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http://mil.qianlong.com/4919/2006/03/24/135@3073442.htm DRS技術公司獲美陸戰隊主戰坦克轉包合同 http://www.qianlong.com/ 2006-03-24 08:48:00 美國《每日防務》2006年3月20日報導,美國DRS技術公司獲得價值約為1500萬美元合同,為美海軍陸戰隊製造並安裝熱成像系統以支援M1A1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克的火力提升計畫(FEP)。
DRS技術公司表示,FEP將在很大程度上提高海軍陸戰隊晝夜作戰能力。該轉包合同由雷聲公司網路中心系統授予DRS技術公司,DRS主要負責建造、測試、交付以及安裝FEP新一代前視紅外儀熱成像系統。該成像系統目前大量用於地面武器系統。 DRS技術公司光電子部門負責完成該項工程。交付工作預計從今年9月開始,一直到2007年8月完成。 編輯: 小薇 來源: 船舶工業科技資訊中心
May the Force be with you
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http://n.yam.com/cna/international/201012/20101221211139.html 駐韓美軍調換新型坦克與裝甲車 中央社╱中央社 2010-12-21 16:22 (中央社記者姜遠珍首爾21日專電)為加強駐韓美軍戰鬥車輛的運作體制,駐韓美軍第2師將從本月開始至明年5月為止,展開一連串調換新型M1A2 Abrams(艾步蘭)坦克和M2A2 Bradley(布萊德雷)裝甲車的措施。 駐韓美軍八軍新聞官室今天發佈資料指出,此次美軍戰鬥車輛的汰舊換新,旨在改善戰鬥車輛的運作體制,提升追蹤及射控系統,強化裝甲能力,更有效地符合21世紀的作戰需求。 駐韓美軍八軍司令、3星中將強生(John D.Johnson)強調,此次汰舊換新並不是增加戰鬥車輛的數量,而是提升戰鬥能力。他說,駐韓美軍將是世界上最先擁有並運作最新型坦克和裝甲車的官兵。 強生強調,「這是美國陸軍現代化計畫的一環,我們的軍隊一定要具備最佳的戰鬥準備態勢,這也是美國陸軍駐守在南韓的重要理由之一」。
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http://www.dsti.net/Information/News/64192 美國空軍C-17運輸機將M1A1主戰坦克空運至阿富汗 2010-12-15 [據美國《空軍雜誌》網站2010年12月10日報導]美國空軍一架C-17運輸機將第一輛海軍陸戰隊的M1A1“艾布拉姆斯”坦克空運至阿富汗,該運輸機隸屬於駐紮在西南亞地區的第816遠征空運中隊。在9年的阿富汗戰爭期間,這是國防部首次提供68噸的主戰坦克,隨後將有更多的坦克由C-17運抵阿富汗。海軍陸戰隊阿富汗西南區司令官理查•米爾斯將軍稱,這些坦克將增加軍隊在非山區作戰的火力。將M1A1坦克裝備在內陸國家需要海運和空運的聯合支持,C-17運輸機就是運輸坦克整個過程中的最後一個環節。第一輛坦克抵達時間是11月25日。(中國航空工業發展研究中心 李淼)
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http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/101120/19/2hgfy.html 美重型坦克車部署阿富汗 更新日期:2010/11/20 00:20 張佑之 (法新社華盛頓19日電) 「華盛頓郵報」(Washington Post)今天報導,美國正將重裝甲戰車部署到阿富汗,為9年戰事中所首見,以進一步加強對塔利班(Taliban)游擊隊的攻擊戰術。 郵報引述國防官員的話報導,這1個連的M1艾步蘭(Abrams)型坦克車初期將部署在阿富汗海曼德省(Helmand),當地美軍陸戰隊正與裝備齊全的塔利班游擊隊陷入激戰。 知悉部署計畫的軍官告訴郵報:「這些坦克車能使敵人恐懼、震撼,且能發揚火力,相當重要。」
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http://www.dsti.net/News/58440.htm 美國通用動力公司繼續推進沙特“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克升級工作 [據美國《防務工業日報》2009年12月10日報導] 近日,美國通用動力公司地面系統分部表示,為進一步支持沙特 “艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克升級項目,美國陸軍坦克機動車輛司令部(TACOM)與通用動力公司地面系統分部簽訂了一項價值1760.7萬美元的合同,共包括15輛沙特“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克升級工作。根據合同規定,該項工作將在美國俄亥俄州萊馬市(Lima,OH)的陸軍坦克工廠完成,預計將於2012年3月31日前完成。 據悉,該份“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克升級合同應屬於2006年7月28日沙特與美國簽訂M1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克升級合同的子合同,全部合同總價值高達29億美元,共包括315輛M1A2主戰坦克和58輛M1A1主戰坦克升級為M1A2S型配置。升級工作分三個階段進行,為期8年:第一階段為準備工作階段,評估坦克的技術狀態,為期30個月;第二階段主要是將58輛M1A1主戰坦克改進為M1A2S標準;第三階段將重點改進餘下的315輛主戰M1A2坦克改進為M1A2S標準。 M1A2S標準改進方案是根據在伊拉克作戰行動制定的,屬於“艾布拉姆斯”綜合管理(AIM)專案的一部分,其將成為未來美國改進主戰坦克的標準。根據計畫,改裝後的坦克將安裝新型動力裝置,現有的AGT-1500渦輪噴氣式發動機將被同樣功率的新型LV-100-5發動機所替代,同時這種發動機具有穩定性強和使用壽命長的特點。此外,改進後的坦克上還將換裝120毫米口徑的M-256型坦克炮、通訊系統、火力控制系統、新型裝甲、炮塔和氣動防護系統。改進後的M1A2S標準主戰坦克將至少服役至2027年。