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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/61853 IAI試飛哥倫比亞767加油機 2010-09-08 【據英國《飛行國際》網站2010年9月6日報導】 以色列航宇工業公司(IAI)Bedek分部已成功完成了哥倫比亞一架經過改裝的波音767加油機的系列飛行試驗,並表示未來該部分市場前景看好。 這架二手的767-200ER飛機已被改裝為新型多工加油機/運輸機(MMTT),將提供給哥倫比亞空軍。改裝工作包括安裝由IAI研製和製造的ARP3機翼空中加油吊艙。 最近進行的試飛在以色列完成,主要內容涉及767飛機的空中加油包線擴展,其中包括為IAI “幼獅(Kfir)”C10戰鬥機升級型輸送燃油,按照2007年一份超過1.5億美元的合同該戰鬥機即將交付給哥倫比亞。 IAI試飛員表示,767的新加油設備工作良好,與受油機結合容易。Bedek分部稱,改裝後的767加油機最大燃油攜帶量為72500~90700千克,一次任務中能為13架F-16戰鬥機授油,航程達到1850千米。 IAI期望未來能為更多的767飛機完成MMTT任務改裝,其中包括貨運和VIP運輸任務。總經理Eliezer Hattem表示:“這將是未來幾年中公司的潛在增長點,年銷售收入有望達到1億美元。”Bedek分部同時還在尋找機會與其他歐洲公司合作進行飛機改裝。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 吳蔚)
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/09/06/347025/pictures-iai-tests-colombias-new-767-tanker.html DATE:06/09/10 SOURCE:Flight International PICTURES: IAI tests Colombia's new 767 tanker By Arie Egozi
Israel Aerospace Industries' Bedek unit has conducted a successful series of flight trials involving a modified Boeing 767 tanker for Colombia, and says a lucrative market exists for additional customers. The secondhand 767-200ER has been converted to a new multi-mission tanker/transport (MMTT) configuration for the Colombian air force, with the work having included the installation of ARP3 wing air refuelling pods developed and manufactured by IAI. Conducted in Israel, the recent trials were aimed at expanding the in-flight refuelling envelope of the 767. This included transferring fuel to an upgraded IAI Kfir C10 fighter awaiting delivery to Colombia under a 2007 contract worth more than $150 million. The 767's new refuelling equipment performed "flawlessly", say company test pilots, while contact by the fighter is described as easy, with a "stable hook-up". "The performance and overall stability of the aircraft and the drogues displayed impressive results," says IAI's chief test pilot Ronen Shapira, who also flew behind the modified airliner in a Gulfstream G250 business jet. Capable of carrying a maximum fuel load of 72,500-90,700kg (160,000-200,000lb), one adapted 767 could support 13 Lockheed Martin F-16 fighters on a mission with a range of 1,000nm (1,850km), Bedek says. The company sees an opportunity to convert a "meaningful number" of additional 767s for the MMTT mission, which could also include cargo and VIP transport tasks. "This is one of our growth engines in the coming years, with potential sales of $100 million a year," says general manager Eliezer Hattem. Further business could lead to Bedek working with European companies in making aircraft conversions, with Hattem confirming that it has already held talks "with more than one potential partner". IAI has previously offered a 767-based tanker to the Polish air force in collaboration with local firm Bumar.
