【據防務新聞網站2009年9月4日報導】馬來西亞於2002年以9.72億美元定購的2艘柴油動力潛艇中的一艘KD Tunku Abdul Rahman Klang於兩個月的運輸後,9月4日抵達海軍基地。
該協議是法國(DCNS公司)和西班牙(Navantia, then Izar)的聯合專案,該專案還包括用於法國一個Agosta 70-class潛艇,Quessant作培訓。根據協定,前面部分的建造由瑟堡的DCNS完成,後面部分由Navantia在西班牙的Cartagena建造。
據悉,第二艘柴油潛艇KD Tun Razak將於2010年10月交付。這兩個潛艇將以首相級著稱。
儘管馬來西亞將得到的只是2艘潛艇,但人們擔心加入東南亞業務的新潛艇數量不斷增加將導致出現問題,包括更多的事故。 (工業和資訊化部電子科學技術情報研究所 劉 娜)
Malaysia Receives 1st of 2 Diesel Subs
By wendell minnick
Published: 4 Sep 2009 10:37
Taipei - The KD Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first of two diesel submarines ordered by Malaysia in 2002 for $972 million, arrived at Port Klang naval base Sept. 4 after a two-month transit.
Based on the Scorpene-class submarine, the submarine was launched in October 2007 at the DCNS dockyard in Cherbourg, France.
The deal was a joint French (DCNS) and Spanish (Navantia, then Izar) program that included one used French-built Agosta 70-class submarine, the Quessant, for training. Under the agreement, the fore sections were built in Cherbourg by DCNS and Navantia built the aft sections in Cartagena, Spain.
The second, the KD Tun Razak, will be launched in October with delivery in 2010. The two submarines will be known as the Prime Minister class.
"We have a huge number of submariners being trained in south France and they will be returning in batches," said a Malaysia defense industry source.
Since 2005, a 142-member Malaysian Navy crew has been training at the DCNS Dockyard in Brest, France. Plans are to base the submarines at Sepanggar Bay naval base in Sabah state on Borneo, which has been undergoing a major renovation.
"The OEM [original equipment manufacturer] will also be around till the end of the warranty period to ensure that the subs are fully operational," said the source.
Though Malaysia is getting only two submarines, there are concerns the number of new submarines joining the growing list of operational submarines in South East Asia will cause problems, including more accidents.
Besides Malaysia, nations operating submarines in the area include Australia, China, India, Singapore, the United States and Vietnam.
Sam Bateman, senior fellow at the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore, said there needs to be a confidence-building mechanism between nations fielding submarines in what is already a very crowded Malacca and Singapore Strait.
If not, there will likely be accidents and territorial violations that could increase tensions unnecessarily, he said.