[據英國《飛行國際》2009年10月9日報導]日本三菱飛機公司(MAC)銷售主管Yugo Fukuhara透露,MAC會在“一兩年”內決定是否正式啟動“三菱支線飛機”(MRJ)加長改型專案,但目前該加長改型機的訂價還未確定。該機預計將設有100個座位。在瑞士Interlaken 舉行的歐洲支線航空公司協會全體代表大會的會外活動期間,Fukuhara曾提到過,最終是否推出加長型機將取決於“需求和實際業務狀況”。
儘管MAC同時也為波音787製造複合材料的機翼翼盒段,但公司主管市場行銷的副總裁Yosuke Takigawa特別強調說,修改MRJ機翼方案的決定與波音787的延期沒有半點關係。按照原方案,MRJ70和MRJ90將使用一樣的機翼,但現在改方案後,MRJ90的機翼需經過減重後才能安裝在MRJ70上,而加長機將使用MRJ90機翼的加強版。
本月初,美國支線航空公司(Trans State Holdings)簽署了一份採購最多100架MRJ(50架確定,50架意向)的意向書。在這之前MRJ僅有一份在2005年3月與全日本航空運輸公司(ANA)簽署的啟動訂單,訂單總數最多為25架,其中15架確定,10架可選。
Fukuhara認為MRJ系列飛機將憑藉其“更好的經濟性”在某些地區取代渦槳飛機。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 廖孟豪)
Decision on MRJ stretch will take 'one or two years'
By Niall O’Keeffe
SOURCE:Air Transport Intelligence news
Mitsubishi Aircraft (MAC) will decide on whether to launch formally a stretch version of the MRJ "in one or two years", but has yet to determine a list price for the proposed 100-seat variant, according to its director of marketing Yugo Fukuhara.
Speaking on the sidelines of the ERA General Assembly in Interlaken, Switzerland, Fukuhara said that launch of the stretch version was "subject to demand and business case".
The stretch's seat capacity has been set at 100 for two reasons, explains Fukuhara: 100 is the maximum number of seats that can be flown with just two cabin attendants, and demand in the 101-110-seat market is considered by MAC to be "very limited".
The stretch, which would join the 88-seat MRJ 90 and 76-seat MRJ 70, was first mooted as part of a comprehensive programme revamp revealed in September, following a preliminary design review and customer discussions that ran between April and August.
The revamp brought a host of changes intended to "accommodate customer requirements and reflect design progress". These included a switch from carbon-fibre composite wing boxes to aluminium ones. "The weight reduction by applying carbon fibre to the MRJ's size of wing was less than expected," explains Fukuhara.
A division of MAC manufactures composite wing boxes for the Boeing 787, but senior vice president of sales and marketing Yosuke Takigawa stresses that the US airframer's programme delays were not a factor in its decision to amend the MRJ's design.
Where previously the MRJ 70 and 90 were intended to share a common wing, the plan now is develop a lighter version of the MRJ 90 wing for the 70 and a strengthened version for the stretch.
Changes to the fuselage design included a heightening of the cabin, allowing larger overhead bins, and a switch from two cargo compartments (one aft and one forward) to just one (an enlarged aft compartment).
Earlier this month US regional carrier Trans State Holdings signed a letter of intent to take up to 100 MRJ aircraft (50 firm, with 50 options). This followed a launch order from All Nippon Airways (ANA) in March 2005. The ANA order comprised 15 firm aircraft and 10 options.
First flight of an MRJ is due in 2012, with first delivery scheduled for 2014. The MRJ 90, which has a list price of $40 million, will come to market first, with the MRJ 70 ($34 million) following a year later.
MAC intends to support the aircraft itself, with support from programme partners Boeing and Saab. It has made applications to the Federation Aviation Administration (FAA), European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Japanese regulator JCAB for type certification, and plans to downselect pilot training partners by the end of this year.
While acknowledging that the USA is "still the biggest market" for regional jets, Takigawa says that MAC "continues to talk to airlines around the globe".
Fukuhara believes that MRJs could replace turboprops in some areas thanks to their "better economics".
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