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http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/p/2008-07-16/0825511104.html 評武裝直升機未來發展:隱身化無人化是主流 http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月16日 08:25 航空知識 文/張德和 雲大鵬 RAH一66“科曼奇”下馬後,對於武裝直升機的發展,世界各國態度都比較慎重。美國採取的策略是升級“阿帕奇”,同時採購新型武裝偵察直升機。俄羅斯重點開髮卡一52“短吻鱷”和米一28N“夜空獵手”。歐洲“虎”式直升機剛裝備部隊,也不可能研製下一代武裝直升機。不過,從去年美國公佈的直升機驗證機的試飛情況看,儘管武裝直升機的技術暫時不會有大的變化,但各主要國家在新技術的研發和儲備上,卻絲毫沒有原地踏步的意思。 提高速度•“複合”之路 伊拉克戰爭表明,直升機飛行速度慢、高度低是被擊落的重要原因。因此,發展高速飛行的武裝直升機(其巡航速度要達到650千米/小時以上,航程超過1000千米)成為陸軍航空兵裝備研製的重點。 要說到快,現代殲擊機的速度已經超過三倍音速了,而直升機的速度卻不盡人意。但從長遠看,直升機受旋翼的限制,飛行速度難以超出低亞音速的範圍,為了提高直升機的速度,近年來人們注意吸收固定翼飛機的經驗,將直升機與固定翼飛機結合起來,稱之為“複合直升機”。這種所謂的旋翼飛機,機翼上方裝一個長長的旋翼葉片,轉動的葉片在機翼翼面上方推動空氣,從而在飛行器起飛之時產生向上的拉力,使旋翼飛機像直升機一樣垂直起飛,而在平飛時,則利用固定翼飛機的原理,即使用動力裝置直接推動飛行器向前飛行。其中最有代表性的是美國的V-22傾轉旋翼直升機和X-49“速度鷹”直升機,它們把傳統直升機與固定翼飛機的優點結合起來,既利用直升機能垂直起降的性能,又發揮固定翼飛機速度快的長處。V-22“魚鷹”原型機的最大平飛速度已達526千米/小時,大大超過常規直升機的飛行速度。但是,由於技術原因,這種旋翼機命運幾經坎坷,其中在2000年就先後墜毀了四架,此後曾一度停飛了18個月。目前“魚鷹”已經通過了各種飛行測試並裝備部隊。在伊拉克戰爭中,“魚鷹”表現出色,飛行時間超過2000小時,任務完成率達到了68.1%。美國貝爾直升機公司現在也已開始為其研究後續機V:44大型傾轉旋翼機。此外,波音公司正在研製的X一50A“鴨式旋翼機”(WCR)已經試飛,其速度在741千米/小時以上,如果研製成功或取得較大突破,直升機時速預計可達600~700千米,航程將超過1000千米。 可以說,隨著航空技術的迅速發展,提高直升機的速度和航程還是有保障的。如果能夠擁有和固定翼飛機相似的速度與航程,加之直升機固有的靈活多變、超低空飛行能力強的特點,將使未來的武裝直升機擁有更廣泛的作戰用途。 生存能力•任重道遠 現代戰爭,隨著地面防空火力的增強,直升機面臨的威脅越來越大。如在2001年的伊拉克戰爭中,美國陸軍第11航空團的32架“阿帕奇”直升機,首次出戰就有一架被擊落,其餘全部掛彩。因此,未來戰爭,提高武裝直升機的生存能力是增強陸航戰鬥力的關鍵。 在嚴酷的戰爭環境中,增強武裝直升機防彈的能力是提高其生存能力最直接的手段。雖然金屬材料裝甲對於坦克、裝甲車、軍艦等防護起到了重要作用,但由於過重,會影響飛行性能和戰術性能,因而不適於以靈活、機動見長的武裝直升機的防護。20世紀70年代以後,隨著材料科學的發展,陶瓷/複合材料裝甲得到迅速發展。與傳統的防彈鋼板相比,新型裝甲具有抗彈性好和重量明顯減輕的效果,逐步成為現代直升機使用的重要裝甲材料。如AH.64攻擊型武裝直升機抗彈性生存能力為:機身下半球任何部位被一發12.7毫米彈擊中後,或機身95%表面任何部位被一發23毫米彈擊中後,飛行員不致喪失操縱能力。其主要防護措施是:重要部位採取嚴格的裝甲防護,如座艙周圍及彈射座椅採用複合材料裝甲板及防護玻璃,駕駛員使用防彈服及頭盔,旋翼槳葉採用玻璃纖維增強多梁式不銹鋼前段件和附有玻璃纖維增強蒙皮的蜂窩夾心後段 件,部分傳動部件採用鋁和電渣熔鋼製成,關鍵傳動部件包以電渣熔鋼,燃料箱中採用氮氣注入技術以防中彈後爆炸,機身蒙皮部分採用鋁和電渣熔鋼材料,這些措施的運用有效提高了直升機的抗彈能力。 不過,即使是再厚的裝甲也不能保證武裝直升機不被對方擊落。研發一種切實可行的救生設備以保障飛行員的生命安全勢在必行。 彈射救生方法已經在固定翼飛機上成功運用了多年,但卻一直沒有應用在直升機救生上。理由很簡單,高速旋轉的直升機旋翼就像是一部絞肉機,飛行員向上彈射無疑會被“絞”得粉身碎骨。因此,過去直升機的主要救生措施是耐墜毀——通過起落架、機身、座椅的耐墜毀吸震能力保全機組人員。這些措施,雖有不少保全生命的成功例子,但大多情況下都造成了人員傷亡。美國雖研製出了世界上最先進的武裝直升機,但並沒有研製出彈射救生座椅。沒能解決避免“阿帕奇”在科索沃和伊拉克戰場上機毀人亡的惡運。 不過,俄羅斯通過設計和實驗,成功地解決了彈射與旋翼之間的矛盾。他們研製的彈射救生系統主要有彈射控制系統、降落系統、個人救生包組成。該系統的主要部分是飛行員座椅。在正常飛行過程中,該座椅可以根據飛行員需要對高度進行調整。當直升機遇險時,直升機座艙頂部艙門自動打開,旋翼與機身分離,座椅下的火箭系統將飛行員連同座椅一併彈出。然後在牽引發動機作用下,飛行員和座椅分離。降落傘系統能控制下降和著陸,確保飛行員在彈射時空中刹車,同時也保證下降和著陸時速度不超過7米/秒。個人救生包裏有一個可充氣船和一個無線電信號機,在飛行員著陸後可為救援人員提供位置信號。據悉,裝備了這種救生座椅的俄羅斯直升機飛行員的應急離機成功率達到100%,也就是說,至今無一例失敗。 隱身性能•適當要求 隨著現代戰場對抗的日益激烈,直升機的作戰環境更加嚴酷,提高生存能力成為非常突出的問題。因此,各國都把提高直升機的隱身性能作為提高生存能力的有效手段。 RAH-66“科曼奇”專案取消後,人們開始反思直升機的隱身問題,到底對直升機是否需要全面進行隱身一直是不少學者爭議的話題。但從RAH-66看,RAH-66隱身方案造成技術難度大,耗資巨大,進度拖延是該機下馬的一下重要原因。從當前世界發展的潮流看,大規模地面戰爭很難打起來,而在反恐及強國對弱國(或地區)的局部戰爭中,全隱身直升機這樣昂貴的武器裝備又派不上用場。另一方面,隱身性能對低空低速飛行的武裝直升機來說意義不是很大。因此,下一代武裝直升棚採用全隱身方案的可能性不大。但是,尋求武裝直升機的隱身性能的步伐不會停止,不付出較大代價的局部隱身技術仍將會在武裝直升機上採用。國外一些先進的武裝直升機,如AH。64“阿帕奇”直升機、米-28、卡一50和“虎”式直升機等就是採用局部措施降低可視性、減少紅外特徵,並借助主動對抗提高其生存能力,在滿足其他要求的情況下,使其被發現概率降低到最低。直升機達到隱身目的,必須應用各種隱身技術,運用各種手段降低自身的信號特徵,使之難以被敵方目視、雷達、聲學和紅外等探測方法所發現、識別、跟蹤和攻擊,從而提高自身的生存能力並對敵實施有效打擊。
May the Force be with you
Unmanned Fire-X Achieves First Flight
