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國際關注台灣抗暴人民行動----Taiwan Parliament Occupied by protesters 1st time in History

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Taiwan Parliament Occupied by protesters 1st time in History



CNN PRODUCER NOTE     See all verified iReport images from the Taiwan occupation here. 
dsashin, CNN iReport producer

For the first time in history, the Taiwan Parliament (Legislative Yuan) was occupied by protesters, who fought against a trade agreement with China.


= Live Update =


Live broadcast stream of  the protest

Inside the Parliament http://www.ustream.tv/channel/longson3000
Outside the Parliament https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj9Dy0IMmi0



At 09:30 3/19 President Ma said in a news that the opposite party DPP should not break the law.http://m.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/politics/20140319/362559


At 09:00 3/19 The Parliament announced suspension of meeting. The meeting was schaduled to start at 09:00, but currently the floor was still occupied by protesters.


At 08:40 3/19. Police had tried to enter into the floor for four times, but failed again. http://newtalk.tw/news/2014/03/19/45390.html


At 08:00 3/19. Rumor goes that the government had called police from other cities to Taipei. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=631719033567182&id=523369387735481


At 06:20 3/19. The 2000 protesters oudside the Parliament started to REMOVE the police. Numerous policemen were lifted by protesters and moved out of the Parliament.



At 06:00 3/19 Police started to remove protesters from the floor. Fei-Fan Lin (林飛帆), the leader of protest as well as a National Taiwan University student in Dept of Political Science, invited all 1000 s protesters outside the building to enter into the floor for stopping the police. Here comes the video.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=765910343421039&set=vb.100000062417263&type=2&theater


At 05:30 3/19 Police again tried to enter into the floor. Legislators are asked to leave.


At 05:00 3/19  DPP legislators sat in front of the gate, trying to defend the police entering into the floor.


At 04:47, 3/19 A policeman stripped down his uniform and shield, and then raised his two hands to show support to the protesters before returning home. Meanwhile, other police blocked the restroom.


At 04:05, 3/19 The entrance gate was broken. Two DPP legislators tried to stop the policemen from storming into the floor. http://ppt.cc/6mO3@.jpg


At 03:37, 3/19 Police tried to break the front gate. Protesters pushed the gates to resist entry. The Board of Parliament (Legislative Yuan) was abandoned in front of the building. Apart from 400 protesters in the building, more than 1000 new protesters arrived around the Parliament, supporting this occupation.



At 02:06, 3/19 More police gained entry into the main building.


At 01:20, 3/19 The Premier Jiang Yi-huah called Legislative Speaker/Chair Wang Jin-pyng to allow the police enter into the building. Related news can be found here


At 01:20, 3/19 A policeman shared the information on online discussion board PTT that stand-by policemen in other districts were called to go to Taipei.


At 00:30, 3/19, the police asked lawyers and professors to leave the building, and they are going to arrest students.


At 00:05, 3/19, numerous DPP legislators entered into the building and sat with the protesters.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152025998916270&set=a.186955736269.129790.45289011269&type=1


At 00:00, 3/19, the protesters clarified their three major points:

1.Cancel the current agreement and restart negotiation.

2.The police should not enter into the Parliament, which should be owned by the public.

3.Before discussing any further agreement with China in the future, the Parliament should establish legal process for reviewing.

Their announcement is herehttps://www.facebook.com/antiblacktw/posts/616812361722942

At 23:00, police tried to break into the building but failed.
The police announced they would definitely enter the building and arrest the protesters at 12:30.







======== Story ========

The Service Trade Agreement (服貿協議) is one of the biggest trade agreement between China and Taiwan. Since it was secretly signed in June, 2013 in Shanghai, the opposition party Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and several civil groups requested that it be reviewed through the Parliament. On Jun 25, 2013, the ruling party KMT reached consensus with DPP to review the agreement "sentence-by-sentence." According to a survey conducted by Liberty Times, 70% of Taiwanese citizens believe that the STA should be reviewed sentence-by-sentence.


The major opposing argument against STA concerns its negative impact on national security and lower-class workers, which might be widely ignored by the KMT government. Once STA took effect, many opponents of the trade pact worried that the infrastructure including roads and online service in Taiwan could be taken over by China companies.


On this Monday (3/18), the agreement was scheduled to be scrutinized by the Internal Administration Committee. Due to a huge conflict between the two parties, the meeting did not take place. In the afternoon, the Chair of committee, KMT Legislator Chang Ching-chung, suddenly declared outside the podium that the agreement was now "passed to the Parliament for vote."


This declaration was regarded by DPP and civil groups as a violation to the Constitution as well as violating the common practice in the Parliament. Several civil groups organized protests, and more citizens were mobilized through the Internet to gather in front of the Parliament.


On Mar 18, 21:00, protesters stormed into the Parliament after hearing KMT announcing there would be no further review on the trade agreement. Protesters entered the building through all entrances, and they used chairs to prevent police entering and arresting them. Moreover, protesters broke intoChang Ching-chung's office, and found numerous business cards from Chinese companies.

