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http://news.yam.com/cna/international/200806/20080618047603.html 聯合國難民署:去年因戰亂逃難人數續升高 中央社╱中央社 2008-06-18 06:47 (中央社記者周盈成日內瓦十七日專電)聯合國難民事務高級專員公署(UNHCR)今天發布二零零七年全球趨勢報告指出,因武裝衝突而流離失所的人口數持續上升。 這份報告指出,至去年底,全球離開母國的難民數達一千六百萬人,因武裝衝突導致的境內流離的人民有二千六百萬人,還不包括因自然災害而在境內流離的二千五百萬人。 難民事務高級專員古特瑞斯指出,舉世正面對更複雜的挑戰,包括「世界衝突熱點的各種新興緊急事故、惡劣的治理、因氣候因素惡化環境進而升高的稀少資源競逐,以及傷害窮人最烈的極端物價高漲」,都可能在未來迫使更多人流離失所。 因涉及聯合國體系下的職掌劃分方式,UNHCR 報告中提供的數據有些不易互相比對。例如,前述一千六百萬難民中,有一千一百四十萬屬該署職掌,其他四百六十萬由聯合國近東巴勒斯坦難民救濟工作署(UNRWA)負責協助。 而因武裝衝突導致的境內流離人民中,由UNHCR 負責提供直接或間接保護和協助的約占半數,有一千三百七十萬人。 UNHCR 說,由該署負責照料的二千五百一十萬人,數目達到歷來最高紀綠。難民數字在二零零一年到二零零五年連續五年下降後,去年是連續第二年的成長;較前年增加一百五十萬人的最主要因素是伊拉克局勢動盪。 報告指出,UNHCR 照料的難民以阿富汗人為最多,約三百萬人,大多住在巴基斯坦和伊朗,其次是伊拉克人,有約二百萬人,大多住在敘利亞和約旦。 境內流離人民最多的前三個國家則依序是哥倫比亞、伊拉克、剛果民主共和國。 即使逃難人口總數增加,但UNHCR 表示過去一年該署在協助逃難人民的工作上也有正面消息,去年總共有七十三萬一千名難民藉由志願遣返計畫返鄉,境內流離人民則有二百一十萬人返鄉。除了返鄉之外的解決方案還包括定居在逃難到達的第一個國家以及接受安置到第三國。
May the Force be with you
剛果內戰百萬人無家可歸 難民湧入烏干達
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http://n.yam.com/cna/international/200811/20081122798457.html 剛果內戰百萬人無家可歸 難民湧入烏干達 中央社╱中央社 2008-11-22 21:16 (中央社記者劉正慶約翰尼斯堡22日專電)剛果民主共和國爆發的內戰已導致100多萬人無家可歸,無數難民正湧入烏干達邊境小鎮伊夏沙,即使臨時難民營也不安全,但許多難民表示,留在剛果只是死路一條。 逃難前在剛果一所村莊小學擔任老師的莫倫巴(Jean-Claude Molumba)向聯合國所屬的IRIN新聞社(Integrated Regional Information Networks)表示,任教的小村莊已有300多人死亡,在自己和學生都感到不安全的情況下,他上週決定離開剛果跨境來到伊夏沙(Ishasha)。 已收容近7000名難民的伊夏沙鎮,難民們只能等剛果戰爭情勢稍緩後再設法返家,或者搭車到烏干達另外成立的難民營基地,但許多人的想法和莫倫巴一樣,他們都想放棄剛果的生活,莫倫巴就表示,「怎麼回去?軍隊正在屠殺年輕人,如果留在剛果只是死路一條」。 和100多萬流離失所的逃難百姓相比,雖然烏干達境內的1萬2000名剛果難民只是小數目,但在人數爆增的情況下,聯合國難民署只能協助更多的難民從伊夏沙運往烏干達西部的納基維爾鎮(Nakivale)。 聯合國難民署駐烏干達代表史維爾(StephanoSvere)表示,鼓勵難民們往納基維爾鎮遷移,是擔心如果太多難民待在接近邊境的同一地點,極可能成為四處燒殺擄掠叛軍的攻擊目標。 伊夏沙當地酋長魯伍隆加(Ben Ruwulonga)說,多數逃到伊夏沙的剛果難民,已經不只一次逃難到不同的地點,隨著叛軍領袖恩坤達(Laurent Nkunda)的部隊正往伊夏沙推進,他擔心沒有能力、沒有資源收容更多難民的伊夏沙,任何事情都可能發生。 在伊夏沙鎮,難民只能吃爛掉的番茄或蔬菜,雖然無疆界醫師組織(MSF)已在當地架設水塔和衛生設施,但也憂慮傳染疾病將很快蔓延。
剛果叛軍領袖同意和談 成立監督停火機構
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200811/20081117595048.html 剛果叛軍領袖同意和談 成立監督停火機構 法新社╱王黛麗 2008-11-17 11:50 (法新社剛果果瑪16日電)在今天新起戰鬥中,聯合國特使表示,剛果民主共和國叛軍領袖希望舉行和平會談,並同意建立1個3方機構監督停火。 奈及利亞前總統奧巴山約(Olusegun Obasanjo)在北基伍省(Nord-Kivu)首府果瑪(Goma)說,叛軍領袖恩坤達(Laurent Nkunda)重申:「他相信停火已在執行,並受到雙方尊重。」 聯合國官員與救援組織提出警告說,約25萬流離失所人民困境愈來愈感絕望後,奧巴山約與恩坤達舉行了這項開創性的會議。 政府軍與恩坤達的CNDP叛亂份子今天在1座城鎮持續戰鬥,附近聯合國部隊1支巡邏隊也陷困交戰。 圖西族反政府武裝領導人似乎排除讓駐剛果聯合國觀察團(MONUC),成為監督停火3方委員會中1 員的可能性。 聯合國秘書長潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)上週指派的特使奧巴山約說,成員中有2人將是來自恩坤達CNDP叛軍,以及政府的代表。 奧巴山約深入果瑪東北80公里、叛軍占領區的江巴(Jomba),與恩坤達會晤2小時後召開記者會說:「我想,這第3方將是聯合國剛果觀察團,但他不認為聯合國觀察團是1個機構,不過,他不反對個人代表。」 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081116/wl_africa_afp/drcongounrest_081116210231 DRCongo rebel leader agrees to ceasefire, monitoring body
by Roberto Schmidt – Sun Nov 16, 4:02 pm ET GOMA, DR Congo (AFP) – The rebel leader in eastern DR Congo wants peace talks and has agreed to the establishment of a three-way body to monitor a ceasefire, the UN special envoy said amid fresh fighting Sunday. Rebel leader general Laurent Nkunda "reaffirms that he believes in a ceasefire being implemented and respected by both sides," former Nigerian president Olusegun Obasanjo said in Goma, capital of Nord-Kivu province. Obasanjo's groundbreaking meeting with Nkunda came as UN officials and aid organisations warned that the plight of an estimated 250,000 displaced people displaced was becoming increasingly desperate. Fighting continued Sunday between government forces and Nkunda's CNDP rebels in a strategic town and a patrol of United Nations forces nearby found itself trapped in crossfire. The Tutsi rebel leader appeared to rule out the possibility that the UN mission in DR Congo (MONUC) might be part of a tripartite committee that would monitor a ceasefire. Two of the