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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/61853 IAI試飛哥倫比亞767加油機 2010-09-08 【據英國《飛行國際》網站2010年9月6日報導】 以色列航宇工業公司(IAI)Bedek分部已成功完成了哥倫比亞一架經過改裝的波音767加油機的系列飛行試驗,並表示未來該部分市場前景看好。 這架二手的767-200ER飛機已被改裝為新型多工加油機/運輸機(MMTT),將提供給哥倫比亞空軍。改裝工作包括安裝由IAI研製和製造的ARP3機翼空中加油吊艙。 最近進行的試飛在以色列完成,主要內容涉及767飛機的空中加油包線擴展,其中包括為IAI “幼獅(Kfir)”C10戰鬥機升級型輸送燃油,按照2007年一份超過1.5億美元的合同該戰鬥機即將交付給哥倫比亞。 IAI試飛員表示,767的新加油設備工作良好,與受油機結合容易。Bedek分部稱,改裝後的767加油機最大燃油攜帶量為72500~90700千克,一次任務中能為13架F-16戰鬥機授油,航程達到1850千米。 IAI期望未來能為更多的767飛機完成MMTT任務改裝,其中包括貨運和VIP運輸任務。總經理Eliezer Hattem表示:“這將是未來幾年中公司的潛在增長點,年銷售收入有望達到1億美元。”Bedek分部同時還在尋找機會與其他歐洲公司合作進行飛機改裝。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 吳蔚)
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/09/06/347025/pictures-iai-tests-colombias-new-767-tanker.html DATE:06/09/10 SOURCE:Flight International PICTURES: IAI tests Colombia's new 767 tanker By Arie Egozi
Israel Aerospace Industries' Bedek unit has conducted a successful series of flight trials involving a modified Boeing 767 tanker for Colombia, and says a lucrative market exists for additional customers. The secondhand 767-200ER has been converted to a new multi-mission tanker/transport (MMTT) configuration for the Colombian air force, with the work having included the installation of ARP3 wing air refuelling pods developed and manufactured by IAI. Conducted in Israel, the recent trials were aimed at expanding the in-flight refuelling envelope of the 767. This included transferring fuel to an upgraded IAI Kfir C10 fighter awaiting delivery to Colombia under a 2007 contract worth more than $150 million. The 767's new refuelling equipment performed "flawlessly", say company test pilots, while contact by the fighter is described as easy, with a "stable hook-up". "The performance and overall stability of the aircraft and the drogues displayed impressive results," says IAI's chief test pilot Ronen Shapira, who also flew behind the modified airliner in a Gulfstream G250 business jet. Capable of carrying a maximum fuel load of 72,500-90,700kg (160,000-200,000lb), one adapted 767 could support 13 Lockheed Martin F-16 fighters on a mission with a range of 1,000nm (1,850km), Bedek says. The company sees an opportunity to convert a "meaningful number" of additional 767s for the MMTT mission, which could also include cargo and VIP transport tasks. "This is one of our growth engines in the coming years, with potential sales of $100 million a year," says general manager Eliezer Hattem. Further business could lead to Bedek working with European companies in making aircraft conversions, with Hattem confirming that it has already held talks "with more than one potential partner". IAI has previously offered a 767-based tanker to the Polish air force in collaboration with local firm Bumar.
