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http://www.qianlong.com/   2006-04-14 10:27:34

  美國《每日防務》2006年3月29日報道 美海軍將在未來幾個星期內將DD(X)驅逐艦重新命名爲DDG-1000。




編輯: 小薇  來源: 船舶工業科技資訊中心

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http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月07日 07:46  中國國防科技資訊網

  防務新聞網2008年8月1日報導 在7月31日舉行的國會聽證會期間,美國海軍主管採購的高層官員提出了顛覆性的意見,表示海軍需要採購更多的阿利•伯克級,即DDG51級驅逐艦,而不再需要購買已經為之努力了13年的下一代驅逐艦。






  “如果不是經費問題,那為什麼不繼續朱姆爾沃特計畫?” 瑟斯塔克質問道。













  “我關心的是一個可信度問題,不是一個人的,而是一個過程的。現在我不知道海軍的意圖是什麼,”他說,“海軍的未來在哪里?”(中國船舶資訊中心 呂強)

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2008年07月28日 13:21:22  來源:新華網






   在信上署名的包括參議員肯尼迪、科裏、韋伯、道根、科爾、裏德、斯諾、柯林斯、科爾曼、懷特豪斯、馬丁斯和尼爾森。(中國船舶信息中心  呂強)

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Cost big factor in decision to sack destroyer



Cost big factor in decision to sack destroyer

By DAVID SHARP, Associated Press Writer
Thu Jul 24, 4:41 AM ET

PORTLAND, Maine - Growing costs and vulnerability to anti-ship missiles sank the Navy's once-heralded "stealth destroyer," a highly advanced warship designed to slip close to the shore unnoticed and pummel targets with big guns.

Faced with cost estimates upward of $5 billion per ship, the Navy had no choice but to let its prized DDG-1000 Zumwalt destroyer program end after the first two ships are built, analysts said Wednesday.

Congressional investigators long had been concerned that the Navy tried to incorporate too many new technologies on an untested platform. The originally envisioned 32 ships dipped to 12 and then seven as costs grew.

"I don't think this thing was a shock because fundamentally the whole program was a big fat target for many years," said Jay Korman, defense analyst at The Avascent Group.

Sen. Susan Collins, a member of the Armed Services Committee, said Wednesday that the Navy instead plans to build nine more of its current Arleigh Burke destroyers, possibly with some added capabilities that went into the newer warship.

The DDG-1000's growing cost came as the Navy is trying to expand to a 313-ship fleet. Officially, the new ships are to cost roughly double the $1.3 billion price of a Burke destroyer. But estimates for the first two run as high as $5 billion.

Loren Thompson, a defense analyst with the Lexington Institute, said the Navy can't afford the DDG-1000 but it can't afford to stop building ships, either, if it wants to achieve its shipbuilding goals and maintain a shipbuilding infrastructure.

Another problem with the DDG-1000 design was its potential vulnerability. Bombarding the shore with guns is cheaper than using missiles, but the ship would be vulnerable to attack if it came within 100 miles of shore to use its 155-millimeter guns, Thompson said.

"The Navy should have understood a long time ago that putting a $3 billion destroyer off the coast of a hostile country so that it could use gunfire was a dangerous proposition," he said.

Finally, there was no known threat to justify the warship, experts said.

"Please tell me what this thing would do today, if it were available in Iraq or Afghanistan?" said Winslow Wheeler from the Center for Defense Information. "Talk about something that's totally out of control. This thing is a national embarrassment, that's what it is."

For years, the Zumwalt has been one of the Navy's prized programs. It has a low profile and composites in its superstructure for stealth. It also features a form of electric drive propulsion, new combat systems and a new hull form.

Displacing about 14,500 tons, the ship is 50 percent larger than a Burke destroyer but will have half the crew thanks to automated systems.