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http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/generic/story.jsp?id=news/awx/2010/12/13/awx_12_13_2010_p0-276120.xml&channel=defense Unmanned Fire-X Achieves First Flight Dec 14, 2010 By Amy Butler abutler@aviationweek.com, Guy Norris guy_norris@aviationweek.com ARLINGTON and HURST, Texas, LOS ANGELES The Northrop Grumman/Bell Helicopter Fire-X demonstrator achieved first flight Dec. 10 in Yuma, Ariz., just days after arriving there for flight testing, according to officials on the program team. This is a major step toward the two teammates entering the evolving and potentially lucrative market of unmanned rotorcraft for cargo carriage or intelligence collection. Northrop approached Bell and crafted the jointly funded project in early 2010 with the goal of flying within a year. “From initial concept to flying a prototype was extremely quick,” says Cathy Ferrie, director of Bell’s Xworx rapid prototyping division. The aircraft, which also retains the ability to be piloted, was ferried to Yuma two weeks ago from Bell’s Xworx facility in Arlington, Texas, says Charles Shepard, director of technology business development for the rapid prototyping unit. The Fire-X demonstrator, built on the commercial Bell 407 platform, was modified at Xworx with computers, actuators and other systems from prime contractor Northrop’s MQ-8B Fire Scout unmanned helicopter. “Our philosophy was to be minimally invasive,” says Bob Davis, Northrop’s director of business development for air and land advanced concepts. “The physical elements of the aircraft between the cyclic and flight control surfaces have to be removed for it to be piloted,” he adds. Following its arrival in Yuma days ago, the linkages were removed –—thus “demanning” the aircraft — and electric actuators connected up for unmanned flight. The initial flight was intended to test the vehicle management system’s flight control software which was previously only ground tested in Northrop’s Rancho Bernardo simulation facility in California. Initial flight test objectives covered basic handling qualities and safety-of-flight assessments. “We want to demonstrate that we have not changed the handling qualities and that it can be flown safely and reliably, Davis says. “Over time we will develop a reliability database and understand what the nuances will be.” The flight test plan will cover “a handful of flights” by year end, and “we will do limited unmanned aircraft systems demonstrations, but not using the external sling load. We will just be carrying cargo in the cabin,” he adds. In commercial service the Bell 407 platform has an internal volume of 85 cu. ft. in the aft cabin — a volume essentially unchanged in the unmanned modification. In its civilian utility role the 407 has a useful load of almost 2,600 lb. and a maximum external (hook) load limit of 2,646 lb. The Fire-X flight occurred too late to capture the interest of the U.S. Marine Corps, which recently issued contracts to unmanned rotorcraft competitors Boeing and Lockheed Martin/Kaman for demonstrations of their systems in Afghanistan. Boeing’s A160T Hummingbird and the Lockheed Martin/Kaman K-Max,will be used to provide small supply loads to forward-based Marines there. John Garrison, Bell CEO, says that the first flight is a major step toward proving the capability of the Fire-X configuration, a requirement for possibly garnering a similar demonstration sponsored by the Pentagon.
