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2009/04/06   法國新一代Rafale飆風戰機
  由為前瞻新世紀的空防需求,肆應未來戰爭形態,各主要國家於二十世紀末期均投入新一代戰機的研發與產製,確保空中戰力優勢。在歐洲,除了享譽國際的EF-2000颱風戰機堪稱歐系國家新一代戰機經典外,法國達梭公司生產的Rafale飆風戰機亦是集高科技於一身的代表作,並深受法國空軍與海軍倚重。本週「軍武大觀」特別聚焦介紹Rafale戰機,探索法國空中武力新銳的特色。(編按) 二十世紀末期,全球興起研發新式戰機的風潮,希望將新世紀空戰的概念納入設計,並採用先進武器與航電裝備,藉火力的增強、航速的提昇、精準的目標掌控,打造新一代的空中武力。無論是美製的 F-22猛禽式與F-35閃電二式,或是英國、德國、義大利、西班牙等四國共同合作研發生產的EF-2000颱風式戰機,新戰機的推陳出新讓國際社會驚豔,並窺見各主要國家的建軍思維。
性能優異 空中攻擊能力強大
回顧Rafale的研發與服役歷程,當達梭公司於一九八五年年底公開原型機後,一九八六年六月四日就實施首架原型機Rafale A的試飛。在眾人矚目下,Rafale A不負眾望試飛成功;一九九○年二月二十七日,法方將Rafale A的發動機從原本的兩具通用電機公司機F404型發動機,換成法國自製的M88型發動機,同樣試飛成功。值得一提的是,當初法國之所以不願再繼續參與EF-2000戰機的研發計畫,據了解與EF-2000不願採用M88型發動機有關。
 由於Rafale A的試飛過程順利,相關表現也符合預期,達梭公司為使整體研發生產進程向前大步推進,加速製造出Rafale B、Rafale C兩型的一號機,以及Rafale M的一、二號機,四架量產型的原型機先後於一九九一年至一九九三間試飛。其中,Rafale B一號機是雙座原型機,一九九三年四月三十日首度試飛,同年七月七日首次配備RBE2型空用雷達試飛。而Rafale C是單座原型機,一九九一年五月十九日首次試飛;一九九三年三月五日首度試射機砲;同月二十六日,第一次試射魔術二型飛彈。
 至於Rafale M一號機是第一架艦載單座原型機,一九九一年十二月十二日首次試飛成功,一九九三年四月十九日首度降落在法國海軍福熙號航空母艦上,並於隔日從航艦成功起飛,開啟飆風戰機艦載型的嶄新里程。一九九五年六月八日,Rafale M一號機首次發射MICA飛彈擊中靶標,展現飆風戰機的空中攻擊能力。此外,Rafale M二號機於一九九三年十一月八日首次試飛;一九九四年一月底,繼一號機後亦降落福熙號航艦進行相關作業測試;一九九六年四月四日,首次發射魔法二型飛彈擊中移動目標。
 事實上,法國政府於一九九三年三月二十六日才正式採購首架Rafale B與Rafale M,而一九九八年十二月四日,第一架接受訂單生產的Rafale B飆風B型戰機首度試飛成功。依據法國軍方規劃,空軍原本預計採購二百五十架,海軍採購約九十架,但因法國國防經費緊縮,無法負擔全部數量,經過檢討將空軍與海軍的採購架數分別調整為約二百一十架及六十架。
設計極具特色 各界評價高
 不過,達梭公司仍預計於二○一二年交付一百二十架Rafale戰機,包括Rafale C空軍單座型四十四架、Rafale B空軍雙座型三十八架、Rafale M海軍單座型三十八架。
May the Force be with you
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[據美國《防務新聞》2010年4月14日報導]  法國總統尼古拉斯•薩科奇4月13日表示他堅信巴西將會在這場激烈的競標大戰中為其空軍選擇法國“陣風”戰鬥機。
  達索公司的“陣風”看似在巴西空軍戰鬥機競爭中領先薩博公司的“鷹獅”NG和波音公司的F/A-18“超級大黃蜂”。巴西空軍戰鬥機採購項目估計價值40~70億美元,包括武器、維護和輔助工業條款。巴西後續還可能追加購買100架。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  褚世永)

Sarkozy Confident Brazil Will Buy Rafales
Published: 14 Apr 2010 07:32
WASHINGTON - French President Nicolas Sarkozy expressed confidence April 13 that Brazil would choose French-made Rafale fighter jets for its air force in a hotly contested bidding process.

