鷹派和鴿派, 各有其必要.
對外的時候, 看實力. 打不贏的時候, 不能用鷹派.
鴿派可以成功, 何必費力派鷹派?
聯網一直喜歡爽城的閱兵系列. 當然: 篇幅多, 跟著爽的人多, 聯網看著點閱數, 更愛這義和團.
殊不知: 奧運開幕式, 已經把布希這個秦武陽, 嚇得屁滾尿流了! 中美消長 早已易位:
這是篇在網路上, 看到前輩應付美國鷹派的文章.
先把抄錄來的原文 給您分享
Panda and Eagle
Was to write this note when I have more time. Now I am stuck at home waiting for a plumer who is not going to make it on time. Well, I might start trying on this special day.
Panda and Eagle are totally differant animals: their food and behavior are so far apart. They co-exist in this world.
What can we learn from this fact?
Here is a short story:
Was getting a battery for my boat. Went into this store where the worker knows me very well. As he explained why they don't have the one I need. I saw these two gentleman looking at me and one even said: "Here you go" while pointing at me.
Now that invitation is loud and clear, I walked over with a smile: what are you gentlemen talking about?
"World war three!"
"Haven't heard about it. How so? And between who?"
"Oh, it is to happen between US and China"
"Sire, I am a Chinese and I do remember our first lady came to USA and asked congress to help China defend itself from Japan. And every Chinese remember it was USA dropped a bumb in Japan and ended the WWII. And we appreciate that history. There is no intension of China ever going to war with a good old friend who helped in need."
The older man said: "Well, now the Rusian is gone, we have no others to fight but China. It is to happen!"
"I beg your pardon. In US history, the war we lost most people is not against anybody else but ourselves: the Civil war. This is what I learned at Arlington. I assure you Chinese is peaceful people and will not want to go to war with anyone."
The younger man smiled and nodded his head. But the older one pushed on "We got to fight someone. China is the only one"
I had to explain: "Chinese is like Panda. It is big. But it is peaceful. It feed on Bamboo. It does not feed on other animal. It grows and it is strong. But it does not like war."
The younger man said: "I understand and I agree with you; however, everything is showing me that we are going down the path of a war between the two big counties. I don't like it. But Neither of us can change it."
The old man insists: "It is to happen."
"I love both countries, and the last thing I want to see is a fight between the two. USA is a powerful eagle. China is a Panda. Eagle might want to attack Panda. Panda has no interest in anything other than bamboo. Eagle can leave scar on panda, but eagle can not kill panda. Panda is big. That's why it does not have predator. But it does not feed on other animal."
The old man impatiently said: " We are the most powerful. We will destroy any challange"
F-22's roar cover our voice, so we have to wait for the plan to fly away.
I continued: "I see all the preparation; however, I don't like it. I will do everything I can to stop it. If it is to happen, I will spend every penny I have and go to Washington to stop the war."
Old man challanged me: "How come you don't go to Bejing?"
"Like I said: the Panda is not to attack the eagle!"
"Well I see too many times friends turned into enamy!"
"Saddly, it was true; however, I have a feeling: This is like Presidant Lincoln invited General Lee at the eve of the Civil war. I assure you again, China has no intension of war. But it is not afraid of war, either. Self defense and aggression is totally differant thing."
The young man tried to calm down: "well, like I said, I am with you about peace, but things are out of our hand"
"Yes, sir. I agree. Like I said, I will do everything I can possibly do to prevent war"
We left thinking.
The F-22 flew over. This time, it was not followed by F-16 chanser. It was actually a green one and a silver one. As they cruise, they were as quiet as they could. But I know they are loud if they want to.
In Chinese, the world force/defense is composed of two worlds: stop weapon.
On this 20 years of June 4th. I pray for the two giant co-exist peacefully like Panda and Eagle in the nature.
This would be my first attempt. I will not stop until the threat is gone.
I seldom pray because I look at it as "beg". But I pray for co-exist and respect each other. This is the real way to peace.
First draft: June 4, 2009

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