Fire-X Vertical Unmanned Aircraft
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http://www.irconnect.com/noc/press/pages/news_releases.html?d=209251 Fire-X Vertical Unmanned Aircraft Successfully Completes First Flight SAN DIEGO, Dec. 15, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fire-X, a vertical unmanned air system (VUAS) developed by Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE:NOC) and Bell Helicopter, a Textron company (NYSE:TXT), completed its first fully autonomous flight Dec. 10 at Yuma Proving Ground, Ariz., less than one year after development began. Photos accompanying this release are available at http://media.globenewswire.com/noc/mediagallery.html?pkgid=8473 "The speed which Fire-X was developed shows that a low-risk, fast-track solution can be safely flown using the proven MQ-8B Fire Scout's unmanned systems autonomous flight architecture," said Paul Meyer, sector vice president and general manager of the Advanced Programs and Technology Division at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems. "We developed a VUAS that meets growing needs for cargo and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities. We can now expand Fire-X's operational capabilities to meet emerging U.S. military requirements in all the Services and Special Operations Command." First flight involved a short-duration hover to validate safe and reliable autonomous flight. Additional flight tests and reliability data gathering will be conducted in the coming weeks. Integration of ISR sensor payloads and cargo carrying capability test flights is set to occur early next year. "The expertise of Northrop Grumman in unmanned systems combined with Bell's rotorcraft knowledge is what makes Fire-X so successful," said George Spongberg, Northrop Grumman Fire-X program manager. "We've been able to share key insights throughout development – allowing a seamless transition of autonomous flight systems software to a new airframe." First flight was accomplished in 11 months after development began. It was achieved by integrating Fire Scout's proven autonomous systems developed for the U.S. Navy with the highly successful Bell 407 helicopter, a FAA-certified helicopter that's been in commercial service worldwide since 1996. The 407 system can carry ISR sensors and a useful load of more than 3,200 pounds – for fuel, payloads and/or enhanced cargo hauling capabilities – internally or externally. Fire-X will also be able to conduct ISR missions up to 16 hours in endurance and various cargo missions in support of U.S. Army and Marine Corps requirements. The Fire-X demonstration aircraft will retain the ability to be optionally piloted – a capability which may appeal to military users because of its added operational flexibility. Bell Helicopter, a wholly owned subsidiary of Textron Inc., is an industry-leading producer of commercial and military, manned and unmanned vertical lift aircraft and the pioneer of the revolutionary tiltrotor aircraft. Globally recognized for world-class customer service, innovation and superior quality, Bell's global workforce serves customers flying Bell aircraft in more than 120 countries. More information is available at www.bellhelicopter.com. Northrop Grumman Corporation is a leading global security company whose 120,000 employees provide innovative systems, products, and solutions in aerospace, electronics, information systems, shipbuilding and technical services to government and commercial customers worldwide. Please go to www.northropgrumman.com for more information.