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http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月16日 08:25 航空知識

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西科斯基總裁Jeff Pino稱,西科斯基公司研製的自動飛控增穩系統已經完成驗證,該系統裝在0.3m*0.6m的電子設備箱中。Pino還表示,他親自對該系統進行了模擬器測試。





Pino還補充道,該機最終有可能擁有語音控制功能。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

SOURCE:Flight Daily News
PARIS: Sikorsky advances optionally manned, voice control features for FBW helicopters
By John Croft
By the end of this year Sikorsky hopes to demonstrate an optionally piloted resupply mission using a fly-by-wire UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter platform it plans to loan from the US Army.

Sikorsky president Jeff Pino said the Sikorsky-built automatic flight control augmentation system, packaged in an electronics box roughly 0.3m x 0.6m (1ft x 2ft) in size, has already been validated and he has personally tested the system in a simulator.

"By the end of the year, we hope to fly an autonomous resupply mission," said Pino. "The helicopter will land, and two pilots will get in and fly any other mission the Black Hawk can do."

The army is considering a FBW upgrade for its UH-60M fleet, that would provide the backbone needed to host the advanced control system, which among other features would allow for hands-off landings or reduced crew options. Sikorsky has proposed an optionally manned architecture in which operators can select either zero, one and two pilots.

Pino hightlighted the importance of FBW to such advanced functionality, saying that the feature will likely be standard on every helicopter the company develops going forward.

Along with the X2 demonstrator, Sikorsky's new CH-53K has FBW controls, along with its Canadian maritime version of the S-92, the CH-148 Cyclone. "I can't imagine another new start where we don't put in FBW," said Pino.

He added that the FBW-enabled flight control laws on the CH-53K "takes stress and strain and complexity out of the cockpit".

Pino added that pilots can enable the automatic mode by "upshifting" a lever similar to a gear shifter in a car, an action he said will eventually be voice activated.

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這架X3使用AS365“海豚”的機身、5片槳葉旋翼,左右兩側各裝一個短翼,用於安裝推進螺旋槳。歐直公司CEO Lutz Bertling稱X3的巡航速度還可提高50%以上。飛行試驗將持續進行到今年年底,主要是對飛行包線進行擴展。

X3的試飛員稱其操縱性能非常好,即使關閉自動駕駛儀,也能在高速飛行中保持良好的穩定性。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

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該合同最終將授予兩家設計局中的一家。工業及貿易部副部長Denis Manturov稱,該項目2011年的投資額為4億盧布,2012年為7億,2013年為25億。



歐直公司曾於2010年9月公佈了其X3驗證機,該機基於現貨機型的部件製造,如機身部分使用了AS365“海豚”的機身。X3的前飛速度比X2略低,為232kt,但其經濟性會更好。歐直公司曾對X2方案提出批評,認為其主旋翼阻力將會過大,而其共軸雙旋翼結構將會使機身內部機械結構過於複雜。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

SOURCE:Flight International
Russia eyes high-speed helicopters
By Vladimir Karnozov

Russia looks set to join Eurocopter and Sikorsky in the race to commercialise a high-speed helicopter, with the allocation of Rb3.6billion ($1.3 billion) in government cash to support development of concepts by Russian Helicopters' Kamov and Mil design bureaux.

Ultimately, only one of the two designs will proceed. Deputy minister for industry and trade Denis Manturov described the Rb400 million allocated for 2011 - to be followed by Rb700 million in 2012 and Rb2.5 billion in 2013 - as "a moderate sum", and added: "Work is only picking up and at this stage the industry simply could not do more than its capacities allow."

Kamov's Ka-92 concept echoes Sikorsky's X2, with counter-rotating main rotors and a single rear-mounted pusher prop. With X2, Sikorsky has surpassed 250kt (460km/h) in testing and aims to demonstrate good low-speed handling and efficient hovering.

Mil's Mi-X1 takes a different tack, with a single main rotor and pusher prop with steering vane. This design offers an interesting blend of the X2 or Ka-92 approach and Eurocopter's X3 hybrid concept which features a single main rotor and twin pushers mounted laterally on short wings that provide some lift in forward flight.

