上週因好友生病,健康狀況不佳,遂去探望,因自己本身也在練功與禪定,希望能對其未來身體調養有所助益。去前順便前往琉璃光出版社,買些能提升自體能量的物品送給好友,也看一下出版的書籍,正好看到潘定凱先生翻譯魯道夫.史丹勒的著作:『靈性科學入門』【At the Gates of Spiritual Science】與『超越生死門』【Knowledge of the Higher Worlds and Its Attainment】兩本書。好奇之下,遂將此兩本書都買了。
The German Section of the Theosophical Society grew rapidly under
Steiner's leadership as he lectured throughout much of Europe on his spiritual science.
During this period, Steiner maintained an original approach, replacing Madame Blavatsky's
terminology with his own, and basing his spiritual research and
teachings upon the Western esoteric and philosophical tradition.
and other differences, in particular Steiner's vocal rejection of Bishop C. W. Leadbeater and Dr. Annie Besant's pronouncement that Jiddu Krishnamurti was the vehicle of a new world teacher and the reincarnation of Christ, led to a formal split in 1912/13, when Steiner and the majority of members of the German section of the Theosophical Society broke off to form a new group, the Anthroposophical Society.
Note: Good Reading ==> CW Leadbeater's Occult Chemistry: clairoiyant observations on chemical elements ...