May the Force be with you
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/73558 印度完成加油機競爭試驗 2012-01-18 [據英國《飛行國際》2012年1月13日報導]印度空軍已經完成空客A330 多用途加油機(MRTT)和伊爾IL-78MK加油機的競爭試驗。空客軍機公司發言人確認試驗已經完成,競爭的下一階段將是評估試驗報告和提交商業報價。 空軍主導了雙方的地面試驗和飛行試驗。試驗期間,印度空軍進行了了對蘇-30MKI和“美洲豹”的空空加油試驗。也評估了飛機的操縱性能。空客軍機公司稱測試在喜馬拉雅山脈的海拔3256米的列城空軍基地進行,是世界上最高的空軍基地之一。根據需求,A330 MRTT裝備了三個空中加油裝置,可以為更多的飛機加油。印度計畫採辦6架加油機,數量有可能提高。 印度空軍已經有了伊爾-78MK加油機,是伊爾-76運輸機的改型。來自印度工業界的消息他們支援A330MRTT,因為其有更好的機動性和較低的運營成本。除了作為加油機,A330MRTT還有一個實際大小的客艙和一個大的貨艙。在皇家澳大利亞空軍服役的A330MRTT客艙能容納270人,在地板下的貨艙能裝40噸貨物 印度近幾年的航空裝備採辦已經開始偏愛西方的供應商。2010年印度以42億美元購買了10架波音C-17“環球霸王III”運輸機,是美印之間最大的軍火交易。印度已經購買了6架洛馬的C-130運輸機。已全部交付。還有另外6架的購買權。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 薑廷昀) http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/india-completes-tanker-trials-366874/ India completes tanker trials Print By: Greg Waldron Singapore 05:55 13 Jan 2012 Source:
The Indian Air Force has completed its trials of the Airbus Military A330 multi-role tanker transport (MRTT) and Ilyushin IL-78MK. An Airbus Military spokesman confirmed the trials have been completed. The next stages in the competition will be a trials report and the submission of commercial offers. The air force conducted both ground trials and flight trials. During the flight trials the IAF tested air-to-air refueling with types such as the Sukhoi Su-30MKI and Sepecat Jaguar. Aircraft handling was also assessed. Airbus Military said the tests included take-offs and landings at the Himalayan airbase of Leh, at an elevation of 10,682ft (3256m), one of the highest air bases in the world. As per the requirement, the A330 MRTT used for the trials was equipped with a three point refueling configuration, with a fuselage refueling unit rather than a boom. India plans to acquire six tankers, although this number could rise. Although the IAF operates the IL-78MK, a variant of the IL-76 transport, industry sources In India have said that it favors the A330 MRTT as it feels this aircraft offers more flexibility and lower operating costs. In addition to serving as a tanker, the A330 MRTT has a full-sized airliner cabin and large cargo hold. In Royal Australian Air Force service, the A330 MRTT can carry 270 passengers in its main cabin and 40 tonnes of cargo in its under-floor cargo hold. India has also favored western suppliers for its major airlift acquisitions in recent years. In 2011 it signed a $4.2 billion dollar deal for 10 Boeing C-17 Globe master III aircraft, the largest ever US-India defence deal. India has also obtained six Lockheed Martin C-130Js, all of which have been delivered. It is widely expected to exercise its option for six more.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/73499 印度空軍完成對競標飛機A-330和伊爾-78的後續測試 2012-01-16 [據俄羅斯《軍事平衡》網站1月9日報導]在採購6架多用途加油/運輸機MRTT (Multi Role Tanker Transport)計畫框架內,印度空軍完成了對空客公司的A-330和俄羅斯聯合飛機製造集團公司的伊爾-78MD飛機的補充測試。 計畫價值估計為1000億盧比,約合20億美元。 據“合眾國際社”的消息,在瓜廖爾空軍基地對飛機性能的評估,是繼2011年7月在西班牙和俄羅斯所進行試驗的後續測試。 在首個計畫取消後9個月,印度方面於2010年9月公佈了MRTT飛機新的供應招標。印度國防部早在2007年便發出了關於供應6架多用途加油/運輸機MRTT建議的最初要求。建議於2008年底提交。參加招標的有波音公司以波音-767為基礎的飛機,空客公司的A-330和俄羅斯聯合飛機製造集團公司的伊爾-78MD-90。經過對這些飛機的評估,印度空軍選擇空客公司的A-330MRTT為獲勝飛機。然而,印度財政部以價格過高為由拒絕批准簽署採購這些空中加油機的合同。 印度財政部認為,購買伊爾-78加油機更為合適,並可補充在2004年購買的該型機隊。儘管印度空軍青睞於A-330,印度財政部還是取消了計畫,並建議使用最佳的評估方法進行新的招標。 在瓜廖爾空軍基地進行的測試包括為印度空軍現裝備的蘇-30MKI,“幻影2000”和米格- 29戰機進行加油。 採納建議並結束與“空中客車”和“伊枊申”的招標程式將在今年晚些時候開始。 2003-2004年印度空軍購買了6架在烏茲別克斯坦生產的伊爾-78加油機,這些加油機可載75噸燃油,能夠保障為印度空軍現裝備的“幻影2000”,“美洲虎”和蘇- 30MKI飛機進行空中加油。