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2012 人類大滅絕 Nibiru 才是氣候異常主因 全球天災是徵兆

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2012 人類大滅絕 Nibiru 才是氣候異常主因 全球天災是徵兆

可能有些人會認為官方說法才是可信的, 但是哪個政府會告訴百姓真話? 告訴你政府到哪一天會停止營業? 這樣的話題絕對會進"禁止"的 因為在沒有解決方案前 提出這話題 只會造成更大的災害 再笨的官僚 也不會這樣做 所以關於這一議題 我們 得靠自己去思考了!




4)啟示錄 6:12-17
因為 祂(His)忿怒的大日到了,誰能站得住呢。



上世紀70年代,考古學家Zecharia Sitchin發掘了6000年前的蘇美爾文明遺跡,並發現了一張雕刻在石板上的星圖,上面標有十二個天體,除了古代人類就能觀測到日、月、水、金、火、木、土以及地球本身之外,還有古代人類不可能發現的天王星海王星冥王星的存在,還剩下的一顆則是連現代人類都沒能發現的星球,因此他就提出了太陽系內還有一顆沒有被發現的大型行星這一假說。 

在該假說中,Nibiru是一個顆橢圓型的公轉運行軌道的長軸遠長於短軸的行星,在長軸最遠端時比冥王星距離太陽還遠,而在短軸最接近太陽時能到達地球附近,公轉週期是3600年。(雅預言中的『太陽記』其週期為5000-3000年,和Nibiru的公轉時接近) 。雖然因為違反星體間的引力定律這個假設並不被一般的科學體系所承認,但是卻有很多人根據他的假設做出21世紀的某一年Nibiru將光臨地球的推論(最著名的說法是200320122085這三個)。SF作品中也紛紛使用Nibiru作為災難之星,編造出Nibiru接近地球時就是世界末曰的傳說,於是Nibiru也就成了和Vulcan齊名的假想行星。而根據現在天文界比較有力的說法,所謂第十二天體Nibiru只是土木星之間的小行星群錯被蘇美爾人當做一顆大型行星。

蘇美人在數千年前竟然有這樣的記載:「就像命運的安排,在一次的軌道交會中,Nibiru走得如此接近以至於它的一個衛星撞上Tiamat (地球)地球分裂成兩半,分裂後較大的一塊Tiamat及它的主要衛星在撞擊後跑到了金星與火星之間,形成了我們現在的地球,而另一塊則分裂成無數塊,成為蘇美人記錄中的『錘打成的手鐲』」…….即我們所說的,散佈在火星木星之間的小行星帶,而這也是天文學家所感到訝異的,蘇美人是如何知道小行星帶的?因為它不是你肉眼可見的,更誇張的是地球如何形成也知道?  




Nibiru行星 - 發現經過及事後澄清



Nibiru行星 - 事實真相




Nibiru行星 - 對地球的影響


20121221Nibiru會經過Ecliptic plane(黃道面),像太陽一樣的亮紅色,大約有月亮一樣大小,地震海嘯等惡劣氣候將更糟糕。然而最糟的情況在2013214,當地球移動到太陽與Nibiru之間,極軸會轉移,全球的風暴地震與海嘯將達到最糟的惡化情況,海洋將掀起一到三哩高的巨大的海嘯。到了201471Nibiru才不再影響地球。





Sitchin's Nibiru Hypothesis

Those familiar with either the writings of Zecharia Sitchin or the current internet rantings about “the return of Planet X” are likely familiar with the word “nibiru”. According to self-proclaimed ancient languages scholar Zecharia Sitchin, the Sumerians knew of an extra planet beyond Pluto. This extra planet was called Nibiru. Sitchin goes on to claim that Nibiru passes through our solar system every 3600 years. Some believers in Sitchin’s theory also refer to Nibiru as “Planet X”, the name given to a planet that is allegedly located within our solar system but beyond Pluto. Adherents to the “returning Planet X hypothesis” believe the return of this wandering planet will bring cataclysmic consequences to earth.

Is Sitchin correct – Is Nibiru a 12th planet that passes through our solar system every 3600 years? Did the Sumerians know this? Unfortunately for Sitchin and his followers, the answer to each of these questions is no. But how do I know? The cuneiform record in such texts as the one on the left, the astronomical text known as MUL.APIN (The "Plough Star").

Readers can click here for a summary paper I wrote on the word nibiru in cuneiform texts. What follows draws from that paper and, in the case of the video, demonstrates the accuracy of my contention that there isn't a single text in the entire cuneiform record that:

  • Has nibiru as a planet beyond Pluto
  • Connects nibiru with the Anunnaki
  • Has nibiru cycling through our solar system every 3600 years 

Searching for Nibiru in Cuneiform Texts

Here is a video that I created showing you where to find the leading dictionary of cuneiform words online (for free). Viewers can find that source and do what I do in the rest of the video: look up the entry for nibiru (spelled neberu in scholarly transliteration) and check to see if any of the above ideas are found in any Akkadian or Sumerian texts that mention nibiru. Spoiler: there aren't any -- but don't take my word for it. Look it up yourself.

12 Planets in Sumerian Thought?

Does the cylinder seal above convey the fact that the Sumerians who fashioned it knew of 12 planets in our solar system?  That's what Zecharia Sitchin claims about the seal. But he's wrong, and it isn't difficult to demonstrate.  All one has to do to agree with Sitchin here is (a) ignore what the seal says; (b) ignore what is known about Sumerian astronomy from cuneiform astronomical texts (all published, but in scholarly books); and ignore standard Sumerian iconography -- artistic representations of stars. That's all.



Nibiru Statistics

Object Type:Methane Cloud Jovian
Parent Star:Sol (G2 V)
Discovery Status:Uncertain
Mass :3 Jupiters
Orbital Period:5 Million Years
Mean Distance:25000 AU
System Age:4600 Myr
Planet Appearance:Blue with methane clouds and hazes
Estimated Radius:1.04 Jupiters
Estimated Mean Temp:1 Kelvin
Temp from Internal Heating :159.146 Kelvins
Mean Angular Star Size:0 Degrees
Gravitational Influence (Hill Sphere):2461.612 AU /
368252450000 km
Max Stable Prograde Moon Orbit:886.18 AU /
132570880000 km
Max Moon Mass:> 10 Earths
Year Discovered:1999
Detection Method:Inferred from Cometary Orbit Perturbations
Discovered By:Independantly by Murray and Matese

Nibiru Orbit Around Our Sun

Nibiru orbit

Nibiru has an elliptical orbit as it comes close to our sun. It's orbit crosses paths with the orbits of the inner planets

It is believed that Nibiru will enter the inner solar system in the year 2012 and will leave in 2033 and there is a chance that it will pass very close to earth bring about a polar shift.

It is also believed that this pattern occurs every 10 million years, which is around the same time that the earth last had an ice age.

I and the other members of the seven have had visions of this polar shift taking place in 2033, And know that it is due to the passing of a large celestial object passing very near to the earth that the polar shift takes place.

You can learn more about this process on the page titled Events That Causes Ice Ages On Earth And Mobis

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