"I still believe that the ship offers capabilities that the Navy lacks and needs, but it's up to the Navy to determine its military requirement," said Collins, a Maine Republican

Maine's Bath Iron Works, a General Dynamics subsidiary, is building one of the ships. Northrop Grumman's Ingalls shipyard in Mississippi is building the other.

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月28日 08:56 中國國防科技資訊網

  據波斯頓網站2008年7月24日報導 美海軍昨天作出了一項令人震驚的決定:終止200億美元的新型驅逐艦“朱姆沃爾特”級(DDG-1000)採購專案。這一決定使雷聲公司最大的防務計畫陷入混亂,而且使得長期備受關注的緬因州巴斯鋼鐵船廠的命運問題舊事重提。


  僅僅建造兩艘DDG-1000驅逐艦、取消後續建造的決定是緬因州的兩位共和黨議員奧林匹亞J•斯洛和蘇珊 M•柯林斯以及選區在巴斯鋼鐵船廠所在區域的一位元民主黨代表湯瑪斯 H•艾倫共同發佈的。這些議員說,他們接到海軍的通知,告訴他們由於單艦成本增長50%達到30億美元,使得該驅逐艦計畫成本太高,無法達到海軍313艘艦艇的整體目標。目前海軍擁有280艘艦艇。




  在與巴斯鋼鐵公司總裁會面後,緬因州共和黨議員柯林斯說,海軍打算建造更多阿利•伯克級驅逐艦DDG-51,有些可能會在巴斯鋼鐵建造,可以彌補DDG 1000項目所造成的損失。但也稱,船廠必須保證獲得DDG-51的工作才能維持目前的工作量,防止工人失業。


  而雷聲公司已向其吐克斯伯利、安杜佛、朴茨茅斯等工廠增派了約2000人,以承擔新型驅逐艦作戰系統的工作。雷聲公司希望借助“朱姆沃爾特”計畫,幫助它躍升為既能建造武器、也進行大型系統尖端技術集成的主要軍工合同商。DDG 1000合同是雷聲公司數以千計的軍工合同項目中最大的一單。



  “朱姆沃爾特”級驅逐艦計畫的終止是顯示海軍313艦艇計畫陷入困境的最新跡象。在經歷了建造延期和成本暴漲之後,海軍的造艦計畫正接受國會的嚴格審查。(中國船舶資訊中心 劉娟)

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月23日 12:32 新華網

  新華網華盛頓7月22日電 (記者 楊晴川 王薇) 美國參議院軍事委員會成員柯林斯22日說,由於眾議院不同意繼續撥款,美國海軍決定放棄繼續建造最新型高科技DDG-1000“朱姆沃爾特”級導彈驅逐艦的計畫。



Sen. Collins: Navy scrapping stealth destroyer

By DAVID SHARP, Associated Press Writer
Tue Jul 22, 9:47 PM ET

PORTLAND, Maine - The Navy has decided to scrap its newest destroyer model after the first two are built in shipyards in Maine and Mississippi, Sen. Susan Collins said Tuesday.

Collins, a Maine Republican, said Navy Secretary Donald Winter called her to tell her the outcome of a meeting of top brass regarding the future of the DDG-1000 Zumwalt destroyer.

Critics say the Zumwalt is too expensive for the Navy to achieve its goal of a 313-ship fleet.

The Navy has been debating whether to build more of the current, and less expensive, Arleigh Burke destroyers. A spokesperson for the Pentagon said it would have no immediate comment on its plans.

The Zumwalt was conceived as a stealth warship with massive firepower to pave the way for Marines to make their way ashore. It features advanced technology, composite materials, an unconventional wave-piercing hull and a smaller crew.

But the warship displaces 14,500 tons, making it 50 percent larger than Arleigh Burke destroyers. And each of the warships will cost twice the $1.3 billion that Arleigh Burkes cost.

Maine's Bath Iron Works, a General Dynamics subsidiary, is building one of the ships. Northrop Grumman's Ingalls shipyard in Mississippi is building the other.