Updated photoes are herehttp://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/politics/20140318/362423/1/


or the first time in the history of Republic of China (Taiwan), protestors occupied the main building of the Parliament.



1. The live broadcast of protest event
Inside the Parliament http://www.ustream.tv/channel/longson3000
Outside the Parliament https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yj9Dy0IMmi0


2. The major argument on the negative impact of the trade agreement, analyzed by Prof. Chen from the Dept of Economics, National Taiwan University


3.Other English-version news reports


Taipei Timeshttp://www.taipeitimes.com/News/front/archives/2014/03/19/2003586009?fb_action_ids=10151977815584109&fb_action_types=og.likes

Gulf Globalpost  http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/afp/140318/taiwan-mps-stage-fast-protest-at-china-trade-pact


China Post http://www.chinapost.com.tw/taiwan/national/national-news/2014/03/19/403168/DPP-calls.htm

CNA http://focustaiwan.tw/news/aipl/201403180044.aspx?fb_action_ids=679247008780019&fb_action_types=og.likes

BuzzFeed http://www.buzzfeed.com/kevintang/taiwanese-students-occupy-parliament-to-protest-illegal-chin

LE FEGARO http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2014/03/18/97001-20140318FILWWW00451-taiwan-des-etudiants-occupent-le-parlement.php

The Debrief http://www.ketagalanmedia.com/2014/03/18/debrief-31814/

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Protest held against economic trade pact between Taiwan and China



Protest held against economic trade pact between Taiwan and China


A small group of opponents to an economic trade service pact between Taiwan and China staged a protest outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei. The pact is currently in the legislature where the opposition party is attempting to block it.

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Taiwanese students storm parliament building over trade pact


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Taiwanese students storm parliament building over trade pact

A group of students in Taiwan has occupied the country's parliament building in the capital, Taipei. The act of protest is in response to government plans of a trade agreement with China.

Around 200 students stormed the parliament building in the Taiwanese capital on Wednesday, breaking through security checkpoints and barricading the entrances with furniture. This blocked police from entering the main chamber of the parliament building.

The students' move is in protest of plans made by the governing Kuomintang party to pass a trade agreement with China. The students are calling for a clause-by-clause review of the deal.

Some analysts think the deal could be harmful to small business in Taiwan. They worry it could expose Taiwan to excessive Chinese influence, and that the government is not being upfront about the downsides of the deal.

On Monday, the pact cleared its first hurdle after obtaining approval from a joint committee. The students' occupation of the parliament building is designed to block parliamentary debate on the matter, which had been scheduled for Friday. The students have vowed to remain in the parliament building until then.

The trade pact would see the two countries open up new service sectors to each other.

mz/kms (AFP, dpa)



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Taiwanese Students Storm Parliament To Protest Illegal China Trade Agreement


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Taiwanese Students Storm Parliament To Protest Illegal China Trade Agreement

Many say that Taiwan’s ruling KMT party strong-armed a controversial trade deal with China through the legislature, and protestors demand a public review. posted on

I know, right? Now tell your friends!
Taiwanese Students Storm Parliament To Pro...
Kevin Tang

1. Updated — March 20, 1:04 p.m. ET:

2. On Tuesday, some 300 student protestors stormed Taiwan’s parliament in Taipei, tearing down its “Legislative Yuan” sign and barricading themselves in.

Huge protests are common on the East Asian island, but takeovers of parliament are pretty rare.

3. Groups of students have also been blocked by riot police on Qingdao Road near the parliament building.

4. The student group mobilized on Facebook against the ruling KMT party’s “illegal hastening” of a trade agreement with China.

5. The trade agreement would allow China to invest in 64 service sectors in Taiwan, including advertising, retail, print, healthcare and telecom. All Chinese businesses with over $200,000 in capital would be able to send workers to Taiwan on renewable visas.

The ruling party argues that it benefits Taiwanese conglomerates and, by extension, Taiwan’s severely lagging economy. Opponents say it allows China to threaten Taiwan’s democracy and small businesses by mass immigration and investment, the same way it has for Tibet.

Taiwan has a population of 23 million with a per capital income of $39,600*, while China has a population of 1,355 million with a per capita income of $9,800*.

6. Undergirding the protest is also President Mah Ying-jeou’s tremendous unpopularity (as of September 2013, his approval rating was 9.2%).

Below is a widely shared 2006 video of Mah blasting then-sitting President Chen Shui-bien: “A president with 18% approval has neither the trust nor the respect of the people. The people have the right to impeach him by force,” a sentiment that Mah’s detractors now share.

7. Since June 2013, President Mah has fielded accusations of deliberately avoiding item-by-item public scrutiny on his trade agreements with China, insisting that they all be passed en bloc.

Below is a broadcast from UDN, a network known to lean toward the ruling KMT Party.

8. Meanwhile, the ruling KMT party accuses the Democratic Progressive Party of rallying anti-China sentiments against the trade agreement in an obstructionist ploy.


