[據美國《防務新聞》2010年6月15日報導]法國國防部長Herve Morin透漏,與阿聯酋的“陣風”戰鬥機交易技術性談判即將結束,並稱法方可能會承擔部分現代化改進費用。
談到巴西時,Morin表示對“陣風”獲勝“仍有信心”。目前,由達索公司生產的“陣風”戰鬥機仍在與瑞典薩博公司的“下一代鷹獅”(Gripen NG)和波音公司的F/A-18“超級大黃蜂”競爭巴西的戰鬥機採購項目。該項目計畫採購36架戰鬥機,合同價值約40-70億美元,具體數額還要看具體配備的武器系統、維護保障和本國工業的參與程度。Morin稱“我們與巴西建立了良好的互信關係,他們不會讓我們失望的”。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 尹常琦)
UAE Rafale Talks Moving Ahead: French Minister
Published: 15 Jun 2010 16:20
PARIS - Technical talks on the sale of Rafale fighters to the United Arab Emirates are wrapping up, Defense Minister Herve Morin said June 15, adding that France was likely to pick up part of modernization costs.
Regarding the improvements that the UAE is seeking to the multi-role aircraft, Morin said on France Info radio "that's a discussion we've been engaged in for months and which is in the course of being finalized".
Talks on acquiring the latest-generation French-made fighters began after the UAE expressed interest in 2008 in replacing its 60 aging Mirage fighters.
Morin said the costs of the modernization was in the order of two billion euros, not four to five billion euros as has been speculated, and that France would likely absorb some of the costs as it had planned to carry them out anyway.
Regarding Brazil, Morin said he "remains confident" that the Rafale will prevail.
The Rafale, made by Dassault, has yet to clinch a single overseas sale and is in competition with Sweden's Gripen NG by Saab and the F/A-18 Super Hornet manufactured by U.S. giant Boeing.
The deal for 36 fighter planes is estimated to be worth between four and seven billion dollars, depending on details of armaments, maintenance and peripheral industrial involvement.
"We've established a relationship of trust with the Brazilians and they have never let us down," said Morin.