但是,印度空軍司令部聲稱,這些加油機不能滿足現代戰爭的要求。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 王新宇)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/71106 皇家澳大利亞空軍訂購的KC-30A加油機首次執行飛行任務 2011-10-10 [據英國《飛行國際》網站2011年9月16日報導] 皇家澳大利亞空軍訂購的KC-30A多工加油運輸機首次執行飛行任務,明年將形成初始作戰能力。 國防部稱:編號為A39-002的KC-30A從RAAF的安伯利基地起飛,完成2小時45分鐘的飛行,8名機組成員在此次飛行中核查了飛機系統和操作程式。現在已經開始對機組人員進行密集的操作測試和培訓,2012年底機隊將形成初始作戰能力。 2011年6月澳大利亞收到第一批2架KC-30A加油機(共訂購5架),今年年底空客軍機公司還將交付另外2架。澳航防務服務公司正在布里斯班工廠,將第5架A330-200飛機的改裝成KC-30A,這架飛機將於2012年交付澳大利亞。 皇家澳大利亞空軍訂購的KC-30A有270個座位,設置兩個艙位級別,此外在翼下導管-浮標加油吊艙,和一套加油探管系統,飛機最大燃油負載為111噸。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李淼) http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/raaf-conducts-first-kc-30a-flight-362144/ RAAF conducts first KC-30A flight Print By: Greg Waldron Singapore 01:00 16 Sep 2011 Source: The Royal Australian Air Force has conducted its first flight with the KC-30A multi-role tanker transport, and expects to declare initial operating capability late next year. The aircraft, A39-002, conducted a 2h 45min flight from its base at RAAF Amberley in Queensland, said the Department of Defence. The eight-person crew of the converted Airbus A330-200 used the flight to check systems and procedures. "Personnel will now begin an intensive operational test and evaluation flying programme for the aircraft," the DoD said. "Initial operational capability is expected in late 2012." Australia received the first two of its eventual five KC-30As in June 2011. Airbus Military will deliver two more by the end of this year. Qantas Defence Services is now converting the fifth and final A330-200 aircraft into a KC-30A tanker at its Brisbane facility, with this aircraft to be delivered in 2012. The RAAF's KC-30As are being delivered in a 270-seat, two-class configuration, in addition to having under-wing hose-and-drogue refuelling pods and an air refuelling boom system. The aircraft has a maximum fuel capacity of 111 tonnes.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/69226 波蘭空軍將開始評估加油機需求 2011-07-21 [據《飛行國際》2011年7月中旬] 波蘭不久將開始評估波音767改型為加油機和VIP飛機的需求,由以色列航宇工業公司的比德航空分公司正在進行這架767改型工作。 波蘭空軍希望購買兩架空中加油機用於支援F-16戰鬥機隊的行動任務,這項需求還包括波蘭的技術現代化升級計畫,計畫在2013年完成。 波蘭空軍將評估的飛機是一架原為哥倫比亞生產二手767-200ER,以色列航宇工業公司購買了這架飛機,比德分公司為其安裝了一套“軟管-浮標”加油系統。消息人士希望波蘭也考慮一下空客軍機公司的A330多工加油運輸機。 以色列航宇工業公司也和巴西空軍官員推薦了767改型的加油機,儘管巴西空軍希望購買巴西航空工業公司的KC-390加油機。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李淼) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2011/07/12/359387/poland-to-launch-tanker-evaluation.html DATE:12/07/11 SOURCE:Flight International Poland to launch tanker evaluation By Arie Egozi
Poland will soon evaluate a Boeing 767 converted for use as a tanker/VIP aircraft by the Bedek Aviation division of Israel Aerospace Industries. The move comes as the nation's air force looks to purchase two inflight refuelling aircraft to support operations with its Lockheed Martin F-16s. The requirement is contained within Warsaw's technical modernisation plan, to be completed by 2013. The Polish air force will evaluate an aircraft based on the conversion made to a secondhand 767-200ER for the Colombian air force. IAI purchased the used aircraft and Bedek converted it with a hose-and-drogue refuelling system. Sources expect Poland to also assess Airbus Military's A330 multi-role tanker transport. IAI has, meanwhile, also briefed Brazilian air force officials about the 767 conversion, despite the service's intention to acquire Embraer's developmental KC-390 design.