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64215 美國“火力”X無人直升機完成首飛 2010-12-16 [據美國《航空週刊與空間技術》網站2010年12月13日報導]據諾斯羅普•格魯門公司/貝爾直升機公司的聯合專案團隊透露,“火力”X(Fire-X)驗證機已於12月10日(抵達飛行測試基地後第二天)在亞利桑那州尤馬完成了首飛。這是兩個合作夥伴向貨運或情報收集無人機這個不斷發展的潛力市場邁進的關鍵一步。 諾•格公司在2010年初與貝爾直升機公司共同出資發展該專案,目標是一年內首飛。這架仍保留有人駕駛能力的“火力”X驗證機在兩周前從貝爾直升機公司位於德克薩斯州阿靈頓的Xworx工廠轉場至尤馬。該機是在商用貝爾407平臺的基礎上加裝了諾•格公司MQ-8B“火力偵察兵”無人直升機所採用的電腦、傳動裝置和其他系統。 諾•格公司空中和地面先進概念商業發展主管鮑勃•大衛斯表示:“我們的原則是最低限度的改裝。該機駕駛杆和飛行控制面間的物理鏈結可以去除。”轉場至尤馬後,為了進行無人飛行,該鏈結就被去除,同時連接了電動傳動裝置。 首飛計畫測試該機管理系統的飛行控制軟體,此軟體之前只在諾•格公司的模擬車間中進行了地面測試。測試項目包括基本操作品質和飛行安全性評估。大衛斯表示:我們將在隨後建立一套可靠性資料庫,分析研究改裝前後的細微差別。 按照飛行測試計畫,該機將在年底安排數次飛行,進行限制性驗證,但不會使用吊鉤掛載外部載荷,而只是在機艙內裝載。投入商業運營的貝爾407平臺後機艙有85立方英尺(2.4立方米)的內部容積,在“火力”X驗證機改裝中基本沒有改變。民用領域的407有效載荷約為2600磅(1180千克),最大吊掛載重為2646磅(1200千克)。 “火力”X驗證機首飛的時間過晚,沒能獲得美國海軍陸戰隊的青睞。該軍種最近與兩家無人旋翼機製造商——波音公司和洛克希德•馬丁公司/卡曼航宇公司簽訂了合同,用於在阿富汗驗證各自的系統。波音公司的A160T“蜂鳥”和洛•馬/卡曼的K-MAX將為駐紮在阿富汗前線的陸戰隊提供輕型補給。 貝爾直升機公司CEO約翰•加里森稱首飛是“火力”X構型向能力提供邁進的重要一步,美國國防部可能會資助類似的驗證。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 褚世永)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64185 歐直公司X3複合式直升機研製達到重大里程碑節點 2010-12-15 [據歐洲直升機公司網站2010年12月9日報導]歐洲直升機公司的X3複合式直升機已提前達到180節(333千米/小時)前飛速度的里程碑節點。 X3驗證機於2010年9月6日完成首飛。11月29日,X3達到第一階段速度目標:在發動機未達到額定功率條件下的平飛180節的真實空速。這次試驗在DGA的Istres飛行測試基地進行。 在進行過的歷次飛行試驗中,X3證明了其已經具備基本的穩定性和操縱性。該機已達到12500英尺(3810米)的飛行高度,以及在最大60°俯仰角下進行左右轉向。 到目前為止,X3的試飛工作均由歐直公司的試飛員Hervé Jammayrac和試飛工程師Daniel Semioli在法國DGA試驗場進行。Jammayrac表示,X3在飛行中表現的很好,一切均和地面模擬時相一致。 X3驗證機第二階段試驗已在歐直公司Marignane總部開始進行,試驗目標是達到220節以上的持續巡航速度。 X3驗證機使用了“海豚”直升機的機身,並裝有兩台渦軸發動機。X3可根據規定的運行費用、飛行時間和任務成功率來調整其最大巡航速度。 歐直公司為X3設定的任務範圍很大,包括遠距離搜救、海岸警戒、邊境巡邏、成員運輸、市內交通服務等。X3還能夠進行修改,以滿足特種部隊軍事任務、兵員運輸、戰鬥搜救和醫療後送等任務需求。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李昊)
http://www.eurocopter.com/site/FO/scripts/myFO_publication.php?news_id=739&lang=EN A major milestone for Eurocopter’s X3 hybrid helicopter Marignane, December 9, 2010
Step 1 speed objective of 180 kts is attained ahead of schedule for this innovative rotary-wing aircraft. Eurocopter’s X3 high-speed hybrid helicopter demonstrator, which performed its maiden flight on September 6, 2010, has reached on November 29th the program’s Step 1 speed objective: attaining a true airspeed of 180 kts (333 km/hr) in level flight at a reduced level of engine power. This performance was obtained at the DGA Flight Test base in Istres, France. In the flight testing performed thus far, the flight envelope has been opened with and without autopilot to validate the basic hybrid demonstrator aircraft’s stability and handling characteristics. The X3 has reached an altitude of 12,500 feet (3,810 meters) and performed maneuvers with left and right turns at bank angles of up to 60 degrees. The X3 flights to date were performed by Eurocopter test pilot Hervé Jammayrac and flight test engineer Daniel Semioli at the French DGA test facility in Istres. “The X3 has performed extremely