"I am confident. Things are progressing," Sarkozy said when asked about the contract after meeting Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit in Washington.

Brasilia has stated its preference to purchase 36 French-made, semi-stealth Rafale jets, but a firm deal has not been announced.

Lula is expected to announce his choice in mid-May, having pushed back a decision from April.

"If it's a decision taken by the president and the government, it's inevitably a political decision," Sarkozy said.

But, he said, "it's not just a political criterion. The Rafale is an excellent plane. ... President Lula and I really have a great bond. I know what he's thinking. There are no surprises on this issue."

The Rafale, made by Dassault, is seen as the front-runner in a tender also contested by Sweden's Gripen NG by Saab and by the F/A-18 Super Hornet by Boeing.

The deal is estimated to be worth between $4 billion and $7 billion, depending on details of armaments, maintenance and peripheral industrial involvement. Brazil could also end up buying up to another 100 fighter jets from the supplier over the long term.

Brazil has made technology transfer the main priority in the tender, so it can produce fighter aircraft itself and boost its aviation industry. Lula previously said the Rafale deal would be more advantageous in that respect for Brazil.

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 [據美國《防務新聞》網站2010年4月11日報導]  科威特國會中的一個伊斯蘭教政黨反對國會簽署向法國購買“陣風”戰鬥機的合同,並於4月11日警告說如果簽署該合同,他們將對主要官員進行嚴厲質詢。
  改革發展党的發言人Faisal al-Muslim在一次記者招待會上說:“簽署這份採購合同就意味著我們將對任何批准這項貿易的人進行嚴厲質詢。”但他沒有說他們準備進行責問的高級官員裏是否包括總理和國防部長。這次採購高達數十億美元,預計採購14到28架“陣風”。
  該党的另一個眾議員Jamaan Al-Harbash已經于數月前就開展了反對這項採購的活動,他出示了據說是來自國防部的文件,文件中建議放棄這項採購。
  民眾活動党的發言人,眾議員Mussallam al-Barrak隨後表示對任何政黨就“陣風”採購上提出的質疑均完全支持。
  來訪科威特的法國參謀長Edouard Guillaud將軍為“陣風”戰機進行了辯護,稱其為實際上最好的戰鬥機之一,並表示目前正在就該採購進行完全透明的談判。
  國防部長Sheikh Jaber Mubarak al-Sabah于上個月說,“陣風”戰機的採購是科威特政府目前優先考慮的問題之一。
  去年11月,酋長國議會一致通過讓獨立審計署對與美國和法國簽訂的3項計畫中的武器採購合同進行調查,據立法者說,這些合同價值數十億美元。但Muslim於4月11日說,賬目監督者對國會說,由於國防部不能提供相應的檔,因此調查無法展開。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

Kuwaiti MPs Voice Disapproval of Rafale Purchase
Published: 11 Apr 2010 12:42

KUWAIT CITY - An Islamist bloc in Kuwait's parliament opposed to a planned purchase of French-made Rafale warplanes on April 11 warned it will grill senior officials if the deal is signed.

"Signing the purchase agreement means we will grill whoever is responsible for authorizing the deal," spokesman for the Reform and Development Bloc Faisal al-Muslim told a press conference.

He would not say, however, whether the prime minister or defense minister are among the officials the bloc plans to call to account if the multi-billion-dollar deal to purchase between 14 and 28 Rafale jets goes ahead.

Another of the bloc's MPs, Jamaan al-Harbash, who has campaigned against the deal for several months, produced what he said were documents from the defense ministry recommending that the purchase be dropped.

