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Photo: All through Scripture, we see that Jesus went around laying hands on the sick. We see power flow out of Him when a woman just touched the hem of His garments. We are told that believers are to lay hands on the sick. And, I personally have never met anyone who rejected prayer. Even if they aren’t a believer, even if they feel awkward at first or don’t want to say the prayer, they do want to be prayed for.

There’s power in prayer, and there’s power when we lay hands on people. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me.” Can you imagine what He deposited into those children through the power of touch? I guarantee those children were never the same. Those children went away blessed. 

There may be some people in your family that you have grown tired of praying for. Maybe you have someone in your life that always calls for prayer but never takes your advice! We all know those kinds of people. But Jesus never said, “I’m tired of praying for these people.” No, we need to pray for them anyway. We need to reach out. We need to believe for others until they are able to believe for themselves. 

Every day before my children go to school, I’ve always taken time to lay my hands on them and pray for them. You know what’s funny? Now that they are older, they lean into me when I begin to pray. They lean in for that touch. They feel the power and blessing in it. 

Maybe you didn’t raise your children this way. Maybe you’ve never prayed for them before, but you can start today! Right now, you can speak the blessing over them and pray for them. When you see them, you can just hug them and say, “I bless you in the name of Jesus.” Instead of spending all your time correcting your children or the people you love, spend time connecting with them. Don’t look at what’s wrong; pull out what’s right. If you’ll connect with your children and family members, I believe you’ll see them leaning into you more and receiving your touch. Start today. Follow the example of Jesus and lay loving hands on people when you pray and watch what God will do through the power of touch!

“Then children were brought to Him that He might lay His hands on them and pray...” (Matthew 19:13, ESV)
Prayer or meditation is common among several cultures, religions and beliefs. Regardless of your religious background, prayer is known the world over as a way to reach beyond ourselves, allowing us to feel a sense of belonging to something bigger, more powerful, something or someone beyond ourselves. Here are seven reasons why some people pray.

1. Prayer seeks forgiveness.

Why do you pray? Most people pray to ask forgiveness for some wrong they had committed toward another person or for some short coming in their character. Most people are aware enough to know they are not perfect and have made mistakes in their lives. Asking a higher power for forgiveness gives us a peace of mind and allows us to move forward in our lives.

2. Prayer allows comfort.

Once we have asked for forgiveness, we feel better. The problem may still be there, the person we hurt may still be hurting but we feel that, because we have taken the matter to God, we will be better able to ask those we hurt forgiveness.

3. Prayer provides inner peace.

The best way to find peace within our self is to understand who we are and where we are going. Prayer gives us the time to figure these things out. When we are troubled, we naturally search for someone to talk to, someone to help us sort it all out. Who is better than God? He is always there to listen; He is never too busy for whatever problem we have and if we read His word and pay attention to His teachings, we will find the peace within ourselves.

4. Prayer connects us to others.

In times of trouble, we talk to our friends and our friends talk to us. How many times have you hear someone say, "I will pray for you." Saying a prayer for someone who is ill, having a hard time or who has a family member who is not well, is one way we comfort our family and friends. These simple five words shows them we care about them and demonstrates that we want to do whatever we can to help them get through their difficulty times. It connects us without being nosey, being in their way, or adding to their stress.

5. Prayer connects us to God.

Just as when I would write a letter to someone very far away, when I pray to God I know He is there to hear everything I have to say. I may not be able to see Him, but just as I know my friend will be reading my letter, I know God will hear my words. He will understand what I am trying to say and He knows what I need to hear Him say. I may not be able to touch Him with my hands, but just as the post man will deliver my letter to my far away friend, my prayer will be delivered to God and He will received me and hear me whenever I take the time to pray to Him.

6. Prayer declares God as our provider.

Just as our parents are there for us, to provide for our worldly needs such as love and nourishment, God is our provider for all things as well. What better way is there to connect to someone than by talking to them? Prayer is basically a conversation with God. When talking to Him, we know He is our life provider.

7. Prayer allows us to express our love to God.

Praying to express love is one of the best reasons we have to talk to God. When He comforts us, guides us and provides for us, thanking Him with prayer is very important. Just as we tell our parents and our children we love them when we hang up the phone, we should never end a prayer without telling God we love Him. By relating to God as if He were here, just on the other end of the line, we can easily express our love to Him. So before you crawl into bed, close your eyes and say "Amen", do not forget to say "I love you".  


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benefit in prayer or meditation



That science now suggests there is benefit in prayer or meditation whether it is spiritual or not. It can actually shape the brain. http://www.khou.com/news/health/Studies-show-the-physical-effects-of-prayer-259328661.html   

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