well, demonstrating handling and flight qualities that are exactly in line with our ground-based simulator evaluations,” Jammayrac said. “This helicopter is really built for speed, and our test team looks forward to taking the X3 to the next steps of its flight regime.” Having already surpassed the speed of a traditional helicopter, the next milestone for the demonstrator is the Step 2 phase at Eurocopter’s headquarters in Marignane, France, where the X3 will enter a second set of flight tests during which it is expected to reach sustained cruise speeds in excess of 220 kts. The X3 utilizes a Eurocopter Dauphin helicopter airframe. It is equipped with two turboshaft engines that power a five-blade main rotor system, along with two propellers installed on short-span fixed wings. This hybrid configuration creates an advanced transportation system that offers the speed of a turboprop-powered aircraft and the full hover flight capabilities of a helicopter. It is tailored to applications where operational costs, flight duration and mission success depend directly on the maximum cruising speed. The X3 combines excellent vertical takeoff and landing capabilities with fast cruise speeds of more than 220 kts. Eurocopter envisions a wide range of applications for this concept, including long-distance search and rescue (SAR) missions, coast guard duties, border patrol missions, passenger transportation and inter-city shuttle services. It could also be well-tailored for military missions in Special Forces’ operations, troop transportation, combat SAR and medical evacuation – benefitting from the hybrid aircraft’s combination of higher cruise speeds with excellent vertical takeoff/landing performance.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64120 美海軍就無人K-MAX直升機部署工作授予洛克希德•馬丁公司4580萬美元合同 2010-12-13 [據洛克希德•馬丁公司網站12月10日報導] 美國海軍航空系統司令部授予洛克希德•馬丁公司和卡曼宇航公司(Kaman Aerospace)一份價值4580萬美元的合同,向美海軍陸戰隊任務環境無人貨運補給評估提供K-MAX無人飛行系統。 洛克希德•馬丁公司航空系統副總裁Dan Spoor表示,K-MAX無人飛行系統是特別為戰場貨運補給任務研製的。K-MAX的貨運能力可以直接滿足陸戰隊對加大地面和空中後勤物流能力的要求,同時確保人員安全。 合同內容包括向陸戰隊交付兩架K-MAX直升機和三套遠端遙控地面站,以進行快速反應評估,該評估計畫於2011年夏天進行。 無人K-MAX直升機在海平面高度可吊起並運輸6000磅貨物,在1萬英尺海撥高度可吊運4000磅貨物。相比其他無人旋翼飛機,K-MAX可在一次飛行任務中向更多的地點運送更多的貨物。其並列雙旋翼式結構使傳統直升機必須的尾翼得以取消,從而顯著改善了起重能力並降低維護費用。 卡曼宇航公司無人飛行系統總經理Terry Fogarty表示,K-MAX直升機是無人貨運的最佳解決方案。它可以減少運行和後勤保障費用,相比地面運輸車輛和傳統有人操控的直升機,K-MAX更節省燃油和人力,也可以降低執行任務時的風險。 自2007年建立合作以來,洛•馬公司與卡曼公司已經投入大筆研製資金,以提供緊急軍事任務所需的快速反應能力。該團隊已經完成所有里程碑,並通過一月份在猶他州Dugway試驗場舉行的演示,證明了K-MAX完全符合海軍陸戰隊相關性能要求。 (中國船舶工業綜合技術經濟研究院 程之年) http://www.lockheedmartin.com/news/press_releases/2010/121010_LM_Kaman_KMAX_USMC.html U.S. Navy Awards Lockheed Martin $45.8 Million to Prepare Unmanned K-MAX Helicopter for Deployment Washington, December 10th, 2010 -- The U.S. Naval Air Systems Command awarded Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] and Kaman Aerospace [NASDAQ GS: KAMN] a $45.8 million contract for K-MAX® unmanned aircraft systems for a U.S. Marine Corps evaluation of unmanned cargo resupply in an operational forward deployed environment. “The K-MAX UAS was specifically designed for the battlefield cargo resupply mission,” said Dan Spoor, Lockheed Martin Aviation Systems vice president. “K-MAX’s capabilities directly answer the Marine Corps’ requirement to augment ground and air logistics