report was filled with weasel words. 警察的報告書裡充滿推託之辭。 14. mince words 15. 【俚】說話委婉;閃爍其詞;兜圈子 16. swear words 17. 髒話; 咒語 18. war of words 19. 公開的爭辯, 論戰 20. word-blind 21. 【醫】患字盲症的 22. word-bound 23. 不流利的 24. word-catcher 25. 用字吹毛求疵者 26. word-deaf 27. 患語聾症的 28. word-for-word 29. 逐字的; 逐字翻譯的 30. word-of-mouth 31. 口頭的; 口述的; 口傳的 32. word-perfect 33. 熟記臺詞(或講稿)的 34. festoons of words 35. 在字面上兜圈子 36. in other words 37. 換言之, 換個說法是... 38. play on words 39. 雙關詼諧語(=pun) 40. word bite 41. 簡單而引人入勝的標語; 簡短醒目的宣傳廣告 (係由 sound bite (發言或聲明的簡短節錄) 類比而成) 42. word blindness 43. 【醫】失讀症, 誦讀困難 44. word class 45. 詞類 46. word for word 47. 原原本本地; 逐字地 48. He repeated the conversation word for word. 他原原本本地復述了那段談話。 49. word order 50. 詞序 51. word painting 52. 生動的敘述 53. word processing 54. 文字處理 55. word processor 56. 文字(書)處理機 57. word square 58. 四方聯詞遊戲, 嵌字詩(亦稱acrostic) 59. word wrap 60. 【電腦】字詞繞回(指電腦文字處理一行字到極右邊時繞回到下一行左邊的功能) 61. weasel-worded 62. 蓄意說得模稜兩可的 …………………………………………………………
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有put 的【相關詞】
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有put 的【相關詞】 ●.putting【高爾夫】(球穴區的)輕擊球 ●.put on上演, 演出 ●She took off the old dress and put on a new one. 她脫下舊連衣裙, 穿上一件新的。 ●.put-down【口】輕蔑的話; 令人不能招架的反譏(或反駁) ●.put-off推諉; 延期 ●.put-on做作的; 假裝的 ●.put-out【棒】殺出局 ●.put-put【口】小汽油引擎所發出的砰砰聲 ●.put-up密謀的; 捏造的 ●.put-upon【口】老實吃虧的, 善良受欺的, 好心被愚弄的 ●put ... in order整理 ●.put a bold face on對…裝作滿不在乎(或很有信心)的樣子;無所畏懼(或大膽而有信心)地對付(困難等) ●.put a bold face on sth對某事裝作滿不在乎 ●He tried to put a bold face on his failure. 他對自己的失敗裝出一副滿不在乎的樣子。 ●.put a finger on觸碰 The father wouldn't put a finger on the children. 那父親不動孩子們一根毫毛。 ●.put a foot wrong犯錯誤 ●He seems never to have put a foot wrong. 他似乎從不犯錯。 ●.put a good face on粉飾;掩飾;使…顯得美觀 ●.put a good face on sth對某事裝作滿不在乎 ●He tried to put a good face on his failure. 他對自己的失敗裝出一副滿不在乎的樣子。 ●.put a new premium on高度重視 ●.put a period to sth結束某事 ●We can now put a period to it. 我們現在可以結束此事了。 ●.put a premium on誘發; 助長 ●It will put a premium on drinking in the district. 這將助長地區內的酗酒風氣。 ●put a quart into a pint pot做不可能做到的事 ●You can't put a quart into a pint pot. 你不能做那不可能的事。 ●.put a stop to制止 ●We must put a stop to the fight. 我們必須制止這場毆鬥。 ●.put about散佈; 宣稱 ●Who put the news about? 是誰散佈這消息的? ●.put across使被理解(或接受) ●He failed to put across his feelings when they went out together. 他們談戀愛的時候, 他不善於表達他的情感。 ●A good commercial puts across the attractive features of a product. 好廣告能突顯產品吸引人的特徵。 It was not easy to put the idea across to the public at that time. 在當時要使公眾接受這種思想並非易事。 ●.put an end to結束 ●Her sudden arrival put an end to their meeting. 她的突然來到使他們的會議終止了。 ●.put aside把...放在一邊; 撇開 ●He put aside his work to spend more time with his son. 他把工作暫時擱下以便有更多時間陪兒子。 ●The president had to put aside some pet programs to deal with a crisis. 總統必須把一些喜愛的事暫放一邊而先去處理緊急事件。 ●He put his book aside and stood up. 他把書放在一邊, 站了起來。 ●.put away收好; 儲存 ●Put away the tools after work, will you? 