(北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧) http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-2006-saudi-shopping-spree-29b-to-upgrade-m1-abrams-tank-fleet-02481/ The 2006 Saudi Shopping Spree: $2.9B to Upgrade M1 Abrams Tank Fleet 10-Dec-2009 10:10 EST On July 28/06, the US DSCA informed Congress [PDF format] that Government of Saudi Arabia wishes to purchase 58 M1A1 Abrams tanks, then upgrade these M1A1s along with its existing 315 M1A2 Abrams tanks to the M1A2S (Saudi) Abrams configuration. The sale will include kits, spare and repair parts, communications and support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, contractor engineering and technical support services and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $2.9 billion. This contract also dovetails well with their recent $276 million Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Agreement, which ensures support and spare parts for their American-made land equipment. This proposed M1 Abrams sale and upgrade program will be executed in 3 phases, and has begun to attract contracts… The 3 phases for the main program are as follows: ‧PHASE 1: Engineering phase for 30 months; ‧PHASE 2: Purchase of 58 M1A1s, and upgrade to M1A2S (Saudi) configuration. The Abrams Integrated Management (AIM) program was designed to economically rebuild and maintain the M1A1 Main Battle Tank (MBT) to a ‘like new’ condition, in order to improve fleet readiness and reduce sustainment costs. The 58 M1A1s will undergo an ‘AIM-like’ process and will be upgraded to the M1A2S configuration in the United States; ‧PHASE 3: Tear down of the 315 M1A2 Abrams in Saudi Arabia’s tank fleet and upgrade to the M1A2S configuration. The 315 Saudi M1A2A MBT’s will also undergo an ‘AIM-like’ process and will be re-configured to the M1A2S configuration. Vehicle teardown and final re-assembly will be accomplished in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has an unusual land forces structure whereby it has an “American brigade” (8th Armored Brigade) currently armed with US equipment like M1 Abrams tanks, M2 Bradleys et. al., and a “French brigade” (4th Armored Brigade) armed with French equipment including AMX-30 tanks, AMX-10P APCs, et. al. Indeed, Saudi equipment throughout its land forces tends to be a mixture of American and French equipment as a rule. This hedges against supplier continuity and creates wider markers for geopolitical favors, at the cost of increased maintenance burdens and potential logistical and interoperability headaches. The Tribune-Libaniase’s 2006 article “The Dynamics of Weapons Procurement in Gulf States” offers outstanding insight and background in this area. There were rumors that the 2006 memorandum of defense cooperation with France may also lead to an order of Leclerc main battle tanks et. al. to upgrade the “French brigade” alongside its American counterpart, but there has been no action on that front – and countervailing rumors of a deal for Russian T-90s.
