印度俄國簽署協定 開展核能與太空合作
法新社╱蔣天清 2008-12-05 22:20
(法新社新德里5日電)在來訪的俄羅斯總統麥維德夫(Dmitry Medvedev)與印度領袖會面以強化雙邊關係之際,俄方今天與這個傳統盟友簽署劃時代協定,範圍涵蓋核子能與太空合作。
俄羅斯是全球第三個與印度簽署原子能協定的國家。「核子供應國集團」(Nuclear Suppliers Group)於九月撤消禁止與印度從事核子技術貿易的禁令。
India, Russia sign nuclear energy, space deals
Fri Dec 5, 5:05 am ET
NEW DELHI (AFP) – India and Russia on Friday signed an agreement covering the building of four new nuclear energy reactors in southern India, as well as a cooperation accord on manned space flight.
Russia becomes the third country to sign an atomic energy agreement with India after a decision in September by the Nuclear Suppliers Group to waive its ban on trade of nuclear technology with India.
The United States and France are the other powers to have signed agreements with New Delhi.
The nuclear agreement covers the building of four atomic reactors at Kudankulam in the southern state of Tamil Nadu. The value of the deal was not given.
Moscow is already building two 1,000-megawatt light water reactors at the site.
The two sides also signed an accord that envisages Russia sending an Indian cosmonaut into space in 2013 and then launch a manned Indian spacecraft in 2015, officials said.
The signing ceremony, attended by reporters, coincided with a visit to New Delhi by Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.