May the Force be with you
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/65893 KC-135R加油機完成加裝“大型飛機紅外對抗系統”飛行測試 2011-03-10 [據美國《空軍雜誌》2011年3月上旬報導]美國空軍官員于2011年3月2日向外界表示,近期的兩次飛行測試充分證明了在KC-135R加油機上加裝 “大型飛機紅外對抗系統”(Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures,LAIRCM)以防禦小型防空導彈攻擊的可行性。 這兩次測試是由堪薩斯州空中國民警衛隊第190加油機聯隊與美國空軍飛行測試中心(位於加利福利亞州愛德華茲空軍基地)合作,於上月末在托皮卡(堪薩斯州首府)附近空域進行的。測試結果表明,KC-135R空中加油機所加裝的LAIRCM在氣動上完全與飛機相容,並沒有對空中加油操作帶來任何不利影響。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 陳黎)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/65556 多用途加油運輸機發生空中加油伸縮套管折斷事故 2011-02-28 [據英國《飛行國際》2011年1月下旬報導] 2011年1月19日,空客A330多用途加油運輸機(MRTT)在與葡萄牙空軍的F-16戰鬥機進行空中加油訓練時發生事故,事故導致MRTT空中加油伸縮套管從根部折斷後掉入大海,事故發生後,飛機繼續飛行了1小時40分後,在西班牙首都馬德里附近的赫塔費斯市機場著陸。事故同樣對遂行空中加油訓練的F-16戰鬥機造成了一定損傷,但隨後該F-16戰鬥機在西班牙的Monte Real空軍基地安全著陸。
空客軍機公司在接受飛行國際採訪時表示,事故沒有對套管附件造成損傷,對飛機油箱也沒造成太大損傷。該公司目前正在對修復損傷所需的時間進行評估,修復部位包括尾部非增壓區域和輔助動力單元區域。澳大利亞空軍訂購了5架MRTT。 與此同時,英國訂購的首架基於A-330-200的未來戰略加油機宣佈達到新的里程碑,第一次通過科巴姆公司的805E 型加油吊艙實現加油,這次飛行試驗是在1月21日完成的,隨同加油飛機為西班牙空軍的兩架EF-18戰鬥機,加油時飛機飛行高度為15000英尺(4570米),速度為250節(462千米/小時)到325節(602千米/小時)。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 張華) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2011/01/26/352366/airbus-military-details-limited-damage-to-a330-tanker-after-boom.html DATE:26/01/11 SOURCE:Flight International Airbus Military details 'limited damage' to A330 tanker after boom mishap By Craig Hoyle
The Airbus Military-operated A330 multirole tanker transport (MRTT) that was involved in an in-flight refuelling training incident on 19 January suffered only "some limited damage", the company says. Scheduled for delivery as part of a Royal Australian Air Force order for five MRTTs, the aircraft was supporting a Portuguese air force Lockheed Martin F-16 fighter when part of its boom was broken off. "The boom detached at the root of the structural mast," says Airbus Military, responding to questions from Flightglobal. "There is no damage to the boom attachment, nor is there any significant damage to the [aircraft's] fuselage," it adds. However, the company is assessing the likely duration of limited repairs required, which it says are "in the non-pressurised area of the tail cone and auxiliary power unit area (structure)". The company test crew piloting the A330 flew the aircraft for a further 1h 40min after the incident before landing at its Getafe site near Madrid. They reported "no impact or consequences on the overall systems behaviour of the aircraft", it notes. The F-16 also sustained minor damage as a result of the mishap, but landed safely at Monte Real air base. The broken boom section fell into the sea following the contact. Meanwhile, the UK's first A330-200-based Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft has cleared a significant milestone, having passed fuel for the first time via its centreline Cobham 805E fuselage refuelling unit. Airbus Military performed the test from Getafe on 21 January with the support of two Spanish air force Boeing EF-18 fighters. "Contacts were successfully performed with both fighters at an altitude of around 15,000ft [4,570m] and at speeds from 250kt [462km/h] to 325kt," says Airbus Military.