The Senate has authorized funding for the third of what was supposed to be seven ships. But the House has balked at funding that ship, which would have been built in Bath.

Collins, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said the Navy review of the Zumwalt was triggered by a decision by the committee's House counterpart to reject funding for the third ship.

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月21日 08:30 中國國防科技資訊網

  據美國防務新聞網站2008年7月14日報導 有消息表明美國海軍將放棄先進但價格極其昂貴的DDG 1000“朱姆沃爾特”級驅逐艦的建造,並在建造兩艘該型艦以後結束該級艦的建造。


  國會預算局和政府問責署的預算分析家們認為該專案的預算是難以承受的,不建造其餘5艘艦可以節約大約250億美元。海軍對這一計畫表示沉默。海軍對DDG 1000專案的支持一直是十分冷淡的,在公然支持的同時,海軍已經著手停止該艦的進一步生產。

  國會方面表示,海軍需要保護潛艇和近海戰鬥艦這樣的專案,使它們不會因為DDG 1000成本超支而經受預算裁減的危險。相對于大型驅逐艦,海軍希望保護CG(X)巡洋艦。但是並沒有準備很快建造巡洋艦。海軍計畫要求首艦在2011年投資,但是目前海軍沒有選擇設計方案,海軍高級官員表示該專案可以推遲到2015年。

  國會議員正在要求建造更多的DDG51驅逐艦。海軍官員沒有明確表示只建造兩艘DDG 1000驅逐艦,但是卻聲明需要保護其他艦艇專案。海軍發言人表示目前海軍正在編制2010年的專案目標備忘錄――一個主要的預算計畫檔。海軍部分將在本月提交國防部辦公廳。

  國會在討論2009年預算中對第三艘DDG1000驅逐艦的建造問題時意見也並不統一。參議院則批准了這項申請。而眾議院卻表示推遲該艦的建造。兩院還將召開會議進行討論。眾議院海上力量小組委員會主席泰勒將于7月31日舉行聽證會,屆時關於DDG1000驅逐艦的問題將進一步明朗,政府問責署正在對該專案進行另一項關鍵審查。(中國船舶工業綜合技術經濟研究院 於紅)

DDG 1000 Destroyer Program Facing Major Cuts
By christopher p. cavas
Published: 14 Jul 19:30 EDT (23:30 GMT) 

Indications are growing that the U.S. Navy is poised to forgo further construction of the advanced but very expensive DDG 1000 Zumwalt-class destroyers and end the program at two ships.

Eliminating five DDG 1000s could save as much as $25 billion. (Northrop Grumman) Those first two destroyers were authorized in the 2007 budget, and shipbuilders General Dynamics and Northrop Grumman will begin construction of each ship this summer. A third ship is in the 2009 budget request, and current plans call for a total of seven Zumwalts.

But the price tag for the ships is staggering: $3.3 billion per copy according to Navy planners, over $5 billion and more by outside estimates. Even at the lower price, they would be the most expensive surface combatants ever built. With the Navy's shipbuilding program considered unaffordable by budget analysts at the Congressional Budget Office and Government Accountability Office (GAO), eliminating five ships could save as much as $25 billion.

On the record, Navy officials are mum about their plans. Service support for the DDG 1000 program has been lukewarm at best, and while publicly supporting the ships, Navy leaders behind the scenes have worked halt further production.

The move still awaits blessing from on high, sources said, including approval from Defense Secretary Robert Gates and the White House.

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead "holds his cards real close," said one Congressional source. "But read the body language. He knows he's in trouble with the DDG 1000s. That ship is going to cost anywhere from $1.5 billion to $3 billion more than advertised. And when that happens there's no slush fund. The only billpayer is Navy shipbuilding."

The Navy, said the congressional source, needs to protect other programs such as submarine and littoral combat ships from being cut to pay for potential DDG 1000 cost overruns.