members would be representatives of the Nkunda's rebel CNDP and of the government, said Obasanjo, who was appointed by UN chief Ban Ki-moon last week. "That third group, I thought it would be MONUC, but he objected to MONUC as an institution, he doesn't object to an individual," Obasanjo told a news conference after his two-hour meeting with Nkunda deep in rebel-held territory at Jomba, about 80 kilometres (50 miles) northeast of Goma. "He accepts the UN special envoy as a mediator between his side and the government side," he added. "He wants the government to accept responsibility for a ceasefire by what he called government allies. I said, 'You cannot accept responsibility for the action of your allies. We should go for what I suggested: a tripartite committee on verification on ceasefire violations.' He agreed to that." Nkunda's rebels claim that government forces are being aided by Hutu rebels and local militiamen. Nkunda, who was a general in the Congolese army before turning against the government, had changed out of his military uniform into a light grey suit with a white shirt and red tie. Obasanjo was in traditional Nigerian dress. The former Nigerian president, who was also once a general, briefly inspected Nkunda's soldiers before the two men walked hand-in-hand into a small building to begin their talks. "He agreed to maintaining corridors for addressing the humanitarian crisis but, he said, 'subject to the government removing road-blocks'," Obasanjo reported. Nkunda said after his meeting with Obasanjo: "Today is a great day for us because we were losing many men and now we have a message of peace. We should work with this mission." It was unclear whether Nkunda was referring to losses among his rebel forces or on both sides. Obasanjo said after the talks that "I know now what he wants. I know that a ceasefire is like dancing the tango: It cannot be done by one only." Asked about a possible meeting between Nkunda and DR Congo President Joseph Kabila, Obasanjo replied: "Not now. I expect exploratory discussions, formal discussions." The meeting took place as fresh fighting flared between rebels and government forces about 60 kilometres (35 miles) to the north, near the strategic town of Kanyabayonga, MONUC said. The fighting continued into the afternoon after a brief lull, with rebels replying to government artillery barrages with rockets 20 kilometres (12 miles) southeast of Rwindi, MONUC spokesman Lieutenant-Colonel Jean-Paul Dietrich said. Dietrich later added that an Indian soldier was wounded and material damage suffered during the shelling. In a separate clash in the same area a UN patrol found itself caught between firing by both sides. Both MONUC and the government have recently reinforced their military presence in Kanyabayonga. The head of the UN military operation criticised government forces for being too quick to abandon territory, as in Kanyabayong. "I am not saying that the army is in flight, I am saying that it is in a difficult situation," Senegalese General Babacar Gaye told AFP in an interview in Kinshasa on Saturday. Gaye said an extra 1,000 MONUC troops would be deployed in Nord-Kivu within the next 10 days, bringing the number there to 6,000.
聯合國特使會晤剛果叛軍領袖 戰鬥持續進行
