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2012/09/26 22:52 瀏覽5,195|回應7推薦1

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運用HAARP進行研究已持續數年,期間陸續由海軍研究辦公室、空軍研究實驗室及先進國防研究計畫局(簡稱DARPA)等軍事相關單位負責主導,為免外界懷疑其目的正當性,所以再三對外澄清,HAARP不是專門用來對付俄國的死光槍或心智控制設備。即使如此,有關HAARP的陰謀論仍傳言不斷,美國作家克蘭希(Tom Clancy)的著名懸疑小說,就以類似HAARP設備,對一個中國小村莊發動攻擊,造成居民全面性精神病症為故事背景。
HAARP的誕生源自冷戰時期,當時美國和蘇聯進行核子毀滅競賽,雙方均派遣潛水艇在深海巡弋,互探對方軍情。深海航行固然有不易被敵方偵測到的好處,但是也有通訊品質不佳的缺點,而且潛的愈深,訊號就愈微弱。到了一九五八年,在加州勞倫斯利福摩國家實驗室的物理學家克里斯多費羅斯(Nicholas Christofilos),提出運用超低頻電波(ELF)與水面下航行潛艇通訊的構想,獲國家採納後成為聖奎恩計畫(Project Sanguine),因而在密西根及威斯康辛建造運作基地,必須建置長達一百三十五公里的天線網來傳輸訊號,由於如此大規模電訊設施運作,可能對臨近居民的身體健康帶來傷害,所以對於計畫進行的必要性,各界爭議不斷。最後在二○○四年,美國海軍以不再需要為由,關閉了此兩處基地。
運用ELF電波與潛水艇之間進行連繫的作法,其中一個作用原理是透過電噴流,即電離層中帶電粒子的束流,可以作為一種天線功能,傳送訊息至水底潛艇。這個想法在一九八○年代中期經實驗證明可行後,當時服務於海軍研究實驗室的馬里蘭大學物理學家帕巴度普羅斯(Dennis Papadopoulos),就為爭取各界支持建造相關設施而積極奔走。
美國之前為偵測前蘇聯以轟炸機對美國展開攻擊的行動,曾建造了數個超視距雷達基地,其中Gakona基地正好在電噴流區正下方的絕佳地理位置。冷戰時期結束後,五角大廈正打算關閉這些基地,帕巴度普羅斯在HAARP計畫一開始時就擔任顧問,十分了解Gakona基地的特性,於是建議應該於原地建造電離層加熱器,便於海軍研究ELF,因此該處免於了關閉的命運,對於阿拉斯加州國會參議員史帝文斯(Ted Stevens)而言,國家資金能用於家鄉建設,正合他意。帕巴度普羅斯表示,HAARP計畫即由此伊始。
但在計畫動工前,人們就對建造此設備目的為何眾說紛紜。在一九九○年舉行的一場記者會上,史帝文斯提出將北極光的能量「傳送到地球以解決」地球能源危機的想法,而被各界嘲弄為「好個物理學家」。阿拉斯加州立法委員之子貝吉克(Nick Begich),則宣稱HAARP是一種反制飛彈武器。帕巴度普羅斯認為,這些異想天開的想法,都是基於HAARP工程顧問伊斯特倫得(Bernard Eastlund)為申請專利所提出的驚人論點:運用HAARP技術,可將天然氣轉換為微波,在地表上空形成防護罩,阻絕蘇聯飛彈攻擊。帕巴度普羅斯指出,這個被戲稱為「殺人防護罩」的點子,還曾交由傑森(JASON)國防顧問集團審視,不過最終被斥之為「無稽之談」。
九一一恐怖攻擊後,軍方為HAARP找到新的發展方向。由於高空核爆炸所釋放的殺手電子,會使近地人造衛星全部停擺,在二○○二年由DARPA局長特澤(Anthony Tether)帶領的一組人馬於是建議,認為可以利用HAARP,對解決此問題的方法進行研究。