Instead of the big destroyer, the Navy also hopes to protect the CG(X) cruiser, a bigger combatant designed to protect aircraft carrier battle groups and provide ballistic missile defense.

Roughead, the Congressional source said, "has his eyes on the cruiser. He's trying to make sure that ship is a national asset," the source said.

But the cruiser won't be ready to build anytime soon. Navy plans officially call for the first ship to be funded in 2011, but no design has been chosen and leaders admit the CG(X) will be delayed - at least to 2015, some say, and maybe beyond.

In the meantime, the Navy and its shipbuilding partners need more ships to build, and Congress - particularly House Seapower subcommittee chairman Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., who's district includes the sprawling Northrop Grumman Ingalls shipyard in Pascagoula - has urged construction of more DDG 51 Arleigh Burke-class Aegis destroyers.

The Navy in past years steadfastly argued against more DDG 51s, but service leaders seemingly have had a change of heart. In March, then-Navy acquisition chief John Thackrah confirmed the service was analyzing the construction of more DDG 51s, and Roughead - in private - seems to have embraced the idea as well.

Northrop's Ingalls yard and the General Dynamics shipyard at Bath Iron Works, Bath, Maine, currently build DDG 51s, the last of which is to be completed in 2013.

A Navy official would not confirm the moves to curtail DDG 1000 production at two ships, but noted the need to protect other shipbuilding programs.

"We need traction and stability in our combatant lines to reach 313 ships, and we should not raid the combatant line to fund other shipbuilding priorities," Lt. Clayton Doss, a Navy spokesman at the Pentagon, said July 14.

Doss noted the program of record remains in place for DDG 1000, and Congress has yet to pass a new defense bill.

"Until the 2009 National Defense Act is signed by the president it is inappropriate to comment," Doss said.

Work on the new Program Objective Memorandum for 2010 - a key budget-planning document - is ongoing, Doss said. "Service inputs are to be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of Defense later this month. While it would be inappropriate to discuss internal budget discussions, it is fair to say that, as one would expect, the Navy is discussing all options to develop the surface ship force for the future that will meet all identified requirements."

Congress already is split on whether to authorize the third DDG 1000, requested in the 2009 budget. Senate authorizers have approved the request, while the House wants to delay the ship. The issue now awaits resolution in conference.

Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, whose district includes Bath Iron Works, is perhaps the DDG 1000's strongest supporter on Capitol Hill. Aware of faltering Navy support for the ship, she and Sen. John Warner, R-Va., sent a letter July 10 to Navy Secretary Donald Winter urging him to continue support "without restriction," for the ships.

Collins has been trying to beat back the House move to delay the Zumwalts.

"The decision by the House Armed Services Committee to slash funding for the DDG 1000 has triggered a review within the Department of Defense on the future of the new destroyer," she said July 14 in a statement released by her office. "During the past several weeks, I have had extensive discussions with CNO Roughead, Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England, and Defense Assistant Secretary John Young about the future of the program, which Navy officials have repeatedly testified provides much-needed capabilities."

But Collins also seems to be accepting that additional DDG 1000s won't be built.

"If the Navy is considering changing its shipbuilding requirements, I would expect the CNO to work with me and other members of the Senate Armed Services Committee to ensure a stable, well-funded shipbuilding plan that meets the need for expanded capabilities and keeps our skilled shipbuilding workforce strong."

A scheduled July 10 meeting between England, Winter, Roughead and Young to discuss DDG 1000 was postponed when Young was called to testify before Congress on an Air Force tanker program. Sources on Capitol Hill and the Pentagon said the meeting was to be a discussion of staying "on message," and not getting ahead of official decisions. The meeting has been rescheduled for later this month.

The DDG 1000 issue will get a further airing when Taylor holds a Seapower subcommittee hearing on July 31, and the GAO is at work on another critical review of the program.