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200811/20081117581533.html 聯合國特使會晤剛果叛軍領袖 戰鬥持續進行 法新社╱F60樊劍萍 2008-11-17 01:35 (法新社剛果民主共和國江巴16日電)剛果民主共和國叛軍領袖恩坤達(Laurent Nkunda)今天會晤聯合國和平特使奧巴山約(Olusegun Obasanjo)後表示,他希望舉行停火談判。 與奈及利亞前總統奧巴山約在叛軍控制的剛果東部會談後,恩坤達說:「今天對我們是個偉大的日子,因為我們損失許多人,如今我們有個和平訊息。我們應該與這個代表團合作。」 他接著說:「為支持和平進程,我們同意開闢人道走廊。」 奧巴山約與恩坤達舉行突破性會談期間,聯合國官員警告,持續不斷戰鬥導致25萬名流離失所難民面臨越來越嚴重困境。 目前還不清楚恩坤達所稱的損失許多人,是指叛軍或雙方而言,歷經數週戰鬥後,恩坤達已取得北基伍省絕大部份地區控制權。 奧巴山約於會談結束後表示:「如今我曉得他需要什麼。我知道停火就如同跳探戈,只有1個人是跳不起來的。」雙方在鄰近盧安達邊界的村落舉行會談。 到目前為止,卡比拉(Joseph Kabila)總統領導的政府拒絕接受恩坤達要求直接談判的呼籲。 派駐剛果民主共和國聯合國代表團表示,當恩坤達與奧巴山約會談之際,叛軍與政府部隊今天上午在會談地點以北約60公里地區再度爆發衝突。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081115/wl_africa_afp/drcongounrest_081115205834;_ylt=Au9PnU9uAt0irZ_2lABuK2eXsdEF UN envoy in Congo peace bid by Francois Ausseill – Sat Nov 15, 3:58 pm ET GOMA, DR Congo (AFP) – UN special envoy Olusegun Obasanjo arrived in the besieged Congolese town of Goma on Saturday ahead of a meeting with rebel chief Laurent Nkunda aimed at ending months of fighting. Government forces and Nkunda's troops have clashed repeatedly since August in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo in violation of a January ceasefire. An estimated 250,000 people have been displaced. Nkunda, a cashiered general who says he is defending local minorities against the army and Rwandan-backed rebels, has threatened to topple President Joseph Kabila's government unless he is granted face-to-face negotiations. Kabila has so far ruled out any meeting. There were reports of fresh fighting Saturday at Kabasha, near the strategic town of Kanyabayonga and to the north of Goma, the capital of mineral-rich Nord-Kivu province which has been encircled by Nkunda's forces for two weeks. General Vainqueur Mayala of the government's forces told AFP there had been an hour-long battle but UN spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jean-Paul Dietrich said the incident lasted only 10 minutes. MONUC, the UN mission in Congo, has beefed up its presence in Kanyabayonga and Dietrich said the Congolese army also had some 800 soldiers there. "The situation in Kanyabayonga is getting back to normal, we are fortifying the town," he said, adding that UN helicopters were patrolling the area. Former Nigerian president Obasanjo arrived in the country on Friday and met with Kabila and other senior officials, including ambassadors from countries that are members of the UN Security Council. He said earlier Saturday that Nkunda had telephoned him last week and "explained that he is full of expectations for us to meet and talk face to face." "Nobody can say for certain what he wants... but I will get authentically from him what he wants," Obasanjo told journalists, adding that Kabila had not placed any conditions upon his meeting with Nkunda. A spokesman for Nkunda's National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP), Bertrand Bisimwa, said a meeting should take place Sunday morning in the rebel-held area of Bunagana, which borders Uganda and is some 70 kilometres (44 miles) northeast of Goma. Nkunda's troops have surrounded Goma for more than two weeks, forcing UN peacekeepers to send reinforcements to protect the city and its estimated 500,000-strong civilian population. Nkunda has an estimated 5,000 troops, while Kinshasa has sent 20,000 to Nord-Kivu and has repeatedly called on Nkunda to demobilise. The general says he is defending the region's Tutsi minority, in particular against Rwandan Hutu rebels who fled their country when Tutsis took power there in the wake of the 1994 genocide. Congolese Foreign Minister Alexis Thambwe Mwamba said Saturday on a visit to the Rwandan capital Kigali that Kinshasa would allow Rwandan intelligence officers to join troops operating against the Hutu rebels. Meanwhile, the African Union's peace and security commissioner Ramtane Lamamra called for the United Nations to send more peacekeepers. Lamamra, who arrived in the country on Friday and will travel on to Rwanda, said the AU was contributing to diplomatic efforts to revive peace accords. Also Saturday, Angola repeated a denial that it had sent troops over the border to quell the unrest. Meanwhile the UN's World Food Programme agency continued the delivery of aid begun Friday to 12,000 displaced people in rebel-held Rutshuru and nearby Kiwanja. The eastern province of Nord-Kivu has been the site of rebellions that have plunged Congo into wars on two separate occasions, from 1996 to 1997 and from 1998 to 2003.
