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    美國陸軍武裝偵察直升機項目負責人Robert Grigsby上校透露,該型號直升機已經進行了數周的結構測試,但其上沒有安裝航電設備。

    陸軍的“基奧瓦”項目負責人Matt Hannah上校透露說,新型的“基奧瓦”直升機比以往的OH-58直升機減重73千克(160磅),從而提升了直升機的飛行性能。但是,現代化改型的OH-58直升機在35℃時的無地效懸停高度無法達到使用方需求的6000英尺(1830米)高度。


   當前陸軍已經製造了兩架OH-58F和一架結構試驗樣機。第一架生產型也正在阿拉巴馬州生產,並將把該生產線在今年秋季轉移至德克薩斯州的Corpus Christi。之後陸軍將開始製造三架生產樣機以檢驗生產能力。2014年11月將開始有限的用戶試用,預計在2015年3月達到“里程碑C”決定,並開始小批量試生產。預計在2016年底交付部隊使用。



    此外,儘管OH-58F 60%的部件是新的,另外40%的部件是40多年前的產物。Hannah透露駕駛艙和感測器升級項目並不是延長服役期項目,因為之前服役的OH-58直升機上沒有這些新設備。(中國航空工業發展研究中心   黃宇新)

US Army OH-58F makes first flight
PrintBy:   Dave Majumdar Washington DC 01:33 30 Apr 2013  Source:  
The US Army's OH-58F Kiowa Warrior made its first flight on 26 April at the Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. The helicopter, which was designed and built by the army itself, will make a formal debut on 30 April.

"What you're going to see is the ceremonial first flight of this aircraft," says Col Robert Grigsby, the army's project manager for armed scout helicopters. "The aircraft actually flew on Friday for the first time."

Grigsby notes that a "structural test" airframe has already been flying for a few weeks, but that it does not have the avionics found on the F-model aircraft.

Lt Col Matt Hannah, the army's product manager for the Kiowa Warrior, says that the new variant reduces the weight of the Bell OH-58 by 73kg (160lb), which improves the aircraft's performance. But the modernised F-model does not meet the service's requirement to hover out of ground effect at 6,000ft (1,830m) pressure altitude at temperatures of 35˚C (95˚F).

While the upgrade does not rectify the Kiowa's shortcomings in the hot and high environment, it does substantially improve the helicopter's cockpit and sensors. The OH-58F adds a new nose-mounted Raytheon AAS-53 electro-optical/infrared camera, improved cockpit control hardware and software for enhanced situational awareness, Hannah says. It also adds three full-colour multifunction displays, digital inter-cockpit communications, aircraft survivability equipment upgrades and a redesigned aircraft wiring harness.

In the future, the aircraft is expected to receive dual-redundant digital engine controls and digital capability for the Lockheed Martin AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-surface missile, Hannah says.

Right now, the army has completed two true OH-58Fs and one structural test vehicle, Hannah says. The service's prototype integration facility is building the first production representative aircraft in Alabama, and production will transition to Corpus Christi, Texas, "in the fall", he says.

When that happens, the army depot at Corpus Christi will build three production representative aircraft to qualify the facility to produce the upgraded machines. Limited user trials will start in November 2014, while a "Milestone C" decision to start low-rate initial production (LRIP) is expected in March 2015, Hannah says. The first operational unit should be equipped with the new variant by late 2016.

Total production is expected to consist of 368 aircraft. LRIP 1 will include 27 aircraft, while Lot 2 is expected to consist of 32. Full-rate production should start in 2017, with the activity to run though 2025.

While the army originally intended for the OH-58F to leave service around 2025, the US Department of Defense's current budgetary situation may require the Kiowa to remain in the inventory into the mid-2030s, Grigsby says. If that is to happen, there will need to be additional structural upgrades to the aircraft.

While 60% of the OH-58F is new, 40% of the aircraft consists of original components dating back more than 40 years, Hannah says. "The CASUP [cockpit and sensor upgrade] programme is not a service life extension programme, and does not zero time the aircraft," he notes.

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    據波音公司透露,該機於3月15日在波音公司位於費城的Ridley Township廠區首飛,首飛時間比進度計畫有所超前。此次首飛對Mk6“支奴幹”直升機的初始適航性進行了驗證。

    Capt David Childs是波音公司英國防務裝備和支援組織的“支奴幹”小組負責人,他表示在達成合同不到20個月內就實現首架機首飛是巨大的成就。



    英國皇家空軍總共訂購了14架該重型直升機。(中國航空工業發展研究中心   黃宇新)

PICTURES: Newest RAF Chinook makes maiden sortie
PrintBy:   Dominic Perry London 04:30 15 Apr 2013  Source:  
Boeing has released images of the first flight of the newest CH-47 Chinook helicopter destined for the UK Royal Air Force.

