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 中央社╱中央社 2011-12-16 20:34




而麻省理工學院(MIT)與「佛羅里達人類和機械認知機構」(Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition,IHMC)共同開發中的「Fast Runner」預計明年會亮相。士兵只要穿戴此種裝備,便可用時速約32公里的速度奔跑。

IHMC研究員柯頓(Sebastien Cotton)表示,FastRunner是從鴕鳥奔跑的姿態中獲得設計靈感。


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2008年,諾斯羅普•格魯門公司授予普•惠公司合同,進行X-47B動力系統的開發。普•惠公司在F100-PW-220/-220E的基礎上研發了F100-PW-220U發動機,由於基礎機型比較成熟,已經積累了超過1200萬小時的飛行時數, F100-PW-220U發動機從中直接受益。該發動機和全新設計的排氣系統已經成功完成地面加速任務(AMT)試車,模擬了X-47B飛行試驗的狀態。

F100-PW-220U發動機的推力級達到了近7300公斤(16000磅),並且針對海軍的操作環境如甲板等進行了專門設計。AV-2的成功首飛是UCAS-D項目的重要節點,前兩架試飛機的成功保持了該項目的試驗節奏,接下來在2012年初,兩架飛機都將轉場到海軍航空兵位於馬里蘭州的基地進行岸基飛機適應性試驗。艦載試驗預計將在2013年進行。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李東海)

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  (工業和資訊化部電子科學技術情報研究所 陳皓)
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    如果美國空軍在現役“死神”無人機上安裝這種火力探測系統,襲擊美軍將是一件風險係數非常高的事情。美國空軍希望將這種火力探測系統與其他廣域探測感測器如“戈爾貢凝視”(Gorgon Stare)連接在一起。“戈爾貢凝視” 一次可以用一組照相機監視數英里的範圍,該感測器於今年開始裝備“死神”無人機。


    從理論上講,單架“死神”無人機就可以在數秒內完成戰場偵察、炮火探測與精確定位和俯衝攻擊。但是,即使這個系統可以無縫工作,整個過程也無法是完全自動化的,因為美國空軍要求無人機的武器發射必需通過操作員的批准。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  羅傑)

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      [據美國諾斯羅普•格魯門公司網站2011年11月28日報導]  為美國海軍無人空戰系統航母演示(UCAS-D)計畫開發的第二架航空器於11月22日成功首飛之後,諾斯羅普•格魯門公司和美國海軍將能加快X-47B試飛計畫的進度並提高其效率。






      以諾斯羅普•格魯門公司為首的UCAS-D工業團隊包括GKN航宇公司、洛克希德•馬丁公司、普•惠公司伊頓公司、通用電氣公司、漢密爾頓標準公司、戴爾公司、霍尼韋爾公司、古德里奇公司、穆格公司、風河公司、派克航宇公司和羅克韋爾•柯林斯公司。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  郭道平)

Photo Release -- Increased Test Productivity Lifts Off With First Flight of Second Northrop Grumman-Built X-47B Unmanned Aircraft
Expansion of Fleet Adds Momentum, Flexibility to Flight Test Program
EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., Nov. 28, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) and the U.S. Navy will be able to increase the pace and productivity of the X-47B flight test program following the successful first flight Nov. 22 of the second air vehicle developed for the Navy's Unmanned Combat Air System Carrier Demonstration (UCAS-D) program.

Photos accompanying this release are available at: http://media.globenewswire.com/noc/mediagallery.html?pkgid=11142

The tailless, autonomous aircraft known as Air Vehicle 2 (AV-2) took off under hazy skies from Edwards Air Force Base at 12:43 p.m. PST, climbed rapidly to an altitude of 5,000 feet, flew several racetrack patterns over Rogers Dry Lake, then landed safely at 1:12 p.m.

"The successful addition of AV-2 to the fleet of X-47B test aircraft provides a critical inflection point for the UCAS-D program," said Carl Johnson, vice president and UCAS-D program manager for Northrop Grumman's Aerospace Systems sector. "With two aircraft now available, we can increase the amount of aircraft performance data we gather, which will allow us to meet our required aircraft capability demonstration goals in a timely manner."