沒人知道這個想法可否可行。在麻薩諸塞州漢斯康空軍基地的HAARP計畫經理柯賽(Paul Kossey)就表示,他們在那個領域亟度缺乏相關實際數據,理論領先實證有一段距離。不過目前已有好幾個實驗在進行,例如加州史丹佛大學的單程實驗(One Hop Experiment),運用HAARP將超低頻電波發射到地球磁圈,產生電嘯波,並在南太平洋上利用浮標及船隻觀察落回地表的電波,以測量電嘯波存在的狀況。
想要降低核子爆炸在大氣層中所釋放的幅射量,需要一種全新設備及先進科技。在二○○六年一組來自紐西蘭的科學家發表論文,認為任何試圖改善幅射危害的作法,均可能導致全球高頻無線電波失靈,使通訊與導航大亂。也有人認為,想要對抗高空核爆炸根本不切實際。柯林頓總統任內曾經擔任五角大廈首席武器試驗專家、利維摩國家實驗室前副主任柯爾(Philip Coyle)就表示,「運用科學研究進一步了解地球電離層,的確值得一試,問題是需要多大能量才能沖激這些電子,注入如此巨大能量是否會改變電離層狀態,都是未知數」。
此時此刻,擺在眼前可供HAARP深入探究的科學議題有一籮筐。電離層一直是受注目的研究主題,打從特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)在世時,就夢想運用電離層將電力傳送全球各地。科學家早在一九三三年就發現,藉由改變電離層的電子密度,可以左右無線電波的傳播。此項發現,進而促成電離層加熱器的發展,用以研究作用效果。
太陽閃焰產生的幅射是另一個受關注的主題。英國蘭開斯特大學通訊系統系副主任科許(Michael Kosch)指出,「這個議題值得研究,因為來自太陽的幅射,是造成人衛星失效及人類在太空探險中死亡的主要原因」。其他等待探討的問題包括,極光形成過程,極光是地球磁圈中電子與大氣層中不帶電粒子相碰撞,在地球高磁緯地區夜空,會產生的絢麗多彩發光現象。HAARP最為人津津樂道的成果之一,就是首次創造出肉眼可見的人造極光;另一個成果則是在離地一百到一百五十公里高空的電離層自然極光區中,製造出綠色極光。參與HAARP研究的紐約州康乃爾大學物理學家凱利(Michael Kelley)認為,這項成果超乎他們的想像。
科學家想要更深入了解創造極光的過程 —馬汀森
全球其他各處也有電離層加熱器設備,美國在波多黎各阿雷西沃鎮設有有一低功率基地,但數年前遭一場洪水破壞(目前已有計畫重建),位於俄羅斯的瓦西里蘇爾斯克市基地,則為資金不足所苦。唯一能與HAARP媲美的,則是設於斯堪地那維亞半島北邊的歐洲非相干散射科學協會(European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association,簡稱EISCAT),該處至今為加熱器設備已投入兩千四百萬美金建造及營運費用,而且比HAARP更早就創出世上首例的人造極光。
比起我們在歐洲使用情形,HAARP可以用更低的頻率運作 —科許。
HAARP雖然是軍方設施,但開放學術界使用。史丹佛工作案主導科學家伊南(Umran Inan)指出,他們使用HAARP設備的機率相當頻繁,有許多研究生及外國科學家在該處從事研究。柯許則表示,「這是美國國防部的設施,當然必須有安全控管,比方說我是一個外國人就不可單獨行動,但事實上我和裡面人員已經混得很熟,又熟悉相關設施,所以在其中做事一點也不成問題」。
HAARP的發展或許不是一路順遂,但許多曾在那裡工作過的科學家都相信,這是一個成功的計畫。伊南表示,「對此領域的科學研究而言,HAARP真是一個恩賜,和國防部之前興建的其他許多設施的拒人於千里之外相較, HAARP計畫管理者從一開始就開放社群參與,也因為有社群參與,所以能與外界結合發揮實質功用,創造出令人滿意的成果」。



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奇怪的衛星影像 HAARP 啟動了嗎? 所有youtube影像檔被美國政府移除
2012/09/26 23:46 推薦0



In 1996 the US Air Force commissioned a research report titled, Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather By 2025.  (Click the link to read it.)  Is weather control now operational?