工作結束後請把工具收拾好。 ●.put back把...放回原處 ●Put the book back on the shelf. 把書放回書架上。 ●.put by把...放在一邊 ●When I entered, she put by the letter she was reading. 我進去後, 她把她正在看的信放在一邊。 ●.put down放下 ●Put the typewriter down here. 把打字機放在這兒。 ●put down as認為; 把….視作 ●He was put down as an uneducated man. 他被看作是沒受過教育的人。 ●.put down for認為; 把….視作 ●He was put down for an uneducated man. 他被看作是沒受過教育的人。 ●.put down one's name for 申請成為….的一員 ●I have put down my name for Harvard University. 我已經申請上哈佛大學。 ●.put down to把….歸因於 ●He put the dispute down to some misunderstanding. 他把爭論歸因於某種誤會。 ●.put finger on指認, 認出 ●.put forth提出; 發表 ●Darwin put forth the theory of evolution, . 達爾文提出了進化論。 ●.put forward提出 ●He put forward a very good suggestion at the meeting. 他在會上提出了一個很好的建議。 ●.put ideas in sb.'s head使某人存奢望 ●Going to university has put ideas in her head. 上大學使她想入非非。 ●.put in加進 ●Put in more water, will you? 再加些水, 好嗎? ●.put in a claim for sth就某物的損壞提出賠償要求 ●You can put in a claim for the broken furniture. 你可以就損壞的傢俱提出賠償要求。 ●put in a good word for 為….說情; 替….美言 ●Her brother put in a good word for her boyfriend to her parents. 她哥哥在她父母面前替她男朋友說好話。 ●His uncle put in a good word for him at City Hall. 他的叔叔在市政府為他美言。 ●If my father puts in a good word for me, the boss may decide to give me another ●chance. 要是我父親為我說情的話, 老板可能會決定再給我一次機會。 ●.put in for申請 ●He has put in for membership of the club. 他已申請加入這家俱樂部。 ●.put in practice實施; 執行 ●The law should be put in practice as soon as possible. 應該儘快實施這項法規。 ●.put into使進入; 把….放進 ●The bill was put into effect last month. 那法規於上個月生效。 ●.put into action把….付諸實施 ●We'll put our plan into action. 我們將實施我們的計劃。 ●.put into execution實行; 實施 ●We should put the new plan into execution as soon as possible. 我們應該儘快實行這項新計劃。 ●.put into practice實施; 執行 ●The law should be put into practice as soon as possible. 應該儘快實施這項法規。 ●.put into the shade使相形見絀 ●The publication of this new handbook has put the old one into the shade. 這本新手冊的出版使舊作相形見絀。 ●.put it across sb責備某人 ●Don't put it across the poor child. 不要責備那可憐的孩子。 ●.put it over sb責備某人 ●put off推遲; 拖延 ●Don't put off till tomorrow what can be done today. 今天可做的事不要拖到明天再做。 ●.put on a brave face裝出一副勇敢的面孔 ●.put on airs擺架子 ●She put on airs after marrying a millionaire. 自從嫁了百萬富翁後, 她就擺起架子。 ●Don't put on airs with us. 別對我們擺架子。 ●.put on flesh發胖 ●He did a great deal of exercise so as not to put on flesh. 他做大量運動以防止發胖。 ●.put on one side把…置於一邊 ●I'll sort through these magazines, and put on one side those that I wish to keep. 我會挑一下這些雜誌, 把我要的放在一邊。 ●.put on one's thinking cap仔細思量 ●You should put on your thinking cap to solve this problem. 你必須仔細考慮一下解決這個問題。 ●.put on the agony過分渲染悲痛 ●When she was telling us about her headache, she really put on the agony just to gain our sympathy. 她在同我們說起她頭痛時, 真的在過分渲染以取得我們的同情。 ●.put on the dog耍派頭;擺架子 ●.put on weight體重增加 ●I was twelve, and starting to put on weight and grow taller. 