種族政治衝突及資源競逐 剛果連年戰禍
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http://n.yam.com/cna/international/200811/20081115514512.html 種族政治衝突及資源競逐 剛果連年戰禍 中央社╱中央社 2008-11-15 01:01 (中央社台北十四日綜合外電報導)由於族群混居且富含各種礦藏與自然資源,加上一九九四年盧安達、蒲隆地種族屠戮舊恨猶存,剛果民主共合國東部地區自一九九六年起即連年戰禍,死難超過五百四十萬人。 今年一月在聯合國調停下,剛果金夏沙政府雖與各叛軍團體簽下停火協議,但各方毫無互信,再加上外國勢力暗中介入,衝突仍然不斷。八月起由剛果圖西裔將領恩坤達所領導的主要叛軍部隊「人民防衛民族議會」,在北基伍省發動新一波的大規模攻勢,已兵臨該省首府果瑪城下。 聯合國剛果維和部隊兵力單薄,政府軍則不但守土無方,且軍紀渙散,本身即為當地平民生命財產安全的重大威脅之一,以致目前已有超過二十五萬人流亡。聯合國及民間的救援及人權組織,都非常擔心再度造成嚴重的人道危機。 剛果位於非洲中部核心,各項礦藏豐富的程度是非洲之冠,主要包括鈷、銅、鑽石、黃金、白銀和錫等。全國約六千六百萬的人口雖然不是非洲最多,但約二百支的種族,則可能是非洲之冠。其中也包括與盧安達、蒲隆地同種的圖西族與胡杜族。 剛果東部是非洲著名的大湖區,隔著亞伯特湖、維多利亞湖等與烏干達、盧安達及蒲隆地等相鄰。 一方面與位於西部的首都金夏沙有超過一千公里以上的地理性阻隔,另一方面前獨裁者莫布杜總統近三十年統治期間只專注於聚歛個人財富,幾無任何民生及公共或交通等基礎建設可言,所以這個充滿高山深谷與大河湖泊及原始叢林的地區,等於是剛果的化外之地。反而與大湖對岸各國,因同文同種而有比較密切的來往。 但也因為如此,一九九四年盧安達及蒲隆地發生居多數的胡杜族大量屠戮少數族的圖西族慘案後(一般估計的死亡人數約為八十萬人),剛果東部地區無可避免的被捲入。 盧安達全國人口約九百萬人,其中百分之八十五是世居於此的胡杜人,主要從事農業,身材較矮、較壯、膚色也較深。圖西人則是大約從十五世紀起,開始遷徙至此的游牧民族,身材較為瘦長,膚色較淺,佔全國人口約百分之十四。 而從十八世紀法國在此殖民以來一向比較重用圖西族人,從而造成圖西族人較高的社經地位與教育程度,慢慢形成兩個族裔之間的不平與緊張關係。 不過由於胡杜人在盧安達是多數族裔,所以在實施民主選舉後,政府主要職務多由胡杜族人取得,部分圖西族人因而轉入地下,採取革命手段,其中最主要的勢力是以烏干達為基地,由卡加米領導的「盧安達愛國陣線」游擊隊。 一九九四年四月胡杜族的盧安達總統哈比亞利馬納搭乘的座機,被不明人士以飛彈擊落而身亡,胡杜族野心政客及民兵以此為藉口,對圖西族人及部分溫和派的胡杜族人展開屠戮,四個月不到的時間內殺了大約八十萬人。最後卡加米在烏干達的暗中協助下,率「盧安達愛國陣線」由烏干達打回首都基加利,平定了亂事,建立了新政府。 而發動這場史無前例種族屠戮的胡杜族政客與民兵,則混入難民中逃竄,越過維多利亞湖逃到剛果東部,繼續在難民營中作老大,並不時越界回到盧安達作亂,最具代表性的就是「解放盧安達民主部隊」。 掃平亂事並當選總統的卡加米,為了解決這些胡杜游擊隊及民兵大患,曾於一九九六到一九九七年,以及一九九八年到二零零二年,兩度越界發動攻擊。 不過,也有許多駐在當地的西方外交家與非政府組織工作人員,認為卡加米其實意在掌控當地豐富的自然資源。 一九九八到二零零二年這次越界攻擊,由於牽涉到剛果本身的政權爭奪及自然資源的分配,牽扯了盧安達、烏干達、安哥拉等總共七國介入,引爆剛果全面的戰爭。 這場戰爭及其引發的饑餓與疾病,造成約五百四十萬人死亡;而流亡難民的照護與餵養,則是聯合國及所有民間救援組織所遭遇過的最大人道危機。 「第二次剛果戰爭」後來雖然在聯合國及歐美各國調停下結束,聯合國也派駐了一萬七千人的維和部隊,但大湖區的胡杜族民兵問題仍然沒有解決。 在盧安達卡加米政府的暗助下,剛果裔與盧安達流亡來的圖西族人也組成游擊隊,與胡杜族民兵對抗,其中最最具代表性的就是由恩坤達所率領,號稱兵力達五千人的「人民防衛民族議會」。 就像大多數的剛果圖西族人一樣,恩坤達也是由「盧安達愛國陣線」的行伍出身,參與了一九九四年推翻盧安達胡杜政府的基加利之役。 兩年之後他離開盧安達軍隊,返回當時仍稱「薩伊」的剛果,加入老卡比拉(後任剛果總統,並為現任總統之父)所率領的游擊隊,對當時的莫布杜政府進行武裝革命。 一九九七年在安哥拉及盧安達部隊的協助下,成功推翻莫布杜。但次年老卡比拉與盧安達總統卡加米翻臉,兩國幾乎兵戎相見,這時恩坤達又成為盧安達所支持的「剛果民主聯合」叛軍領袖。 儘管這隻游擊隊穿的是盧安達的軍服,用的也是盧安達的武器裝備,但恩坤達一直否認獲得盧安達的軍事援助。 二零零二年第二次剛果戰爭在聯合國及各方調停下結束後,「剛果民主聯合」加入了金夏沙的聯合政府,恩坤達則獲拔擢為將軍。 可是他以剛果軍隊的改革並不牢靠,無法保障全國和解,指金夏沙政府不但岐視圖西族,且暗中與胡杜族民兵勾結殺害圖西族難民與游擊隊,因而拒絕接受新職,寧願繼續當他的叛軍領袖。 二零零四年六月他發動數波攻勢,一度佔領南基伍省首都布卡伏,並宣稱此舉意在保護他的圖西族同胞。 在聯合國調停下,二零零八年一月二十三日二十多個民兵團體和游擊隊與金夏沙政府在北基伍省首都果瑪協議停火,並簽署和平協議。 但這項協議從一開始就被幾乎無日無之的武裝衝突破壞。今年八月起恩坤達更率領已改名「人民防衛民族議會」的游擊隊,在北基伍省內發動大規模的攻勢。 十月二十六日,人民防衛民族議會又發動新一波攻勢,攻城掠地,目前通往果瑪沿路的城鎮及村落多已被這個叛軍部隊所控制,果瑪已成圍城。 原本剛果就有八十五萬戰爭造成的內部流亡難民,八月以來新的戰事則又製造了二十五萬個新的難民。
叛軍抵剛果戰略重鎮 政府軍逃逸前大肆劫掠
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http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/081114/19/19ewf.html 叛軍抵剛果戰略重鎮 政府軍逃逸前大肆劫掠 更新日期:2008/11/14 00:05 楊超寰 (法新社金夏沙十三日電) 叛軍以及其他消息來源指出,剛果民主共和國東部的叛軍今天已開抵康亞貝雍加鎮近郊。本週稍早,政府軍曾在該鎮大肆劫掠。 叛軍組織「人民防衛民族議會」(CNDP)一名發言人在電話中告訴法新社,「我們已經到達康亞貝雍加鎮的大門。」這個組織由圖西族將領恩坤達所領導。 獨立的消息來源表示,叛軍昨晚開抵康亞貝雍加以南十公里處。該鎮位於基伍省首府果瑪北方一百七十五公里處。 叛軍發言人說,由於政府軍望風而逃,他們一路前進未遇任何抵抗。聯合國表示,剛果政府軍本週初曾在附近地區進行大規模的殺戮和劫掠。 他說,「目前情況平靜。我們可以看見敵人正在逃逸。」 由於位處基伍省主要道路的交會點,康亞貝雍加有很高的戰略價值,因而成為這個衝突不斷省份北部的兵家必爭之地。 消息來源表示,過去兩週來駐紮在果瑪城外十公里的叛軍,已控制了通往康亞貝雍加的最後一個村落米倫吉。 聯合國駐剛果特派團(MONUC)在康亞貝雍加設有一個基地,但今天未能聯絡上它的發言人。 聯合國方面昨天譴責叛軍強迫難民離開難民營。另一方面,在首都金夏沙,剛果總統卡比拉的政府矢言將處分在康亞貝雍加作亂的軍人。 叛軍和親政府民兵上週在果瑪以北八十公里處基萬加村附近激烈交火,數以千計的平民紛紛向基萬加的聯合國維和部隊基地請求庇護。 聯合國駐剛果特派團發言人魏登柏格女士說,「維和部隊前天晚上就注意到絕大多數在基萬加基地避難的難民都已經離開他們的臨時營地。」 她說:「我們非常擔心他們是被迫返回原來的村落。」她表示,維和部隊接到若干報告,指「人民防衛民族議會」下令難民離開這個區域。 她說,「果真如此,這種行為已嚴重違反國際法。」 叛軍十一月五日攻下基萬加村後開始清除殘餘的親政府民兵,他們認為殘餘的民兵已混入當地居民中。 「人權觀察」組織引據當地消息來源表示,至少有五十名平民被殺害,叛軍宣稱在搜索「敵人的同夥」。 同一時間,金夏沙政府矢言將處罰在康亞貝雍加殺戮劫掠平民的士兵。 政府發言人孟德告訴法新社,「不論是誰犯下這種暴行都將受到處罰。」 維和部隊表示,政府軍士兵十日和十一日參與了「劫掠及殺戮康亞貝雍加民眾」的暴行,三名掠奪者被殺死。 據報導,總共約有五萬人逃離距基萬加數公里的魯蘇魯週遭的三個難民營。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081113/wl_africa_afp/drcongounrest_081113135201 Rebels advance on looted -- and strategic -- DR Congo town
