腐蝕和振動磨損是“海妖”直升機的維修重點,而“海妖”直升機的高腐蝕性和高鹽度的使用環境更是加劇了其磨損速度。新西蘭皇家海軍的目標是可以在其Anzac級護衛艦上部署三架SH-2G直升機,加上一架用於訓練和飛行員認證的直升機,其需要四架可投入使用的直升機。在5月,新西蘭海軍對從離岸巡邏艦上起飛的SH-2G直升機進行了飛行追蹤。SH-2G直升機2001年開始在新西蘭服役。埃及海軍和波蘭海軍也裝備了該型直升機,其裝備數量分別為10架和3架。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 黃宇新)
New Zealand in negotiations for new Seasprite helicopters
PrintBy: Greg Waldron Singapore 04:37 22 Jun 2012 Source:
New Zealand is in discussions with US helicopter maker Kaman for 11 SH-2G (I) Super Seasprite helicopters, which would likely replace the navy's SH-2Gs.
Kaman has received approval from the US Department of State for the discussions, it said in a statement. The package would include a full motion flight simulator, spares and other services related to the deal.
"New Zealand officials have been working over the past year to determine the most effective way of meeting their future maritime helicopter requirements and the cabinet has recently directed defence officials to engage in further discussions with Kaman," said Kaman.
It added that the discussions are confidential and that the New Zealand government has yet to make a decision.
The company added that the SH-2G (I) type would offer lower operating costs.
In August 2011, a New Zealand defence ministry report said that the nation's five SH-2G helicopters were missing flight hour targets owing to maintenance issues. During the 2009/10 fiscal year the type achieved 882 flying hours compared with 1,240h to 1,370h targeted.
"That target was itself reassessed during the year to 904h, in reflection of the difficulty being experienced in keeping enough helicopters available," the report said.
"Corrosion and vibration damage are the main maintenance issues on the Seasprite. Regular operation of the Seasprite in a corrosive, salt-laden environment exacerbates maintenance issues."
The Royal New Zealand Navy aims to have three SH-2Gs deployed on its Anzac-class frigates at any one time. This requires four operational aircraft, with the fourth required for training and certification.
In May, the navy conducted flight trails of the SH-2G from one of its offshore patrol vessels, which are considerably smaller than the Anzac frigates.
The SH-2G entered service in New Zealand in 2001. The Egyptian air force and Polish navy are the only other operators of the type, with Flightglobal's HeliCAS database recording them as having active fleets of 10 and three, respectively.