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誰是日本人 美國政府的“理由”為什麼那裡的“戰爭拆遷中心”。

Who The Japanese Are The U.S. Governments "Reasons" why there where "War Relocation Centers."

Soon Jap will be back to conquer USA.

Defense of Japan (Annual White Paper

日本《防衛白皮書》製造緊張 動向危險

United States Executive Order 9066 was a United States presidential executive order signed and issued during World War II by the United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, authorizing the Secretary of War to prescribe certain areas as military zones. Eventually, EO 9066 cleared the way for the deportation of Japanese Americans to internment camps.

The Order

The order authorized the Secretary of War and U.S. armed forces commanders to declare areas of the United States as military areas "from which any or all persons may be excluded," although it did not name any nationality or ethnic group. It was eventually applied to one-third of the land area of the U.S. (mostly in the West) and was used against those with "Foreign Enemy Ancestry" — Japanese, and Korean, who were considered to have Japanese nationality (since Korea had been under Japanese rule since 1910).

The order led to the internment of the Japanese Americans, (often known as AJAs, Americans of Japanese Ancestry); some 120,000 ethnic Japanese people were held in internment camps for the duration of the war. Of the Japanese interned, 62% were Nisei (American-born children of immigrants from Japan, who were natural born American citizens) or Sansei (children of Nisei, also American citizens) and the rest were Issei (Japanese immigrants, resident aliens).

Japanese Americans were by far the most widely affected group, as all persons with Japanese ancestry were removed from the West Coast and southern Arizona. In Hawaii, where there were 140,000 Americans of Japanese Ancestry (constituting 37% of the population), only selected individuals of heightened perceived risk were interned.

Americans of Italian and German ancestry were also targeted by these restrictions, including internment. 11,000 people of German ancestry were interned, as were 3,000 people of Italian ancestry, along with some Jewish refugees. The Jewish refugees who were interned came from Germany, and the U.S. government didn't differentiate between ethnic Jews and ethnic Germans (Jewish was defined as religious practice). Some of the internees of European descent were interned only briefly, and others were held for several years beyond the end of the war. Like the Japanese internees, these smaller groups had American-born citizens in their numbers, especially among the children. A few members of ethnicities of other Axis countries were interned, but exact numbers are unknown.

Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson was responsible for assisting relocated people with transport, food, shelter, and other accommodations.

Post-World War II

Executive Order 9066 was rescinded by Gerald Ford on February 19, 1976. In 1980, Jimmy Carter signed legislation to create the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (CWRIC). The CWRIC was appointed to conduct an official governmental study of Executive Order 9066, related wartime orders, and their impact on Japanese Americans in the West and Alaska Natives in the Pribilof Islands.

In December 1982, the CWRIC issued its findings in Personal Justice Denied, concluding that the incarceration of Japanese Americans had not been justified by military necessity. The report determined that the decision to incarcerate was based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership." The Commission recommended legislative remedies consisting of an official Government apology and redress payments of $20,000 to each of the survivors; a public education fund was set up to help ensure that this would not happen again (Public Law 100-383).

On August 10, 1988, the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, based on the CWRIC recommendations, was signed into law by Ronald Reagan. On November 21, 1989, George H. W. Bush signed an appropriation bill authorizing payments to be paid out between 1990 and 1998. In 1990, surviving internees began to receive individual redress payments and a letter of apology. This bill only applied to the Japanese

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美國行政命令9066是一個美國總統簽署的行政命令,在第二次世界大戰期間發行1942年2月19日由美國總統富蘭克林·D·羅斯福,授權戰爭部長規定某些地區為軍事區。最終,EO 9066驅逐日裔美國人拘留營掃清了道路。
該命令授權秘書長戰爭和美國陸海空三軍司令宣布美國地區的任何或所有的人可能會被排除軍事區“,”雖然它沒有任何國籍或族裔群體命名。最終應用到三分之一的美國的土地面積(大多是在西方),被用來對付那些“外敵祖先” - 日本和韓國,誰被認為是擁有日本國籍(韓國一直以來日本統治下,自1910年以來)。
意大利和德國血統的美國人,也有針對性的限制,包括拘禁。 11000人被拘留的德國血統,分別為3000人的意大利血統,以及一些猶太難民。誰被拘留的猶太難民來自德國,美國政府沒有區分民族的猶太人和日耳曼民族(被定義為猶太宗教實踐)。一些歐洲血統的拘禁被拘留只是簡單地說,和其他人超越戰爭結束幾年舉行。日本拘禁一樣,這些規模較小的群體有他們的人數在美國出生的公民,尤其是兒童。軸其他國家民族的少數成員被拘留,但確切數目不詳。
行政命令9066杰拉爾德·福特1976年2月19日撤銷了。 1980年,吉米·卡特簽署戰時搬遷和拘禁的的平民(CWRIC)的立法委員會。被任命為日裔美國人進行一個正式的政府行政命令研究9066,有關戰時的訂單,和其對在西部和阿拉斯加原住民在Pribilof群島CWRIC。
1988年8月10日,1988年民權法,基礎上了CWRIC建議,裡根簽署成為法律。 1989年11月21日,喬治·H·W·布什簽署了一項撥款法案,授權1990年和1998年之間支付的款項。在1990年,倖存的拘禁開始接受個人申訴付款和道歉信。該法案只適用於日本人
原創文章可在http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executiv ...

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