operations, supplement rotary-wing assets and keep warfighters supplied and out of harm’s way.” The contract includes the delivery of two K-MAX air vehicles and three remote control ground stations to the U.S. Marine Corps for a Quick Reaction Assessment, scheduled for summer 2011. The unmanned K-MAX has demonstrated its ability to carry and deliver 6,000 pounds of cargo at sea level and more than 4,000 pounds at 10,000 feet altitude. The aircraft can also deliver more cargo to more locations in one flight than any other unmanned rotary wing aircraft. Its intermeshing rotors eliminate the need for a tail rotor and allow for significantly improved lift performance and lower maintenance costs. “K-MAX is the optimal choice for an affordable unmanned cargo delivery capability,” said Terry Fogarty, Kaman Aerospace Unmanned Aircraft Systems general manager. “With reduced operational and logistics costs, increased fuel savings and less manpower required compared to a ground vehicle convoy or manned helicopter, the K-MAX is the lowest-risk solution for the mission.” Since partnering in 2007, Lockheed Martin and Kaman Aerospace have made significant investments to provide a rapid response to an urgent military service need. The team has met all milestones to date and exceeded Marine Corps requirements during a demonstration at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah in January. Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security company that employs about 133,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation reported 2009 sales of $44 billion. Kaman Helicopters is a division of Kaman Aerospace Corporation, a subsidiary of Kaman Corporation (NASDAQ-GS: KAMN). Founded in 1945 by aviation pioneer Charles H. Kaman, and headquartered in Bloomfield, Connecticut conducts business in the aerospace and industrial distribution markets. The company produces and/or markets widely used proprietary aircraft bearings and components; complex metallic and composite aerostructures for commercial, military and general aviation fixed and rotary wing aircraft; safe and arm solutions for missile and bomb systems for the U.S. and allied militaries; subcontract helicopter work; and support for the company’s SH-2G Super Seasprite maritime helicopters and K-MAX medium-to-heavy lift helicopters. The company distributes industrial parts, and operates more than 200 customer service centers and five distribution centers across North America. Kaman offers more than 3.5 million items including bearings, mechanical power transmission, electrical, material handling, motion control, fluid power, automation and MRO supplies to customers in virtually every industry. Additionally, Kaman provides engineering, design and support for automation, electrical, linear, hydraulic and pneumatic systems as well as belting and rubber fabrication, customized mechanical services, hose assemblies, repair, fluid analysis and motor management.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/63701 美國海軍在MH-60S直升機上測試混合燃料 2010-11-25 [據英國《Shephard集團》網站近日報導]為減少對石油基燃油的需求量,美國海軍今天在MH-60S直升機上進行了50/50生物燃料混合物的飛行試驗。 這架MH-60S屬於帕圖克特森河海軍航空試驗站,試驗中使用的燃油是從亞麻種子中提取的,與芥菜和油菜屬於同一科。亞麻只需要很少的水和氮元素就能夠成長,可種在耕地邊緣。 MH-60S是美國海軍最新的直升機之一,主要執行反艦、戰鬥保障、人道主義救災和搜救、空中醫療後送、特種作戰和空中掃雷等任務。 