"The reports concluded that the plane is not technically advanced, its price is very expensive and so are its spare parts. If it goes ahead, the deal will be a massive squandering of public funds," Harbash said.

Both al-Muslim and Harbash insisted that their opposition to the deal had nothing to do with any animosity against France.

MP Mussallam al-Barrak, spokesman for the opposition four-MP Popular Action Bloc, later declared total support for any political questioning over the Rafale deal.

The visiting chief of staff of the French armed forces, Adm. Edouard Guillaud, defended the Rafale as one of the best warplanes in the world, saying negotiations over the deal are proceeding in complete transparency.

"France has proposed that Kuwait replace the old Mirage jets with the advanced Rafale and the Kuwaiti government asked to study the offer," Guillaud was quoted as saying by the official KUNA news agency.

Guillaud said Kuwait has sent experts to France for a close assessment of the jets, adding that Paris will also make a proposal to sell the plane to the United Arab Emirates.

The Popular Action Bloc has been campaigning against several proposed arms deals, including the Rafale purchase.

Last month, Defense Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak al-Sabah said the Rafale deal remained a priority for Kuwait.

In November, the emirate's parliament voted unanimously to ask the independent Audit Bureau to probe three planned arms deals with the United States and France that one lawmaker said were worth billions of dollars.

The deals include the planned purchase of an unspecified number of U.S.-made Hercules transport aircraft and an ammunition factory, as well as the Rafale fighters.

But Muslim said April 11 that the accounts watchdog told parliament that it was unable to carry out the probe because the defense ministry failed to provide it with the necessary documents.

In October, Kuwait and France signed a new defense agreement and discussed details of the Rafale deal.

During a Gulf tour in February 2008, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said discussions had begun with Kuwait on the sale of between 14 and 28 Rafales, which are made by France's Dassault Aviation.

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    [據美國《防務新聞》網站2010年3月18日報導]  據報導,三種競標巴西空軍數十億美元採購合同的機型全部通過了技術評估。這三種參與巴西空軍36架新機競標的機型分別是法國達索公司的“陣風”、瑞典薩伯公司的“鷹獅”NG和美國波音公司的F/A-18“超級大黃蜂”。

    O Estado de Sao Paulo新聞報報導,巴西空軍在一份提交給國防部的報告中聲稱這三種機型都滿足了技術要求。報告還稱,最後拍板的不是空軍,而是巴西國家領導人。

     目前空軍和國防部在接受AFP採訪時,拒絕就此發表任何評論。但此前巴西空軍Juniti Saito上將透露,最終答案可能會在3月底揭曉,但未透露具體日期。分析家認為,在巴法兩國總統于2009年九月聯合聲稱兩國正在洽談有關36架戰機的採購合同後,法國的“陣風”目前處於相對上風。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  廖孟豪)

3 Fighter Finalists All Pass Muster: Brazil AF
Published: 18 Mar 2010 14:17
BRASILIA - All three fighter jets vying to be picked for a multi-billion-dollar contract to supply the Brazilian air force have passed a technical evaluation, news reports said March 18.

The foreign companies competing to supply Brazil's air force with 36 new fighter jets are France's Dassault with its Rafale fighter; Sweden's Saab with the Gripen NG aircraft; and U.S.-based Boeing with the F/A-18 Super Hornet.

The O Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper reported that the air force said in a report delivered to the defense ministry that all of the contenders met its specifications.

It added that the decision on who would win the lucrative bid to replace Brazil's fleet of aging fighter jets would be made by the country's political leaders, not the military.

Air force and defense ministry officials contacted by AFP declined to comment on the news report.

Brazilian Air Force Gen. Juniti Saito said last month that Brazil likely would make its pick known in late March, but did not set a date.

Saito stressed it would be a "political and strategic decision" made by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Analysts believe France's Rafale is the leading contender after Lula and French President Nicolas Sarkozy said last September that negotiations were underway for Brazil to buy 36 of them.