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月13日 07:45 中國船舶工業綜合技術經濟研究院

  《佛吉尼亞領航報》5月9日報導 一個重要的眾議院小組委員會打算對海軍造船專案進行檢查,停止未來新型驅逐艦的開發,並把25億美元的開發資金用於其他正在建造的艦艇項目中。

  該計畫於週四上午提出,將批准國會在下一年度建造12艘艦艇或著手於相關的建造工作,這比布希政府於2月提出的請求多出4艘,同時該計畫還將使海軍領導在決定怎麼分配資金方面有了更大的考慮空間,儘管最終可能只在原有的計畫上增加兩艘艦艇。眾議院希望他們的計畫能在本月末訂下來,該計畫與參議院軍事裝備委員于上周發佈的提議相差很大,參議員們表示希望DDG-1000項目能繼續進行下去,這個項目自90年代初以來一直是美海軍領導最優先考慮的專案。DDG-1000驅逐艦裝備有各種電腦控制的系統,同時其人員配置是目前“阿利•伯克”(Arleigh Burke)級驅逐艦上330人的一半還少。國會已經對前2艘新型艦艇進行了投資,但是眾議員武裝部隊委員會海上力量小組委員員會主席吉恩•泰勒(Gene Taylor)表示,該項目還基於許多不太明確的技術,這將很可能導致成本的增加,從而減少海軍的造船經費。泰勒指出,建造第三艘DDG-1000驅逐艦的資金能讓海軍建造一艘“聖•安東尼奧”級兩栖運輸艦和另外兩艘補給艦。暫停DDG-1000的建造還能節省4億美元資金,海軍可以利用這些資金進行新型驅逐艦設計的優化研究或者將這些資金作為預付定金多建造兩艘“阿利•伯克”級驅逐艦。


  眾議院小組委員會還提議將美海軍水面作戰艦艇安裝核動力推進系統,並表示新一代兩栖艦的設計將採用核動力裝置。美海軍的潛艇和航空母艦全採用核動力推進系統,但是軍隊領導卻反對其他戰艦上採用原子能推進,其原因是建造成本太高。美國眾議院武器裝備部隊委員會Roscoe Bartlett表示,石油的供給目前存在很多不確定因素,並且價格已經超過125美元一桶,而且還有繼續上漲的趨勢,因此採用核動力系統勢在必行。(中國船舶工業綜合技術經濟研究院 吳小蘭)

House panel reconsiders development of new destroyer

By Dale Eisman
The Virginian-Pilot
© May 9, 2008

A key U.S. House subcommittee wants to overhaul the Navy's shipbuilding program, pausing development of a futuristic new destroyer and shifting its $2.5 billion cost to a variety of other ships already in production.

The plan, unveiled in a meeting Thursday morning, could permit the Pentagon to build or begin work on as many as 12 ships next year, four more than the Bush administration requested in February.

The proposal gives Navy leaders considerable flexibility in deciding how to reallocate the money, however, so it might end up adding just two ships to the administration plan, staffers of the seapower subcommittee acknowledged.

The House plan, expected to reach the floor later this month, contrasts sharply with a Senate Armed Services Committee proposal released last week. Senators want to continue the DDG-1000 destroyer program, which has been a top priority for Navy leaders since the mid-1990s.

The DDG-1000 ships are to be loaded with a variety of computer-controlled systems and designed to operate with crews less than half as large as the 330 needed for today's Arleigh Burke-class destroyers.

None of the ships in dispute is built in Hampton Roads, but Northrop Grumman, which builds submarines and aircraft carriers in Newport News, has a major stake in the new destroyer through its yard in Pascagoula, Miss.

Lawmakers already have funded two of the new ships, but Rep. Gene Taylor, the Mississippi Democrat who chairs the House panel, argued Thursday that the program depends on unproven technologies and is likely to experience cost overruns that "will cripple the Navy shipbuilding account."