Aerial lights [are] manifesting above Western Australia . . . (Source)

Strange Satellite Image Downloaded from Australian Weather Site
This rather extraordinary weather pattern picture was (supposedly) downloaded from publicly available Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology radar site. (Source):

Close up view:
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Overview (pictures) of how the process works
2012/09/26 23:42 推薦0



Overview (pictures) of how the process works:

Radar patterns over America here:

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所有影片擋youtube 被美國政府移除
2012/09/26 23:38 推薦0



Busted: Wave Form Technology Creating Our Weather


According to Tom Bearden:

Scalar interferometry . . .  can make a giant brilliant dome-like structure of light that is 300 miles in height. (Source)

Might these strange weather radar pictures be due to “the use of electromagnetic waves” (such as the “scalar interferometry”):

William Cohen,  US Secretary of Defense

In a 1997 “DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen” warned of “the use of electromagnetic waves” to “set off earthquakes”: (Source: http://www.defense.gov/transcripts/transcript.aspx?transcriptid=674)


Seal of the Department of Defense U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)
News Transcript
On the Web:
Media contact: +1 (703) 697-5131/697-5132
Public contact:
or +1 (703) 428-0711 +1

Presenter: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen April 28, 1997 8:45 AM EDT

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

. . . they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. . . It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important. (Source)

Might these strange weather radar pictures be due to:

The rigorous scientific proof of scalar interferometry is contained in a paper by Myron W. Evans, P.K. Anastasovski, T.E. Bearden et al. (some 15 authors), “On Whittaker’s Representation of the Electromagnetic Entity in Vacuo, Part V: The Production of Transverse Fields and Energy by Scalar Interferometry,” Journal of New Energy, 4(3), Winter, 1999, p. 76-78. (Source: http://www.padrak.com/ine/JNEV4N3.html)

If you will check, you will find that Evans is a world-class theorist and has over 600 papers in the hard science literature, is also the prestigious editor of scientific books and series as part of the series by Nobelist Prigogine for Wiley, etc.  Many others of the 15 or so authors are also recognized and even prestigious scientists.  So the referenced paper is of very high scientific quality.  It’s for real.  The AIAS group that published this referenced paper also has many other scientific publications in higher symmetry electrodynamics (far beyond the ordinary electrical engineering and radar engineering!)  in leading journals such as Foundations of Physics, Physica Scripta, Optik, etc.  Again, go check it out.  This is physics. Simply check the citations in the literature under those names.  Then decide whether this is an idle conspiracy theory or not.

[Related academic articles include: http://tao.cgu.org.tw/pdf/v153p413.pdf and http://www.springerlink.com/content/65gg2vnubm70ab52/]


Might these strange weather radar pictures be related to a never-issued US Patent application (Pub #20070238252) which claimed an application to “weather control” (http://www.patentstorm.us/applications/20070238252/fulltext.html):

US Patent Application 20070238252 – Cosmic particle ignition of artificially ionized plasma patterns in the atmosphere

Application Filed on September 6, 2005; Application Published on October 11, 2007

This invention is a method and apparatus for creating artificially ionized regions in the atmosphere utilizing ionization trails of cosmic rays and micro-meteors to ignite plasma patterns in electric field patterns formed by ground based electromagnetic wave radiators. The applications are useful for telecommunications, weather control, lightening protection and defense applications. The invention lowers the power requirements for forming artificial ionized regions in the atmosphere by a factor of up to 1600 times lower than those required in existing designs and projections for creation of artificial ionized regions in the atmosphere.


Water vortex

Strange weather radar vortex–see also video clip below.

Strange weather vortex as seen from the ground.


HAARP Spirals: Theory and Practice

Here’s a US Navy graphic documenting the theoritical basis for spiral-type HAARP formations.  This graphic (pictured below) is from an official US Navy Office of Naval Research website on HAARP:



Ion outflows and artificial ducts in the topside ionosphere at HAARP

New results of the DMSP satellite and HAARP digisonde observations during HF heating at the High-Frequency Active Auroral Program (HAARP) facility are described. For the first time, the DMSP satellites detected significant ion outflows associated with 10–30% density enhancements in the topside ionosphere above the heated region near the magnetic zenith. In addition, coincident high-cadence skymaps from the HAARP digisonde reveal field-aligned upward plasma flows inside the F-peak region. The SAMI2 2 model calculations are in fair agreement with the observations.