The 15 March sortie at the company's Ridley Township, Philadelphia facility took place ahead of schedule, says Boeing, and confirmed the initial airworthiness for the Mk6 Chinook.

"This is a truly impressive achievement for both Boeing and the project team," says Capt David Childs, Chinook team leader for the UK's Defence Equipment & Support organisation. "To see the first aircraft fly less than 20 months after contract signature is a source of great pride for all those involved in this key project."

The Mk6 Chinook features advanced technology including UK-specific avionics and a forward-looking infrared system.

It will undergo testing in Mesa, Arizona before delivery to the UK later this year.

The RAF has 14 of the heavy-lift helicopters on order.

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據悉以色列擁有4架“海王”48型直升機,都於1976年開始服役。(中國航空工業發展研究中心   黃宇新)

PICTURE: Belgian maritime NH90 makes first flight
PrintBy:   Craig Hoyle London 01:25 9 Apr 2013  Source:  
NH Industries' (NHI) first naval-variant NH90 to have been produced for Belgium made a 45min flight debut from Eurocopter's Donauwörth production site in Germany on 5 April, launching a test programme for the nation's Westland Sea King replacement.

"The crew successfully tested the basic systems of this new generation aircraft," NHI says. "During the next few weeks, this first Belgian NH90 NFH will perform several other test flights in order to check the aircraft behaviour and its mission system, with industry and customer crews."

Belgium will introduce four NH90s as replacements for its maritime Sea Kings, with the Step B standard aircraft to be in a similar configuration to the NFH aircraft acquired by the Netherlands. Brussels is acquiring another four NH90s in the tactical transport helicopter variant, with the first of these having been delivered to the Belgian Air Component on 21 December 2012.

Flightglobal's Ascend Online Fleets database records Belgium as operating four Sea King 48s, all of which were first flown in 1976.

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迄今為止,這型配裝兩台通用電氣CT7發動機的超中型直升機已經獲得了70架意向訂單。(中國航空工業發展研究中心   褚世永)

First UK SAR AW189s to be delivered next year
PrintBy:   Dominic Perry  03:20 27 Mar 2013  Source:  
AgustaWestland will deliver the first of 11 search and rescue-configured AW189s in the first half of 2014 to Bristow Helicopters to operate under the UK's newly awarded Long SAR contract.

The rotorcraft will all be designed and produced at the airframer's Yeovil, UK site as it adds a SAR helicopter manufacturing capability to its existing UK and international military programmes.

Including training and sustainment, the deal is worth £235 million ($355 million) to AgustaWestland, but the real value for the business is in securing its UK industrial footprint.

Graham Cole, chairman of AgustaWestland in the UK, believes it can secure sales of around 200 SAR helicopters to the global market over the lifetime of the programme, a figure he describes as a "conservative estimate".

Cole says discussions on future sales are already under way. "There are a number of very interested parties and this decision by the UK makes them even more interested," he says. "We hope that between now and when we start to deliver the helicopters we will have moved that forward quite considerably."

Certification of the baseline AW189 is due in the second half of 2013, with approval for the SAR variant following in early 2014.

Although Cole acknowledges that its arguments about preserving the UK's manufacturing capability will have held some sway with operators, he believes they are more driven by price. "They would have argued a way to choose another aircraft if they felt it was better," he says.

"The UK dimension was a factor, but these are definitely commercial people and were looking at the bottom line."

AgustaWestland has based one AW189 test aircraft at Yeovil, a first for the site. So far the General Electric CT7-powered super-medium twin has secured 70 commitments from operators.

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    雖然新加坡的S-70B部署在6艘“可畏”級護衛艦上,但飛行和維護仍由空軍人員操作。(中國航空工業發展研究中心   褚世永)

Singapore orders two additional S-70B helicopters
PrintBy:   Greg Waldron Singapore 06:38 20 Feb 2013  Source:  
Singapore has signed a contract for two additional Sikorsky S-70B seaborne helicopters, with the rotocraft due for delivery in 2016.

The new aircraft will have a "different weapons kit" to the Republic of Singapore Navy's existing fleet of six S-70Bs, says an industry source, who declines to provide exact details about how they will be equipped.

