更新日期:2010/10/30 02:50
(法新社日內瓦29日電) 航空當局今天證實,1架於7月日夜不停飛行的瑞士太陽能動力飛機,已創下多項世界紀錄,包括在太陽能飛機類別中,飛行時間最長和飛行高度最高的紀錄。
國際航空聯盟(International AeronauticalFederation,FAI)表示,「太陽動力號」(SolarImpulse)在空中歷時26小時10分19秒,成為飛行時間最長的太陽能飛機。
「FAI恭喜飛行員波許柏格(Andri Borschberg)和參與太陽能動力的整個團隊,達成輝煌成就。」
FAI主管人員梅爾(Marcel Meyer)告訴法新社,這也是這架擁有4年歷史的太陽能飛機,飛行壯舉首度受到正式認可。
Swiss solar plane confirmed as multiple record-breaker
– Fri Oct 29, 7:48 am ET
GENEVA (AFP) – Aeronautical authorities on Friday confirmed world records for a Swiss solar-powered aircraft that flew around the clock in July, including those for the longest and highest flight by such an aircraft.
Solar Impulse was credited with the longest flight in the category of solar powered aeroplanes, by staying aloft for 26 hours, 10 minutes and 19 seconds, the International Aeronautical Federation (FAI) said.
It also set an altitude record by flying at 9,235 metres (30,298 feet), and a record for the biggest height gain (8,744 metres) during the pioneering flight.
"The FAI congratulates (pilot) André Borschberg and the whole team involved in Solar Impulse on these splendid achievements."
The experimental single-seater with solar panels cast across a wingspan matching that of a large airliner flew in 14 hours of sunshine to power, also allowing it to charge up its batteries and fly on through darkness.
FAI official Marcel Meyer told AFP that it was also the first time in the four-year history of the solar-powered category that such feats had officially been endorsed.
"There have not been any previous records," he said, adding that records had been claimed for solar flight before but without sufficient proof.
The Solar Impulse team is planning to fly even further, including possible manned transatlantic and round-the-world flights in 2013-2014.
The pioneering flight in Switzerland was monitored by observers from the Swiss Aero Club, an FAI member.
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