VERSER COMPOSED IN SEVEN PACES By Cao Zhi A kettle had beans inside, And stalks of the beans made the fire; When the beans to the brother-stalks cried, “We sprang from one root ,why such ire ?”
All Souls’ Day 是十一月二日“西方万灵节”。为亡灵祈祷超度之节日。与上坟扫墓的清明节相比,西方宗教情调太浓,时令亦异,但为纪念死者一点相似,因而借用。具有强烈民族风俗特点的时令节日名称,是翻译的难题之一,清明也有译为 Clear and Bright , 或 Pure Brightness , 或 the Qingming festival 的,各有所到,都难周切。
In front the Xisaishan the herons fly in white Where peach trees blossom and water flows and mandarin fish grow fat . With his rainhat bamboo-green And his cap the green of grass What need to turn about though wind and drizzle drive across ?
The deep hall is silent , The little countryard is deserted . Of and on go the taps on the cold slabs ; Of and on goes the wind . Unbearable is the night's length and a man's wakefulness , As a few sounds in the moonight pierce the screened casements.
Last year at the Lantern Festivai The flower market lights were bright as day ; When the moon mounted to the tops of the villows , Two lovers kept their tryst after the yollow dusk .
This year Lantern Festivai The moon and the lights are same as then , Only I see not my lover of yesteryear , And tears drench the sleeves of my spring gown .
Last night the rain was light , the wind fierce, And deep sleep did not dispel the effects of wine. When we ask the maid rolling up the curtains, She answers,”The crab-apple blossoms look the same .” I cry , “Can.'t you see ? Can 't you see ? The green leaves are fresh but the red flowers are fading .”