Singapore's existing S-70Bs, which were inaugurated into service in January 2011, are optimised for anti-submarine warfare duties, with an L-3 long-range active sonar and torpedoes.

According to Sikorsky's website, the S-70B can be configured for several other missions, including anti-surface warfare (ASuW), search and rescue, medical evacuation and vertical replenishment.

In the ASuW role, the type can be armed with up to eight Lockheed Martin AGM-114 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles, as well as machine guns and cannons.

Although Singapore's S-70Bs operate from the nation's six Formidable-class frigates, they are flown and maintained by air force personnel.

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    防務裝備技術支持委員會大臣Philip Dunne透露,“灰背隼”直升機壽命支持項目目前正處於評估階段,當前主要考慮對該型直升機的兩栖作戰能力進行升級,包括將升級直升機的數量和升級工作的內容等。



    為了與海軍部分升級的“灰背隼”HM2多功能直升機整合,新一代空中預警系統將替代當前在役的“海王”預警機。英國國家審計委員會最近曾警告由於海軍預警直升機在2016年退役,可能會出現一個大約為期四年的預警直升機空白。(中國航空工業發展研究中心   黃宇新)

UK yet to decide on Merlin HC3 upgrade details
PrintBy:   Craig Hoyle London 01:52 21 Jan 2013  Source:  
The UK Ministry of Defence has yet to decide how many of the Royal Air Force's AgustaWestland Merlin HC3/3A transports will be upgraded for use by the Royal Navy's Commando Helicopter Force.

"The Merlin life sustainment programme is currently in its assessment phase," says minister for defence equipment, support and technology Philip Dunne. "This is considering options to enhance the Merlin Mk3/3A aircraft's ability to support amphibious operations, including the number of platforms to be upgraded and the nature of the upgrade."

Currently flown by the RAF, but to be transferred to the RN in 2014-15 due to a pending increase in the size of the former's Boeing CH-47 Chinook fleet, the upgraded Merlins will replace the navy's remaining Westland Sea King HC4/4+ aircraft, which are due to leave use during 2016. The air force has a current active inventory of 27 Merlins, with the type (HC3 variant pictured below) flown by its 28 and 78 squadrons.

Meanwhile, Dunne confirms that the MoD has a "broad planning assumption" for the RN's Crowsnest project to field a new airborne surveillance and control (ASaC) helicopter fleet to be available as part of its new carrier strike capability during 2020. However, he notes: "Crowsnest has not yet passed its main investment decision point, and it would therefore be inappropriate to comment on its specific in-service date."

To be integrated with some of the navy's upgraded Merlin HM2 multimission helicopters, the next-generation airborne early warning and surveillance system will replace the service's Sea King 7 ASaC aircraft. The UK National Audit Office recently warned of a potential four-year capability gap following the latter fleet's planned retirement during 2016.

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目前英國皇家海軍航空兵共擁有13架“海王”Mk7 ASaC直升機,為其提供早期預警能力,這批直升機使用的是泰萊斯公司的“搜水”雷達系統。





改型後的HM2應於2014年6月開始服役,並將使用到2029年。(中國航空工業發展研究中心   李昊)

Royal Navy to face surveillance, transport helicopter shortages
PrintBy:   Craig Hoyle London 02:50 11 Jan 2013  Source:  
The UK Royal Navy will encounter a potential four-year gap in its ability to deliver organic airborne surveillance and control (ASaC) services late this decade, following the retirement in 2016 of its last Westland Sea King helicopters, the government's National Audit Office (NAO) has warned.

Thirteen Sea King 7 ASaC aircraft are operated by the RN's Fleet Air Arm, with the type having provided airborne early warning cover from surface ships and also currently flying overland surveillance missions in support of operations in Afghanistan. Nicknamed "Baggers", the helicopters carry a Thales Searchwater radar.

The Ministry of Defence's "Crowsnest" effort to buy a replacement capability should enter its assessment phase this year, with current plans calling for some of the RN's upgraded AgustaWestland Merlin HM2 multimission helicopters to be adapted to carry an ASaC equipment fit. Options are believed to include integrating systems currently flown aboard the Sea King, or ordering a new mission system from Lockheed Martin, including active electronically scanned arrays being developed by Northrop Grumman using technology also found on Lockheed's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

In its annual Major Projects Report, published on 10 January, the NAO says the RN also faces the prospect of a two-year gap in its commando helicopter force capability, between the retirement of its Sea King HC4/4+ transports (one picture above) and the full availability of an upgraded fleet of Merlin HC3/3As, which are due to be transferred from Royal Air Force ownership in 2014-15.

