[據英國《飛行國際》2010年4月15日報導] 范堡羅(Farnborough)航展的組織者和英國民航局及主辦場地所有者原則上達成了協定,允許無人機系統參加今年航展的每日飛行表演,這是無人機系統第一次參加這種表演。
范堡羅國際公司的首席執行官Shaun Ormrod表示,無人機系統的表演將成為未來航展的一個主要組成部分。
今年的范堡羅航展將於7月19~25日進行。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李昊)
Farnborough International gets backing to fly UAVs at July show
By Craig Hoyle
Unmanned aircraft systems should participate in the daily flying display at the Farnborough air show for the first time this year, after the event’s organisers reached an in-principle agreement with the UK Civil Aviation Authority and the site’s owners.
Farnborough International chief executive Shaun Ormrod says “extensive consultation with customers has clearly indicated that a UAS display must become an integral part of future air shows.”
The show organiser says the newly secured agreement is the result of “lengthy discussions”, and covers guidelines for both indoor and outdoor flight activities with unmanned air vehicles.
“It is likely that a dedicated 30min UAS display will take place prior to the start of the flying display,” the company says. However, this could potentially be extended to 1h, “depending on the level of customer uptake.”
“We expect a good number of customers to take up this opportunity,” says Rod Dean, the show’s director of flight operations.
The Farnborough air show will take place from 19-25 July.
May the Force be with you