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【據英國《飛行國際》網站2010年6月28日報導】   在堅定進入軍用作戰使用之後,無人機(UAV)開始逐漸找尋進入民用航空空域的道路。泰雷茲集團表示,經過9個國家23家公司長達1年的研究之後,已經確定了4種可能途徑,將民航所需的無線電頻譜集成到軍用無人機系統(UAS)中。關於UAS軍用頻譜分配給通用航空(SIGAT)的研究,其研究目的是,明確和提出未來軍用UAS融入歐洲民用航空領域所需的指揮和控制無線電的適當頻率。

泰雷茲集團負責防禦任務系統的高級副總裁Pierre-Eric Pommellet說:“目前UAS發展的主要核心就是將這些飛行器融入民用航空空域。我們需要在現有的航空運輸中劃出合適的空域,同時為所有空域使用者提供國際民航標準的安全水準。”




根據美國海關和邊界警衛隊的消息,當FAA宣佈首架UAV在德克薩斯州和墨西哥邊界執行安全任務之後,一架“捕食者”B由於操作員操作失誤致使與其失去聯繫,這一事件使得FAA加大了研究力度。考慮到邊界巡邏人員的“額外任務”,FAA和邊界巡邏暫停了UAV飛行長達6天,之後UAV又開始在邊界上空飛行。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  謝文嬌)

SOURCE:Flight International
Unmanned vehicles move on civil airspace, one step at a time
By Gayle Putrich
Having been firmly entrenched in modern military concepts of operations, unmanned air vehicles are slowly finding their way into civil airspace.

After a year-long study in collaboration with a consortium of 23 companies representing nine countries, Thales says it has identified four possible paths for addressing frequency spectrum needs and concerns for as part of the integration of military unmanned air systems with civilian air traffic.

The SIGAT study, or "Study on military frequency spectrum allocations for the Insertion into General Air Traffic of UAS", was aimed at defining and promoting a common European position for command and control radio frequencies for future military UAS integration in the European civil airspace.

"One of the major issues at the heart of UAS development today is the integration of these vehicles into civil airspace. We need to ensure proper segregation of existing air traffic and maintain a high level of safety for all airspace users to the standards of international civil aviation," says Pierre-Eric Pommellet, Thales senior vice-president in charge of defence mission systems.

While calling the SIGAT findings "decisive" and "a major outcome for European defence ministries" considering the technical and regulatory aspects of operating manned and unmanned aircraft in the same airspace, no details on the findings were released.

The technical aspects of how to best bring unmanned aircraft and general air traffic together over Europe is expected to be discusses at the next World Radiocommunication Conference in 2012.

The USA is only just embarking on its considerations of how to bring manned and unmanned systems together in civil airspace. The US Federal Aviation Administration and UAS-maker Insitu have struck a deal to study UAVs in civil airspace for the next two years.

Insitu, a wholly owned subsidiary of Boeing, will provide the FAA with two ScanEagle vehicles, two ground control systems, a launcher, SkyHook retrieval system and training materials worth around $1.6 million, plus the necessary training and support over the life of the agreement.

The FAA is expected to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking on UAS integrations in the first quarter of 2011. The agency has already accepted Insitu's recommendation of defining a "small UAS" as 25kg (55lb) or lighter, says Paul McDuffee, Insitu's vice-president of commercial business development.

While it looks like slow progress to some, the move to study integration is a major one for the FAA, which has long been reluctant to bring unmanned aircraft into civil airspace.

Fuel was added to the fire when, days after the FAA-Insitu announcement, the first UAV flying on a Texas-Mexico border security mission, a Predator B, lost communications with its pilot "which resulted in pilot deviation", according to US Customs and Border Protection.

The FAA and border patrol stopped UAV flights for six days for "additional training" of border patrol personnel. UAV flights over the border have since resumed.

May the Force be with you
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【據英國《飛行國際》2010年8月26日報導】  據美國諾斯羅普公司稱,美國航空航天局(NASA)和諾斯羅普•格魯門公司本周成功從一架改裝的“全球鷹”Block 0上投放了下投式探空儀。在加利福尼亞州愛德華茲空軍基地進行的測試是為“全球鷹”執行在加勒比海上空進行NASA的“捕獵颶風”行動作準備,該行動是起源和快速激變過程(Genesis and Rapid Intensification Process,GRIP)任務的一部分。
  諾斯羅普負責空中和陸地先進概念的副總裁Carl Johnson表示下投式探空儀感測器大小和空的廚房紙巾筒類似,重量不到227克,被裝載在“全球鷹”機腹的輕質鋁架上,然後自然釋放,通過鋁架底部的洞直下墜入到風暴中。
  Johnson稱投放的120個下投式探空儀在其掉入海中後,會將成長中的風暴的內部情況數據傳回完全翻新的地面站。諾斯羅普稱,這個1994年製造的“全球鷹”地面站已經根據與NASA簽署的一份5年合約針對科學研究任務的需要進行了徹底的升級和改進。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  許贇)

SOURCE:Flight Daily News
AUVSI: NASA, Northrop tests sensor drop on Global Hawk
By Gayle Putrich
NASA and Northrop Grumman this week successfully released dropsondes from a modified Block 0 Global Hawk, Northrop says. The tests, conducted at Edwards AFB in California, are in preparation for the Global Hawk to go hurricane-hunting in the Caribbean with NASA as part of the Genesis and Rapid Intensification Process (GRIP) mission.

GRIP is a NASA research mission aimed at getting a better understanding of tropical storms and how they intensify - or don't - and develop into hurricanes.

The dropsonde sensors, each about the size of an empty paper towel tube and weighing less than 227 grams (8oz), are loaded into lightweight aluminium rack in the belly of the Global Hawk and are released without actuation, dropping into the storm straight through holes in the bottom of the rack, says Carl Johnson, Northrop's vice president of air and land advanced concepts.

The 120 dropsondes will send data on conditions inside the growing storm back to a completely revamped ground station as they fall to the ocean, Johnson says. The circa 1994 Global Hawk ground station was updated and modified extensively for scientific missions under the five-year deal with NASA, Northrop says.

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