【據英國《飛行國際》2010年6月8日報導】 德國軍方在柏林航展上展示了一系列作戰無人機(UAV),以這種方式強調在阿富汗對該系統不斷增長的作戰經驗。空軍3月推出的首架租用以色列航宇工業的“蒼鷺1”,就是抵達前線UAV的最新例子。
Rheinmetall還與以色列飛機工業有限公司(IAI)合作,為德國2013年後的長期Saateg計畫,提供更新的“蒼鷺”TP。這種採用渦槳發動機為動力的無人機最大起飛重量可達5 000千克(11 030磅),包括1 000千克的載荷,可以持續工作超過36小時。Rheinmetall表示:“‘蒼鷺’TP正在為快速部署做準備,能滿足未來MALE偵察系統的全部需求,相對新部署的系統,它具有更好的經濟性和更低的風險性。”根據提議,改進系統的70%工作將在德國進行。
與此同時,公司還表示KZO偵察和目標探測UAV在阿富汗執行260多項任務之後,“已經成功實現發射”。2009年7月德國陸軍首次部署該系統。該系統製造商在此次航展首次展出了設計的新型綜合EO/IR和鐳射廣域探測器載荷。該公司還根據IAI訂單,開展該系統與德國新型Harop攻擊UAV的協同使用概念研究。KZO將為盤旋待命武器提供高價值目標指示,並且提供攻擊後的作戰毀傷評估。Rheinmetall表示:“沒有可靠的、即時可用的火力支援,即使最好的戰區感測器也無用武之地。”(中國航空工業發展研究中心 謝文嬌)
SOURCE:Flight Daily News
ILA: German military highlights UAV capabilities at show
By Craig Hoyle
Germany's military services are displaying a range of operational unmanned air vehicles at the show, as a means of highlighting their growing experience with the systems in Afghanistan.
The air force's March introduction of its first leased Israel Aerospace Industries Heron 1 is the most recent example of such equipment reaching the frontline.
Deployed within five months of a deal being signed with prime contractor Rheinmetall Defence, the interim "Saateg" system now provides intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance services for German, NATO and coalition forces. The company is also responsible for providing all maintenance services for the system in Afghanistan, and will soon have 20 personnel deployed.
Capable of flying for over 24h and typically flown once a day, the medium-altitude, long-endurance (MALE) Heron 1 carries an electro-optical/infrared sensor. A second will be fielded late this month in the configuration on show at ILA (below). This adds a synthetic aperture radar payload and satellite communication equipment. A third will arrive in late August, with the first example to be modified to the improved standard in theatre.
Rheinmetall is also teamed with IAI to offer the latter's Heron TP for Germany's long-term Saateg programme requirements after 2013. The turboprop-powered vehicle has a maximum take-off weight of up to 5,000kg (11,030lb), including a 1,000kg payload, and an operating endurance greater than 36h.
"The Heron TP is ready for immediate deployment, and meets the full range of requirements for a future MALE reconnaissance system," Rheinmetall says, adding: "It is less expensive and poses fewer risks than a newly developed system." Around 70% of the modified system would be manufactured in Germany under its proposal.
Meanwhile, the company says its KZO reconnaissance and target-detection UAV "has come through its baptism of fire with flying colours", after completing more than 260 missions in Afghanistan. The German army first deployed the system in July 2009, and its manufacturer is for the first time exhibiting a newly incorporated EO/IR and laser range finder sensor package for the design.
The company is also working on a concept to use the system in tandem with Germany's new Harop attack UAVs, ordered from IAI. The KZO would locate high-value targets for the loitering weapons and provide battle damage assessment after a strike.
"Without reliable, instantly available firepower, even the best battlefield sensors are effectively useless," Rheinmetall says.