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http://www.dsti.net/News/58430.htm 美國繼續推進伊拉克M1A1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克採購專案 [據美國《防務工業日報》2009年12月8日報導] 近日,美國通用動力公司地面系統分部表示,為支援伊拉克採購M1A1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克項目,美國陸軍坦克機動車輛司令部(TACOM)與通用動力公司地面系統分部簽訂了一項價值1430萬美元的前期合同,主要是採購生產140輛M1A1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克的所需原材料。 根據合同規定,該項工作將在美國俄亥俄州萊馬市(Lima,OH)完成70%,在美國賓夕法尼亞州斯克蘭頓(Scranton,PA)完成14%,在美國阿拉巴馬州安妮斯頓(Anniston,AL)完成10%,在美國佛羅里達州達拉哈西(Tallahassee,FL)完成6%,預計將於2011年5月31日前完成。 2008年7月31日,美國與伊拉克簽訂了一批總價值109億美元的武器裝備出口專案,主要包括M1A1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克、LAV輪式裝甲人員輸送車、M1117裝甲安全車、武裝偵察直升機、C-130J運輸機及其大型基礎設施建設工程等。至此,在“中東”地區,伊拉克成為了在埃及(主要裝備M1A1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克)、科威特(主要裝備M1A2“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克)和沙特(主要裝備M1A2 SEP“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克)之後的第四個裝備“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克的國家。(北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧) http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/M1-Abrams-Tanks-for-Iraq-05013/ M1 Abrams Tanks for Iraq 09-Dec-2009 13:09 EST On July 31/08, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced [PDF] Iraq’s formal request to buy M1 Abrams tanks, well as the associated vehicles, equipment and services required to keep them in the field. The tanks will apparently be new-build, not transferred from American stocks. With this purchase, Iraq would become the 4th M1 Abrams operator in the region, joining Egypt (M1A1s), Kuwait (M1A2), and Saudi Arabia (M1A2-SEP variant). Defense-related purchase requests from Iraq over the last 2 weeks of July 2008 totaled over $10.9 billion, and included tanks, wheeled LAV wheeled APCs and/or wheeled M1117 armored cars, armed reconnaissance helicopters, C-130J transport aircraft, and major infrastructure build-outs. December 2008 additions include coastal patrol boats, 56 trainers and light attack aircraft, command & control equipment, and small arms. Once a DSCA request is made, the rule is that Congress has 30 days to pass a blockage of the sale, or contracts may be negotiated and the sale can go through. The Iraqi request for M1A1Ms was updated with a December 2008 request that is now confirmed to be additive…
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http://www.dsti.net/News/56466.htm 沙特升級M1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克 [據美國《防務工業日報》2009年9月20日報導] 2009年9月18日,美國通用動力公司地面系統分部獲得了一份來自沙特政府的合同,價值約720萬美元,只要是為目前沙特採購並裝備的M1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克改進為沙特型配置,即M1A2S標準。升級工作將在美國密歇根州沃倫市(Warren,MI)的通用動力公司基地進行,預計將於2012年2月28日之前完成。據悉,該份M1A2S“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克升級合同應屬於2006年7月28日沙特與美國簽訂M1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克升級合同的子合同,全部合同總價值高達29億美元,共包括315輛M1A2主戰坦克和58輛M1A1主戰坦克升級為M1A2S型配置。升級工作分三個階段進行,為期8年:第一階段為準備工作階段,評估坦克的技術狀態,為期30個月;第二階段主要是將58輛M1A1主戰坦克改進為M1A2S標準,這一階段工作將在美國境內完成;第三階段將重點改進餘下的315輛主戰M1A2坦克,按照規定,這一階段工作將在沙特境內完成。據分析,此次合同應該屬於第二階段工作。 M1A2S標準改進方案是根據在伊拉克作戰行動制定的,屬於“艾布拉姆斯”綜合管理(AIM)專案的一部分,其將成為未來美國改進主戰坦克的標準。根據計畫,改裝後的坦克將安裝新型動力裝置,現有的AGT-1500渦輪噴氣式發動機將被同樣功率的新型LV-100-5發動機所替代,同時這種發動機具有穩定性強和使用壽命長的特點。此外,改進後的坦克上還將換裝120毫米口徑的M-256型坦克炮、通訊系統、火力控制系統、新型裝甲、炮塔和氣動防護系統。改進後的M1A2S標準主戰坦克將至少服役至2027年。 (北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧) http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/the-2006-saudi-shopping-spree-29b-to-upgrade-m1-abrams-tank-fleet-02481/ The 2006 Saudi Shopping Spree: $2.9B to Upgrade M1 Abrams Tank Fleet 20-Sep-2009 12:10 EDT On July 28/06, the US DSCA informed Congress [PDF format] that Government of Saudi Arabia wishes to purchase 58 M1A1 Abrams tanks, then upgrade these M1A1s along with its existing 315 M1A2 Abrams tanks to the M1A2S (Saudi) Abrams configuration. The sale will include kits, spare and repair parts, communications and support equipment, publications and technical data, personnel training and training equipment, contractor engineering and technical support services and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $2.9 billion. This contract also dovetails well with their recent $276 million Cooperative Logistics Supply Support Agreement, which ensures support and spare parts for their American-made land equipment. This proposed M1 Abrams sale and upgrade program will be executed in 3 phases, and has begun to attract contracts… PHASE 1: Engineering phase for 30 months; PHASE 2: Purchase of 58 M1A1s, and upgrade to M1A2S (Saudi) configuration. The Abrams Integrated Management (AIM) program was designed to economically rebuild and maintain the M1A1 Main Battle Tank (MBT) to a ‘like new’ condition, in order to improve fleet readiness and reduce sustainment costs. The 58 M1A1s will undergo an ‘AIM-like’ process and will be upgraded to the M1A2S configuration in the United States; PHASE 3: Tear down of the 315 M1A2 Abrams in Saudi Arabia’s tank fleet and upgrade to the M1A2S configuration. The 315 Saudi M1A2A MBT’s will also undergo an ‘AIM-like’ process and will be re-configured to the M1A2S configuration. Vehicle teardown and final re-assembly will be accomplished in Saudi Arabia. General Dynamics Land Systems of Sterling Heights, MI will be the prime contractor. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale, and implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of U.S. Government and contractor representatives to Saudi Arabia for up to 8 years. The exact number of representatives will be established during program definition between representatives of the United States Government and the purchaser. The DSCA also reviews past US weapons land weapon sales to Saudi Arabia, noting that (links are DID’s)... “We previously notified transmittal number 90-07 to Congress on 2 December 1989 of the possible sale of 315 M1A2A Abrams tanks, with ancillary weapons and equipment, 30 M88A1 recovery vehicles, 175 M998 [HMMWV jeep] utility trucks, other trucks, ammunition, and full logistics support for an estimated value of $725 million. Transmittal number 90-78 was notified to Congress on 27 October 1990 for the possible sale of 150 M1A2 tanks, 200 Bradley Fighting Vehicle Family Systems (including TOW versions and 1,750 TOW IIA Missiles), 207 M113 Armored Personnel Carrier Family Vehicles, [including] 50 M548 Cargo Carriers; 17 M88A1 [Recovery Vehicles and] 43 M578 Recovery Vehicles, ammunition, and full logistics support for an estimated value of $3.2 billion.” Saudi Arabia has an unusual land forces structure whereby it has an “American brigade” (8th Armored Brigade) currently armed with US equipment like M1 Abrams tanks, M2 Bradleys et. al., and a “French brigade” (4th Armored Brigade) armed with French equipment including AMX-30 tanks, AMX-10P APCs, et. al. Indeed, Saudi equipment throughout its land forces tends to be a mixture of American and French equipment as a rule. This hedges against supplier continuity and creates wider markers for geopolitical favors, at the cost of increased maintenance burdens and potential logistical and interoperability headaches. The Tribune-Libaniase’s 2006 article “The Dynamics of Weapons Procurement in Gulf States” offers outstanding insight and background in this area. There were rumors that the 2006 memorandum of defense cooperation with France may also lead to an order of Leclerc main battle tanks et. al. to upgrade the “French brigade” alongside its American counterpart, but there has been no action on that front – and countervailing rumors of a deal for Russian T-90s.