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64991 美國空軍評估工業界提交KC-10加油機升級專案新標書 2011-01-21 [據美國《航宇日報》2011年1月20日報導]本月,美國工業界的一些廠商向美國空軍提交了修改後的KC-10加油機升級項目標書。該升級專案旨在對KC-10的通信、導航與監視/空中交通管理(CNS/ATM)系統進行升級。合同由位於奧克拉荷馬城的美國空軍後勤保障中心管理。該項目在2010年已進行過一次招標,美國波音公司在當年6月獲勝,獲得了美國空軍一份總金額2.16億美元的合同。但在此後,美國空軍發現它在這次招標中的工作出現了失誤(但該軍種未具體說明失誤的情況),因此於2010年10月命令波音公司停止相關工作,重新啟動招標,並邀請上次曾投標該專案的廠商重新投標。 波音公司相信自己仍能贏得合同。在本次競標中,該公司的競爭對手將是美國通用電氣航空集團與美國L-3通信公司組成的團隊。曾參與上次競標的美國諾斯羅普•格魯門公司這次選擇了放棄投標。美國空軍的官員們表示,他們打算不晚於今年6月完成承包商選擇並授出合同。合同內容將包括為2架KC-10進行改進,以支持相關飛行試驗和獲得美國聯邦航空局(FAA)的認證。合同選項還將包括對美國空軍現役的所有KC-10(共59架)進行同樣的升級。美國空軍的官員們表示,儘管重新招標將專案進度推後了一年,他們仍希望能夠在2015年9月30日之前完成機隊升級,從而按原定計劃形成完全作戰能力。否則,屆時未升級的KC-10將因為駕駛艙設備陳舊而被限制在低效率的航線飛行。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 張洋)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64909 空客計畫在2011年交付28架軍用飛機 2011-01-19 [據美國《航空週刊與空間技術》網站2011年1月17日報導]空客軍事公司計畫在2011年交付28架軍用飛機,其中包括首批6架KC-330加油運輸機。 目前向澳大利亞皇家空軍(RAAF)交付首架KC-30A加油機的準確日期還沒有確定。該項目目前已經遭遇兩度拖延,空客軍事公司曾承諾在2010年向RAAF交付首架KC-30A,但最終未能實現該諾言。不過空客CEO湯姆•恩德斯表示交付節點指日可待。 該項目最初的首架交付日程是2009年第一季度,隨後相繼推遲到2010年中期和2010年年底。空客軍事公司總裁表示,最近一次推遲並非出於技術原因,而是主要由文檔等事務性工作所致。 RAAF曾計畫KC-30在2010年達到初始作戰能力,並在2010年年底前達到全面作戰能力。空客軍事公司計畫今年內向RAAF交付4架KC-30A。 與此同時,英國皇家空軍和沙特皇家空軍今年也將接收空客交付的首架加油機。 此外,空客今年還計畫交付22架更小型的運輸機,包括CN-235和C-295。空客去年新增了21架以上兩者運輸機的訂單,15架CN-235和5架C-295,同時也在2010年交付了6架CN-235和13架C-295,以及交付給巴西空軍的1架P-3改型機。 A400M的客戶目前正在等待德國政府批准解決專案超支和拖延問題的方案協議,使該專案能夠重新進入正軌。德國國會預算委員會已經安排在本周舉行這一問題的磋商會議。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 廖孟豪) http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story_channel.jsp?channel=defense&id=news/awx/2011/01/17/awx_01_17_2011_p0-283414.xml&headline=Airbus%20Plans%2028%20Military%20Deliveries%20in%202011 Airbus Plans 28 Military Deliveries in 2011 Jan 17, 2011 By Robert Wall wall@aviationweek.com TOULOUSE Airbus Military is targeting 28 deliveries in 2011 including the first six KC-330 tanker transports. The exact timing of the first handover of the KC-30A tanker to lead-customer, the Royal Australian Air Force, has still not been set. The program has suffered repeated delays; Airbus Military had committed to handing over the first KC-30As to the RAAF in 2010, but that did not happen. Airbus CEO Tom Enders says the handover is imminent. Earlier schedules had called for the first aircraft to be handed over to the customer in the first quarter of 2009, with later adjustments to mid-2010 and then the end of the year. The reason for the latest delay is not technical, but largely a matter of getting paperwork finished, says Domingo Ureno-Raso, the head of Airbus Military. Working out the final issues has taken longer than expected, in part owing to a slowdown in activity associated with December holidays, he notes. The Royal Australian Air Force had planned to reach initial operational capability with the KC-30 in 2010, followed by full operational capability (FOC) by year-end. Ureno notes that Airbus believes it can deliver sufficient aircraft to meet that milestone, although it is a customer decision on whether to declare FOC or not. Airbus