Big news! The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing next week on a proposed constitutional amendment to reverse Citizens United and allow Congress and the states to restore reasonable limits on campaign spending and bar corporations from using their profits to influence elections. And Senator Majority Leader Reid has promised a floor vote by September.
This is a real victory! This amendment bill -- sponsored by Sen. Tom Udall and 40 other senators -- is moving forward because you and millions of other Americans have demanded it. To date, voters or legislators in 16 states and hundreds of localities have passed resolutions instructing Congress to act.
Common Causers have been in the forefront of the citizen movement that has brought us this far. So congratulations! You are having an impact. When people work together, they can be more powerful than the wealthiest special interests.
Don't let up! If you haven’t already, sign our petition today supporting the amendment and please share it widely with your family, co-workers, neighbors, and friends. We will be presenting more than 2 million signatures calling for a constitutional amendment to get big money out of politics at the Senate hearing next Tuesday.