Thu Nov 13, 8:52 am ET KINSHASA (AFP) – Rebels in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo were on the outskirts of Kanyabayonga, the scene of looting by government forces early this week, rebel and other sources said on Thursday. "We are the entrance of Kanyabayonga", Bertrand Bisimwa, spokesman for the National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP) led by renegade Tutsi general Laurent Nkunda, told AFP by telephone. Two independent sources said the rebels, as of Wednesday night, had advanced to about 10 kilometres south of Kanyabayonga, which is around 175 kilometres (110 miles) north of the Nord-Kivu capital Goma. Bisimwa said the rebels had advanced almost without a fight, as government troops -- who the United Nations says carried out widespread looting and "acts of brutality" in Kanyabayonga at the start of the week -- had fled. "The situation is calm," the rebel spokesman said. "We can see that the adversary is still fleeing." Kanyabayonga is strategic because it is the meeting point of main roads in Nord-Kivu, and thus a point of control over the north of the conflict-stricken province. Nkunda's rebels -- who for more than two weeks have been 15 kilometres outside Goma -- already control Mirangi village, the last community on the way into Kanyabayonga, one of the independent sources said. Spokesmen for the UN mission in Congo (MONUC), which has a base in Kanyabayonga, could not be contacted Thursday. On Wednesday, MONUC blamed rebels for forcing thousands of displaced people to flee a refugee camp, as President Joseph Kabila's government in Kinshasa promised to punish soldiers who took part in the Kanyabayonga rampage. Several thousand civilians had sought refuge near a MONUC base at Kiwanja, about 80 kilometres north of Goma, to escape fighting last week between the rebels and pro-government militias. "MONUC has noticed since yesterday (Tuesday) evening that the vast majority of displaced who were sheltering around the base at Kiwanja have left their temporary camp," said MONUC spokeswoman Sylvie Van Der Wildenberg. "We have strong fears that these people have been forced to go back" to their homes, she said, adding that MONUC had reports "indicating that the CNDP told them to leave the area". "If that's the case, that would constitute a serious violation of international law," she said. The rebels seized Kiwanja on November 5 and began a mopping-up operation to kill remaining pro-government Mai-Mai militia who they said had melted into the local population. Human Rights Watch has said at least 50 civilians were killed, citing local sources who said the rebels had sought out "enemy collaborators". Kinshasa meanwhile promised to punish soldiers who engaged in pillaging this week in villages in the Kanyabayonga region. "Whoever committed acts of violence will be punished," government spokesman Lambert Mende told AFP. MONUC said government soldiers on Monday and Tuesday took part "in looting and acts of brutality against the civilian population in the Kanyabayonga area," adding that three of the looters were killed. Several displaced persons' camps have been emptied and razed in areas of Nord-Kivu province that have fallen under rebel control over the past two weeks, aid agencies reported. An estimated 50,000 people were reported to have fled three camps around Rutshuru, a few kilometres from Kiwanja.