Military plans to hand over four KC-30As to the RAAF this year. What is more, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Saudi Air Force should receive their first tankers this year, too. Additionally, Airbus plans to deliver 22 smaller transports, a mix of CN-235s and C-295s. The company booked 21 orders for those last year, 15 CN-235s and 6 C-295s. It also delivered six CN-235s in 2010, along with 13 C-295s, and one modified P-3 to the Brazilian air force. Also ahead this year is the plan to receive civil certification. Serial production is to start imminently, Enders says. The A400M customers also are awaiting German government approval to turn finalize an agreement to handle cost and schedule overruns and put the program on a new footing by issuing a new contract. A meeting of the German parliament’s budget committee to discuss the issue is due this week.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64418 以色列航宇工業繼續評估G550空中加油 2010-12-27 [據英國《飛行國際》2010年12月23日報導] 以色列航宇工業(IAI)仍試圖將美國灣流公司的“灣流”G550用於空中加油,儘管該公司已放棄將該機作為主要的空中加油平臺。 這種大座艙、超遠端的公務機被視為是潛在的“補充平臺”,或可能被用於訓練飛行員進行空中加油。該公司訊息源稱,在以色列航宇工業Bedek團隊得出G550用作主要空中加油平臺不具有吸引力的結論後,這次又提出了復興的興趣。 同時,Bedek團隊正在重點分析波音767的空中加油市場戰略。公司11月向哥倫比亞空軍交付了一架767-300,其被改為空中加油機。該飛機之前被以色列航宇工業購買後,加裝了接頭和軟管的空中加油系統。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 王傳勝) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/12/23/351235/iai-continues-to-evaluate-g550-for-air-refuelling.html DATE:23/12/10 SOURCE:Flight International IAI continues to evaluate G550 for air refuelling By Arie Egozi
Israel Aerospace Industries may still adapt the Gulfstream G550 for use in air refuelling, even though the company has rejected the aircraft as a main tanker platform. The large-cabin, ultra-long-range business jet is seen as a potential "complementary platform", or could be used to train pilots in air refuelling. The renewed interest comes after IAI Bedek Group concluded that the G550 is not attractive as a main refuelling platform, a company source reports. Meanwhile, Bedek Group is focusing its air refuelling marketing strategy on the Boeing 767. The company delivered a 767-300 to the Colombian air force in November, which it converted to an aerial tanker. The aircraft had been purchased by IAI and equipped with a drogue and hose aerial refuelling system.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64372 首批英國皇家空軍人員將從2011年1月開始接受RC-135W偵察機換裝訓練 2010-12-23 [據英國《飛行國際》2010年12月20日報導]首批英國皇家空軍人員將從2011年1月開始接受換裝訓練,以便從“獵迷”R1偵察機(下圖)改裝RC-135W“鉚釘連接”信號情報飛機(上圖),以便從年底開始繼續支持美國空軍此類型的作戰行動。 訓練將在美國內布拉斯加州的奧弗特t基地進行,物件包括機載任務成員、飛行人員、地面開發軍官和保障人員。將有四名皇家空軍成員在奧弗特接受訓練,明年夏天開始與美國空軍人員一同在全球範圍的聯合作戰中部署。 從2014年起,將有3架RC-135W進入英國皇家空軍服役,英國將此事描述為“自二戰後英國與美國空軍間最複雜的組合對外軍售案例與合作支援安排”。經過最近的戰略防務和安全評審過程後,這項採辦將通過如下途徑實現:由美國L-3通信公司將3架封存的KC-135加油機改裝為RC-135W。 英國稱新飛機將會被稱為“空中搜尋者”(Air Seeker),將會作為一個具有20架規模的英/美機隊的一部分進行保障、維護和升級。根據《飛行國際》MiliCAS資料庫的紀錄,美國空軍目前擁有22架RC-135系列飛機。 英國稱“該項目將至少持續到2025年,並且可能持續更長時間”。系統升級將美四年進行一次。 英國目前仍有兩架“獵迷”R1飛機在役,隸屬于林肯郡瓦丁頓基地的第51聯隊。該型機計畫於2011年3月31日全部退役。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 黃濤)