英國“航行者” 加油機和“狂風”GR4戰鬥機進行空中加油飛行試驗
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/68998 英國“航行者” 加油機和“狂風”GR4戰鬥機進行空中加油飛行試驗 2011-07-13 [據英國《飛行國際》網站2011年7月5日報導] 今年11月初英國“未來戰略加油機”(FSTA)專案將開始交付,目前項目在作戰能力提升上取得了重要的進展,正在用A330“航行者”加油機和皇家空軍“狂風”GR4戰鬥機進行飛行試驗。
空客軍機公司稱:“在6月底和7月初,兩架飛機進行了一系列的晝夜幹連接試驗, 隨後也將開展“濕”連接試驗。在國防部位于威爾特郡的伯斯坎比頓試驗基地,由奈蒂克公司提供支援的最新一輪的試驗正在開展。 空客軍機公司稱最近的試驗飛行用的是“航行者“柯巴姆905E翼吊軟管-浮標加油吊艙,飛行包線的高度在3050米和9144米之間,速度在462千米/時和600千米/時之間。 “未來戰略加油機”(FSTA)項目將交付14架基於A330-200改型的加油運輸機,專案經費來自於空中加油機聯盟招募的私有資金,第一架飛機將在11月1日開始在英國皇家空軍服役,將于2013年完全替代在役的洛克希德公司的“三星”加油機和維克公司的VC-10加油機。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李淼) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2011/07/05/359152/picture-uks-voyager-tanker-starts-flight-trials-with.html DATE:05/07/11 SOURCE:Flight International PICTURE: UK's Voyager tanker starts flight trials with Tornado By Craig Hoyle
The UK's Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) programme has moved a step closer to its planned delivery of an operational capability from early November, with flight trials having been conducted using an A330 "Voyager" and a Royal Air Force Panavia Tornado GR4. "The two aircraft performed a series of dry contacts, by day and night, in late June/early July during a programme to formally qualify the Tornado to refuel from the FSTA in operational service," Airbus Military said. "Wet contacts will commence shortly." Supported by Qinetiq, the latest round of trials built on previous ground-based activities with a Tornado at the Ministry of Defence's Boscombe Down test site in Wiltshire. Airbus Military said the recent flights used the Voyager's Cobham 905E underwing hose-and-drogue refuelling pods within a flight envelope from 10,000ft (3,050m) to 30,000ft and at speeds ranging from 250kt (462km/h) to 325kt. The FSTA programme will deliver 14 A330-200-based tanker/transports via a private finance initiative deal with the AirTanker consortium. The first aircraft is due to enter service at RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire on 1 November, with the type to fully replace the service's Lockheed TriStars and Vickers VC10s by 2013.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/67793 2011年美國空中加油機完成16萬噸空中加油任務 2011-05-24 [據美國空軍網站2011年5月18日報導]2011年的前四個月,美國空中加油機在中央司令部所屬區域完成了16萬噸,26500架次的空中加油任務, 16萬噸的加油量是由位於西南亞的美國空軍中央聯合空戰中心測算而出,等同於2.4億升燃油,可以為攜帶兩個副油箱的F-16加油29750次。 執行空中加油任務的是KC-135和KC-10加油機,兩型飛機部署于美國中央司令部位于西南亞未公開的軍事基地。KC-135由美國空軍的第340空中加油遠征中隊和第376空中遠征聯隊使用和維護。KC-10由第380空中遠征聯隊和第908空中加油遠征中隊使用和維護。 美國中央司令部統計資料顯示,2010年空中加油機機隊完成47.6萬噸、82600架次的空中加油任務。已經是連續第3年,加油量超過45.4萬噸(10億磅),其中2008年加油量最大,為50萬噸。 此外,根據空中機動司令部的5月13日的報紙所述,自從2001年9月11日以來,美國空軍共完成了603萬噸的空中加油任務。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李淼)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/66998 英國皇家空軍首架A330未來戰略加油機(FSTA)抵達英國 2011-04-20 [據英國《飛行國際》網站2011年4月18日報導]英國首架未來戰略加油機(FSTA)已抵達英格蘭維爾特郡Boscombe Down,即將開始英國本土進行的試驗項目。同時,英國國防部宣佈該機將在英國皇家空軍(RAF)內稱為“航行者(Voyager)”。
該架改裝後的空客A330-200飛機於4月18日抵達國防部/ Qinetiq試驗中心,是2架目前已為RAF改裝的飛機之一,FSTA專案共計包含14架飛機。 空客軍機公司表示,該機初始專項地面試驗將很快開始,隨後利用2架飛機開展飛行試驗,以便完成飛機鑒定投入服役。AirTanker集團將在2011年底向牛津郡RAF Brize Norton基地交付首架作戰型機。 英國國防部稱,該機將與“狂風”、E-3D、“颱風”、C-130J進行加油模擬試驗。這一過程將持續到明年。 首架FSTA飛機是從空客軍機公司位於馬德里附近的Getafe飛抵倫敦的,英國剩餘的12架飛機將由科巴姆公司在位於Dorset的Bournemouth機場進行改裝,整個機隊計畫到2016年中投入使用 。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 吳蔚) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2011/04/18/355676/pictures-rafs-first-a330-voyager-lands-in-the-uk.html DATE:18/04/11 SOURCE:Flight International PICTURES: RAF's first A330 'Voyager' lands in the UK By Craig Hoyle