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巴西新戰機項目擬3月底確定 法國陣風優勢大



巴西新戰機項目擬3月底確定 法國陣風優勢大 
2010年03月23日 08:29:24  來源:新華網綜合 

    據中國國防科技信息網報道 據報道,三種競標巴西空軍數十億美元採購合同的機型全部通過了技術評估。這三種參與巴西空軍36架新機競標的機型分別是法國達索公司的“陣風”、瑞典薩伯公司的“鷹獅”NG和美國波音公司的F/A-18“超級大黃蜂”。

    O Estado de Sao Paulo新聞報報道,巴西空軍在一份提交給國防部的報告中聲稱這三種機型都滿足了技術要求。報告還稱,最後拍板的不是空軍,而是巴西國家領導人。

    目前空軍和國防部在接受AFP採訪時,拒絕就此發表任何評論。但此前巴西空軍Juniti Saito上將透露,最終答案可能會在3月底揭曉,但未透露具體日期。分析家認為,在巴法兩國總統于2009年九月聯合聲稱兩國正在洽談有關36架戰機的採購合同後,法國的“陣風”目前處于相對上風。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 廖孟豪)

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  [據美國《防務新聞》2010年2月23日報導]2月23日,巴西空軍領導Juniti Saito將軍稱巴西將很可能在三月底前向獲勝的供應商授予一項數十億美元的合同,為該國空軍購買現代化噴氣戰鬥機。Saito強調稱這將是總統盧拉做出的一項政治和戰略決定。





  刊登在《Folha de S. Paulo》日報上的一篇來源不明的報導稱法國願意將出售“陣風”的價格由82億美元降至62億美元,外加一項未來三十年價值40億美元的維護協定。


  在數次投標失敗後,法國熱切的盼望巴西能成為其“陣風”戰鬥機的第一個出口客戶。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  禇世永)

Brazil AF Chief: Fighter Pick By End Of March
Published: 23 Feb 2010 19:45

BRASILIA, Brazil - Brazil will likely designate the winner of a multibillion-dollar tender to supply its Air Force with modern jet fighters by the end of March, the head of the service, Gen. Juniti Saito, said Feb. 23.

Saito stressed that it would be a "political and strategic decision" made by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, following the Air Force's technical evaluation of the three bids.

France's Rafale is seen as the leading contender after Lula and French President Nicolas Sarkozy said last September that negotiations were underway for Brazil to buy 36 Rafales.

Lula said his preference for the French jet derived from France's offer to give Brazil all the technology involved in the Rafale's construction - a key point for Brazil, which wants the ability to one day build its own modern fighters.

The Air Force, through leaks in the Brazilian media, has indicated it prefers the much cheaper Gripen NG jet from Sweden's Saab.

The third option, the F/A-18 Super Hornet from U.S. group Boeing, is seen as with only an outside chance because of U.S. refusal in the past to allow Brazil to export aircraft using U.S. technology.

Early this month, the Brazilian government denied it had made a final decision to buy the Rafales, and said a newspaper report that Dassault had lopped $2 billion off their total price to secure the contract was baseless.

The daily, Folha de S. Paulo, published an unsourced report saying France was willing to sell the Rafales for a discounted $6.2 billion - down from $8.2 billion - plus another $4 billion in maintenance over the next three decades.

The Gripen was priced at $4.5 billion plus $1.5 billion in maintenance, while the F/A-18s were valued at $5.7 billion plus $1.9 billion in maintenance.

France is keen to make Brazil the first export customer of its Rafale, after losing out in several other tenders around the world.

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巴西擬購戰機 “陣風”降價促銷



巴西擬購戰機 “陣風”降價促銷
2010年02月06日 08:23:54  來源:新華網










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France Cuts Rafale Price To Win Brazil Deal: Paper



France Cuts Rafale Price To Win Brazil Deal: Paper
Published: 4 Feb 2010 08:21

SAO PAULO - Brazil is going through with the purchase of 36 Rafale fighter jets from France after maker Dassault lopped $2 billion off their price, the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo reported Feb. 4.

