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蝴蝶效應揚名 渾沌理論之父羅倫茲辭世
法新社╱林治平 2008-04-18 06:20    








Edward Lorenz, father of chaos theory, dies

Thu Apr 17, 12:57 PM ET

NEW YORK (AFP) - Edward Lorenz, a meteorologist who became the father of the modern field of chaos theory, died Wednesday of cancer in Massachusetts aged 90, MIT announced Thursday.

A professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Lorenz was the first to identify chaotic behavior in the mathematical modeling of weather systems, in which small differences in a dynamic system, like the weather, "could trigger vast and often unsuspected results," the university said.

A committee that awarded him the 1991 Kyoto prize for basic sciences wrote that Lorenz's groundbreaking theory represented "one of the most dramatic changes in mankind's view of nature since Sir Isaac Newton."

Lorenz's research led him to develop what became known as the "butterfly effect," the idea that an infinitesimally small alteration -- like the flapping of an insect's wings -- can lead to potentially monumental consequences.

The term stemmed from his 1972 academic paper "Predictability: Does the Flap of a Butterfly's Wings in Brazil Set off a Tornado in Texas?"

MIT said Lorenz's early work "marked the beginning of a new field of study that impacted not just the field of mathematics but virtually every branch of science -- biological, physical and social."

"Some scientists have since asserted that the 20th century will be remembered for three scientific revolutions -- relativity, quantum mechanics and chaos," the statement said.

The original experiment that lead to Lorenz's groundbreaking theory was conducted in 1961, when he was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction.

When, as a shortcut on a number in the sequence, he entered the decimal .506 instead of entering the full .506127, the result was a completely different weather scenario.

Lorenz published his findings in a 1963 paper for the New York Academy of Sciences noting that "if the theory were correct, one flap of a seagull's wings could change the course of weather forever."

Later speeches and papers by Lorenz replaced the seagull with the more poetic butterfly.

Lorenz was working as a weather forecaster for the US Army Air Corps during World War II when he decided to pursue further study in meteorology.

But he wrote once that his interests in things mathematical and meteorological dated back much earlier, to his childhood.

"As a boy, I was always interested in doing things with numbers, and was also fascinated by changes in the weather," Lorenz once wrote in an autobiographical sketch.

His daughter told the New York Times that Lorenz was active in his field to the end of his life, in addition to also being vigorous and fit.

"He was out hiking two and one-half weeks ago, Cheryl Lorenz told the daily, "and he finished a paper a week ago with a colleague."

May the Force be with you
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俄迷你潛艇抵貝加爾湖底 創下最深世界紀錄



俄迷你潛艇抵貝加爾湖底 創下最深世界紀錄
法新社╱毛盈超 2008-07-29 21:35     









Russian sub dive fails to set world record: organisers

1 hour, 16 minutes ago

LAKE BAIKAL, Russia (AFP) - A Russian mini-submarine dive to the bottom of Lake Baikal on Tuesday failed to set a world record for the deepest dive in fresh water, organisers said, contradicting earlier claims.

"There was no record," expedition leader Artur Chilingarov told reporters. "We'll try again."

The Mir-1 submarine went down only 1,580 metres (5,184 feet) and not 1,680 metres as earlier claimed by the crew.

The current record of 1,637 metres was set in Lake Baikal in the 1990s.

A crew member and a representative of Guinness World Records in Russia both earlier told journalists that the dive had broken the world record.

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預先暖身 俄科學家開始嘗試探測貝加爾湖



預先暖身 俄科學家開始嘗試探測貝加爾湖
法新社╱盧瑞珠 2008-07-25 11:05     








Russian scientists begin trial exploration of world's deepest lake

Thu Jul 24, 2:16 PM ET

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian scientists leading a submarine expedition to probe the world's deepest lake on Thursday carried out test dives ahead of the start of the operation next week, reports said.

The trial runs at Lake Baikal lasted two hours with two submarines diving to a depth of around 420 metres (1,386 feet), the Russian media reports quoted the organisers as saying.

On Tuesday, the expedition will begin in earnest with the submarines attempting to descend 1,637 metres (5,402 feet) to the bottom of the lake which has a unique ecosystem and has never been explored.

The expedition is being organised by Artur Chilingarov, a pro-Kremlin member of parliament and an Arctic explorer who led the team of scientists that planted a flag at the bottom of the North Pole in August last year.

Previous missions have only descended hundreds of metres.

Scientists will collect samples at different depths and hope to document the effects of global warming on the lake, as well as drawing the attention of the Russian government to the need for greater environmental protection.

The mission at Lake Baikal -- a UN World Heritage site which contains around a fifth of the world's freshwater reserves -- will carry out dozens of dives by the Mir-1 and Mir-2 mini-submarines.

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法新社╱楊玫寧 2008-07-18 09:50     







Scientists to explore Russia's Lake Baikal

Thu Jul 17, 1:29 PM ET

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russian scientists on Thursday outlined plans for a submarine expedition this month that will for the first time probe the depths of Lake Baikal, a unique ecosystem and the deepest lake in the world.

The expedition is being organised by Artur Chilingarov, a pro-Kremlin member of parliament and an Arctic explorer who led the team of scientists that planted a flag at the bottom of the North Pole in August last year.

"It's technically very complex," Chilingarov told reporters in Moscow, explaining that the bottom of Lake Baikal at 1,600 metres (5,249 feet) has never been explored, with previous missions only going down hundreds of metres.

Scientists will collect samples at different depths and hope to document the effects of global warming on the lake, as well as drawing the attention of the Russian government to the need for greater environmental protection.

The mission to Lake Baikal -- a UN World Heritage site -- will begin on July 29 and will carry out dozens of dives by the Mir-1 and Mir-2 mini-submarines. The mission is being funded by environmental organisations.

