美軍增購上億美元標槍導彈配備駐伊阿部隊 2008年09月09日 08:08 中國國防科技資訊網
據雷聲公司網站2008年9月4日報導 雷聲公司與洛克希德•馬丁公司組建的合資企業標槍公司獲得一份美國陸軍的全球反恐戰爭補充合同,價值1.116億美元,為其再生產一批“標槍”導彈和指令發射單元。
雷聲導彈系統公司標槍專案主管兼標槍合資公司總裁Duane Gooden稱:“‘標槍’導彈在作戰中非常有效,重量僅為22.23千克(49磅),採用“軟發射”方式,即火箭發動機在導彈出了發射筒之後才點火。士兵們可以從防護裝置內部發射該導彈。‘標槍’導彈採用的長波紅外成像技術使得我們可以在惡劣天氣條件下照樣使用該導彈。” “標槍”導彈增強了對付裝甲車輛、建築物和堡壘時的直射火力,其反裝甲能力對於完成各種環境下的作戰任務來說非常關鍵。該導彈目前在美國陸軍、海軍陸戰隊和另外10個盟友的軍隊中服役。
來自洛克希德•馬丁公司的標槍合資公司副總裁Hady Mourad稱:“‘標槍’導彈紅外指令發射單元的設計,簡化並加快了目標打擊過程。其熱成像裝置還是一款經過反恐戰爭驗證的優異的監視設備。” (北方科技資訊研究所 柏席峰),+2008
Javelin Joint Venture Awarded $111.6 Million U.S. Army contract
TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 4, 2008 /PRNewswire/ -- The Raytheon Company(NYSE: RTN)-Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT) Javelin Joint Venture received a $111.6 million U.S. Army Global War on Terror supplemental contract to produce additional Javelin missiles and command launch units.
Javelin is the world's first man-portable fire-and-forget medium-range missile system. The compact, lightweight missile is designed for one-soldier operations in all environments. The joint venture expects to deliver the missiles and CLUs to the U.S. Army in the spring of 2011.
"The Javelin is very effective in the battlefield. It weighs only 49 pounds and is soft launched, which means the rocket motor ignites outside the launch tube. Soldiers can fire Javelin from inside a protective enclosure," said Duane Gooden, Raytheon Missile Systems' Javelin program director and president of the Javelin Joint Venture. "Javelin's long-wave imaging infrared technology also allows use of the weapon during poor weather conditions."
The Javelin enhances direct-fire capability against armored vehicles, buildings and field fortifications. Its anti-armor defense capabilities are critical to mission success in multiple environments. Javelin is currently in service with the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and 10 allied customers.
"Javelin's infrared command launch unit is designed for easy and quick target engagement," said Hady Mourad, Lockheed Martin's vice president of the Javelin Joint Venture. "Its thermal sight is also an excellent surveillance device, which has been demonstrated in the Global War on Terror."