The total deal is worth $10.2 billion, including $6.2 billion for the fighters themselves - down from a previous figure of $8.2 billion - and $4 billion for maintenance over the next three decades, the daily said.

The price cut still makes the Rafale more expensive than two rivals bidding to supply Brazil's air force, the F/A-18 Super Hornet from Boeing and the Gripen NG from Sweden's Saab.

The Boeing package was valued at $7.6 billion and the Saab offer at $6 billion, according to the newspaper.

The French jet also scored behind the two other contenders in a technical evaluation carried out by the air force, which lobbied hard for the Gripen both with the government and in Brazil's media.

But, Folha de S. Paulo said, Defense Minister Nelson Jobim and President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva have decided to stick with their preferred option, the Rafale.

The price cut was reportedly decided Jan. 30, when Jobim passed through Paris on his way to Israel.

Jobim's office said the minister also had a meeting with Sweden's ambassador to Brazil, Annika Markovic, in Brasilia on Feb. 1.

There was no immediate confirmation of the newspaper report.

A Dassault spokesman in Paris said: "We have no comment to make on the article in the Folha de S. Paulo. At this time, the Brazilian government has not announced its choice. We are awaiting this announcement calmly and confidently."

A Brazilian presidential spokesman told AFP that "there is nothing new."

If confirmed, though, the sale would be a big relief to both Dassault and to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Dassault was keen to win the Brazilian tender because it has so far failed to make a single overseas sale of the Rafale. It hopes supplying Brazil's air force will boost its chances with other countries looking to upgrade their militaries, including India.

Sarkozy, meanwhile, has a lot of personal prestige tied up in the deal.

In September 2009, he and Lula jointly announced that Brazil had started negotiations to buy the 36 Rafales even though the tender process had not been closed.

Under pressure from the air force and the two rival manufacturers, Brazil's government stepped away from that pledge and said the competition remained open - but that the final decision would be a political and strategic one to be made by Lula.

Lula's preference for the Rafale was evident.

Not only would Brazil get access to all the technology involved in the sophisticated jet, but Brazil and France already have a strategic alliance which has seen Brasilia spend $12 billion buying French helicopters and submarines.

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中央社╱中央社 2010-02-04 21:46

(中央社記者唐雅陵聖保羅4日專電)「聖保羅頁報」(Folha)今天報導,巴西總統魯拉(Luiz InacioLulada Silva)和國防部長喬賓(Nelson Jobim)決定接受法國計畫更新巴西空軍軍機。





選擇新戰鬥機取代巴西空軍現有老舊戰機的計畫,始於2002年前總統卡多索(Fernando HenriqueCardoso)任內最後1年,卡多索將決定權交給接班人魯拉。

魯拉原本取消當時的計畫,但2008年5月又重新審查這項計畫,並於同年11月決定在狂風號、獅鷲號和美國波音公司製造的黃蜂式戰鬥機(F-18 Super Hornet)之間3選1。

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[據英國《飛行國際》2009年11月17日報導]  達索公司與阿聯酋(UAE)正在就可能的60架“陣風”戰鬥機採購合同進行洽談,但是達索公司並未表示合同是否將在近期簽署。

達索公司國際業務部執行副總裁Eric Trappier說:“這一切需要時間,我們仍在洽談。時間進度不是由我們來確定的,而是由客戶決定的。細節和時間仍在討論之中。事實上,這裏是UAE,他們有自己的步調,我們將客隨主便。”



Trappier說:“‘陣風’戰鬥機訂單不依賴於‘幻影’戰鬥機的退還,我們沒有關於這方面的細節內容,但是這是兩個獨立的問題。”(中國航空工業發展研究中心 蘇海軍)

Dubai 09: Dassault says UAE decision on Rafale fighters not close
By Siva Govindasamy

SOURCE:Flight Daily News
Discussions are ongoing between Dassault Aviation and the United Arab Emirates on the possible sale of 60 Rafale fighters, with the company unable to say if a contract will be signed in the near term.