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http://n.yam.com/cna/international/200811/20081106202384.html 人道組織加緊援助剛果戰亂流離失所人民 中央社╱中央社 2008-11-06 07:58 (中央社記者周盈成日內瓦五日專電)剛果民主共和國東部上週最新一波的激烈戰事稍歇,幾個主要國際人道救援組織都加緊醫療和物資運送分派工作,協助傷病和流離失所的人民。 紅十字國際委員會(ICRC)表示,該會今天開始在戰亂地區北基伍省首府果瑪附近,分發共三百六十五噸的食物,足夠供六萬五千名流離失所人民十天所需。 ICRC在聲明中說,當地「人道狀況十分惡劣」,急需緊急行動以供應人民最迫切的需要,即水、食物及衛生。 ICRC表示,過去一週,該會已供應六萬公升的飲用水給當地缺乏基本生活設備的兩萬名逃難人民。 聯合國難民事務高級專員公署(UNHCR)則指出,載有三十多噸生活所需器材的四輛卡車今天已運抵果瑪。該署在果瑪附近設有六座難民營,共收容十三萬五千人,世界糧食計劃署和難民事務專員公署合作在這些地方分配糧食,但目前還有許多偏遠地區的人民未獲得協助。 無疆界醫師組織表示,正密切監控霍亂疫情及醫治病人,過去一週在四個難民營已有八十一起霍亂病例。 剛果政府軍和圖西族叛軍一月簽訂的停火協議失敗後,八月底開始在北基伍省重燃戰火。難民事務專員公署估計,自那時起已有超過二十五萬人被迫逃離家園,目前全省流離失所的人民總計達一百三十萬人。
剛果叛軍包圍維和部隊 五百多人受困
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200811/20081101032393.html 剛果叛軍包圍維和部隊 五百多人受困 法新社╱盧瑞珠 2008-11-01 12:35 (法新社烏拉圭蒙狄維歐三十一日電)烏拉圭國防部長巴雅迪今天表示,盧安達支持的叛軍在剛果民主共和國東部包圍一百位平民、一百五十名印度籍與半數烏國維和部隊,企圖攫取當地。 維和部隊司令烏國的羅沙雷斯表示,以圖西族軍閥努孔達為首的叛軍,獲得盧安達「坦克和砲彈支援」。 叛軍過去兩天將三百多名烏拉圭和一百五十名印度維和部隊,以及一名多名聯合國、非政府組織人員和居民,圍困在北基伍省首府果瑪附近的魯丘魯聯合國基地。 巴雅迪在此間「維和指揮行動」記者會中指出,聯合國駐剛果特派團(MONUC)的烏拉圭部隊已經被包圍「四十八小時,沒有飲用水」。 他說:「昨天和努孔達交涉後,飲水恢復供應,但封鎖情形依舊,(基地內)正進行食物配給。」 烏拉圭共有六百二十九名維和部隊士兵駐守果瑪,印度則有七百人。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081101/wl_africa_afp/drcongounrestmilitaryuruguay_081101020206;_ylt=AglOHLZ0IuCAP7wBaPl0bWOXsdEF UN peacekeepers under siege in DR Congo: Uruguay Fri Oct 31, 10:02 pm ET MONTEVIDEO (AFP) – Rwanda-backed rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are laying siege to 100 civilians, 150 Indian peacekeepers and half of the Uruguayan peacekeeping force attempting to secure the area, Uruguay Defense Minister Jose Bayardi said. The rebels troops led by ethnic Tutsi warlord Laurent Nkunda "are backed by tanks" and "artillery" from Rwanda, according to Uruguayan military commander Jorge Rosales, who is overseeing the peacekeeping troops. Over the last two days the rebels have laid siege to some 300 Uruguayan and 150 Indian peacekeepers, and some 100 UN staff, NGO personnel and local civilians at a UN base in Rutshuru, near Goma, the regional capital in the eastern province of Nord-Kivu. The rebels also currently surround the city. The Uruguayan contingent of the UN mission in the country (MONUC) have been under siege "without drinking water for 48 hours," said Bayardi at a press conference at the Command of Peacekeeping Operations in Montevideo. "Yesterday there was a contact with Nkunda and the water was restored, but the blockade remains and (those inside) are rationing food," he said. Rosales said it was "not easy to identify rebel forces," but indicated that there is "high probability that troops from Rwanda are operating in the area." The rebels have also recently attacked camps for people displaced by the conflict, UN officials reported. "These (rebel) troops are backed by tanks, something that General Nkunda had not had until now," said Rosales. Uruguayan peacekeeping troops have been attacked with "artillery fire," and, Rosales said, "Nkunda has also not had artillery" until now. Some 629 Uruguayan peacekeepers are in Goma, along with 700 peacekeepers from India. Rebel forces are within two kilometers (1.6 miles) from the UN peacekeepers, eight kilometers north of Goma, said Montevideo. The peacekeeping forces are in the DRC working secure the area and protect civilians, as well as United Nations personnel and facilities.
協調剛果民主共和國衝突 潘基文加快腳步
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200811/20081101025285.html 協調剛果民主共和國衝突 潘基文加快腳步 法新社╱盧瑞珠 2008-11-01 09:35 (法新社紐約聯合國總部三十一日電)聯合國祕書長潘基文的新聞辦公室表示,祕書長今天加快腳步協調在剛果民主共和國東部的衝突,同時要求他指派的負責維持和平事務的主管,立即飛往剛果了解情況。 聯合國聲明指出,正在尼泊爾進行短暫訪問的潘基文,派遣聯合國負責維和任務的阿蘭.雷諾伊到剛果,並在過去兩天和許多世界領袖討論剛果危機。 潘基文特別和剛果總統卡比拉、盧安達總統卡加米、法國總統沙柯吉、坦尚尼亞總統基克維特,及美國國務卿萊斯、英國外相米勒班、非洲聯盟委員會主席平恩和歐洲聯盟主管外交政策最高代表索拉納等人會談過。 潘基文向他們強調,「盡一切可能」鞏固由圖西族軍閥努孔達為首的叛軍下令,在北基伍省首府果瑪停火的重要性,阻止進一步的動亂。 他同時要求各國領袖盡量將兩個主要的角色,剛果總統和盧安達總統,「請來中立地點參加協商會議」。 他強調,現有一萬七千人的聯合國駐剛果民主共和國特派團(MONUC),必須獲得「所需的額外支援以執行任務」,同時人道工作者也應該在「無阻礙」的情況下展開工作。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081031/wl_africa_afp/drcongounrestundiplomacyban_081031232435 UN chief steps up diplomacy to settle Congo conflict
Fri Oct 31, 7:24 pm ET UNITED NATIONS (AFP) – UN chief Ban Ki-moon is stepping up efforts to settle the conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), asking his peacekeeping chief to travel to the region, his press office said Friday. The secretary general, who is on a brief visit to Nepal, was sending Alain Le Roy, the head of UN peacekeeping, to the region and had discussed the crisis with a number of world leaders over the past two days, a UN statement said. Ban notably spoke with Presidents Joseph Kabila of DRC, Paul Kagame of Rwanda, Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania as well as with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, African Union Commission Chairman Jean Ping and European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana. Ban stressed to them "the importance of doing everything possible" to consolidate the ceasefire ordered in Goma, Nord Kivu's capital, by rebels led by ethnic Tutsi warlord Laurent Nkunda, and to halt further violence. He also urged them to do all they could to bring the key protagonists, the presidents of DRC and Rwanda, "to a neutral venue for negotiations." Ban stressed that the 17,000-strong UN mission in DRC (MONUC) "must be given the additional resources it needs to carry out its mandate" and that humanitarian workers should be allowed to work "without hindrance." And he asked the UN Security Council to speed up efforts "to support or complement" MONUC, which has deployed 850 troops to maintain security and protect civilians in Goma, after Rwandan-backed Nkunda loyalists threatened to seize the city. MONUC has requested troop reinforcements while France has suggested sending sending an EU battle group of up to 1,500 troops to bolster UN troops in Nord Kivu. Fighting resumed in the east of Congo on August 28 in violation of a ceasefire agreed in January, marking a return to the unrest that has gripped the region since the mid-1990s. Some 220,000 people have been displaced since August, bringing to more than one million the number forced from their homes in Nord Kivu, a province bordering Rwanda that totals five million.
