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Dear humans,

    It is winter now, but do you feel it is much hotter than before? Do you know the sea level rises each year? Do you hear the news that we are going to become extinct? Do you know all of these?

    I live in the North Pole, and my house is built with snow. All of my friends and my families are the same as me. But one day, we find that our houses melting into water little by little. We like to live in cold and we will have a winter sleep in the coldest time. But, the weather now is warm enough for us to sleep in the chill time. And we usually catch the food from the sea. But now, we don’t have the ground to stand to get our food. If we don’t have food to eat and a place to live, we will be going to die. So, we hope you humans just stop hurting us.

     The waste gas you produce makes the world’s temperature rise, and it also cause more places become more dry. To solve these problems, I have some suggestions for you as follows: First, you can save energy by turning off the lights when you don’t need them. Second, you can reduce the waste gas by taking more public transportation instead of driving your own cars. Third, you can reduce the use of air conditions. There is only one earth. We have to protect it






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Dear humans,

    It is winter now, but do you feel it is much hotter than before? Do you know the sea level rises each year? Do you hear the news that we are going to become extinct? Do you know all of these?

    I live in the North Pole, and my house is built with snow. All of my friends and my family are the same as me. But one day, we find that our houses melting into water little by little. We like to live in cold places and we will have a winter sleep in the coldest time. But, the weather now is warm enough for us not to sleep in the chill time. And we usually catch the food from the sea. But now, we don’t have the ground to stand to get our food. If we don’t have food to eat and a place to live in, we will be going to die. So, we hope you humans just stop hurting us.

     The waste gas you produce makes the world’s temperature rise, and it also causes more places become drier. To solve these problems, I have some suggestions for you as follows: First, you can save energy by turning off the lights when you don’t need them. Second, you can reduce the waste gas by taking more public transportation instead of driving your own cars. Third, you can reduce the use of air conditions. There is only one earth. We have to protect it






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