各位僑領, 僑胞:您好
頃接立法委員高金素梅女士國會辦公室傳真來函,代尋旅美國人宋嘯群(男)、宋霦(男)、宋雴(女)、宋曉玲(女)、宋莉莉(女)等5人,渠等為兄妹關係並分別於71年至78年來美,現因處理國內土地所有權之移轉(用於道路開發)事宜,煩請 台端代為協尋,倘尋繫渠等資料,敬請賜電本中心 626-443-9999#115 Michelle Chen,不甚感謝。
敬祝 新年快樂 平安喜樂
洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心 敬上
To: Members overseas Chinese, compatriots
Lawmakers just received a fax letter, Ms. Kao Chin congressional offices, Song Xiao-generation Americans seeking brigade group (male), Song 霦 (male), Song 雴 (female), Song Xiaoling (female), Song Lili (female), five people, drains relationship as siblings and 71 years respectively to 78 years, the United States, is due to the migration of domestic processing of land ownership (for road development), will be grateful to find YOU on behalf of the Association, if the system drains to find information, please call our center 626 thanks -443-9999 # 115 Michelle Chen, not very much.
We pray for peace and joy Happy New Year
Sincerely, Chinese Cultural Center in Los Angeles
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