The availability of two test aircraft is particularly important, added Johnson, for helping the program maintain a satisfactory flight test rhythm as it begins transitioning X-47B aircraft to Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md., (Pax River) for shore-based carrier suitability testing. While one aircraft is being moved to Pax River – expected to occur by the end of 2011 – the other one will continue envelope expansion flight testing at Edwards.

The testing at Pax River is scheduled to begin in early 2012. It will include testing the X-47B's ability to conduct precision approaches to the carrier, and to perform arrested landings and "roll-out" catapult launches at land-based test facilities. The testing will also include flight testing precision navigation computers and new guidance, navigation and control software recently installed on both aircraft. The new suite of hardware and software will enable the X-47B to make precision landings on a moving carrier deck.

The X-47B is a computer-controlled unmanned aircraft system that takes off, flies a preprogrammed mission, and then returns to base – all in response to mouse clicks from a mission operator. The operator actively monitors the X-47B air vehicle's operation using simple situational awareness displays, but does not fly it via remote control, as some unmanned systems are operated.

The Navy awarded the UCAS-D prime contract to Northrop Grumman in August 2007. The contract calls for the development and flight testing of two strike-fighter-sized X-47B unmanned aircraft. In 2013, the program is scheduled to demonstrate the first carrier launches and recoveries by a tailless, unmanned, low-observable-relevant aircraft. Autonomous aerial refueling demonstrations are planned for 2014. For the latest X-47B news and information, please visit www.as.northropgrumman.com/products/nucasx47b/.

Northrop Grumman's UCAS-D joint industry team includes GKN Aerospace, Lockheed Martin, Pratt & Whitney, Eaton, General Electric, Hamilton Sundstrand, Dell, Honeywell, Goodrich, Moog, Wind River, Parker Aerospace and Rockwell Collins.

Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please visit www.northropgrumman.com for more information.

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    [據海軍時報2011年11月29日報導] 美圖海軍表示將在“2018時間框架”下在航母上部署無人偵察機/戰鬥機,這意味著空中殺手機器人將很快開始與人控戰機一同執行任務。


    但這種情況可能在幾年後發生改變。美國海軍航空系統司令部昨天發佈了一份聲明,稱其希望承包商能就在“2018時間框架內”部署艦載無人空中監視和攻擊系統(UCLASS)進行概念演示。UCLASS將提供一種“持續”的能力,海軍飛行聯隊可以使用無人偵察機/轟炸機在空中日以繼夜地長時間飛行,並可以在核動力航空上起降操作。 UCLASS無疑將成為最具威力的戰爭機器人,其高速噴氣式發動機推動和具備隱身外形的特點使其可與最新的人控戰機媲美。最新發佈的海軍航空系統司令部檔指出,其將可攜帶包括偵察感測器和武器系統在內的各種“任務包”。

    目前UCLASS還未最終確定,海軍航空系統司令部只是撥款200萬美元用於開展研究,探討概念及其時間框架是否可行。(中國船舶工業綜合技術經濟研究院 程之年)

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    第2架X-47B飛機AV-2正在愛德華茲開始滑行試驗,預計將很快飛行。該機計畫將飛行包線擴展到1.5萬英尺(4572米)飛行高度和230節(118米/秒)速度,之後計畫在2012年底轉場到派特森河與AV-1一道進行試驗。海軍無人空戰系統專案經理Jaime Engdahl稱,所有的X-47B飛行試驗資料非常好,將為我們的艦載驗證目標提供支援。在飛行中沒有發現任何技術問題,該機完成所有計劃試驗點所需的飛行時間要比預想的更短。(吳蔚  責編薑)
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[據英國《飛行國際》2011年11月9日報導]諾斯羅普•格魯曼公司將為其MQ-8B裝備BAE系統公司提供的先進精確殺傷武器系統(APKWS)II。APKWS II是一種鐳射制導的70mm火箭彈攻擊系統。儘管MQ-8B在設計時就確定要搭載武器,但美國海軍到目前為止一直沒有對此提出要求。其現有的MQ-8B將進行軟體升級,並裝備武器管理電腦,以使用APKWS II。諾斯羅普公司從2006年開始就一直自費進行“火力偵察兵”的武器發射試驗。目前公司還沒有計劃為後續的MQ-8C加裝武器的計畫。首架武器化的MQ-8B將於2013年3月交付。海軍還決定將MQ-8B在阿富汗地區的服役延長直2012年10月。從今年3月開始,3架MQ-8B被部署在阿富汗地區,每月提供300小時的全動態視頻的資訊。到目前為止其飛行時間約1800小時左右。同時,“火力偵察兵”還被部署在美國海軍的USS HalyBurton號護衛艦上,儘管已有一架機在利比亞損失,但其作戰部署仍被普遍認為是非常成功的。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