The UK's first Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA) has arrived at Boscombe Down in Wiltshire at the start of its programme of in-country testing, as the Ministry of Defence has announced that the type will be named the Voyager in Royal Air Force service. The modified Airbus A330-200 landed at the Ministry of Defence/Qinetiq test centre on 18 April, having been flown from Airbus Military's Getafe site near Madrid. It is one of two examples to have been converted so far for the RAF under the 14-aircraft FSTA programme with the AirTanker consortium. "Initially specialised ground-testing will take place, leading to airborne testing through the summer, involving both aircraft, to qualify the receiver aircraft in-service with the RAF," Airbus Military says. AirTanker will deliver the first operational example to RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire in late 2011. "On the ground and in the air, the aircraft will be tested in the refuelling role, with [Panavia] Tornado, [Boeing E-3D] Sentry, [Eurofighter] Typhoon and [Lockheed Martin C-130] Hercules aircraft," the MoD says. This process will continue into next year, it adds. “The initial testing phase [in Spain] has gone very well and the aircraft is proving to be a reliable, mature and very effective platform," says AirTanker chief executive Phill Blundell. "We look forward to seeing it enter service later this year and beginning the transformation of the RAF's tanker, transport and aero-medical evacuation capabilities," says Antonio Caramazana, head of Airbus Military derivatives. The UK's remaining 12 aircraft will be modified by Cobham at its Bournemouth airport site in Dorset, with the entire fleet scheduled to be in use by mid-2016. Meanwhile, industry preparations for the introduction of the A330 tanker and the delayed A400M transport were advanced early this month, with the establishment of a national entity called Airbus Military UK. This is headed by Richard Thompson, Airbus Military's former head of customer services.
阿聯酋空軍的首架A330 MRTT加油機/運輸機完成首飛
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/66943 阿聯酋空軍的首架A330 MRTT加油機/運輸機完成首飛2011-04-19 [據歐洲空中客車軍機公司網站2011年4月12日報導] 日前,空客軍機公司為阿聯酋(UAE)空軍生產的第一架A330 MRTT加油機/運輸機在馬德里完成改裝後成功完成首飛。 據機組人員報告,在4月9日進行的2小時55分鐘的飛行中,該飛機系統和兩台英國羅羅公司“遄達”700發動機的表現都讓人非常滿意。由於阿聯酋訂購的A330 MRTT採用了一些不同的航電設備,而且是第一架採用羅羅公司“遄達”發動機的機型,因此該飛機目前開始進入獲取型號合格證的階段。 阿聯酋空軍訂購的3架飛機中的第一架將在年底左右轉交阿布扎比進行飛行試驗的最後階段,2012年2季度將進行交付。 在這次飛行前,已經有6架A330 MRTT進行了飛行,包括澳大利亞皇家空軍(RAAF)的3架,英國皇家空軍的2架,以及沙烏地阿拉伯皇家空軍的1架。其中兩架技術上的工作已經完成,並已經準備交付RAAF,仍有些未定事項需討論。 圖片展示了阿聯酋空軍第一架A330 MRTT在空客軍機公司赫塔菲基地降落。 A330 MRTT資料 A330 MRTT已經於2010年3月獲得歐洲民用合格證權威機構——歐洲航空安全局(EASA)頒發的追加型號合格證,並於2010年10月獲得西班牙權威機構INTA頒發的軍用飛機型號合格證。空客軍機公司的A330 MRTT是目前可獲得的唯一一款已經飛行的新一代戰略加油/運輸機。該飛機由A330-200客機改裝而來,具有111噸(245000磅)加油能力,因此A330 MRTT能在空中加油任務中勝出,而不需要其他加油機輔助。A330 MRTT飛機具有經驗證的可選的空中加油系統,包括空客軍機公司的先進空中加油伸縮套管系統,和/或一對翼下軟管錐套加油吊艙,和/或機身加油裝置。 得益於A330 MRTT的寬體機身,該飛機也能用作純粹的運輸機,作為運輸機時可以運載300名士兵,或有效載荷可達45噸(99000磅)。該飛機也能方便改造成醫療救援飛機,最多可容納130幅擔架。截至目前,已經有四個客戶(澳大利亞、沙烏地阿拉伯、阿聯酋和英國)共訂購28架A330 MRTT,其中沙特已經進行第二次訂購。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 王妍)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/66945 英國皇家空軍高層稱A330加油機或將分擔ISR任務 2011-04-19 [據英國《飛行國際》網站2011年4月15日報導] 英國皇家空軍高層官員透露,英國可能會將空客A330改“未來戰略加油機”(FSTA)機隊用於執行除了原先預定角色之外更加廣泛的任務。