Eurocopter, which has since September 2010 been flying an X3 built around off-the-shelf components including a Dauphin 365 airframe, promises less speed than Sikorsky - but isn’t far off, having just achieved 232kts in sustained, level flight - but insisted its design will be more cost-effective. Critically, said Eurocopter, main rotors are high-drag and counter-rotating designs are thus inefficient as well as mechanically complex. But with X3, the lateral wings provide some lift so the main rotor - which needs provide no forward thrust because the aircraft flies level - can be slowed in cruise mode, reducing drag.

Rotor drag is just one reason why conventional helicopters cannot fly faster than about 180kts by simply applying more engine power to turn their blades more quickly. The combination of high rotor speeds and high forward air speed can make the blade tips go supersonic, particularly during the forward part of their sweep.

However, the critical problem is so-called retreating blade stall. In forward flight, a rotor blade's relative air speed is higher when sweeping forward than when sweeping rearward. Thus, each blade's angle of attack must be flatter on the way forward and steeper when retreating, so that blades on either side of centre provide equal lift. As helicopter air speed rises, this differential is exacerbated until such point as the retreating blades reach a stall angle of attack - and the helicopter becomes unstable.

Hence the attraction of counter-rotating blades; on each rotor, one blade is always moving forward on each side, so the angle of attack of retreating blades need not be raised to balance the lift. As a counter-rotating design, X2 enjoys this inherent advantage, but reducing blade tip speed has also been a significant achievement by Sikorsky engineers.

If the Mi-X1 can fly level, its single main rotor would, also, not have to provide any forward thrust and thus run slower than would be the case for a conventional helicopter in forward flight. However, without the added lift advantage enjoyed by Eurocopter thanks to X3's short fixed wings, Mil's designers face an interesting development challenge to keep rotor speed low enough.

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隱身型“黑鷹”直升機可能由西科斯基公司Hawk Works工廠生產



隱身型“黑鷹”直升機可能由西科斯基公司Hawk Works工廠生產

[據美國《航空週刊與空間技術》網站2011年5月13日報導]在突襲本•拉登行動中使用的隱身型“黑鷹”直升機可能是西科斯基公司在紐約附近的Hawk Works工廠製造的產品。該工廠是聯合技術公司(UTC)直升機分公司的工廠,完成了專用的低雜訊“黑鷹”直升機改型,並負責管理原型機製造,如X2技術驗證機。


在2004年收購了施維策飛機公司後,西科斯基公司在艾爾邁拉為CIA及其他政府部門或其他國家製造低雜訊飛行器。施維策公司曾在其滑翔機的設計基礎上研製過一系列超低雜訊飛行器,包括單發的SA 2-37B(軍方編號為RG-8A)、縱列式雙發的SA-38A及其換裝了渦軸發動機的改型SA-38B(二者的軍方編號為RU-38A/B)。

西科斯基公司負責施維策公司收購事務的副總裁Paul Martin曾表示,西科斯基公司將負責其所有正在進行的軍品專案及預研項目,其中包括若干機密級的項目。從項目的角度考慮,隱身型“黑鷹”的研製可能將整合進為陸軍特種部隊研製的MH-60現代化改型項目中。該項目於2005年啟動,將為陸軍特種部隊交付73架MH-60M,用於替換其現有的MH-60K/L。首架MH-60M與2011年2月交付給了陸軍第160特別行動空勤團。

該項目至2016財年的經費為10.7億美元,MH-60M是在陸軍通用標準的UH-60M上開發的改型,換裝了功率更強的GE YT706發動機(商用型CT7-8發動機的軍用改型),加裝了通信設備、環境感知及生存性設備。這些設備中包括雷神公司的“沉默騎士”雷達,該雷達可切換為低攔截模式,用於惡劣天氣或低可見度環境下完成地形跟隨及規避。位於Richmond的特種部隊保障工廠負責UH-60M的改型。西科斯基公司表示,所有關於本•拉登突襲行動中使用的“黑鷹”直升機均無可奉告。