Fire Scout to receive APKWS  Print
 By:   Zach Rosenberg Washington DC 10:36 9 Nov 2011  Source:  

The Northrop Grumman MQ-8B Fire Scout is to be weaponised, with the unmanned helicopter to be outfitted with the BAE Systems advanced precision kill weapon system (APKWS) II - a 70mm (2.75in) rocket retrofitted with a laser guidance system.

Although the aircraft was designed with weaponisation in mind, the US Navy had until now not requested it. Its existing aircraft will undergo software modifications to accept the rockets, including a weapons management computer.

Northrop demonstrated weapons release from the Fire Scout during a 2006 company-funded trial. There are currently no plans to weaponise the follow-on MQ-8C. Delivery of the first weaponised MQ-8B is slated for March 2013.

The navy has also elected to extend an MQ-8B deployment in Afghanistan until October 2012. Three aircraft were deployed to the north of the country in May 2011 to provide a combined 300h of full-motion video coverage per month. The aircraft have flown roughly 1,800h to date, according to Northrop.

Meanwhile, an operational deployment of the Fire Scout aboard the US Navy frigate the USS Halyburton has been deemed largely successful, despite the loss of one aircraft in Libya.

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  [諾斯羅普•格魯曼公司2011年11月8日報導]諾斯羅普•格魯曼公司開始為美海軍MQ-8B“火力偵察兵”(Fire Scout)無人直升機配備武器系統。所配備的武器是先進精確殺傷武器系統鐳射制導70毫米口徑火箭彈,諾斯羅普•格魯曼公司從2010年開始為美海軍生產這種火箭彈,該武器可以讓艦艇司令部直接識別並與敵方目標交戰,而不需要請求其他飛機的支援。

    諾斯羅普•格魯曼公司在9月23日獲得價值1700萬美元的美海軍航空系統司令部合同,為美海軍開發和交付武器系統控制設備,最終交付時間為2013年3月。設備一旦交付以後,“火力偵察兵”無人機將美海軍第一架攜帶武器的海基無人系統。該無人機能低速飛行,非常適合執行禁止毒品、反走私行動、搜救以及偵查與港口安全等近海任務。“火力偵察兵”無人機裝備有光電、紅外和通信載荷,能為陸基和艦載司令部提供高水準的環境感知和目標精確定位保障。(中國船舶工業綜合技術經濟研究院 吳小蘭)

Navy to Arm Northrop Grumman-Built Fire Scout Unmanned Helicopter
SAN DIEGO, Nov. 8, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) has started work outfitting the U.S. Navy's MQ-8B Fire Scout unmanned helicopter with a weapons system. The Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System laser-guided 70mm rocket – in production for the Navy since 2010 – will allow ship commanders to identify and engage hostile targets without calling in other aircraft for support.

"By arming Fire Scout, the Navy will have a system that can locate and prosecute targets of interest," said George Vardoulakis, Northrop Grumman's vice president for tactical unmanned systems. "This capability shortens the kill chain and lessens the need to put our soldiers in harm's way."

Northrop will develop and deliver the equipment needed to control the weapons system under a $17 million contract awarded to the company Sept. 23 by Naval Air Systems Command. Final delivery of an operational system is expected by March 2013.

Once delivered, Fire Scout will be Navy's first sea-based unmanned system to carry weapons. Its ability to operate at low ground speeds makes it particularly well suited for supporting littoral missions such as drug interdiction, antipiracy actions, search and rescue, reconnaissance and port security.

Fire Scout features a modular architecture that accommodates a variety of electro-optical, infrared and communications payloads. These payloads provide ground- and ship-based commanders with high levels of situational awareness and precision targeting support.

Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please visit www.northropgrumman.com for more information.

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Manned Unmanned Systems Integration: Mission Accomplished



Manned Unmanned Systems Integration: Mission Accomplished
(Source: U.S Army; issued October 24, 2011)
 REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. --- The Army's Program Executive Office for Aviation's offices Project Manager's Unmanned Aircraft Systems, PM Armed Scout Helicopter and PM Apache have worked together with the goal to make the most capable, automated, lethal and interoperable systems available to our forward deployed Soldiers and our allies.