我那時十二歲, 體重開始增加, 個子也開始長高了。 ●.put one's best foot foremost全力以赴 ●Put your best foot foremost and you will succeed. 只要全力以赴你會成功。 ●put one's best foot forward全力以赴 ●Put your best foot forward and you will succeed. 只要全力以赴你會成功。 ●.put one's cards on the table 攤牌; 表明意向, 計劃等 ●Perhaps you will make some progress if you put your cards on the table. 如果你開誠佈公, 也許會取得某些進展。 ●.put one's feet up休息 ●Come in and put your feet up. 進來休息一會兒。 ●.put one's finger on確切地指出 ●I can't quite put my finger on what's wrong with the engine. 我不能確切地說出引擎的毛病。 ●.put one's foot down果斷行動 ●She put her foot down and left home with the baby. 她固執己見, 帶著孩子便離家了。 ●.put one's foot in it不得體; 犯錯誤 ●He didn't realize that he had put his foot in it. 他沒意識到自己做錯了。 ●.put one's oar in干涉 ●We will have to keep the arrangements a secret from her because she'll only want to put her oar in. 我們得把這安排向她保密, 因為她只想要插手干涉。 ●.put one's shirt on孤注一擲 ●I think I've quite a good chance of getting the job, but I wouldn't put my shirt on it. 我認為自己很有可能得到這份工作, 可是我不想把寶全押在這上面。 ●.put out伸出 ●It's dangerous to put out your hand now. 現在你把手伸出去是危險的。 ●.put out feelers作試探性的建議 ●I'm putting out feelers to see if he'd like to come and work for us. 我正在試探他, 看他是否願意來為我們工作。 ●put out of one's head不再想; 放棄 ●You'd better put the idea of marriage out of your head. 你最好放棄結婚的念頭。 ●.put out to grass解雇 ●My uncle's been put out to grass and now has nothing to do all day. 我叔叔被解雇了, 現在整天無所事事。 ●.put out to stud用來配種 ●I'm going to put the horse out to stud. 我打算把這匹馬用來配種。 ●.put pen to paper開始寫 ●We'll have to put pen to paper at once. 我們該立即開始寫了。 ●.put right擺正 ●Put the picture right -- it's not straight. 把畫擺正, 現在是歪的。 ●.put sb. in the picture 把情況告訴某人 ●He's been away for several weeks, and we'd better put him in the picture at once. 他已經離開幾星期了, 我們最好立即把情況告訴他。 ●.put sb. in the way of給某人以….的機會 ●He put me in the way of a job. 他幫我謀得一份工作。 ●.put sb. on a pedestal崇拜某人 ●I put you on a pedestal: I would have died for you. 我曾崇拜你, 願意為你而死。 ●.put sb. on his mettle激勵某人 ●.put sb. on the spot使某人陷於窘境 ●You've put me on the spot here: I can't answer your question. 這下你可把我難住了--我回答不出你的問題。 ●put sb. through his paces檢驗某人的能力 ●The coach spent the whole morning putting the newcomer through his paces. 教練花了整個上午測試新隊員的能力。 ●.put sb. to the blush使某人羞愧 ●He put me to the blush by his foolish behavior when we were out together. 我們一起出去時, 他愚蠢的行為使我羞愧。 ●.put sb. to the expense of使某人花錢於 ●I don't want to put you to the expense of buying me dinner. 我不想讓你破費請我吃飯。 ●.put sb's back up令某人不快 ●His rude behavior really puts my back up. 他的粗魯舉動真令我生氣。 ●.put sb's monkey up使某人生氣 ●What she said put his monkey up. 她所說的話使他生氣。 ●.put someone on【口】欺騙, 捉弄 ●He likes to put the girls on by saying he is from Hollywood. 他喜歡作弄那些女孩說他來自好萊塢。 ●.put someone on his mettle考驗某人; 激勵某人 ●He was put on his mettle. 他受到考驗。 ●.put sth. at計算, 估計(某物之大小、價值等) ●.put sth. in motion開動某物 ●Before he got to the workshop, the machine had been put in motion. 