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Dr. Leo Buscaglia ~Love: The Ultimate Affirmation


Dr. Leo F. Buscaglia (1924 -1998) http://www.buscaglia.com/about.htm

“It's not enough to have lived. We should be determined to live for something. May I suggest that it be creating joy for others, sharing what we have for the betterment of personkind, bringing hope to the lost and love to the lonely.”

Leo F. Buscaglia

Buscaglia was teaching in the Department of Special Education at the University of Southern California in the late 1960s when one of his students committed suicide. She had been one of the sets of "kind eyeballs" he always looked for in the large auditorium, because her responses showed him that at least one student was hearing what he said, so the news that she killed herself had a great impact on him. ["What are we doing stuffing facts into people and forgetting that they are human beings?"] This incident led him to form a non-credit class titled Love 1A. There were no grades. (How could you potentially fail someone in this class? That wouldn't be very loving!) The class led to lectures and a manuscript loosely based on what was shared in those weekly classes. The book found a publisher - and an author surprised to find that the simple title LOVE had never previously been claimed, allowing him to say "I have the copyright on LOVE!" Buscaglia said he never taught this class, only facilitated it, adding that he learned as much as anyone. Someone from a Public Broadcasting System affiliate heard one of his talks and arranged to tape a later presentation, eventually showing it during a pledge drive. The response was so strong that it was presented to the national office for consideration. There was great resistance, because a professor simply standing at a podium lecturing was considered old-fashioned, something from the old days of "educational television." Still, the message and delivery were so compelling that they gave it a try, and Leo Buscaglia's warm presentations touched viewers' hearts through the cool medium of television nearly as effectively as they did in person. He has been called the "granddaddy of motivational speakers" on television. His simple message delivered in a dynamic style made him a popular guest on television talk shows, as well as on the lecture circuit. At one time five of his books were on The New York Times Best Sellers List simultaneously.

Leo Buscaglia, PhD - the author of books such as Living, Loving and Learning and Born for Love, renowned lecturer, and University of Southern California professor - touched untold numbers with his insights into how we seek happiness and create loving relationships.

Watch Dr.Buscaglia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mX4bd_TDtAA&NR=1

Born for Love
1992, SLACK Incorporated
Hardcover, 298

Born for Love is a collection of thoughts intended to stimulate the student of love toward a better comprehension of the subtle art of loving. This book is structured so that each segment can be taken as an individual thought, without reading the w

Living, Loving and Learning
1982, SLACK Incorporated
Hardcover, 266 pages,
Living Loving and Learning is a delightful collection of Leo Buscaglia's informative and amusing lectures, which were delivered worldwide between 1970 and 1981. Parts of them have appeared in books and magazine articles, but this is the only complete collection.

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Dr. Leo Buscaglia 的Living, loving & learning一書的中文書名
好像是直譯 (生活、愛、學習)。大概在1980年代初由中國時報出版,現居美國北卡的簡苑女士翻釋的。

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