On Sept. 16, Program Executive Office for Aviation, or PEO, AVN sponsored the first ever Manned-Unmanned Systems Integration Capability, or MUSIC, Exercise. The exercise was the largest demonstration of manned-unmanned interoperability ever attempted.

The exercise has been in the works for over one and one half years. The integrations and evaluations culminated with a live demonstration before an audience of leaders from across the Department of Defense as well as civilian onlookers.

Tim Owings, deputy program manager for Unmanned Aircraft Systems, or UAS, was a great proponent in bringing this exercise to realization, and had this to say.

"I am most proud of the teamwork and selfless attitudes demonstrated by our industry and government partners," he said. "You can't make MUSIC without an orchestra and everyone playing their instruments. This really is an amazing story of teamwork and perseverance."

There were many objectives to this exercise including: demonstrating advancements made in manned-to-unmanned teaming, or MUM-T; demonstrating interoperability among unmanned systems through the Universal Ground Control Station, known as UGCS, Mini-UGCS, or M-UGCS, and the One System Remote Video Terminal, or OSRVT; and highlighting PEO Aviation's open architectural approach that allows multiple control nodes and information access points via the Tactical Common Data Link, or TCDL.

The combination of M-UGCS, UGCS and OSRVT serves as the catalyst for interoperability amongst the Army's manned and unmanned aviation fleet. Interoperability translates into cost savings and increased efficiency through common hardware and software. Interoperability is also helping to mitigate the ever-increasing threat to our Soldiers, due to advancements in enemy technologies, and increasing our Army's overall combat edge.

"In my short tenure here as the PM, the work I witnessed, day in and day out was brought together and displayed in the first ever MUSIC Exercise," explained Col. Tim Baxter, with PM-UAS. "Although I had been briefed about this thing called MUSIC, I couldn't fathom the amount of effort given by each member of PM's UAS, Apache and Attack Scout Helicopter. The heavy lifting done by a workforce comprised mostly of civilians, and for the good of our Soldiers, is heartfelt and makes a positive impact every day to the lives of those operational folks we send into harm's way."

The event established seamless integration of Apache Block II and Kiowa Warrior helicopters, along with the Army's complete fleet of Unmanned Aircraft Systems, which is comprised of the Raven, Puma, Hunter, Shadow and Gray Eagle.

Video was exchanged flawlessly among all the systems. Additionally, the ability to control the UAS payloads of the larger aircraft from both the M-UGCS and the -OSRVT were demonstrated.

The demonstration clearly illustrated the remarkable capability and synergy that the combination of tightly integrated manned-unmanned systems provides. Furthermore, the demonstration showed clearly how this information could be rapidly provided to individual Soldiers on the ground.

Here is a breakdown of operating systems and technologies explaining desired effects and actual recorded accomplishments.


For the first time the UGCS demonstrated its ability to control the larger unmanned aircraft consecutively from a single ground station through common hardware and software. The results were seen immediately as handoffs occurred between the Shadow Portable GCS, or PGCS, to the UGCS, the Gray Eagle ground station to the UGCS, and finally the Hunter legacy ground station to the UGCS.

This new capability has also paved the way for the universal operator concept. This is a single operator with the ability to fly multiple unmanned aircraft. During the demonstration the same aircraft operator and payload operator flew all three aircraft consecutively marking a huge milestone for UAS.


The role of OSRVT was showcased throughout the MUSIC Exercise by demonstrating interoperability with all the participating platforms. OSRVT received the video from the small unmanned aircraft via the Digital Data Link, or DDL. Video from the large platforms was received via TCDL.

The new bi-directional capability in which the OSRVT operator controlled the payloads of the Shadow, Hunter and Gray Eagle platforms demonstrating the ability to receive the video and simultaneously transmit commands back to the aircraft to guide the camera to the point of interest. The combination of the OSRVT and manned aircraft were shown to be able to share targeting data and insure a common operating environment.

All of these capabilities are based on a standard approach so when the OSRVT understands the language of one platform it understands it for all the platforms; enabling efficient use of the available development time. The success demonstrated in the exercise is a direct result of the years of effort spent developing the standards and the hardware and software that implement those standards.

