小蟲:『In the vacation I can thrift more paper, oil, pen and eraser that you know I won't wrote anything … so I also can let no eat my breakfast cuz' I got up almost noon…』
英教一臉疑惑走到小蟲身邊,重念了簿本上所抄的習題 英教:『Describe a vacation that would thrift you?』
好心同學:『hooo hoo, that was great no!? Thrift something let you thrill on vacation.』 有些人吃吃的笑了起來… 當小蟲會意過來的時候,就太遲了。 因好心的同學以讓其它人知道這令人shame的事了 真夠好心丫,之前還對他笑笑點頭
英教咳了一聲:『You wrote wrong!!! It was - Describe a vacation that would thrill you. No thrift! Be careful more when you writing anything oky? And takes this lessen for me next class don’t forget it』
小蟲羞的直點頭…原來是要寫『在假期間使你興奮的事』 後來想想難怪在寫作時總覺得文挺好笑的,出這種題目…呵呵抄錯了! ft 和 ll 差別在於都一橫