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http://big5.xinhuanet.com/gate/big5/news.xinhuanet.com/mil/2009-02/11/content_10798547.htm 美坦克新型主炮彈藥確保5公裏外摧毀T-72 2009年02月11日 08:54:35 來源:東方網 美國《防務新聞》網2月9日載文稱,據美國軍方透露,美國陸軍曾于去年12月,在亞利桑那州尤馬試驗場(Yuma Proving ground),利用一輛配備有下一代自主制導坦克炮彈的120毫米“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克,在距離目標5000多米以外的地方,摧毀了一輛T-72坦克。 文章介紹說,美國陸軍已經與雷神公司和通用動力公司簽署了一項為期63個月、總值2.32億美元的項目合約。目前,該項目已經啟動了13個月。預計,中程彈藥的首批生產工作將于2012年開始。中程制導彈藥配備有兩個制導模塊。第一個是激光導引頭模塊,即炮彈跟隨由其他目標尋的器產生的激光光斑指引飛向目標。而第二個模塊由其3英寸紅外攝像儀構成。 美國陸軍中程彈藥項目負責人傑夫·麥奈博(Jeff McNaboe)表示,炮彈的運行方式“需要考慮周圍環境,並能夠在正常的沙漠環境下,把可能在射程范圍以內的物體與打擊目標區別開來。” 美國軍工企業匹克汀尼兵工廠(Picatinny Arsenal)大口徑軍火生產項目副經理大衛·理閣理索稱,在去年12月份的測試中,中程彈藥僅僅使用了其紅外線尋的器,它首次在沒有激光制導裝置的幫助下擊中了目標。 文章稱,據雷神公司中程彈藥項目負責人約翰·歐布萊恩透露,美國相關部門會于今年秋再次對該彈藥進行測試,以便對彈身、電子制導控制裝置進行評估。 http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=3939867&c=LAN&s=TOP U.S. Tank Round Guides Self To Target By kris osborn Published: 9 Feb 18:51 EST (23:51 GMT) A U.S. Army Abrams 120mm cannon destroyed a T-72 tank more than 5,000 meters away using a next-generation guided tank round able to find its own way toward a target, service officials said. The December test at Yuma Proving Grounds, Ariz., was staged to prove that the guidance system of the Mid Range Munition (MRM) would work when fired. The first is laser designation, in which the round follows a laser spot generated by some other target seeker to the target, or in so-called offset mode, near the target. The second is with its 3-inch infrared camera. The guidance system compares the IR images to a target library stored in electronic form. "The algorithm running through the round is looking at the environment and differentiating the target from items that might be in range in a normal desert environment," said Jeff McNaboe, Army MRM program manager. In the December test, the round used only its infrared seeker, the first time it had destroyed a target without laser-guided help, said David Rigoglioso, deputy product manager for large caliber ammo, Picatinny Arsenal, N.J. In the fall, another test will be used to evaluate the airframe, the guidance electronics unit and the control section, said John O'Brien, Raytheon MRM program director. The Raytheon-General Dynamics-built MRM is 13 months through a 63-month, $232 million development deal with the Army. Initial production is scheduled for 2012.
Pentagon approves Iraq sales worth up to $6 billion
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http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20081211/bs_nm/us_iraq_usa_weapons_1 Pentagon approves Iraq sales worth up to $6 billion Wed Dec 10, 7:52 pm ET WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Defense Department on Wednesday said it had approved the sale to Iraq of weapons valued at up to $6 billion, including 400 Stryker wheeled vehicles, military radios, training aircraft, 20 coastal patrol boats and 140 M1A1 Abrams tanks. The Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which oversees major foreign arms sales, said it had notified Congress this week about eight separate arms sales agreements with the Iraqi government. Lawmakers now have 30 days to block the sales, although such action is rare since such large agreements are usually vetted well ahead of time. The largest of the agreements, valued at up to $2.16 billion, is for 140 M1A1 Abrams tanks, 8 M88A2 tank recovery vehicles, 64 armored Humvees, shelter carriers and other military vehicles. The prime contractors for the vehicle sales would be General Dynamics Corp (GD.N), Honeywell International (HON.N), and General Motors Corp (GM.N). The Iraqi government also requested the sale of 400 M1126 Stryker infantry carrier vehicles and associated equipment valued at up to $1.11 billion, the agency said. General Dynamics is the main contractor for that deal as well. Another big-ticket arms sale involves 20 30-35-meter coastal patrol boats and 3 55-60 meter offshore support vessels, a deal valued at up to $1.01 billion, if all options are exercised, the Pentagon agency said. It said no principal contractor had been identified yet for the patrol boats and support vessels, but the acquisition would be