今年早些時候,海軍在F/A-18E/F“超級大黃蜂”上對這種生物油進行了測試,其結果顯示,使用了生物油的飛機的飛行包線沒有變化,在能力上也沒有損失。 試驗將在2011年使用其他機型繼續進行,其目標是在2012年年初開始正式用於海軍的艦艇和飛機上。 海軍燃油小組於2年前開始驗證一系列其他來源的燃油。2009年在海軍能源論壇上,海軍部長表示海軍將逐漸減少對化石燃料的依賴,並提出了5項目標。其中對於海軍燃油小組來說最困難的是在2012年前完成綠色打擊戰鬥群(Green Strike Group)的驗證。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李昊)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/62348 歐直公司公佈高速複合式直升機方案 2010-09-29 [據英國《飛行國際》2010年9月27日報導]歐直公司近日公開了其高速直升機方案,以表示其無意向競爭對手讓出民用旋翼機市場的決心。 該型號主要針對西科斯基公司的X2和貝爾/波音公司的V22“魚鷹”傾轉旋翼機,歐直公司將其命名為H3,即高速複合直升機(High-speed Hybrid Helicopter)。該機採用5片旋翼的主槳,用於提供升力,並在機翼兩側短翼上各裝有一個拉力槳,以提供前飛速度。歐直公司表示,該機的巡航速度將超過220節。 H3驗證機編號為X3,該機於9月6日開始在法國DGA的Istres飛行測試中心開始試飛。初期試驗將持續到12月,採用較小的功率驅動,並逐漸擴展飛行包線,達到180節(330km/h)的速度。隨後將進行一個為期三個月的升級改進階段,下一步試驗將於2011年3月開始,主要目的是達到220節的巡航速度。 歐直公司表示,其H3採用的構型適合承擔遠端搜救、海岸及邊境巡邏、人員運輸及市內短途運輸等任務。用於軍用時,其垂直起降能力和較高的巡航速度使其適於承擔特種作戰、兵員運輸、戰鬥搜救及醫療後送等任務。 為保持研發費用的節省,歐直公司在X3上使用了很多現有的部件,包括AS365“海豚”的機身、EC155的主旋翼和EC175的主減速器模組等。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李昊) http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/09/27/347852/pictures-eurocopter-unveils-high-speed-hybrid-helicopter.html DATE:27/09/10 SOURCE:Flightglobal.com PICTURES: Eurocopter unveils high-speed hybrid helicopter By Dan Thisdell
Eurocopter has made clear it has no intention of letting rivals loosen its grip on the civil rotorcraft market with the unveiling of its much-anticipated high-technology solution to the challenge of boosting helicopter speeds. Eurocopter's answer to the Sikorsky X2 pusher or Bell-Boeing V22 Osprey tiltrotor is the H3 - High-speed Hybrid Helicopter - concept, which features a five-blade main rotor for vertical lift and single propellers mounted to short fixed wings either side for speed, with Eurocopter promising sustained cruise at more than 220kts. The H3 demonstrator, called X3, has been flying at the French DGA's Istres flight testing centre since 6 September. Initial testing will continue through December with reduced power, progressively opening the flight envelope to approximately 180kt (330km/h). Then, after a three-month upgrade, X3 flights will resume in March 2011 with the goal of reaching 220kt in sustained cruise. Chief executive Lutz Bertling says the Eurocopter approach is to extend range and boost speed without an excessive penalty in acquisition and operating costs which, he contends, is not the case with the tiltrotor approach: "It only makes sense if what you gain in speed is not overcompensated by what you add in costs." Eurocopter sees the H3 configuration proving suitable for long-range search and rescue, coastguard duties, border patrol, passenger transport and inter-city shuttle services. Military applications benefiting from vertical take-off and landing and cruise speed could include special forces operations, troop transport, combat SAR and medical evacuation. "This is the future of Eurocopter," says Bertling. To keep development costs down, the EADS-owned rotorcraft manufacturer has adapted existing components for the X3, including the airframe (from the Dauphin 365), main rotor (EC155) and main gearbox module (EC175), which has had lateral take-offs added for the lateral propulsion propellers.
