L i d o l a 一杯飲料 如朕親臨 手長 ★
以後的英文句子 都固定PO在這篇嘍
●我的班上有40位學生(consist of)
My class consists of forty students.
The police are looking for the witness to the robbery.
poo555po 等級: 留言|加入好友
如朕親臨 素子迷】Coz I'm A Martyr
Those two sentences are right.
That's okay.xDDD
Never mind有種不耐煩的意思?
素子迷】Coz I'm A Martyr 等級:8 留言|加入好友
bruce555 等級: 留言|加入好友
You're welcome.
If the sentences I type has mistakes too. Please tell me.
一杯飲料 如朕親臨 手長
Don't mind!
We thank you!
Let's talk in English!
If my sentences has any mistakes,please tell me.
一杯飲料 如朕親臨
That my fault. I'm wrong again.
如朕親臨 等級:8 留言|加入好友
一杯飲料 手長
I think I shound keep the tradition
that answer those answers in English.
= =;
麥老師 您辛苦了
arable 等級: 留言|加入好友
(阿勒 我翻的不好 我也看不懂q____q
How do you study English?
Any steps or useful ways.
>>>你如何讀英文? 任何步驟或有用的方法。
我覺得steps 如果改tips會比較好之類的XD
What is "teach 麥" ??
t e a c h e r
如朕親臨 手長
What are you talking about,Small Lin?xDD
I think those two sentences are strange.
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