subject to U.S. defense sourcing requirements. Iraq also asked to buy 26 Bell Armed 407 Helicopters with engines built by Rolls-Royce (RR.L). DSCA said the principal contractors also had not been identified. The helicopters are built by Bell Helicopter, a unit of Textron Inc (TXT.N). The arms sales also include up to $148 million in rifles, carbines and grenade launchers; and up to $210 million in 20 T-6A Texan training aircraft built by privately held Hawker Beechcraft, but including other equipment built by Pratt & Whitney, a unit of United Technologies Corp (UTX.N) and a unit of L-3 Communications Holdings Inc (LLL.N). Iraq had also requested the sale of 36 AT-6B Texan II aircraft and associated equipment, a deal valued at up to $520 million. Hawker Beechcraft, Pratt & Whitney and L-3 would be the prime contractors for that deal as well. The Pentagon also said it had approved the 64 deployable rapid assembly shelters and a wide array of military radio equipment under an agreement valued at up to $485 million, and for which the primary contractors would be ITT Corp (ITT.N) and Harris Corp (HRS.N). (Reporting by Andrea Shalal-Esa; Editing by Gary Hill)
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美國首批M1A2 SEP V2型主戰坦克完成升級
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http://www.dsti.com.cn/index.asp?modelname=gjfw%5Cgjfw%5Fdetail&FractionNo=&titleno=GJFWKX&recno=49808 美國首批M1A2 SEP V2型主戰坦克完成升級 (2008年10月21日) [據法國《防務宇航》2008年10月20日報導] 美國阿拉巴馬州安尼斯頓陸軍基地近日宣佈,首批M1A2 SEP V2型主戰坦克目前已經完成升級。 M1A2 SEP(系統增強元件)V2型主戰坦克是目前美陸軍主戰坦克的最新型和最高級配置的型號,也是目前M1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克家族3個型號(M1A1、M1A2和M1A2 SEP)中的最新型和最高級配置的型號。據悉,改裝這批坦克所使用的設備將與美軍“未來戰鬥系統”裝備的系統基本相同。 美國安尼斯頓陸軍基地是美國國防部工業和技術的中心,自1978年就開始承接M1“艾布拉姆斯”主戰坦克家族的維修工作。目前,該基地負責維修的其他履帶式車輛還包括:M88 FOV和M113;野戰炮兵彈藥補給車(FAASV)、“帕拉丁”(Paladin)自行火炮和M9裝甲戰鬥工程車(ACE)等。 (北方科技資訊研究所 仲崇慧) http://www.defense-aerospace.com/cgi-bin/client/modele.pl?prod=98895&session=dae.42405287.1225182158.81jRuH8AAAEAACanVMgAAAAQ&modele=release Anniston Reaches Milestone in Upgrade of New M1 Variant (Source: US Army; issued Oct. 17, 2008) ANNISTON ARMY DEPOT, Ala.---Workers assembled the first vehicle here Oct. 6 in a new overhaul and upgrade program that began this summer with partner General Dynamics Land Systems.
The M1A2 System Enhancement Package Version 2 is the latest, most highly configured version of the Army's main battle tank and is one of three models in the M1 family of vehicles. It's the fire control system software that sets it apart from the other versions, said program manager Gary Geier. TACOM LCMC partnered with GDLS to have the work performed at Anniston, and the machinists, mechanics and welders here have been working on the M1A2 SEP V2 since August when the first battle damaged vehicles assigned to this program were inducted into the production line. The depot is the Department of Defense's Center of Industrial and Technical Excellence for tracked vehicles and has been repairing M1 tanks since 1978. Anniston currently overhauls the following M1 variants: M1A1; Abrams Integrated Management, or AIM; and the latest Abrams, the M1A2 SEP V2. A list of other tracked vehicles repaired here includes the M88 FOV and M113 in partnership with BAE Systems; the Field Artillery Ammunition Support Vehicle, or FAASV; the Paladin; and the M9 ACE. The repair and upgrade cycle time for the latest M1 version is 78 days; however, because of its intricate electronics and fire control system, the production schedule was slightly delayed during the preliminary production efforts, said Geier. "Due to configuration and software concerns in the beginning, TACOM, GDLS and the depot conducted the necessary research and made improvements in the process so that the exact configurations could be installed," said Geier. "We're on track with providing the Soldier the finest armored weapon system in the world." The depot plans to obtain a roll-over stand for the repair of the battle damaged hulls used in the inventory for the new SEP V2 program. The stand, said Geier, will aid depot welders in the event the belly of the hull has sustained damage from a roadside bomb. -ends-
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