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/62167 西科斯基X2驗證機達到速度里程碑 2010-09-20 【據英國SHEPHARD集團網站2010年9月16日報導】 西科斯基飛機公司計畫為滿足未來輕型戰術、通用和運輸直升機需求設計的X2共軸雙旋翼技術驗證機達到了關鍵速度目標。 9月15日,X2驗證機在佛羅里達西棕櫚海岸的西科斯基發展飛行中心進行的測試中水準飛行速度達到250節(463千米/小時)。該專案經理吉姆•卡格迪斯表示在低動力負荷、低振動和低噪音情況下飛行速度達到250節是這架驗證機的一個關鍵目標。在這次1.1小時的飛行中,該機還在俯衝過程中達到260節的飛行速度。卡格迪斯稱為了確認聲學特徵、檢驗旋翼系統部件,X2可能還將進行4次以上的飛行測試。 卡格迪斯表示除了已經推薦給美國陸軍用作輕型戰術直升機以外,X2構型也能夠滿足未來軍用需求用來替代類似“眼鏡蛇”、“阿帕奇”和“休伊”直升機以及大型通用和運輸旋翼機等平臺。 X2將衍生出一種靈活機動、盤旋效率高、速度更快的直升機,同時不需要改變現有構型、不需要傾斜旋翼。2005年出廠的X2驗證機採用了反轉共軸旋翼和輔助推進系統,並吸取了西科斯基在電傳飛控、主動振動控制和轂阻力減少方面的研究成果。 為了達到速度里程碑,X2的旋翼速度被設計保持在0.9馬赫以下。X2專案首席工程師史蒂夫•維納稱X2首席試飛員凱文•佈雷登貝克在飛行測試過程中手動調節旋翼轉速以探究其降低幅度及對於性能的影響,但在生產型機上這一動作將由飛行控制系統自動完成。 而為了達到250節的目標,X2團隊對尾平面進行了重新設計以提供附加的偏航控制和縱向傾斜控制,幫助降低飛行員的負擔。 卡格迪斯表示這次飛行測試從設計、製造到飛行試驗準備共花費六周時間,加快了技術向未來產品發展的步伐。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 褚世永)
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/62104 西科斯基公司X2達到250節的飛行速度目標 2010-09-17 [據英國《飛行國際》2010年9月15日報導]美國西科斯基公司的X2混合直升機驗證機已達到250節的前飛速度目標。 儘管官方還沒有公佈,X2已於9月15日在一次1.1小時的試飛中達到了250節的平飛速度,打破了直升機前飛速度記錄——韋斯特蘭公司的“山貓”直升機于1984年創造的216節(400千米/時)前飛速度。這次試驗在西科斯基公司位於佛羅里達州West Palm Beach的工廠內進行。 X2在今年7月已經在工程師們和試飛員Kevin Bredenbeck的努力下達到了225節的前飛速度。根據分析結果,西科斯基將X2在使用普通的T800發動機和推進器情況下的極限速度定在260節。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李昊)
http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2010/09/15/347379/sikorsky-x2-hits-250kt-goal.html DATE:15/09/10 SOURCE:Flight International Sikorsky X2 hits 250kt goal By John Croft
Sikorsky has achieved its goal of flying the X2 hybrid helicopter demonstrator at 250kt in level flight. Though not an official record, the milestone, set during a 1.1h sortie today (15 September) at the company's West Palm Beach facility in Florida, exceeds by 34kt the officially recognized top speed for a helicopter - 216kt (400km/h) by a Westland Lynx in 1984. Sikorsky in July reached an unofficial speed of 225kt with the X2 as engineers and test pilot Kevin Bredenbeck progressively pushed the coaxial contra-rotating twin rotor vehicle through its envelope in the last of four test phases since first flight in August 2008. Based on analysis, Sikorsky had anticipated an ultimate top speed of about 260kt with the current T800 turboshaft engine and pusher propeller combination. Sikorsky says Bredenbeck reached 260kt during the flight, but in a "very shallow dive". "Our primary key performance parameter has been met," says Jim Kagdis, program manager of advanced programs at Sikorsky, after the flight. "The 250kt milestone was established as the goal of the demonstrator from its inception. It's exciting to imagine how our customers will use this capability."
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/61412 美國陸軍指定無人貨運直升機K-Max用於阿富汗貨運演示 2010-08-20 【據美國《航宇日報》2010年8月19日報導】 洛克希德•馬丁和卡曼航空公司將根據美國陸軍的一個專案將其K-Max無人貨運直升機部署到阿富汗,以演示無人貨運補給能力,同時也是支持海軍陸戰隊的專案。 根據美國陸軍航空應用技術部(AATD)在8月16日發佈的一份再徵求通知中稱該部門計畫授予美國洛克希德•馬丁任務系統與感測器公司一份無人空中系統(ATUAS)自主技術項目的合同,旨在支援海軍陸戰隊緊急貨運無人機系統需求。該通知中稱AATD的需求是一類“耐用和成熟”的平臺,以在作戰相關的環境下演示ATUAS技術,洛克希德公司所擁有的資源足以“滿足壓縮的時間線和苛刻的測試進度安排”。機體成熟度的要求是具備攜帶6000磅載荷的能力,並能夠以可選有人模式飛行,K-Max——海軍陸戰隊專案的選候者是唯一能夠滿足上述要求的飛行器。海軍還被預期將發佈一份招標書,即採購政府所有、承包商操控的貨運無人機以參與2011年在阿富汗進行的軍事裝備評估。在完成評估之後,海軍陸戰隊將簽署為海軍陸戰隊前線基地提供再補給服務的合同。陸軍和特種作戰司令部也對無人再補給充滿興趣,ATUAS專案將演示適用於與阿富汗評估有關的任何聯合貨物無人機系統專案的自主能力。洛克希德公司在一次新聞發佈會上表示:“我們證實了K-Max機體和其成熟的自主技術令洛克希德•馬丁公司成為執行ATUAS項目最好的選擇。”(中國航空發展研究中心 許贇)