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/12/20/351083/first-raf-personnel-to-start-rivet-joint-conversion-in.html DATE:20/12/10 SOURCE:Flight International First RAF personnel to start Rivet Joint conversion in January By Craig Hoyle
The first UK Royal Air Force personnel to transition from the British Aerospace Nimrod R1 onto the Boeing RC-135 Rivet Joint electronic intelligence aircraft will enter training in January 2011, before going on to support US Air Force operations with the type from later in the year. To be conducted at Offutt AFB, Nebraska, the training will be delivered to "airborne mission crew and flight deck personnel, along with ground exploitation officers and support personnel," says the UK Defence Equipment & Support (DE&S) organisation's Desider publication. "Up to four RAF crews will be trained at Offutt, who will then deploy alongside their USAF colleagues on combined operations worldwide from next summer," it adds. Three Rivet Joints will enter RAF service from 2014 under what the DE&S has described as "the most complex combined Foreign Military Sales case and cooperative support arrangement that the UK has undertaken with the USAF since World War Two." The acquisition, which survived the nation's recent Strategic Defence and Security Review process, will involve three stored KC-135 tankers being converted to the RC-135W standard by L-3 Communications. The DE&S says the UK's new assets - which will be dubbed Air Seekers - "will be supported, maintained and upgraded as part of a larger UK/US fleet of 20 aircraft". The USAF currently operates 22 RC-135-series aircraft, as listed in Flightglobal's MiliCAS database. "It is expected that the UK will take part in the programme until at least 2025, although there are options to extend this period," the DE&S says, while noting that System upgrades will be implemented every four years. The UK currently has two Nimrod R1s in use, with these assigned to its 51 Sqn at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire. The type (above) is scheduled to leave service by 31 March 2011.
英國首架A330 MRTT加油機首次與戰鬥機完成不加油對接
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64309 英國首架A330 MRTT加油機首次與戰鬥機完成不加油對接 2010-12-21 [據英國《飛行國際》2010年12月16日報導]英國首架未來戰略加油機(FSTA)日前已經首次與一架戰鬥機完成了不加油對接,這為這一年來空客A330多用途加油運輸機(MRTT)的改裝工作畫上了句號。
這架配裝英國羅羅公司“遄達”772B渦扇發動機的A330 MRTT於12月13日從空客軍事公司位於西班牙馬德里附近赫塔菲(Getafe)的工廠起飛,使用英國科巴姆公司的805E型機身加油裝置(FRU)在空中與一架西班牙空軍的EF-18“大黃蜂”戰鬥機完成了一系列對接。 空客軍事公司表示,這次持續2小時20分的飛行和隨後的另一次飛行涵蓋了海拔從8000~35000英尺(2440~10700米)、速度從180~325節(333~600千米/時)的“加油飛行全包線”內的各項工作。 該公司表示這是FRU首次投入使用,這意味著A330 MRTT使用的全部加油系統都已經完成了對接試驗。該機配裝的科巴姆公司的905E型軟管-錐套加油吊艙此前已經在澳大利亞的A330加油機上完成了測試,該吊艙也應用於英國的FSTA。空客軍事公司透露,公司將在“未來數天內”對FRU進行首次加油測試。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 廖孟豪) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/12/16/350996/uks-a330-tanker-makes-first-dry-contacts.html DATE:16/12/10 SOURCE:Flightglobal.com UK's A330 tanker makes first dry contacts By Craig Hoyle The UK’s first Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) has made its first dry contacts with a fighter, marking the end of a strong year for the modified Airbus A330 multi-role tanker transport (MRTT).