Taylor said that by withholding funds for a third DDG-1000 sought by the Pentagon, the Navy could build an additional San Antonio-class amphibious transport and commit to two additional supply ships. The "pause" on DDG-1000 construction also would free up $400 million that Navy leaders could apply to refine the new destroyer's design or use as a down payment on two more Arleigh Burke destroyers, Taylor said. Northrop Grumman's Pascagoula yard, which is in Taylor's district, is one of two that builds the Burke ships.

The House plan endorsed the administration's proposal for construction of an additional Virginia-class attack submarine next year but recommended two subs - one more than the Pentagon plans - in 2010. The boost would be offset by a drop to one sub in 2011 before moving to a two-per-year schedule in 2012.

Northrop Grumman's Newport News yard shares sub contracts with a General Dynamics yard in Connecticut. While the revised construction schedule would not change the number of subs to be built, House staffers said it would smooth out the workload in both yards.

The House subcommittee's proposal also would continue to push the Navy toward using nuclear propulsion for its surface combatants, ordering that designs for a next-generation amphibious ship provide for nuclear power. The Navy's submarines and aircraft carriers are all nuclear, but service leaders have resisted using atomic power on other ships, citing high construction costs.

With oil supplies uncertain and prices passing $125 per barrel and headed higher, the "break-even" point for nuclear power is rapidly approaching, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., told colleagues.

"It is time for us to act," he said.

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月13日 07:45 中國船舶資訊中心

  據航空航太與防禦報告日誌2008年5月9日報導 美國會海軍防務授權者正在通過立法來暫停DDG-1000驅逐艦專案(只維持兩艘首艦),重啟DDG-51專案、確保第十艘LPD-17及 兩艘“路易斯克拉克”級乾貨彈藥補給船(T-AKE)。




  海上力量立法為水面作戰艦艇提供了4億美元的先期採辦經費,從而使得海軍在選擇繼續DDG-1000項目還是重啟DDG-51項目上具有靈活性。但是,海上力量小組委員會強烈催促海軍重啟DDG-51專案。委員會成員認為DDG-51可以成為設計海軍規劃中的CG(X)巡洋艦的橋樑,因為CG(X)的船體是DDG-51船體的擴大版,並且CG(X)動力只相當於新的“福特”級核動力航母(CVN-78)的一半。(中國船舶資訊中心 張曉進)

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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年03月09日 09:51 青年參考

  本報特約記者 萬鈞










Study May See Navy Get Increased Firepower

(Source: UK Ministry of Defence; issued Feb. 26, 2008)
The return of the six-inch (15cm) gun to Royal Navy warships could be on the cards as a study into increasing firepower on surface ships reaches its next phase. 

A team from across BAE Systems has been awarded the second phase of an MOD study programme to integrate a 155mm gun on future warships. The study will also assess fitting the more powerful system to existing ships. 

If successful, and assuming continued funding, the new gun could potentially replace the current 4.5 inch (11cm) weapon which is a standard fit on the Navy's fleet of destroyers and frigates and has been the customary weapon for much of the last 30 years. 

Commander Clive Murgatroyd of Above Water Effects in the MOD's Equipment Capability organisation says the 155mm gun project is part of a programme to satisfy a naval fire support requirement: 

"This requirement cannot be met by the current 4.5 inch [11cm] gun which is limited in range and precision," he said. 

"This would mean moving to the 155mm gun where the Royal Navy could take advantage of improvements in 155mm technology in the land domain, while realising whole life cost reductions by using the same munitions as the Army. 

"The first and second phases are aimed at de-risking some of the challenges of replacing the 4.5 inch [11cm] ordnance with 155mm in the exisiting 4.5 inch [11cm] Mk 8 Mod 1 mounting, such as barrel heating mitigation, automated handling and loading of munitions and charge ignition. 

