英軍出資2.5億美元購買美制MLRS火箭炮系統 2007年06月11日 09:17 資訊產業部電子科學技術情報研究所
據洛克希德•馬丁公司2007年6月6日報導 英國國防部日前授予洛克希德•馬丁公司價值超過2.5億美元合同,為英軍提供多管發射火箭系統(GMLRS)、升級工具、備件以及支援,包括升級12套MLRS M270B1發射器和制導單體火箭。
多管發射火箭系統是一套高精確、移動火箭系統,為英軍提供精確的遠端精確打擊能力,有效射程超過60千米。制導單體火箭的單體彈頭採用多模引信,可使作戰人員在複雜環境下精確打擊目標。GMLRS是最新型的MLRS彈藥。它是一種全天候精確制導火箭,在提高精度的同時有效的將目標打擊所需的火箭彈減少了80%,機動性也更強,可在MLRS M270A1和HIMARS發射器上發射。
多管發射火箭系統及其彈藥設計用於打擊敵方火炮、密集防空、卡車、輕型裝甲車和運兵車、敵方支援部隊和補給線。MLRS M270B1發射器能夠通過北約運輸機快速部署到前線。美國陸軍早在2002年就使用了類似裝備。(資訊產業部電子科學技術情報研究所 黃鋒)
DALLAS, TX, June 6, 2007 --
Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] is providing the U.K. military with the latest in precision strike capability.
Three contracts, recently signed with the U.K. Ministry of Defence (MoD), are the first element in an incremental programme worth more than £250 million, and will provide U.K. forces with the Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System (GMLRS) rockets, upgrade kits, spares and support, including12 MLRS M270B1 launcher upgrades and Guided Unitary rockets.
The highly accurate, mobile rocket system gives U.K. troops a new degree of accuracy over long distance, offering precision strike capability to beyond 60 kilometres. The first new launchers have been delivered and training and testing of the new system and rockets is under way in the U.K. and U.S., respectively.
“With the M270B1 launcher and the unitary rockets, the MoD has achieved a tremendous precision strike capability,” said Reggie Grant, director – U.K. launchers at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “The combination of launcher and munition will considerably enhance the effectiveness of artillery fire in support of combat operations.”
The Guided Unitary rockets combine a unitary warhead with a multi-mode fuse, enabling troops to engage targets with pin-point accuracy in complex environments. The GMLRS rocket is the latest addition to the MLRS family of munitions. GMLRS is an all-weather, precision-guided rocket that provides increased accuracy, thus reducing the number of rockets necessary to defeat current targets by as much as 80 percent. GMLRS provides increased precision and maneuverability, and can be fired from both the MLRS M270A1 launcher and the HIMARS launcher.
The launcher and its munitions are designed to enable troops to engage and defeat artillery, air defence concentrations, trucks, light armour and personnel carriers, as well as support troop and supply lines. The MLRS M270B1 launcher can move away from the area at high speed following missile launch and can be transported to and from conflicts using NATO cargo aircraft. Similar units have been in operation with the U.S. Army since 2002.
Lockheed Martin U.K., a unit of Lockheed Martin Corporation, is a leader in systems integration working on major programmes spanning the aerospace, defence and civil sectors. Lockheed Martin works with more than 100 business partners and employs over 1500 people at 15 sites across the UK.