Flown from Airbus Military’s Getafe site near Madrid on 13 December, the Rolls-Royce Trent 772B-powered A330 made a series of contacts with a Spanish air force Boeing EF-18 Hornet using its Cobham 805E fuselage refuelling unit (FRU). Airbus Military says the 2h 20min sortie and a subsequent second flight included work conducted “throughout the refuelling flight envelope”, at altitudes from 8,000-35,000ft (2,440-10,700m) and at a speed range of 180-325kt (333-600km/h). “This is the first time that the FRU has been used, and means that all of the A330 MRTT’s refuelling systems have now completed contacts,” says Airbus Military. The type’s Cobham 905E hose and drogue refuelling pods – also installed on the UK Royal Air Force’s FSTA variant – have already been tested for launch A330 tanker operator Australia. Flight testing for the UK is expected to progress to completing to transferring the first fuel via the FRU “in the coming days”, says Airbus Military. The UK’s AirTanker Services-managed FSTA programme received a significant boost in late October, when its Strategic Defence and Security Review confirmed plans to field the entire fleet of 14 aircraft, and to retire the RAF’s remaining Lockheed TriStars and Vickers VC10s by 2013.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64305 英國首架要改裝成RC-135W偵察機的KC-135加油機已交付給承包商 2010-12-21 [據美國《防務新聞》網站2010年12月17日報導]美國L-3通信公司將把3架波音公司的KC-135加油機改裝成RC-135W“鉚釘連接”信號情報收集飛機並提供給皇家空軍。首架將接受改裝的KC-135現已抵達L-3通信公司。這標誌著英國官員所謂的“空前合作協議”即將正式啟動,有望推進皇家空軍在新飛機改裝完成之前將與美國空軍共同使用美國RC-135W飛機。 據英國國防部項目主管比爾•克裏斯濱透露,協議規定在至少2025年前,英國將與美國一起完成這3架飛機的聯合能力升級、保障和維護等工作。英國計畫明年退役僅存的2架“獵迷”R1,而新改裝的飛機最早要到2014年才能進入服役,期間存在3年空白期。皇家空軍發言人表示最後一架飛機要到2018年才能交付。 英國計畫2025年前在該項目上花費7億英鎊(11億美元)的採購費用和5億英鎊的保障費用。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 廖孟豪) http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=5261023&c=AIR&s=TOP Tanker Arrives for Conversion to Intel Role for RAF By ANDREW CHUTER Published: 17 Dec 2010 12:29 LONDON - The first of three Boeing KC-135 tankers scheduled to be converted to Rivet Joint signals intelligence-gathering aircraft for the Royal Air Force has arrived at prime contractor L3 Communications' U.S. factory.
This will kick off what British officials have termed an unparalleled cooperation agreement, allowing RAF crews to co-man U.S. Air Force Rivet Joint RC-135W aircraft in combined operations until the new aircraft are delivered. An agreement to include the British machines in a joint capability upgrade, support and maintenance program with their U.S. counterparts until at least 2025 was ground-breaking, according to Ministry of Defence program leader Bill Chrispin, quoted in an in-house magazine. The British are scheduled to withdraw the remaining two Nimrod R1's that have been providing signals intelligence in places like Afghanistan sometime next year, leaving a three-year break until the first of the new U.S.-provided aircraft enters service in 2014. The final aircraft will not be delivered until 2018, an RAF spokesman said. Analysts reckon U.S. Rivet Joint's partly crewed by British personnel will be tasked to fill a key capability gap in Britain's defenses until the fleet of Boeing aircraft arrives. The spokesman declined to comment on how the British will plug the hole in its intelligence-gathering capability. Four RAF crews are due to start training at Offutt Air Base, Neb., next year. Airborne mission operators, pilots, ground exploitation operators and support personnel will be involved. The British program, known as Airseeker, is expected to cost 700 million pounds ($1.1 billion) in procurement and a further 500 million pounds in support costs, including co-manning, up to 2025. Although the Airseeker aircraft will be British-owned and -operated, the aircraft will become part of a combined fleet of 20 U.K./U.S. machines and associated systems managed by a team based at L3's Greenville, Texas, factory. Under terms of the deal, the British aircraft will be refurbished and the mission systems upgraded every four years, according to the Desider magazine.