"It takes time, we are still discussing. This is not us making the schedule, it is the customer making the schedule. The specifications, timing, are all still being discussed," says Eric Trappier, executive vice-president international business at Dassault Aviation. "Usually, here in the UAE, they have their own pace. We will follow that."

Trappier, however, says that there is no link between a deal for the Rafale fighters and the UAE's request for the French government to take off its hands 63 Dassault Mirage 2000 fighters that they will replace.

Earlier this week, a senior UAE official said that the French government "needs to find a solution for the Mirage 2000 in order for the UAE to be able to purchase the Rafale", with neighbouring Oman or eastern European nations possible buyers of the fighter.

"The Rafale deal does not depend on the return of the Mirage fighters," says Trappier. "We do not have any details on what is happening with that, but those are two separate issues."

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      [據英國《飛行國際》2009年11月日15報導] 本次迪拜航展上,法國宇航聯合企業泰萊斯公司對達索“陣風”戰鬥機在中東地區獲得出口突破表示樂觀。該公司是這種戰機的主要供應商之一。

      泰萊斯航宇高級副總裁Pierre-Eric Pommellet表示:“這次航展上有眾多出口項目,但‘陣風’無疑佔據著名單的前列。中東的防務航空市場具有巨大的前景。” Pommellet已經在泰萊斯工作了12年,最近接管了該公司的服務分公司。


      “陣風”出口名錄上的候選國家包括巴西、瑞士和阿聯酋。另外,科威特也是一個潛在用戶。Pommellet 說:“與阿聯酋的談判正在進行中。我肯定這將成為本次航展上一項特別重要的主題。這是我們在該地區所涉及的最大專案。科威特和法國之間已經進行的一些對話,內容包括‘陣風’。科威特可能會成為我們的一個良好客戶,但還要看科方的決定。”


      就軍用貿易而言,泰萊斯今年的成績很好,主要歸功於法國和英國空軍都在使用他們的飛機,兩國政府也並沒有縮減防務開支。另外,泰萊斯公司正在瞄準海上巡邏機任務系統市場,並已於今年早些時候開始為阿聯酋發展一種基於龐巴迪Dash 8平臺的任務系統。該專案已經達到關鍵設計評審里程碑。而在這期間,沙烏地阿拉伯也正在考慮裝備EADS的Casa C-295用於執行海上巡邏任務。

      另一個逐漸吸引注意的領域就是無人機。為英國陸軍研製的基於Hermes 450的“守望者”無人機系統已經完成首飛,並將在2010年形成完全戰鬥力。而一個過渡型Hermes 450已經隨同英國軍隊在伊拉克和阿富汗執行任務了。



      當然,泰萊斯公司也受到787推遲的嚴重影響。不過值得慶倖的是,同樣推遲了的蘇霍伊“超級噴氣”客機的首次交付應該能在明年完成,另外泰萊斯航電設備ATR 42-600最近完成了首飛,而裝備了一種泰萊斯產自動駕駛系統的灣流G650超長航程公務機也將在近期進行飛行。

      對於空客首席銷售師John Leahy近期表示全新的窄體飛機不太可能在2024年前出現的說法,Pommellet 表示:“15年對於航空是一個很短的時間尺度,很多事情會發生。未來專案的主要問題將是風險管理。我們迫切的希望那些先進技術研究現在就能完成。”


      泰萊斯公司正在大力發展同當地夥伴的合資企業,為民用和軍用項目提供本地支援,目前已經同阿布扎比的Mubadala合資在當地建立起一個修理IFE系統的企業。該公司今年通過減少工作人員已經削減了大約20%的航展資金。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 褚世永)

Dubai 09: Thales confident of Rafale export breakthrough
By Andrew Doyle

SOURCE:Flight Daily News
French aerospace conglomerate Thales is at the show optimistic of an export breakthrough in the Middle East region for the Dassault Rafale fighter, for which the company is a major supplier.

"There are a lot of export projects, and the Rafale is top of the list," says Thales aerospace senior vice-president Pierre-Eric Pommellet, who took up the reins at the division in June, shortly after the Paris air show.

"There are a huge number of prospects in defence aerospace," he adds.

