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The White House, Washington

Thank you for writing. Many Americans have questions about the Affordable Care Act and wonder how the law will affect them—especially when there is so much conflicting information going around. I want to take this opportunity to explain more about the law and how everyone stands to benefit from health care reform.

From the very beginning, this law has been about freeing families from the fear that one illness or one injury could cost you everything you dedicated a lifetime to build. Everyone should get the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford.

The Affordable Care Act is fulfilling that promise, and millions of Americans now have affordable, quality insurance as a result—many for the first time. Millions more are benefiting from the law’s provisions, like coverage for pre-existing conditions, the ability of young people to stay on their parents’ plans until age 26, and access to free preventive services. When you buy insurance you are guaranteed that you can’t be discriminated against or dropped from your plan when you get sick, and insurers can’t put lifetime limits on the care you receive. People can rest easier knowing that when they need health coverage the most, they will have it.

That includes those who bought insurance on the old individual market—many of whom ended up with substandard coverage. To make sure they have the flexibility they need, I took action to give them the chance to re‑enroll in their current plans this year if their insurers and their states allow it. The fewer than 5 percent of Americans who buy insurance on their own have new options with better coverage—often at a better price. And everyone who has insurance will get stronger protections.

That is the promise of the Affordable Care Act, and I intend to continue delivering on it. Finishing the job of reforming our broken health care system will not be easy. But it will be worth it. And I will work with anyone on any idea to make this law perform even better.

Thank you, again, for writing. To learn more about the law and how it affects you, visit www.HealthCare.gov or call 1‑800‑318‑2596.


Barack Obama

白屋 ,華盛頓
感謝您的來信。許多美國人對支付得起的醫療法的問題,不知道如何在法律會影響他們 - 尤其是當有這麼多相互矛盾的信息,繞來繞去。我想藉此機會解釋一下法律,以及如何每個人都是從醫療改革中受益。
這包括那些誰買保險的人結束了不合格的覆蓋舊的個別市場,很多。為了確保他們有他們所需要的靈活性,我採取了行動,讓他們有機會在他們目前的計劃,今年重新註冊,如果他們的保險公司及其狀態允許它。在不到5 %的美國人誰對自己購買的保險有更好的覆蓋範圍,通常新的選擇在一個更好的價格。大家誰都有保險將得到更強有力的保護。
謝謝,再次進行寫入。要了解更多有關法律以及它如何影響你,請參訪www.HealthCare.gov 或致電1-800-318-2596 。
真誠的, 奧巴馬
The White House, Washington


On average, full-time working women earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by men.

Worse still? Many women don't even know they're underpaid. And because 51% of women report they are discouraged or forbidden from discussing their wages, they can't take steps that would ensure they're earning fair pay at work.

That's why today, on Equal Pay Day, President Obama is taking action.

See what President Obama is doing to address the gap -- then share the news.

Women deserve fair pay at work. Check out this graphic, and pass it on.



Cecilia Muñoz
Director, Domestic Policy Council
The White House

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