皇家空軍訂購了14架FSTA,按計劃將從今年年底開始逐步進入服役,以替換老舊的洛克希德“三星”和維克斯VC10加油機,為空軍提供空中加油和人員運輸的服務。 空軍參謀長道爾頓認為,FSTA機隊的潛能遠遠超出了提供這些傳統服務的能力,例如,它還可提供執行情報、偵察和監視(ISR)的能力。4月13日,他在皇家空軍協會在倫敦舉辦的2011年航空航太會議上發言稱:“我們應該勇於創新。現在沒有任何跡象顯示某些參與作戰的飛機不應該擔當ISR收集器的角色,或者FSTA無法改裝成一個戰略ISR平臺。當前和未來平臺能夠、且應該集成這種模組化貨架能力”。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 廖孟豪) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2011/04/15/355589/raf-boss-plots-possible-isr-role-for-a330-tankers.html DATE:15/04/11 SOURCE:Flight International RAF boss plots possible ISR role for A330 tankers By Craig Hoyle The UK could employ its Airbus A330-based Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft fleet for a variety of tasks beyond its originally intended roles, says the Royal Air Force's top officer. "FSTA is much more than a tanker," says chief of the air staff Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Dalton. "It has the ability to stay airborne and provide a [communications] relay facility for much longer than our current aircraft types." Fourteen modified A330-200s are due to enter RAF use from late this year, with the type to replace its aged Lockheed TriStars and Vickers VC10s in providing in-flight refuelling and passenger transport services. But Dalton believes the fleet's potential could go much further than these traditional roles, for example by taking on some intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance functions. "We need to do much more in the way we drive towards innovation," Dalton told the Royal Aeronautical Society's Aerospace 2011 conference in London on 13 April. "There are few good reasons why every airframe in an operational area should not be an ISR collector, or that FSTA could not be configured as a strategic ISR platform. Off-the-shelf modular capabilities to make this happen exist and can, indeed should, be integrated into future and current platforms, affordability permitting." The AirTanker consortium, which will deliver the FSTA service under a private finance initiative deal with the UK Ministry of Defence, has also previously hinted at wider potential uses for the 14-aircraft fleet, the last of which will enter use by mid-2016. "There's a lot more we could do," director of flight operations James Scott told Flightglobal late last year. The RAF's first A330 tanker is due to be flown to the MoD's Boscombe Down test centre in Wiltshire soon to begin clearance testing for UK service. AirTanker will deliver its first operational example to Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, late this year. Seven of the UK's aircraft will be configured with under-wing hose and drogue refuelling pods, while the rest of the fleet will be three-point tankers also equipped with a centreline fuselage refuelling unit for use with large aircraft types. Meanwhile, AirTanker partner Thales UK has contracted CTC Aviation to support the instruction of pilots for the FSTA service from mid-2011. “CTC instructors will deliver A330-200 type rating training and operational support programmes” using a full-flight simulator and part-task trainer installed at Brize Norton, the company says. “Later in 2012 CTC will assist Thales UK to establish its own A330 type rating training organisation approval,” it adds.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/66772 美國諾•格公司導航設備精度超過自主空中加油飛行試驗精度需求 2011-04-12 [據美國諾斯羅普•格魯門公司網站2011年4月7日報導]在最近進行的一系列美國空軍研究實驗室“自主空中加油”(AAR)專案飛行試驗中,諾斯羅普•格魯門公司相關導航系統的精確度超過了需求。參與這組飛行試驗的單位還有空軍飛行測試中心的測試行動聯合測試部隊、堪薩斯空中國民警衛隊的第190空中加油聯隊和卡爾斯潘集團。