艾爾邁拉機場最初被命名為Hawk Works,其正式的名稱為原型機快速製造及軍用改型中心(RPMDCC)。2006年,公司開始建設Hawk Works工廠。工廠對外宣稱的用途是,根據客戶需求對“黑鷹”直升機進行改型後,將其運送至RPMDCC完成總裝。

在穀歌地球上,整個艾爾邁拉機場地區換成了2006年4月拍攝的圖像,西科斯基的工廠(於2006-2007年間建造)則被抹掉了,機場周邊的區域則做了模糊化處理。而穀歌地球的圖像一般為3年以內拍攝的圖像。(中國航空工業發展研究中心  李昊)

Indications Of Hawk Works In Stealth Helo

May 13, 2011

By Bill Sweetman

The stealthier H-60 Black Hawk helicopters used in the May 1 raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound may have been modified at Sikorsky’s Hawk Works facilities near Elmira, N.Y. That is where the United Technologies Corp. helicopter company has completed specialized, low-volume Black Hawk variants and has conducted prototyping activities, such as the construction of the X2 demonstrator.

One indicator of the current sensitivity of the Hawk Works facilities may be that attempts have been made to alter images of them in Google Earth, the leading public portal for aerial and satellite imagery. The Elmira Corning Regional Airport has been blurred out of images supplied by government agencies to Google Earth.

Sikorsky’s Elmira activities build on a legacy that includes low-noise aircraft built for the CIA and other agencies and overseas governments via the 2004 acquisition of Schweizer Aircraft Co. The manufacturer of the 300/330-series helicopters, Schweizer produced a family of ultra-quiet reconnaissance aircraft based on its sailplane designs, including the single-engine SA 2-37B (military designation RG-8A), the tandem-twin-engine SA-38A and its turbine-powered derivative, the SA-38B, designated RU-38A/B.

In fact, the Schweizer acquisition was directed by Paul Martin, former Sikorsky senior vice president for advanced development programs, who joined Sikorsky in 2000 from Lockheed Martin, where he had been executive vice president of its Skunk Works. Martin demurred when asked to comment.

Martin left Sikorsky in 2007 and is now president of California-based management consultancy Humphreys & Associates. Martin’s biography at Humphreys notes that at Sikorsky he was “responsible for all ongoing military production and advanced development programs at Sikorsky. These programs included ... several classified programs.”

From a program viewpoint, a stealth-modified Black Hawk program could have been integrated into the MH-60 Modernization Program for U.S. Army special operations units, which started in 2005 and is delivering 73 MH-60M helicopters to replace the current MH-60K/L force. The first MH-60Ms were delivered to the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) in Fort Campbell, Ky., in February 2011.

Budgeted at $1.07 billion through fiscal 2016, the program delivers common-standard helicopters based on the Army UH-60M, but with more powerful General Electric YT706 engines (equivalent to the commercial CT7-8) and added communications, situational awareness and survivability equipment. This includes the Raytheon Silent Knight radar, designed to provide in-weather terrain-following and avoidance while operating in a low-probability-of-intercept mode. The Special Operations Forces Supply Activity facility in Richmond, Ky., is performing the modifications on new UH-60Ms.

Sikorsky is making no comments and refers all questions about the helicopters used in the bin Laden operation to U.S. Special Operations Command.

The Elmira unit was originally dubbed the HawkWorks and formally known as the Rapid Prototyping and Military Derivatives Completion Center (RPMDCC). In 2006, the company broke ground on a new 100,000-sq.-ft. HawkWorks facility at Elmira, across the airfield from the larger Schweizer factory. It was announced that “Black Hawk derivative helicopters requiring customized configurations for a range of specialized missions will be manufactured at Sikorsky’s Connecticut facilities and then transported to the RPMDCC for completion.”

On Google Earth, the entire Elmira airport is covered by imagery dated April 2006 and one of Sikorsky’s facilities (built in 2006-07) is missing. The area within the airport perimeter has been blurred to the equivalent of multiple-meter resolution and a 200 X 40-yd. area on the main ramp has been overpainted. Most Google Earth imagery is 1-3 years old.

Read our Ares weblog post for more discussion, reader comments and multiple images from Google Earth: Spook Central: Stealth Helo HQ?

