於是 我想分享給你的是....
So, the truth is … how much more do I wanna go out and fight
Yes, as dawn drawing into curtain in black, I consider…
Hearing war drum bumping for something is worthwhile than
dying young.
The fate of destiny drives the way of me off track from the
way it used to be,
Yes, love, dear, I love you.
The mother nature it appears before me.
Yes, dear, I missed you dearly
Shakespeare will call upon the afternoon tea.
As breeze approaches, sudden thunder awakes my beautiful
dream ….
A dream of humanity shall continue to be … or,
alternatively, it was told …to be.
No, the perception is not the world to be.
Mozart laughs at me with his naughty amusing smile ~
Come, follow me !! why bothers, the flying kite fits in ~
The wind blows, smells of music and drawing….
Looking into wise eyes, the wiser, Plato of the Scholar
taught me
Training and training
So… when the breeze of Antarctica
reminding me, I will answer Jared Diamond’s quest.
So… when the nightfall of Antarctica
kneeling down before me, I will speak softly to find out how our civilisation
will therefore become.
How it should be? No.
It comes to the … Tax payer’s money !?
鏡花源里 唐小山走了許多地方
走了一圈 我認知了許多 然而.....
理性與感性的掙扎 總是交錯間綻放
人生不留遺憾 擦撞 然後 好好做
這裡是客棧 也是我呆了許久的家
忙了忙 還是會回來分享我的啟發的~
將在聖誕節 與許多濟事奮俗的夥伴們 很慶幸有許多不凡的人
因此 那些安全與救難 就顯得更重要了~~~~~
在冰上 露營呢~~~~~~~~~
世界上的一切 是順心的一年
因為是我在冰雪上 駐紮的 年
十天~ !!! :)