Thales is expecting a fourth tranche of Rafale production to be signed off by the French government in "the coming weeks". This will introduce an active electronically scanned array radar, considered crucial to the Rafale's prospects in the export market.

"It is paving the way in terms of technology for the export process," says Pommellet.

Topping the list of Rafale export candidates are Brazil, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates.

"Negotiations with the UAE on Rafale are ongoing," he says. "I'm sure that this will be a very important topic at Dubai. This is the biggest project that we are involved in in this region."

Kuwait is also emerging as a strong prospect. "There have been some state-to-state talks, including on the Rafale. Kuwait could be a good customer for us, but it's their decision on whether to progress," he says.

Pommellet has worked at Thales for 12 years, most recently heading the manufacturer's services division.

Thales derives around 60% of its aerospace revenues from the defence sector, and 40% from civil. "This is coming from a position where we were more military," says Pommellet. "Civil and military are very complementary."

In terms of its military business, Thales is in a "good position" as there has been "no reduction" in French or UK government defence spending, he says.

Thales is also targeting the maritime patrol aircraft mission systems market and earlier this year launched a programme with the UAE to develop a mission system based on the Bombardier Dash 8 platform. This has reached the critical design review milestone.

"We are expecting further opportunities in Saudi Arabia and other Middle East countries," says Pommellet. Saudi Arabia is meanwhile looking at equipping EADS Casa C-295s for the MPA role.

Another area of increasing interest is unmanned air vehicles. The Hermes 450-based Watchkeeper UAV system under development for the British Army is due to have its first flight by the end of the year and become fully operational in 2010. An interim-capability Hermes 450 is already operational with the UK armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Despite extensive delays to the Airbus Military A400M, "we are ready for the first flight", says Pommellet.

On the civil side, Thales is in "quite a good situation" on Airbus programmes and 2009 has been "not a bad year for first-fit" of Thales equipment thanks to high production rates, although the situation is "much worse" in the business aviation sector, says Pommellet.

Airbus is indicating that it plans to hold A320-family single-aisle production at 34 aircraft a month for the time being, although "they've said there is a risk that they will have to adapt in the months to come".

Thales is also "of course seriously impacted by the 787 delay", he says. Encouragingly, first deliveries of the also-delayed Sukhoi Superjet are due to take place next year, while the Thales avionics-equipped ATR 42-600 recently made its first flight and the Gulfstream G650 ultra-long-range business jet - sporting a Thales fly-by-wire system - is due to fly imminently.

"Civil is kind of a foggy environment, but there are a lot of new projects and programmes. It looks like the macro-economics will recover," says Pommellet.

Commenting on Airbus chief salesman John Leahy's recent assertion that an all-new narrowbody is unlikely to arrive before 2024, he says: "Many events can happen. Let's be very careful. Fifteen years, if it is 15 years, is a very short timescale in aviation. The main issue for the next programme will be to manage risk. We strongly urge that these advanced studies should really be done now.

"I'm not so worried by the date. Whatever the date, everything starts now."

The in-flight entertainment sector is a "very active business" at the moment, says Pommellet. Thales is in discussions with several airlines on the introduction of an integrated broadband internet offering, following Lufthansa's recent decision to opt for rival Rockwell Collin's eXConnect system. "People want internet access," says Pommellet.

Support and services activities have been badly hit as airlines run down their spares stocks in an attempt to preserve cash. "They are not ordering what they were ordering. However, a lot of airlines decide at the very last moment of the year to buy spares. We are ready for that," says Pommellet.

Thales has set up a local joint venture with Abu Dhabi's Mubadala to repair IFE systems, which the French company "has plans to develop".

"We are developing joint ventures with local partners to provide local support for both civil and military programmes," he says.

Thales' military servicing business has had a "good year", because the French and UK air forces are "using their aircraft".

Thales has meanwhile cut back spending on air shows by around 20% this year, mainly by taking fewer staff.

"We are relying much more on the people who are already based in the country, and bringing them the management support," he says. "We have a very high efficiency."

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