Dense plasma focus sheath


Nobel Prize-winning Swedish physicist Hannes Alfvén developed a revolutionary model for the role of plasma, including the dense plasma focus (pictured).

Antenna array



Large scale antenna array technology 

NW Cape Harold E Holt Communications Installation at night

Take a look at the (supposedly) decommissioned NW Cape Harold E Holt Communications Installation facility via Google satellite view:


See also:


and this:

Related to metatron cube geometry?


Metatron cube


Metatron cube

Metatron cube


Or, maybe, engineers just got the design idea from grandma’s favorite pillow?

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HAARP: Directed Plasma Technology 所有影片擋youtube 都被美國移除
2012/09/26 23:34 推薦0



HAARP: Directed Plasma Technology

HAARP employs ground-penetrating radar (GPR) technology and a system of phased array antennas which can “steer” and focus millions of watts of energy into a small area–either above or below ground.

HAARP sends controlled and tuned bursts or streams of high frequency (HF) radio energy at Earth’s ionosphere. The enormous amount of energy added to the ionosphere creates a tuned vibration which then is directed around the globe on the jet-streams. Where ever this enormous vibration ends up it creates extremely low frequency (ELF) waves which travel down to the earth. (It can also send down LF, HF, VHF, UHF) (Source)

HAARP was originally an SDI (“Star Wars”) project, developed to be a defensive weapon, which could focus huge amounts of electromagnetic energy on a distant spot, in order to potentially disable incoming planes or missiles.

Plasma weapons have already been created in Russia. Their action is based on focusing beams of electromagnetic energy produced by laser or microwave radiation into the upper layers of the atmosphere. . . A cloud of highly ionized air arises at the focus of the laser or microwave rays, at an altitude of up to 50 kilometers. Upon entering it, any object–a missile, an airplane, is deflected from its trajectory and disintegrates in response to the fantastic overloads arising due to the abrupt pressure difference between the surface and interior of the flying body. (Source)


HAARP and Earthquakes

Why so many earthquakes recently?

Ten-fold increase in major earthquakes.

1998-2008: A decade of major earthquakes. 

In 1997 the US Secretary of Defense warned of: “the use of elctromagnetic waves” to “set off earthquakes”. There’s been almost a ten-fold increase in major earthquakes since that announcement.

Could there be a connection?

How does one “set off” an earthquake?

Using HAARP to create explosive steam pockets underground.

An earthquake represents the abrupt release of seismic strain that has built up over the years as plates of the Earth’s crust slowly grind and catch against each other.

Tectonic plates strain harder and harder against each other, but due to friction, resist slipping until they overcome that friction and suddenly, and abruptly, move. Earthquake movement may be triggered by a relatively smaller amount of energy–somewhat like a powerful snow avalanche can be triggered by the sound of a shotgun.

Supposedly, to create earthquakes with HAARP, mega-watts of energy are focused on underground water pockets near geographic fault lines, the underground water is boiled, creating an explosive steam pocket, which is powerful enough to release an earthquake.

The key to geophysical warfare is the identification of the environmental instabilities to which the addition of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of energy. Environmental instability is a situation in which nature has stored energy in some part of the Earth or its surroundings . . . the mechanism for energy storage might be the accumulation of strain over hundreds of millions of years in the solid Earth. – Professor MacDonald, UCLA Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics. (Source)

[In addition to creating heat HAARP may also directly vibrate underground structures via a reversed piezoelectric effect. Energy is beamed in, piezoelectric vibrations result.]

Skeptics argue it’s impossible to “set off” and earthquake.

Maybe the US Secretary of Defense was “just kidding” in his 1997 DoD News Briefing.

Some argue otherwise . . .

Curious for more details? Check out this “well reference paper citing 30 other scientific papers on the powers of HAARP”: High-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere can cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and localized heating


HAARP–whistle blowers or lunatics?

