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Henry Jackson

     Here is a short explanation of who I am, why I wrote this book, and what this book is for. I am an ordinary layman of an ordinary Christian church. I attend Sunday worship regularly and fulfill the usual duties like tithing, attending the required services, etc. Outside the church, I read the Bible, pray, listen to Christian music, read Christian books, and participate in fellowship activities in order to strengthen my faith. In addition, I like to argue with nonbelievers. When I meet people who have challenging questions about Christianity or theology, I can’t help doing my best to find answers to respond to them. I believe Christianity is true, thus I also believe that if I strive to think, there are always good answers for those tough questions.
     During my discussions with friends of both nonbelievers and believers, I have found many valuable arguments that are worth writing down. Some of which are my ideas, formed only after being baffled by some very difficult questions of nonbelievers for days or weeks; some are my inspirations, after years of confusion about Christianity and other religions; and some are the essence of the thoughts of great Christian teachers. Accordingly, it is my belief that if these ideas are written down and organized as a book, they can and will be a solid reference to persuade people to accept Christianity. This book may also save time and energy that is otherwise spent engaged in religious arguments. I felt compelled to finish this project, and this book is the result. It is my hope that people will consider it both interesting and helpful.
     Throughout this book, I assume that you, the reader, are a person who does not believe in any religion. You know plenty about modern scientific concepts such as the evolution theory in biology, or the big bang theory in cosmology. You feel uncomfortable when someone invites you to go to church. You sometimes argue with your friends about their beliefs and feel that they are uninformed and a little bit stupid. This book is a collection of what I have come up with so far for arguing with people like you.
     Because of my educational background, I open with a chapter entitled, “What Science is”.




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