You have love passport, but that doesn’t mean you will have visa too.

To err is human and to forgive is divine, but in many cases, errors are hardly accepted. People easily forgive mistakes of mental judgment, but it’s difficult for them to forgive a sentimental offense, a heart – rending fault.
犯錯是人,原諒是神聖的,但在許多情況下,錯誤是很難接受的。人們很容易原諒的心理判斷失誤,但它是他們很難原諒一個感傷的罪行,心 - 渲染的錯誤。
那是因為"愛" 的太少... 包容不了 自己對理想劇本的追求帶來的挫折 .....
本文於 2013/04/07 04:24 修改第 2 次