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直升機尾部殘骸 巴國同意返還



直升機尾部殘骸 巴國同意返還

 中央社╱中央社 2011-05-17 10:47


「華爾街日報」(WSJ)報導,美國參議員凱瑞(John Kerry)今天在伊斯蘭馬巴德(Islamabad)會晤巴國民間和軍方代表,他說巴國這項動作,是2國同意重建關係的諸多措施一部分。




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美直升機殘骸 巴國保證不洩密


美直升機殘骸 巴國保證不洩密
 更新日期:2011/05/12 14:05 李威翰
(法新社華盛頓12日電) 巴基斯坦今天表示,不會讓中國接觸美軍用來獵殺蓋達組織首腦賓拉登(Osamabin Laden)的直升機殘骸,先前外界揣測這架直升機含有機密科技。

巴國駐美大使哈卡尼(Husain Haqqani)告訴美國有線電視新聞網(CNN):「巴基斯坦不會洩漏任何技術,而且我不認為友邦中國有這種意願。」



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美獵賓機殘骸 專家料無藏密



美獵賓機殘骸 專家料無藏密
 更新日期:2011/05/11 11:50 盧映孜
(法新社華盛頓10日電) 國防分析家昨天表示,美軍執行突擊賓拉登任務後,在現場留下「匿蹤」直升機殘骸,就算巴基斯坦或其他國家窺探殘骸,可能也不會有太多收穫。


美國中央情報局局長潘內達(Leon Panetta)和其他官員說,美國在這次任務中出動黑鷹式(Blackhawk)直升機,但殘骸照片引發直升機經過改良或是全新版本的強烈猜測,該機可減少噪音和避免雷達探測。

列星頓研究所(Lexington Institute)主任、航空分析家湯普森(Loren Thompson)告訴法新社,各國檢查飛機殘骸,不會從中學到太多東西。


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美獵賓機殘骸 傳中國想瞧瞧



美獵賓機殘骸 傳中國想瞧瞧

 中央社╱中央社 2011-05-11 10:56



美國中央情報局局長潘內達(Leon Panetta)和其他官員說,美國在這次任務中出動黑鷹式(Blackhawk)直升機,但殘骸照片引發直升機經過改良或是全新版本的強烈猜測,該機可減少噪音和避免雷達探測。

「每日郵報」(Daily Mail)報導,美國要求巴基斯坦送回這架受損的直升機。但根據「美國廣播公司新聞網」(ABC News),巴基斯坦官員表示,中國也對一窺直升機尾部殘骸「很感興趣」。


但列星頓研究所(Lexington Institute)主任、航空分析家湯普森(Loren Thompson)告訴法新社,各國檢查飛機殘骸,不會從中學到太多東西。


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Mission Helo Was Secret Stealth Black Hawk



Mission Helo Was Secret Stealth Black Hawk
Published: 5 May 2011 20:07
The helicopters that flew the U.S. Navy SEALs on the mission to kill Osama bin Laden were a radar-evading variant of the special operations MH-60 Black Hawk, according to a retired U.S. special operations aviator.

Part of a damaged helicopter is seen lying near the compound after U.S. Navy SEAL commandos killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 2. (Reuters via Newscom) The helicopter's low-observable technology is similar to that of the F-117 Stealth Fighter the retired special operations aviator said. "It really didn't look like a traditional Black Hawk," he said. It had "hard edges, sort of like an … F-117, you know how they have those distinctive edges and angles - that's what they had on this one."

In addition, "in order to keep the radar cross-section down, you have to do something to treat the windshield," he said. If a special coating was applied to the windshield it is "very plausible" that would make the helicopter more difficult to fly for pilots wearing night-vision goggles, he said. The helicopters carrying the SEALs arrived over the bin Laden compound at about 1 a.m. local time on May 2. One crash-landed in the courtyard and was so badly damaged it was unable to take off again.

That crash landing might have been caused by a phenomenon known as "settling with power," which occurs when a helicopter descends too quickly because its rotors cannot get the lift required from the turbulent air of their own downwash.

