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NSA divides congress


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The Briefing: Issue XIV
From: David Freddoso

This Week: Should people be paying more attention to Scott Walker?

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Yesterday, the House failed to pass the Amash amendment, which would have cut off funding for the NSA’s program collecting information about all Americans’ phone calls. There was quite a bit of talk about how bipartisan the vote was on both sides, with Democratic and Republican civil libertarians finding common cause on one side, and Democratic and Republican national security hawks on the other.

So here are two maps you can compare:

map2 map

The first is a simple map of the U.S. by Congressional District, with Republican seats in red and Democratic ones in blue. The second map — which is homemade, so I apologize if there are any mistakes — features the same districts, colored instead based on how members voted on the Amash amendement — white is “aye,” black is “no,” and pink is “no vote.”

The results in some of the states are kind of striking. In Wisconsin, just two members voted against — Republican Paul Ryan and Democrat Ron Kind. Colorado’s entire bipartisan delegation supported it (it was cosponsored by their Democratic colleague, Jared Polis). In Tennessee, all members voted to limit NSA spying except one — Democrat Jim Cooper. In neighboring Alabama, whose congressional delegation is also dominated by Republicans, the only Democrat voted no along with all Republicans but one.

Another thing that should impress you if you know a bit about members of Congress is how there aren’t too many common threads. The issue split each party down the middle, split members of the Black and Hispanic caucuses, and pitted both conservatives and liberals against one another. The vote is also likely to spur more conversations during primaries in the 2014 election cycle. For example, in Georgia, Reps. Phil Gingrey, Paul Broun and Jack Kingston are all running for Senate next year. Gingrey voted against the amendment, whereas Kingston and Broun voted for it.

昨天,眾議院未能通過Amash修訂,這將切斷資金NSA的計劃,所有美國人的電話收集信息。有相當多的談論兩黨得票率為兩側,與民主黨和共和黨找到共同的事業在一邊,公民自由和民主,共和兩黨對其他國家安全鷹派。 首先是美國國會區,一張簡單的地圖與共和黨席位中的紅色和民主黨的藍色。第二地圖 - 這是自製的,所以我很抱歉,如果有任何錯誤 - 功能相同的地區,彩色的,而不是基於成員如何投票的的Amash憲法修 - 白了就是“贊成的,”黑“不”,而紅色是“無投票權。“

在某些狀態的結果是一種打擊。在威斯康星州,只有兩名成員投了反對票 - ​​共和黨人保羅·瑞安和民主黨羅恩類。整個科羅拉多州的兩黨代表團支持(他們的民主黨同事,賈里德城邦共同主辦)。在田納西州,所有成員投票限制NSA除了一個 - 民主黨吉姆庫珀間諜。在鄰近的阿拉巴馬州,其也由共和黨主導的國會代表團,唯一的民主黨投了反對票連同所有共和黨人,但一個。

另一件事,應該打動你,如果你知道一點關於國會議員是如何不會有太多共同的線索。問題攔腰分割每一方,分裂的黑人和西班牙裔黨團會議的成員,保守派和自由派都對彼此進站。投票也是在2014年的選舉週期初選期間,可能會刺激更多的交談。例如,在佐治亞州眾議員菲爾Gingrey,保羅Broun和傑克·金斯頓所有正在運行的參議院明年。 Gingrey對議案投反對票,而金士頓和Broun投票。

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