In the coming months these capabilities will be refined to give the Soldier unprecedented situational awareness through an impressive array of tools on the battlefield.


For the Army's fleet of Small UAS the Army continues to move toward a M-UGCS. For the MUSIC exercise, the M-UGCS Block 0 demonstrated the first step toward that goal. The M-UGCS Block 0 is a software upgrade to the existing Raven GCS, which is currently being fielded by the Army in the thousands.

While this GCS already has the ability to control the Raven and Puma UAS currently being fielded, a software upgrade to the system now allows the GCS to control the wing-mounted sensors on the TRICLOPS configuration of the Gray Eagle. The TRICLOPS configuration adds two additional payloads to the wings of the Gray Eagle in addition to its main payload on the fuselage.

These payloads can be accessed independently of the main payload thus providing the ability to track three geologically separate targets with one air vehicle asset.

The M-UGCS will provide front-line soldiers with Level of Interoperability-, or LOI-, 3 control of highly capable sensors using hardware that is already in place. And in keeping with the nature of true interoperability, the interface follows the same Standardization Agreement 4586 standard as the UGCS for the messaging protocol.

Additionally the audience was able to see the M-UGCS Block 1 on display, which provides the functionality of a Raven GCS in a single, consolidated package. The handheld M-UGCS Block 1 combines the Windows-based functionality of FalconView and video/data logging with the highly-reliable Real-Time Operating System functionality required for real-time UAV control.

Touch screens for ease of use, hot-swap batteries, and a mini-DDL radio also combine to provide a stand-alone package. While still in prototype form, this system is fully functional, and has been evaluated by Raven and Puma operators with a good deal of positive feedback.



The Apache Block II demonstrated video transmission to the OSRVT via the Efficient TCDL. The TCDL link allows the Apache to send and receive video and metadata. The Apache is currently using the Visual User Interface Tool-, or VUIT-, 2 system in theater with outstanding results. The VUIT-2 system can transmit both Apache and UAS video to the Soldiers on the ground equipped with OSRVT. VUIT-2 provides positive target identification for the Soldier on the ground. Once the target is confirmed, Apache aircrew can engage the target with its weapon systems.

Manned-Unmanned Teaming-2, or MUMT-2, is the next step for Apache. MUMT-2 is a fully compliant TCDL system. MUMT-2 is currently being fielded and provides the Apache an integrated system within the Apache systems architecture. MUMT-2 reduces the weight of the Apache by over 40 LBS while providing all the functionality of the VUIT-2 system.

With MUMT-2 the Apache has the enhanced capability of transmitting both Apache and UAS video to the Soldiers on the ground as well as ship-to-ship. The future for the Apache is Block III. MUMT is a bridging strategy to provide this capability until Block III is fielded. Block III will roll out its first production aircraft in Nov 2011. Block III goes beyond MUMT-2 and VUIT-2 by fully integrating LOI - 4 into the next generation of Apache.


The Kiowa Level 2 Manned-Unmanned, or L2MUM, system succeeded in demonstrating three of its major capabilities that are inherent to this system; a system that is currently in the process of being fielded. The Kiowa Warrior equipped with L2MUM carried out its portion of the MUSIC exercise at a range of 22KM from the OSRVT ground station. The Kiowa L2MUM system successfully received Hunter unmanned aircraft TCDL video and displayed it in the cockpit on the co-pilots multi-function display.

Second, the Kiowa L2MUM system retransmitted the received Hunter video to an OSRVT ground station 22KM away using TCDL. Thus proving out its capabilities to share what the Kiowa pilot is viewing with what the ground OSRVT user is viewing in real-time.

Lastly, the L2MUM system demonstrated its capability to transmit its on-board mast mounted sight video and own-ship metadata to an OSRVT user or other teammates capable of pulling this data into their prevue. Kiowa closed out the demonstration with a live fire of hydra rockets, demonstrating the lethality of these systems when they work together.

Baxter now turns his attention to incorporating the positives discovered during this exercise and refining those areas needing attention.

"As we turn the page on the first ever MUSIC Exercise, I along with the Training and Doctrine Command Capabilities Manager for UAS, must continue to keep pace with combatant commanders increased demands in developing and fielding advanced UAS and personnel to operate these apparatus that change how we fight and win on today's and tomorrow's battlefields," he said.

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