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雙生火燄的祝福 : 今年在 2009.11.11 晚上11:11

Wendy 卯瑜 - 美學生活家
文章推薦人 (2)


譯者: 宇宙之愛

2009 年會有一個大轉變前的能量高峰點,我們地球上三維世界的時間點就是2009年11月11日,這個數字學振動表達是11/11/11(年2009=2+9= 11,月11 ,日11),這一數字點總和展示了本體之數字33(11+11+11=33),而這一數字是大師之振動。生命本然之數字33賦予你“重新選擇”的權力。神聖的三位一體(三邊金字塔之形狀)激活我們體內的DNA結構。這個數字賦予我們更多的進化機會,從而能夠連接靈性的最高存有們(導師、天使、基督)。 “這三位一體賦予我們所有重新選擇之神聖機會。我們的身體、心智體、精神體三個層面都會協調一致共同走向靈性的覺醒。這個數字不容我們優柔寡斷,需要我們果敢的來連接靈性智慧,無論結果如何,都了悟我們一切抉擇的聖潔所在.

去年 雙靈 是 12:12 的時刻冥想祝福.  今年是 11:11.  而 2009.11.11 的 11:11更是雙靈一起冥想能量最強的時候.   因為要服務人類, 所以此時雙靈雙方創造的能量會更強. 

延伸閱讀 2009.11.11  11:11 相關資訊:


In the sky above us, Venus and Mars ride the night together.

This is known to be a time for creating or opening paths for new relationships as well as strengthening existing ones.

On 12:12, 2008, Venus and Mars will be in aspectation AND there will also be a Full Moon in Gemini, the sign of the Twins.

This astral event is when the spiritual separation between Twin Flames is at its thinnest.

In addition, the date 12:12 represents a gate of Ascension, through which we can journey to completeness.

We can reach out through the Gate.

Using both the Law of Intention and the Law of Attraction properly

You can reach out across Time and Space

And touch your Twin

Calling on their Blessing

To connect and integrate both halves of your Souls energy into your Life

Remember until it is your time to rejoin,
Your Twin Flame wants you to be happy

On 12:12 2008, Humanity Healing is sponsoring a global meditation to receive the Twin Flame Blessing

For more information, visit:

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