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Mental Illness Awareness: adults and children


Mental Health graph 1

[The next edition of the DSMDSM-V, is not scheduled for publication until 2012. More information about the DSM revision process and the current activities in planning for thedevelopment of DSM-V are available on http://www.psych.org/mainmenu/research/dsmiv/dsmivtr.aspx]

Mental Illness Definition

By Mayo Clinic staff

Mental illness is a collective term that refers to all the different types of mental conditions, including those that affect your mood, your thinking and your behavior. To be classified as a mental illness, a condition must cause distress in your life and reduce your ability to function in one or more areas of your life, such as at work, in relationships or in social situations.

More than 200 conditions are classified as mental illnesses, ranging from minor to severe. Common mental illnesses include depression and schizophrenia.

A mental illness is technically considered a disorder rather than a disease because it's classified by descriptions of signs and symptoms that are open to interpretation. In general, what's considered a mental illness comes down to the severity of signs and symptoms, how long they've lasted, and how much they impair your ability to function in your daily life.

Helping Children Understand Mental Illness: A Resource For Parents And Guardians

Mental illness can be frightening -- not only to the person who has it but also to people around them. If you are a child and reliant on the care of an adult who has a mental illness, things can be even more confusing. Children may have a number of questions, such as "Why is my mom or dad this way?" "Will I become this way?" and "Who will take care of me if my mom or dad is sick?"

If a child you care for has a parent with a mental illness, it is important to take time to address their questions and concerns. Helping a child understand their parent's or guardian's illness will make the illness seem less 'frightening' and give the child the tools they need for a more confident, safe and happy life.

Here are some tips that may help when talking to a child about mental illness and answers to some commonly asked questions.

Children Of Parents With Mental Illness
No. 39; Updated December 2008

Click here to download and print a PDF version of this document.

Mental illnesses in parents represent a risk for children in the family. These children have a higher risk for developing mental illnesses than other children. When both parents are mentally ill, the chance is even greater that the child might become mentally ill.

The risk is particularly strong when a parent has one or more of the following: Bipolar Disorder, an anxiety disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia, alcoholism or other drug abuse, or depression. Risk can be inherited from parents, through the genes.

An inconsistent, unpredictable family environment also contributes to psychiatric illness in children. Mental illness of a parent can put stress on the marriage and affect the parenting abilities of the couple, which in turn can harm the child. 

Some protective factors that can decrease the risk to children include: 

  • Knowledge that their parent(s) is ill and that they are not to blame
  • Help and support from family members
  • A stable home environment
  • Psychotherapy for the child and the parent(s)
  • A sense of being loved by the ill parent
  • A naturally stable personality in the child
  • Positive self esteem
  • Inner strength and good coping skills in the child
  • A strong relationship with a healthy adult
  • Friendships, positive peer relationships
  • Interest in and success at school
  • Healthy interests outside the home for the child
  • Help from outside the family to improve the family environment (for example, marital psychotherapy or parenting classes)
Medical, mental health or social service professionals working with mentally ill adults need to inquire about the children and adolescents, especially about their mental health and emotional development. If there are serious concerns or questions about a child, it may be helpful to have an evaluation by a qualified mental health professional.

Individual or family psychiatric treatment can help a child toward healthy development, despite the presence of parental psychiatric illness. The child and adolescent psychiatrist can help the family work with the positive elements in the home and the natural strengths of the child. With treatment, the family can learn ways to lessen the effects of the parent's mental illness on the child. 

Unfortunately, families, professionals, and society often pay most attention to the mentally ill parent, and ignore the children in the family. Providing more attention and support to the children of a psychiatrically ill parent is an important consideration when treating the parent.

For more information see Facts for Families
#24 When to Seek Help for Your Child

#25 Where to Seek Help for Your Child

#52 Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation



According to the Report of the Surgeon General, more than 14 million children and adolescents in the United States, or 1 in 5, have a mental health disorder. Below is information to assist health care clinicians, families, and communities in promoting mental health and addressing children's behavioral and mental health issues.


Slide For Follow-Up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness

More info:


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