9. On Monday, the ruling party cut short a bipartisan review of the trade agreement, and in a rushed 30-second statement, announced that it would go directly to finalizing the deal with China.

Many saw that as blatant flouting of democratic process.

10. Student protestors now hold signs that say “75% of Taiwan demand an item-by-item review of China deals,” promising to occupy the building until March 21.

11. Much of overseas support for the protestors have come from Hong Kong, which returned to China’s control in 1997.

12. As of 3:44 a.m., Taipei police entered the building but failed to remove the protestors.

An anonymous police officer posted on National Taiwan University’s PTT board that thousands of police were being summoned from outlying counties to the parliament.

13. Many in Taiwan express discontent with mainstream coverage of the event. An alleged Facebook rant by a video editor at CtiTV has been widely shared in social media.

A spoof of CtiTV’s coverage reads: “BREAKING! Shameless French Revolutionary Hoodlums Bare Their Bodies In Paris.”

Popular author/essayist Giddens Ko posted this message to his 1.1 million followers on Facebook.

16. You can watch an ongoing Livestream from within the building.

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Protesters occupy parliament over trade pact


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Protesters occupy parliament over trade pact

Posted on March 20, 2014, Thursday

Protesters are seen inside Taiwan’s legislature in Taipei. Hundreds of protesters in Taiwan opposed to a trade pact with China which they fear gives the mainland too much economic influence and access to opportunities have occupied Taiwan’s legislature. The Chinese characters on the banners read “Occupy 51 hours” (right, at picture of Sun Yat-sen) and ‘The President with nine per cent approval ratings threatened the Legislature to approve (the trade pact) in three seconds”. — Reuters photo

TAIPEI: Hundreds of Taiwanese activists were locked in a tense standoff with police yesterday after they stormed the parliament to try to stop the government ratifying a contentious trade agreement with China.

Around 200 protesters — mostly young students — broke through security barriers and took over parliament’s main chamber on Tuesday night, in the first such occupation of the building in the island’s history.

The protesters barricaded the doorways with piles of armchairs, blocking out hundreds of policemen who failed to push their way in early yesterday and end the occupation.

By yesterday afternoon some 2,000 police including riot officers had encircled the parliament, Taipei police chief Wang Cho-chung said, attempting to keep order as hundreds more protesters swarmed into the parliament’s grounds.

Parliament speaker Wang Jin-pyng called for calm after one policeman was hospitalised following the early morning scuffle, while at least ten other officers received treatment for minor injuries.

“We will try to resolve this peacefully,” Wang told reporters.

“We urge the public to be calm and rational and exercise self-restraint so the parliament can resume its normal functions and review the service trade pact.”

Signed in July, the pact is designed to further open trade in services between China and Taiwan, which split 65 years ago after a civil war.

But the protesters say the agreement will damage Taiwan’s economy and leave it vulnerable to political pressure from Beijing.

Inside the chamber the protesters sang and waved placards, while stacking up large supplies of food and water as they vowed to stay put for days. They have accused the ruling Kuomintang party of ‘illegal’ moves to ratify the agreement, and are demanding a clause-by-clause review.

“The trade pact must not be approved without careful deliberation and scrutiny in parliament,” a student leader said.

Banners and placards reading ‘Sell out Taiwan’ and ‘Surrender Pact’ were unfurled outside parliament as more demonstrators gathered, chanting slogans demanding an apology from President Ma Ying-jeou.

“I think Taiwan will be opening too much with the service trade pact and it is not fair for us. I don’t want Taiwan to become the next Hong Kong to fall under the control of China,” said student Shih Yi-chang.

The pact passed the first hurdle in parliament on Monday after it was approved by a committee in spite of opposition from some lawmakers.

The committee’s approval — the first of three ratifications needed to pass the bill — sparked a brawl between rival lawmakers and prompted three legislators from the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DDP) to announce a 70-hour hunger strike.

The China-sceptic DPP has pledged to mobilise supporters when parliament holds a full session on Friday for the second review of the bill.

The pact is one of the follow-up agreements to a sweeping Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement signed in 2010 to reduce trade barriers between China and Taiwan.

Under the latest deal, China will open 80 service sectors to Taiwanese companies, while Taiwan will allow Chinese investment in 64 sectors.

Ma has overseen a marked thaw in relations with China since he came to power in 2008, pledging to strengthen trade and tourism links. China has emerged as the island’s leading trade partner, while dozens of agreements between the two have been signed on everything from transport to earthquake monitoring.

But China still considers Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting reunification — by force if necessary. — AFP

Read more: http://www.theborneopost.com/2014/03/20/protesters-occupy-parliament-over-trade-pact/#ixzz2wcGJGFsU
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關注反服貿 外媒進駐議場報導



關注反服貿 外媒進駐議場報導







挪威記者坦言,服貿協議恐怕會對台灣媒體自由,產生箝制效應,如今學運能否能扭轉情況,外媒正在,密切關注。(民視新聞 綜合報導)

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