英國科巴姆公司的機身軟式加油裝置配裝A330 MRTT加油機完成首次空中對接成功
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64302 英國科巴姆公司的機身軟式加油裝置配裝A330 MRTT加油機完成首次空中對接成功 2010-12-21 [據英國科巴姆公司網站2010年12月16日報導]英國科巴姆公司(Cobham)的805E型軟管-錐套式機體加油裝置(FRU)已在英國的未來戰略加油機(FSTA)項目中,配裝英國皇家空軍的首架A330 MRTT加油機首次完成了與西班牙空軍EF-18戰鬥機的空中對接。在飛行期間,完成了各種空速和高度條件下的穩定性和使用評估。科巴姆公司的任務系統副總裁伊恩•吉布森(Iain Gibson)說,在整個對接階段,錐套都是穩定且可安全對接的,軟管也是全程主動控制的。雖然805E型FRU是科巴姆公司研製的第一種採用數位式電子控制技術的加油裝置,但是由於採用了與905E型軟管-錐套式翼下加油吊艙通用的系統結構,因此確保了805E型FRU在初始飛行試驗中達到高成熟度。科巴姆公司的805E型FRU將裝配於14架A330 MRTT加油機中5架的後機身,輸油速度可達2271升/分(600美加侖/分),而翼下吊艙的輸油速度為1590升/分(420美加侖/分),可更快速地為大型飛機(如A400M運輸機)加油。在完成此次無油對接試驗後,空客軍事公司將開展加油機和受油機的輸油試驗。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 尹相麗)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64126 巴西欲購買A330加油機 2010-12-13 [據英國《飛行國際》2010年12月9日報導]巴西空軍的KC-X加油/運輸機採購在9月份發佈招標書後,現在事情的發展出乎意料。儘管最初預計至少有3個競標者,但是據消息人士透漏,歐洲空中客車公司A330多用途加油/運輸機(MRTT)可能在年底前中標。 在本世紀初就啟動的美國波音公司KC-137加油/運輸機替換專案今年進展迅速,KC-137在這幾年越發顯露出其低可用性。巴西軍隊唯一的遠端運輸機隊在海底地震後只用於救災。KC-137無法參加11月為期23天的Cruzex V軍演。不過,政府尋求迅速替換的動機還有遠程總統運輸機。巴西2005年購買了一架空客A319CJ,但是不能滿足要求。除了立即要求2架加油/運輸機和第3架的選擇權外,巴西的KC-X要求有一架要能改為總統運輸任務。 空軍最初期待空客用基於A330-200的MRTT設計投標,還有波音和以色列航宇工業公司/巴西VEM團隊用改型767來投標。不過,總統盧拉表示本月底就會完成選擇。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 劉亞威) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/12/09/350761/brazil-to-seek-deal-for-a330-tankers.html DATE:09/12/10 SOURCE:Flight International Brazil to seek deal for A330 tankers After issuing a request for proposals in September, the Brazilian air force's KC-X tanker/transport procurement has taken an unexpected turn. Despite having initially forecast the participation of at least three bidders, sources in Brasilia indicate that Airbus Military's A330 multi-role tanker/transport might be selected before the end of the year. Launched earlier in the decade to replace the air force's four Boeing KC-137 (707) tanker/transports, the use of which has been hampered by low availability rates over the last few years, the KC-X programme was fast-tracked early this year. Problems with the service's sole long-range air transport assets were highlighted by its provision of only a small number of relief flights following the earthquake in Haiti early this year. Its KC-137s were then unable to take part in the 23-day Cruzex V exercise that was conducted during November. However, it was the type's role as a long-range presidential transport that spurred the government to seek a quick replacement. Brazil purchased one Airbus A319CJ in 2005, but this is unable to satisfy seating and range requirements for longer presidential trips. With an immediate requirement for two tanker/transports and an option for a third, Brazil's KC-X programme calls for one aircraft to be reconfigurable for presidential transport duties. The air force originally expected Airbus to tender a proposal based on its A330-200-based MRTT design, with Boeing and Israel Aerospace Industries - the latter teamed with Brazil's VEM - to submit offers based on modified 767s. However, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has indicated that a selection will be finalised later this month.