"The team at BAE Systems Land Systems, Barrow-in-Furness, is making good progress, and has already designed some elegant engineering solutions, making the return of a 6 inch (15cm) naval gun look more viable as each phase progresses," he added. 

Led by CORDA, BAE Systems' specialist consultancy arm, and the company's Land Systems business, the study will be delivered in conjunction with QinetiQ, Surface Fleet Solutions and Integrated System Technologies. 

BAE Systems is also exploiting the breadth and depth of experience in wider business units such as Armament Systems in the US and Bofors in Sweden to ensure the UK customer benefits from its global corporate experience: 

"This research could provide the Royal Navy with access to a more capable and wider range of munitions and allow them to benefit from land sector investments in 155mm calibre," said Samir Patel, CORDA's programme manager. 

"The conversion will also present opportunities for significant through-life support savings as the Army and Royal Navy could potentially use a common stock." 

John Kelly from BAE Systems' Land Systems, added: 

"This programme not only has the potential to provide the Royal Navy with a low-cost route to a significant enhancement in capability but will ensure a uK based industrial artillery design and manufacture capability is sustained." 

During the first study phase, valued at £1.5M, CORDA examined a low risk route to fitting an AS90 self-propelled howitzer ordnance onto the existing 4.5 inch (11cm) Mk8 Mod 1 gun mounting structure. 

The second phase, worth around £700,000, will build on this research and examine in more detail some of the technology risks of the proposed solution. Should this phase of research prove successful, a further work package will be undertaken this year to perform initial land-based firing trials. 

The last Royal Navy ship to boast 6 inch (15cm) guns was the cruiser HMS Blake, laid down in 1944 but not commissioned until 1969 and broken up in 1982. She was the last cruiser in Royal Naval service. 


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U.S. Navy Awards Northrop Grumman $1.4 Billion



U.S. Navy Awards Northrop Grumman $1.4 Billion Contract to Build DDG 1001; Deckhouse for DDG 1000

PASCAGOULA, Miss., Feb. 14, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. Navy today awarded Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) a $1.4 billion cost plus incentive fee contract for the construction of a Zumwalt-class destroyer, DDG 1001, as well as major components for the DDG 1000. The contract was awarded to Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, a newly-formed company sector comprising the former Ship Systems and Newport News shipbuilding sectors.

"This contract award provides the groundwork that will help define the future of U.S. Navy shipbuilding," said Mike Petters, corporate vice president and president, Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding. "Our involvement in this program highlights our traditional expertise and success in building surface combatants."

Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding's Gulfport facility will build the composite deckhouse for all DDG 1000 class destroyers; this award includes the construction of the deckhouse for DDG 1000.

"The award marks another key milestone in our continuing program execution beginning with the validation of breakthrough technologies," said Brian Cuccias, Northrop Grumman vice president of DDG 1000. "These technologies will be incorporated in this destroyer and bring an advanced level of fighting capability to the Navy and Marine Corps. With a shift in focus to more composite structures in naval applications, our Gulfport, Miss., facility becomes an important factor in the success of the DDG 1000 program."

This award enables construction of DDG 1001 to begin in the fourth quarter of 2009, with an expected delivery date of 2014. Fabrication of the DDG 1000 deckhouse will start in the fourth quarter of 2008.

DDG 1000 is the first in a class of new U.S. Navy multi-mission surface combatants tailored for the littoral, air and sub-surface warfare. These ships will operate as part of a joint maritime fleet, assisting Marine strike forces ashore. DDG 1000's flexible design, unmatched stealth and precision volume strike make this ship an important asset to the U.S. warfighter.

The DDG 1000 class ship displaces approximately 15,000 tons, is 600 feet long, has a beam of 86 feet, a navigational draft of 28 feet and a ship's crew of 148, including the aviation detachment.

Northrop Grumman Corporation is a $32 billion global defense and technology company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products, and solutions in information and services, electronics, aerospace and shipbuilding to government and commercial customers worldwide.

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