在他到達車間之前, 機器已經開動了。 ●.put stock in信任; 看重 ●They put great stock in your opinion. 他們對你的意見極為看重。 ●put store by重視; 尊重 ●They put high store by the arrival of the mayor. 他們對市長的蒞臨非常重視。 ●.Put that in your pipe and smoke it你自己好好考慮吧。 ●.put the cart before the horse本末倒置; 因果顛倒 ●.put the fear of God into sb恐嚇某人 ●The new teacher has put the fear of God into his pupils. 新來的教師把學生給鎮住了。 ●.put the screw on對某人施加壓力 ●I'll have to put the screw on him if he doesn't pay. 他要是不付帳我就要對他施加壓力。 ●.put the screws on對某人施加壓力 ●I'll have to put the screws on him if he doesn't pay. 他要是不付帳我就要對他施加壓力。 ●.put the skids on催促; 使趕緊 ●We had better put the skids on the driver or we'll be late. 我們最好催促司機快開, 不然要遲到了。 ●.put the skids under催促; 使趕緊 ●We had better put the skids under the driver or we'll be late. 我們最好催促司機快開, 不然要遲到了。 ●.put the squeeze on對….施加壓力 ●They said they would put the squeeze on him. 他們說他們將對他施加壓力。 ●.put the stopper on使停止; 制止 ●He put the stopper on people borrowing his books without asking. 他不讓別人擅自借走他的書。 ●put the stoppers on使停止; 制止 ●He put the stoppers on people borrowing his books without asking. 他不讓別人擅自借走他的書。 ●.put things straight整頓局面 ●.put through完成 ●.put through the hoop使經受苦難 ●He felt he would be put through the hoop. 他感覺到自己會受到苦難。 ●.put through the mill使接受磨鍊 ●They put her through the mill. 他們使她接受磨鍊。 ●.put to death處死 ●The criminals were put to death. 這些罪犯被處死。 ●.put to nurse請人照看; 把….寄養於人 ●We'll have to put the baby to nurse. 我們只能請人照看嬰孩。 ●.put to rights使恢復正常 ●This medicine will soon put you to rights. 這藥可以使你很快康復。 ●.put to sea出航 ●The ship was unable to put to sea on account of the gale. 由於大風船未能出航。 ●.put to shame使蒙羞 ●His son's crimes put the old man to shame. 兒子犯罪使那老人蒙羞。 ●put to the test使受試驗(或考驗) ●Let's put the new device to the test now. 現在讓我們現在來試驗這部新裝置。 ●.put to use使用; 利用 ●We shall put it to good use. 我們將好好利用它。 ●.put together把...放在一起; 組合 ●They were putting the machine together. 他們正在裝配機器。 ●.put up建造 ●They put up a tent by the fire. 他們在火堆旁搭起了一個帳篷。 ●.put up a fight奮勇戰鬥; 抵抗 ●.put up at投宿 ●.put up with忍受; 容忍 ●I don't know how his parents put up with his antics. 我不知道他的父母是如何忍受他的怪異行為。 ●She could hardly put up with that fellow any longer. 她再也不能忍受那傢伙。 ●.put upon欺騙 ●We were put upon by him. 我們被他騙了。 ●.put-up job圈套, 欺騙 ●.shot put鉛球, 擲鉛球比賽 ●stay put【口】停在原地不動, 保持原狀 ●.not to put too fine a point on it坦率地說 ●Not to put too fine a point on it, we don't think his paintings are so good. 坦率地說, 我們並不認為他的畫水準很高。 ●.Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today今日事今日畢。 ●.putting green【高爾夫】輕擊區, 球穴區 ●.off-putting令人厭惡的 ●Her sleazy gossip was very off-putting. 她那低級的閒話令人倒胃口。 ●.writing puts to acquire stock賣出期權獲得股票 ●.writing cash-secured puts 現金保證; 賣出現金擔保賣權; 賣出現金保證看跌期權 (交易商想賣掉賣出的期權, 但不開立保證金帳戶的一種期權技術. 賣出期權人開出與期權成交價格等值的現金存單) ………………………………………………………… 資料來源:http://tw.dictionary.yahoo.com/dictionary?p=put&tab1=related&xargs=0&pstart=1&b=121