"It's hard to settle with power in a Black Hawk, but then again, if they were using one of these [low-observable helicopters], working at max gross weight, it's certainly plausible that they could have because they would have been flying so heavy," the retired special operations aviator said, noting that low-observable modifications added "several hundred pounds" to the weight of the MH-60, which already weighs about 500 to 1000 pounds more than a regular UH-60 Black Hawk.

The special operations troops on the bin Laden mission destroyed the stricken aircraft - most likely using thermite grenades - but the resultant fire left the helicopter's tail boom, tail rotor assembly and horizontal stabilizers intact in the compound's courtyard.

Photographs of the wreckage taken the next day raced around the Internet, creating a firestorm of speculation among military aviation enthusiasts because the tail of the helicopter did not resemble any officially acknowledged U.S. military airframe.

This was to be expected, the retired special operations aviator said.

"Certain parts of the fuselage, the nose and the tail had these various almost like snap-on parts to them that gave it the very unique appearance," he said.

He and another source referred to the disc-shaped device that is seen covering the tail rotor in the photographs as a "hubcap."

If the radar-evading technology worked, it "would be a true statement" to say that the use of the low-observable Black Hawks was evidence that the United States gave Pakistani authorities no advance warning of the mission, the retired special operations aviator added.

The low-observable program started with AH-6 Little Bird special operations attack helicopters in the 1980s, said the aviator. During the 1990s U.S. Special Operations Command worked with the Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works division, which also designed the F-117, to refine the radar-evading technology and apply it to the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment's MH-60s, he said. USSOCOM awarded a contract to Boeing to modify several MH-60s to the low-observable design "in the '99 to 2000 timeframe," he said.

Initial plans called for the low-observable Black Hawks to be formed into a new unit commanded by a lieutenant colonel and located at a military facility in Nevada, the retired special operations aviator said. "The intent was always to move it out west where it could be kept in a covered capability," he said.

USSOCOM planned to assign about 35 to 50 personnel to the unit, the retired special operations aviator said. "There were going to be four [low-observable] aircraft, they were going to have a couple of 'slick' unmodified Black Hawks, and that was going to be their job was to fly the low-observables."

SOCOM canceled those plans "within the last two years," but not before at least some of the low-observable helicopters had been delivered to the Nevada facility, the retired aviator said. "I don't know if it was for money or if it was because the technology was not achieving the reduction in the radar cross-section that they were hoping for," he said. In the meantime, MH-60 Black Hawk crews from the 160th's 1st Battalion, headquartered at Fort Campbell, Ky., would rotate to Nevada to train on the stealthy aircraft, he said.

The low-observable MH-60s were armed with the same sort of door mini-guns as standard MH-60s, he said. "There was not a DAP conversion," he added, referring to the MH-60 variant known as the Direct Action Penetrator, which is equipped with stub wings upon which can be fitted a variety of armaments.

The early versions of the low-observable Black Hawks were not fitted with air-to-air refueling probes, the retired special operations aviator said. "The probe would disrupt the ability to reduce the radar cross-section," he added. "There was no way to put some kind of a hub or cowling over the probe that would make it stealthy." However, he said he did not know whether the models that flew the bin Laden mission had been equipped with such probes.

USSOCOM spokesman U.S. Army Col. Tim Nye said his command had no comment for this story.

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PICTURE: Crashed helicopter in Bin Laden raid revealed



SOURCE:Flight International
PICTURE: Crashed helicopter in Bin Laden raid revealed
By Stephen Trimble

News reports show the remains of what appears to be a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter that crashed in the US military raid that killed Osama bin Laden early on 2 May.

The remains of the helicopter, which include an intact horizontal stabiliser, are shown leaning upside-down against a brick wall with barbed-wire fence.

News reports have quoted US officials saying one of the helicopters involved in the US operation crashed in or near the compound where bin Laden was hiding.
The reports attributed the crash to a mechanical malfunction, although US officials have reportedly said no US troops were injured or killed in the raid.

President Barack Obama announced late on 1 May in Washington DC that bin Laden had been killed inside the compound in Abbottabad.

US forces buried bin Laden's body at sea within 24h of the raid, US officials say.

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