"The department is examining alternative means of closing these capability gaps," the government's spending watchdog says. A replacement ASaC system would be available in time to coincide with the operational availability of the RN's first of a possible two 65,000t Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers, according to its four-year estimate.

Meanwhile, the report also reveals that the Merlin HM2 upgrade programme encountered a four-month schedule slip during its 2011-12 study period. This was due to a suspension of about three months of non-operational flight activities involving the type from November 2011, plus new certification demands imposed by the UK Military Aviation Authority, it says.

The modified HM2 should now achieve in-service status in June 2014, and is expected to remain in operational use until 2029.

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中央社-2013年01月16日 下午12:28

 (中央社記者姜遠珍首爾16日專電)南韓國防部防衛事業廳昨天決定,選擇英國和義大利合作生產的「山貓」(Lynx Wildcat,AW-159)作為配置到海軍艦艇上的多功能海上作戰直升機。





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    按照“過渡SAR”合同,在6月30日前,CHC公司將繼續在Lee-on-Solent、Portland、Sumburgh和Stornoway地區進行SAR服務。而從7月開始,CHC公司將保留其在Lee-on-Solent和Portland的運營,而Bristow公司將接手Sumburgh和Stornoway地區的運營。(中國航空工業發展研究中心   褚世永)

UK SAR contest down to two bidders
PrintBy:   Dominic Perry London 03:34 10 Jan 2013  Source:  
A long-running procurement programme for the UK's helicopter search and rescue (SAR) requirement has been whittled down to two bidders after a third competitor was required to exit the contest.

The UK Department for Transport, which is managing the process, confirms that Canadian operator CHC Helicopter is no longer part of the tender process, leaving Aberdeen-based Bond Helicopters and US firm Bristow Group as the bidders.

DfT declined to confirm the reasons for CHC's exit, but it is understood that the department's tender guidelines bar a company from taking its offer forward if it comes in 20% higher than one of the other contenders.

A letter issued to UK employees by Peter Bartolotta, CHC's chief operating officer, confirms the financial discrepancy. It reads: "The UK Department for Transport advised us that another bidder tendered at more than 20 percent below the price we submitted.

"We don't have insight to the financial or other motivations of competitors. But we know that the economics at a price 20 percent lower than our interim bid simply aren't right for CHC," it says.

Final submissions for the contract, which will see Royal Navy and Royal Air Force units equipped with Westland Sea Kings replaced from 2017, are due later this month, with a decision expected "in the spring" according to the DfT.

The bidders are staying silent on the aircraft they have proposed for the contract, but Flightglobal understands AgustaWestland's in-development AW189 has been put forward by at least one company.

CHC, meanwhile, will continue to operate SAR services from Lee-on-Solent, Portland, Sumburgh and Stornoway until 30 June under the so-called "interim SAR" contract. From July it will retain operations at Lee-on-Solent and Portland under "gap SAR" through to 2017, with Bristow taking over Sumburgh and Stornoway.

Additional reporting by James Ferguson, Aberdeen

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NH工業集團稱至今已向14個國家交付了總共133架NH90直升機。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  褚世永)

PICTURE: Belgium accepts first NH90 transport helicopter
PrintBy:   Craig Hoyle London 02:55 3 Jan 2013  Source:  
Belgium has accepted its first of eight NH90 helicopters from NH Industries (NHI) partner company Eurocopter.

One of four aircraft to be produced for the Belgian Air Component in the tactical transport helicopter configuration, and first flown on 18 September, the rotorcraft was delivered at Eurocopter's Marignane site near Marseille on 21 December. Manufactured in the NH90's final operational configuration standard (below), the asset will enter use soon, with the first Belgian pilots and technicians having begun training on the type in July 2012.

Belgium's other four NH90s will be produced in the NATO frigate helicopter (NFH) variant. Two will be embarked aboard naval vessels, while the remainder will replace Westland Sea Kings in providing search and rescue services.

Meanwhile, Eurocopter has also handed over the French navy's first NFH-variant NH90 to have completed in a "Step B" version. An enhancement over the seven examples already operated by the service, the model features improved capability in performing anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare tasks.

NHI says it has so far delivered 133 NH90s to operators in 14 countries.

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