[據美國諾斯羅普•格魯門公司網站2013年3月6日報導] 2月25日,諾斯羅普•格魯門公司在試飛中成功地完成了美國空軍E-8C聯合監視目標攻擊雷達系統(JATARS)與40批次RQ-4B“全球鷹”無人機系統之間的雷達資料交換。這次資料交換協同試驗,是首次將地面雷達目標資料從一架40批次“全球鷹”無人機傳至一架JSTARS飛機。今後,資訊還能從JSTARS中繼傳輸至地面部隊。
JSTARS是一種機載戰場管理和指揮控制平臺,它能監視地面固定和移動目標,並提供易於理解的敵方態勢和支援位置、跟蹤、瞄準和攻擊等作戰資訊。“全球鷹”無人機則攜帶多種情報、監視和偵察感測器,這些感測器能使軍事指揮官收集圖像資訊,並利用雷達探測地面移動或靜止目標。“全球鷹”可在18000米以上高空飛行30多個小時,該無人機系統還擁有在惡劣環境下進行機載通信以及向各軍事單位分發資訊的能力。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 郭道平)
Northrop Grumman Successfully Demonstrates Joint STARS, Global Hawk Interoperability2013-03-06T09:30:00-0800
MELBOURNE, Fla., March 6, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) recently completed a successful exchange of radar data during a flight test involving the U.S. Air Force's E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS) and the RQ-4B Global Hawk Block 40 unmanned aircraft system. The demonstration was conducted Feb. 25.
The exchange is the first collaborative effort to stream ground moving target radar data from a Global Hawk Block 40 to a Joint STARS aircraft. Information can then be relayed from Joint STARS to ground forces.
"This is a significant leap forward in terms of possible capabilities for our warfighters," said Bryan Lima, Joint STARS program director at Northrop Grumman. "Findings showed increased precision, improved target tracking and the ability to extend the surveillance coverage area. By combining the capabilities of these platforms, we've unlocked increased battle management potential, not only by expanding coverage of the surveillance area, but also for compressing the targeting and attack decision chain for warfighters."
The flight successfully demonstrated the interoperability of both platforms to potentially improve and expand surveillance capabilities for deployed forces.
"Operators in the Joint STARS aircraft were able to use the Global Hawk as an adjunct sensor," said Lima. "We were able to display and use the Global Hawk's radar data on the Joint STARS platform to extend and improve the overall surveillance capabilities and utility of both platforms."
Joint STARS is an airborne battle management and command and control platform that conducts ground surveillance of fixed and moving ground targets to develop an understanding of the enemy situation and support location, tracking, targeting and attack operations.
Global Hawk carries a variety of intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance sensor payloads that allow military commanders to gather imagery and use radar to detect moving or stationary targets on the ground. Capable of flying for more than 30 hours at a time at altitudes up to 60,000 feet, the system also provides airborne communications and information sharing capabilities to military units in harsh environments.
Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company providing innovative systems, products and solutions in unmanned systems, cybersecurity, C4ISR, and logistics and modernization to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please visit for more information.