Plasma-like colors seen in the sky just before earthquake in China:

People in Chile saw the sky changing colors in the middle of the night as the earthquake destroyed their city…it was 3am out there, so in the blackness of night, they were watching the sky change colors where there is an absence of color (Black). The same thing was viewed about 20-30 minutes before the earthquake in China. (Source)

Ionized Plasma

. . . spray barium powders [in the atmosphere] and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by “zapping” the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air. More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. (Source)

Why “Set Off” Earthquakes?

As economic competition among many advanced nations heightens, it may be to a country’s advantage to ensure a peaceful natural environment for itself and a disturbed environment for its competitors. Operations producing such conditions might be carried out covertly, since nature’s great irregularity permits storms, floods, droughts, earthquakes and tidal waves to be viewed as unusual but not unexpected. Such a ‘secret war’ need never be declared or even known by the affected populations. (Source)

1995 Earthquake in Kobe Japan was Predicted in Advance. How? 

1995 Kobe earthquake

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake on January 17, 1995 caused 5100 deaths, mainly in Kobe, Japan. (Source)

In an 8 January 1995 radio broadcast, Shoko Asahara stated “Japan will be attacked by an earthquake in 1995. The most likely place is Kobe.” . . .  Shoko Asahara, claimed that the massive earthquake that devastated the City of Kobe was an act of war. (Source)

Hideo Murai, Ph.D., when asked about the Kobe earthquake, said: “There is a strong possibility of the activation of an earthquake using electromagnetic power, or somebody may have used a device that applied force inside the Earth.Dr. Murai was assassinated on 23 April, 1995. (Source)

Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake

According to to MIT Technology Review:

Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating earthquake in Japan, say scientists.

Teams set up atmospheric monitoring stations in earthquake zones and a number of satellites are capable of sending back data about the state of the upper atmosphere and the ionosphere during an earthquake.

For example, the DEMETER spacecraft showing a significant increase in ultra-low frequency radio signals before the magnitude 7 Haiti earthquake in January 2010.

Dimitar Ouzounov at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland and a few buddies present the data from the Great Tohoku earthquake which devastated Japan on 11 March. They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck. At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake.

In other words, the atmosphere was heating up. (Source)

Could HAARP cause that? Yes.

Please continue to the next section . . .

Benjamin Fulford on HAARP and Earthquakes

Benjamin Fulford (born 1961) is a journalist of Canadian descent living in Japan. He worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. (Source)

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Natural phenomenon?
2012/09/26 23:31 推薦0



Natural phenomenon?

The supposed explanation: these clouds are formed by “gravity waves”.

What are “gravity waves”?

The above image is a close-up from the image below:

Here’s how “gravity waves” supposedly work:

Do “gravity wave” clouds seem “natural”?

Take a look.


Are we supposed to believe this is natural?

Silly question.


Atmospheric Ionized Plasma

. . . spray barium powders [in the atmosphere] and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by “zapping” the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air. More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. (Source)

Scalar Energies

Two beams overlapped couple into “scalar energies”–which can be focused as a particle-ion beam.

Columnar Focal Lenses

Vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. (Source)

Unusual aurora spiral in Finland


Norway spiral


Close up view of Norway spiral


United States Patent 4712155: Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma

A method and apparatus altering a region of plasma that lies above the earth’s surface at altitudes (e.g. below 50 kilometer) where the collison rate of the electrons in the plasma is originally greater than the cyclotron frequency of the electrons. First, artificial magnetic lines of force are established from the earth’s surface by positioning a loop of cable at the earth’s surface. An electrical current of sufficient amperage is passed through the cable which inherently generates the artificial magnetic field from the center of the loop. The field strength B on the artificial lines in the region of plasma to be altered is sufficient to increase the cyclotron frequency of the electrons in the plasma so that it will exceed the rate of collosion of the electrons. The plasma is then excited by electron cyclotron resonance heating to thereby further alter the plasma by transmitting circularly polarized electromagnetic radiation upward in a direction substantially parallel to and along the artificial field lines. (Source)


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