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Helen Keller ~ 贏得生命的甜美和意義

Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them
master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

-- Helen Keller (1880-1968) American Writer
Thus I learned from life itself. At the beginning I was only a little mass of possibilities. It was my teacher who unfolded and developed them. When she came, everything about me breathed of love and joy and was full of meaning. She has never since let pass an opportunity to point out the beauty that is in everything, nor has she ceased trying in thought and action and example to make my life sweet and useful.

About Helen Keller: 

Helen Keller Biography (short and easy read)

Helen Keller Statue Unveiled in Capitol ( Sept 7, 2009)

Helen Keller is the first disabled person honored with a statue in the Capitol Rotunda.

Helen Keller is the first disabled person honored with a statue in the Capitol Rotunda.  (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Helen Keller began writing The Story of My Life in 1902, when she was 22 years old and still a student at Radcliffe College, the sister school of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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