剛果政府軍潰散 叛軍包圍重要城市果瑪
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200810/20081030958402.html 剛果政府軍潰散 叛軍包圍重要城市果瑪 法新社╱張仲琬 2008-10-30 14:35 (法新社剛果民主共和國果瑪三十日電)叛軍今天節節進逼東部重要戰略城市果瑪之際,引發混亂情勢,潰散的剛果政府軍隊、居民與數萬名難民紛紛慌亂逃離。 聯合國安全理事會昨晚抨擊叛軍逼近北基伍省首府果瑪,並對剛果與盧安達邊界傳出重型武器開火的報導表示擔憂。 果瑪首長帕魯庫接受「法新社」訪問時表示:「民眾四處潰逃,整個城市都陷入恐慌。」並補充說兩萬民眾為躲避北部戰亂流入果瑪後,果瑪人口已經達到危急程度。 剛果政府軍潰散,目前阻擋叛軍全面接收果瑪的力量僅剩聯合國維和部隊,叛軍昨晚仍單方面宣佈停火。聯合國維和部隊稍早曾使用武裝直升機阻止叛軍前進。 美國首席非洲特使佛雷塞警告叛軍離開果瑪、遵守先前協定,停止果瑪地區的戰事。 美國國務院負責非洲事務的助理國務卿佛雷塞在奈洛比舉行的記者會上說:「他們不應進入果瑪,他們將要為(那裡)發生的事負責。」她今天將前往剛果首都金夏沙。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081029/wl_africa_afp/drcongounrest_081029210709;_ylt=AiNuIfLuUQlRlKN1HrH_aAmXsdEF Rebels close on key city as DR Congo forces crumble by Albert Kambale Albert Kambale – Wed Oct 29, 5:07 pm ET GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (AFP) – Congolese rebels closed in on this strategic eastern city Wednesday sparking chaos as government forces, residents and tens of thousands of refugees scrambled to leave. "People are stampeding and the city is panicking," Goma governor Julien Paluku told AFP, adding that the local population had become alarmed by the influx of some 20,000 refugees from fighting further north. The rebels late Wednesday declared a unilateral ceasefire even though the collapse of government resistance left UN peacekeeping forces -- which earlier used helicopter gunships to stall the rebel advance -- as the only obstacle to a complete takeover of Goma, capital of Nord-Kivu province. The top US envoy to Africa warned the rebel forces to stay out of Goma and and stand by previous agreements to end the conflict in the region. "I should say, they should not go into Goma, they will be held accountable for actions taking place (there)," Jendayi Frazer, US assistant secretary of state for African affairs, told a press conference in Nairobi. She heads for the capital Kinshasa on Thursday. An AFP correspondent in Goma Wednesday said government forces had fled, relocating their tanks to the south on the road to Bukavu, in Sud-Kivu province. UN tanks had been drawn into position around the peacekeeping force's headquarters near the airport to the north of Goma. A statement signed by the rebel leader Laurent Nkunda said the rebels' intention was "not to panic the population of Goma as well as those who are in displaced persons camps in the immediate environs of the city." The rebels would guarantee "complete security" of the population, the statement said. The assurance came too late to prevent the entire 45,000 population of a makeshift camp on the northern outskirts of Goma from fleeing amid scenes of chaos. "The whole camp was packing up and leaving" after refugees saw Congolese government troops themselves passing the camp in large numbers as they moved south, said UNHCR spokesman Ron Redmond, who described the camp residents as "exhausted and traumatised". Combat between government forces and Nkunda's rebels has escalated since the weekend, despite a plea from UN chief Ban Ki-moon for an end to the fighting. Wednesday's fighting left Ban "alarmed" by reports of Rwanda's involvement, a UN spokesman said. The government in Kinshasa has accused Rwanda of actively supporting Nkunda. However, Rwanda said Wednesday that the fighting was an internal DRC affair for which it bore no responsibility and rejected the idea of a summit on the issue. Frazer said she was headed to Rwanda after her talks with DRC leaders in Kinshasa. "We have no evidence that Rwanda is fighting directly in eastern Congo, but we do believe that Rwandan territory has been used to provide support to CNDP (Nkunda's rebels)," she said. The UN Security Council was meanwhile to hold an emergency meeting later Wednesday on the escalating conflict, which Ban warned "is creating a humanitarian crisis of catastrophic dimensions, and threatens dire consequences on a regional scale." The charity ActionAid late Wednesday announced that it was suspending its operation in Goma because of the surge in violence. Ban also voiced concern at "the collapse of discipline in units of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC), which have reportedly engaged in looting," as well as attacks on UN personnel. FARDC General Vainqueur Mayala, speaking on radio Okapi, told his troops not to pillage Goma and declared that the city "is still under FARDC's control supported by MONUC", the UN mission in the DRC. France, which currently holds the European Union presidency, said it supports sending an EU battle group of up to 1,500 troops to restore peace. Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the French EU presidency and the UN had discussed the battle groups "which can provide between 400 and 1,500 men that we could deploy in Europe's name within eight to 10 days." The EU's foreign policy chief Javier Solana, however, said the bloc favours a diplomatic, not a military, response to the crisis. "At this point, there is no discussion of any military role for the EU," said Solana's spokeswoman Cristina Gallach. In London, a spokesman for British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an appeal for a ceasefire and regional talks. "(Rwandan) President (Paul) Kagame and (DRC) President (Joseph) Kabila should meet urgently, and the UK stands ready to support these talks." Nine African heads of state along with Kenya's Nobel peace laureate Wangari Maathai issued a statement calling for an end of hostilities in the DRC. "We condemn the violation of the Goma accord of January 23, 2008, signed by all parties to the conflict and the resorting to force as a way of handling political differences," said the statement issued at a world forum on sustainable development being held in Brazzaville.
