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和平徵文活動開跑喽 / 2011/7/31


關於和平,相信來自不同國家的你我都有各自的期許和想法。生長在不同文化背景的不同種族,膚色不同、語言不同,但共通的是每個人心中都有一個相信的價值,一個心中最純粹的原點,那就是和平。100年4月11日起至7月31日請上活動官網http://taiwanroc100.tw/ rocpeaceday,期待你與世界每個角落的人,用不同語言,不同表達方式,分享追求和平的信念,將和平的普世價值傳遞到下一個一百年。

Join right now; Peace Day Article Competition

Celebrate ROC’s 100th Founding Anniversary !
The history of the Republic of China has been a complex and multi-faceted one. The country has endured hardship and enjoyed glory. Its land has been baptized by war, yet the people have turned their scars into beautiful “Medals of Honor” that they now proudly wear as a reminder of their strength and their endeavor to peace. We are to turn the remnants of war into a symbol of our beliefs by melting down the artillery shells that once scarred our land and forge a “bell of peace”, a bell which will help show that no matter what barriers or obstacles may be presented in its way, the sounds of peace will ring through and true for all of mankind.

Although peace is something that is inherent within us all now matter of cultural background, language or race, we believe there is a wide range of individuality when it comes to expressing this perpetual value shared by mankind. People from different corners of the world undoubtedly have different ways of explaining it. It is our hopes that everyone will join us in sharing their ideas about peace so that we may all let the Sounds of Peace grow into “man’s symphony” which will be played throughout the next century.

The article competition starts from 11th April to 31st July.
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