Lake Baikal contains around a fifth of the world's freshwater reserves.

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最新研究:珊瑚白化 防曬乳液是禍首



最新研究:珊瑚白化 防曬乳液是禍首
法新社╱劉學源 2008-05-24 00:35     








Sun screen lotion threatens coral: study

1 hour, 38 minutes ago

PARIS (AFP) - Sun screen lotions used by beach-going tourists worldwide are a major cause of coral bleaching, according to a new study commissioned by the European Commission.

In experiments, the cream-based ultra-violet (UV) filters -- used to protect skin from the harmful effects of sun exposure -- caused bleaching of coral reefs even in small quantities, the study found.

Coral reefs are among the most biologically productive and diverse of ecosystems, and directly sustain half a billion people. But some 60 percent of these reef systems are threatened by a deadly combination of climate change, industrial pollution and excess UV radiation.

The new study, published in US journal Environmental Health Perspectives, has now added sun screens to the list of damaging agents, and estimates that up to 10 per cent of the world's reefs are at risk of sunscreen-induced coral bleaching.

Chemical compounds in sunscreen and other personal skin care products have been detected near both sea and freshwater tourist areas. Previous research has shown that these chemicals can accumulate in aquatic animals, and biodegrade into toxic by-products.

Researchers led by Roberto Danovaro at the University of Pisa in Italy added controlled amounts of three brands of sunscreen to seawater surrounding coral reefs in Mexico, Indonesia, Thailand and Egypt.

Even small doses provoked large discharges of coral mucous -- a clear sign of environmental stress -- within 18 to 48 hours. Within 96 hours complete bleaching of corals had occurred.

Virus levels in seawater surrounding coral branches increased to 15 times the level found in control samples, suggesting that sunscreens might stimulate latent viral infections, the study found.

Pesticides, hydrocarbons and other contaminants have also been found to induce algae or coral to release viruses, hastening the bleaching process.

According to the World Trade Organisation, around 10 per cent of tourism takes place in tropical areas, with 78 million tourists visiting coral reefs each year.

An estimated 4,000 to 6,000 tonnes of sunscreen are released annually in reef areas, with 25 per cent of the sunscreen ingredients on skin released into water over the course of a 20 minute submersion.

Sunscreens are made of around 20 compounds acting as UV filters and preservatives. Seven were tested for the study, including parabens, cinnamates, benzophenones and camphor derivatives.

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研究:長生不老之道 多與年輕世代在一起



研究:長生不老之道 多與年輕世代在一起
法新社╱楊玫寧 2008-05-27 09:35     










Hanging with the young doubles life span of fruit flies: study

by Louise Daly
Mon May 26, 5:40 PM ET

CHICAGO (AFP) - Forget radical calorie restriction or human growth hormone. If it's longevity you are after, you may want to consider spending more time with members of the younger generation, according to an animal study released Monday.

The study was done in fruit flies and builds on earlier research showing that interaction with younger members of the species appears to be a factor in healthy aging, both in humans and animals.

For the experiment, researchers raised members of a mutant, short-lived species of fruit fly, (Sod flies) in a vial with younger members of control fruit flies.

They also paired older mutant fruit flies with younger mutant flies in separate vials.

They found that the mutant flies raised with the younger control flies lived twice as long as mutants housed with other mutants.

Subsequent testing also showed that the mutants housed with their younger, longer-lived relatives had improved physical responses and better survived environmental stresses compared to fruit flies that remained among the mutant population.

The results show that social interaction with younger members of the species confers physiological benefits at least in mutant fruit flies, said lead author of the paper, Chun-Fang Wu, professor of biology at the University of Iowa.

It's not clear from this experiment what the mechanism of action is.

Wu speculated that the social interaction with younger flies could have helped the mutant flies make some kind of physiological adaptation that compensated for the genetic defect that makes the insect particularly vulnerable to oxidative-stress induced aging.

The missing link could have implications for human health since the enzymatic mutation in the insect's genetic code mirrors deficits in a number of age-dependent diseases in humans including Parkinson's, Huntington's and Alzheimer's disease.

"This study shows that the lifespan of Sod flies is plastic and can be conditioned by social interactions, corroborating the enduring notion that human patients of certain age-dependent neurological diseases may be benefited by an appropriate social environment," the authors wrote.

The study appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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瑞士學者研究:蒼蠅越聰明 壽命越短



瑞士學者研究:蒼蠅越聰明 壽命越短
法新社╱陳昶佑 2008-06-04 23:20     










Stupid flies live longer: study

Wed Jun 4, 8:21 AM ET

GENEVA (AFP) - It doesn't pay to be smart and ignorance really is bliss if you want a long life -- at least if you're a fly, according to new research by a Swiss university.

Scientists Tadeusz Kawecki and Joep Burger at the University of Lausanne said Wednesday they had discovered a "negative correlation between an improvement in a fly's mental capacity and its longevity".

As part of their research project, the results of which are published in the journal Evolution, they divided into two a group of flies from the Basel region of northwestern Switzerland.

One half was left in a natural state while the other had its intelligence boosted by Pavlovian methods, such as associating smell and taste with particular food or experiences.

Over 30 to 40 generations, these methods led to flies which clearly learned better and remembered things for longer.

The flipside was that the flies left in their natural state lived longer on average than their "cleverer" counterparts, with a lifespan of 80-85 days rather than the normal 50-60..

"In other terms, the more the fly becomes intelligent, the shorter its lifespan," the scientists said.

This is most probably because the increase in neural activity weakens the fly's life-support systems, they speculated.

"This would explain why flies, like most other animals, have hardly developed their neural capacities," they said.

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