剛果民主共和國叛軍攻東部首府 數萬難民潰逃
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http://n.yam.com/afp/international/200810/20081029917816.html 剛果民主共和國叛軍攻東部首府 數萬難民潰逃 法新社╱盧瑞珠 2008-10-29 14:35 (法新社剛果共和國果瑪二十八日電)剛果民主共和國的圖西族叛軍今天再次進逼東部首府果瑪,數萬難民開始逃亡。 聯合國難民機構表示,大約三萬名無家可歸的難民,陸續抵達位於果瑪北方約十公里的其巴迪難民營。 聯合國駐剛果民主共和國維和部隊將領保證,會盡量不讓叛軍接近主要城鎮。 歐洲聯盟負責人道救援的委員米歇爾透過發言人表示,明天他將趕赴剛果民主共和國了解需求。 剛果民主共和國政府軍和叛軍一月簽訂的停火協議宣告失敗後,八月底開始在東部的北基伍省交火。 這幾天,效忠恩昆達將軍的叛軍再次發動攻擊,迫使政府軍退到距離果瑪北方約三十公里的吉布巴。 http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20081028/wl_africa_afp/drcongounrest_081028204150;_ylt=AixIdeS0RfRtfLq3aTCsN_GXsdEF Thousands flee fighting as DRCongo rebels advance
by Albert Kambale Albert Kambale – Tue Oct 28, 4:41 pm ET GOMA, Democratic Republic of Congo (AFP) – Thousands of civilians fled fresh fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on Tuesday as Tutsi rebels advanced towards the regional capital Goma. The United Nations refugee agency said around 30,000 displaced people had started to arrive at Kibati, a camp 10 kilometres (six miles) north of Goma. The head of UN forces in the country promised his peacekeepers would do everything possible to keep the rebels from the major towns. The EU's Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Louis Michel will make an emergency visit to the country on Wednesday to ascertain needs, his spokesman said. The North Kivu region in the eastern DRC has been the site of fighting between government and rebel forces since late August, after the failure of a ceasefire signed in January. But in recent days, rebels loyal to renegade general Laurent Nkunda have launched an offensive that have put government forces on the run and brought them to Kibumba, some 30 kilometres (19 miles) north of Goma. "I got out of Kibumba because there was fighting between the FARDC (Congolese army) and the rebels," said Josephine Kabedi, a child strapped to her back and another in her arms, as she reached the Kibati camp. "I've walked the whole day without eating." Rebels had attacked Kibumba from a hill on the Rwandan border, she added. The government in Kinshasa has accused Rwanda of actively supporting Nkunda's National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP), which Kigali has denied. Along the main road around 10 kilometres south of Kibumba, dozens of government soldiers were scrambling towards Goma, overtaken by the armoured vehicles of the United Nations peacekeeping force MONUC. The UN force said it used helicopter gunships Tuesday in the Kibumba area to halt a rebel offensive. But MONUC spokeswoman Sylvie Van der Wildenberg did not say if the helicopters had fired directly on the rebels. Alan Doss, the head of MONUC, told reporters by video link from Kinshasa: "We will do whatever is necessary to defend the city (Goma) and prevent a humanitarian disaster," he said. MONUC was "determined to stop rebel threats to population centres." Nkunda loyalists were breaking up into small units and trying to sow panic and confusion among civilians in the area, he said. Some elements of the DRC army had abandoned their positions without warning, he added. Doss said that less than 6,000 troops from the 17,000-strong MONUC were arrayed against irregular forces of Nkunda's National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP) in North Kivu. A UN peacekeeper was wounded on Monday when rebels fired on a MONUC base in Kibumba, a military source told AFP. Fighting was also reported in the strategic town of Rutshuru, around 100 kilometres (62 miles) north of Goma. "We are four kilometres from the centre of Rutshuru," rebel spokesman Bertrand Bisimwa told AFP by telephone, adding that their positions had come under pressure from government forces on Tuesday. "We are also within 16 kilometres of Goma," he added. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said an attempt to evacuate staff from Rutshuru had to be "put on hold temporarily due to insecurity in the town". European Commission spokesman Amadeu Altafaj voiced concern at reports from DR Congo that UN peacekeepers were trying to evacuate some foreign aid workers from the area. "This is a catastrophe because every humanitarian worker that is removed from the area means that a number of people will not receive proper assistance." "The government is not in a position to provide the basic services they should to the populations in those areas," he added. "If a three-year-old child has diarrhoea he will die in a matter of a week to put it very bluntly." Goma itself was reported quiet on Tuesday, with schools and most shops remaining shut. In the capital Kinshasa, EU Commissioner Michel will meet DRC President Joseph Kabila, who named a new government of "combat and reconstruction" on Monday in a bid to pacify the giant central African country. He will also hold talks with other Congolese leaders, UN officials and other international partners, during the hastily arranged two-day visit, said Altafaj. Although he would focus on the humanitarian situation in North Kivu, where the fighting is raging, he would also look at security and development, Altafaj added. "There is an unprecedented number of people fleeing the conflict zone so there are urgent humanitarian needs to be addressed," Altafaj told AFP. British Foreign Secretary David Miliband called Tuesday for an immediate ceasefire. "The resurgence of violence in the eastern DRC will have grave humanitarian consequences as well as potentially dangerous regional implications," said Miliband in a statement issued by the Foreign Office in London.