AAR專案的目的是驗證無人機空中加油的關鍵技術和開發與美國空軍現役加油機相匹配的適航認證工具。這組試驗使用的是一架用於模擬無人機“利爾噴氣”公務機和一架改裝的空中加油機。諾•格公司的GPS/光纖陀螺慣性導航系統(INS)內置有導航軟體,在試驗中提供了相關模擬空中加油任務所需的精確定位資訊。這組8架次的飛行試驗證明,諾•格公司集成在其LN-251系統的導航軟體可在資料鏈中斷、時間變更延遲和近距靠近等情況下提供一致可靠的即時精確定位能力。試驗同時還成功演示了一台改裝的羅克韋爾•柯林斯公司24通道GPS接收機,該接收機集成在LN-251的底座上,具有加強的跟蹤能力。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 廖孟豪) http://www.irconnect.com/noc/press/pages/news_releases.html?d=218140 Northrop Grumman Navigation Capabilities Exceed Requirements for Automated Aerial Refueling Program Flight Tests WOODLAND HILLS, Calif., April 7, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation's (NYSE:NOC) Relative Navigation system exceeded accuracy requirements during recent flight tests for the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory's Automated Aerial Refueling (AAR) program. The tests were conducted in collaboration with the Air Force Flight Test Center's Test Operations Combined Test Force, the 190th Air Refueling Wing of the Kansas Air National Guard and the Calspan Corporation. A photo accompanying this release is available at http://media.globenewswire.com/noc/mediagallery.html?pkgid=7317 The objectives of the AAR program are to demonstrate critical technology to enable refueling of unmanned aircraft and develop tools to support airworthiness certification for integration with the existing Air Force tanker fleet. Employing a Learjet as a surrogate for an unmanned aircraft and a modified refueling tanker, Northrop Grumman's Relative Navigation software operating in the company's LN-251 embedded global positioning system (GPS)/fiber-optic inertial navigation system (INS) provided the precise positioning information required in support of the simulated aerial refueling mission. A series of eight flight tests demonstrated that Northrop Grumman's Relative Navigation software hosted in the LN-251 produces consistent and predictable real-time accuracy performance across data link drops and varying time delays, close proximity and mid-range vehicle separations. The test also successfully exercised a modified Rockwell Collins 24-channel GPS receiver with enhanced tracking capabilities integrated within the LN-251 chassis. "This flight test demonstrated that our simulation tools and hardware-in-the-loop test environment can successfully predict and model our Relative Navigation solution performance for the AAR mission," said Dr. Charles Volk, vice president and chief technology officer for Northrop Grumman's Navigation Systems Division. "This successful demonstration shows that our solution can be utilized for refueling mission planning and performance modeling for future applications, such as a precision approach and landing, where moving vehicles must operate cooperatively in close proximity as well as scenarios with larger separation between vehicles." Northrop Grumman has been involved with the AAR program since 2006. As part of its program involvement, Northrop Grumman has supplied the Relative Navigation software and hardware, developed test equipment to support the data collection and monitoring for lab and flight testing, performed technical analyses and supported all flight tests. The recently tested software improvements to the Relative Navigation system will be used to validate the modeled availability, continuity, integrity and accuracy for operational performance of the system. The LN-251 systems utilized for this demonstration are the smallest, lightest navigation-grade embedded GPS/INS units available. They contain a high-performance navigation-grade fiber-optic gyro-based inertial measurement unit, providing a compact and low noise precision navigation solution for the relative navigation applications. The LN-251, with its Ethernet interface, is easy to incorporate into new aircraft and avionics systems of existing aircraft. Its modular open architecture supports additional applications and evolving requirements. Northrop Grumman is a leading global security company whose 75,000 employees provide innovative systems, products and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please visit www.northropgrumman.com for more information.